Grand Line’s Lord Of Shadows

Chapter 13: Gaining Ryuma’s Swordsmanship


Inside the gorgeous castle, the huge ice warehouse was opened.

A ghastly scene was revealed.

Frozen corpses were lined up there, making one's scalp tingle.

"Luke-sama, do you want to create new zombies?"

Hogback asked curiously as he moved the heavy lighting equipment.

In recent days, they have not encountered any targets that strayed into this sea area.

And the shadows looted from the imprisoned pirates and business travelers have almost been used up.

They were all implanted into ordinary zombies by Luke.

It is said that those people are too weak, and the shadow cannot meet his expectations.

Only worthy of being the weakest zombie.

"No, I just want to do an experiment!"

Luke shook his head.

Staring at these corpses with burning eyes.

Many of these corpses from all over the world were strong men with considerable strength during their lifetimes.

Among them, there is not only the body of Gecko Moria.

There are also the corpses of Wano's former famous dragon-slayer samurai and Sword God, Ryuma.

There's also Captain John, who once belonged to the Rocks Pirate and other strong men.

After being repaired by Hogback, their bodies have been completely restored.

"Experiment?" Perona and Hogback were curious.

But when they saw the other party didn't say anything, they had to obediently set up the equipment there and turn on the light source.

For a moment, they watched Luke pick up the body of the Sword God, Ryuma, and place it in front of the bright light.

A black shadow appeared there.

The two of them were a little dazed: "Luke-sama, do you want to rob the shadow of the dead?"

Unexpectedly, the other party wanted to rob the dead man's shadow.

"I heard Moria-sama say that the shadow of a dead person is like a corpse. It does not have any consciousness and cannot be used..." Hogback reminded.

The shadow of the dead can be cut out.

But it's like a lost soul; even if it's placed inside those corpses, it can't move.

There is no way to create a conscious zombie.

"Why do you think that only the shadow of a living person has value?"

An incredible scene happened.

As if tearing off a shadow-like sticker stuck to the ground, Luke pulled up the shadow of Ryuma's corpse.

Looking at Ryuma's corpse, who didn't struggle, he said lightly: "Don't be misled by the so-called common sense; it will only limit your vision and imagination... Moria is too conceited, so he can't give full play to the power of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit!"

Immediately afterwards.

He manipulates his shadow.

Let it be directly visualized, turned into a pair of sharp scissors, and cut out the shadow of Ryuma's corpse.


In the astonished eyes of Perona and Hogback, Luke directly put Ryuma's shadow into his body.

"Buzz..." Then Luke's whole body shook slightly.

Seemingly enlightened, he stood there with his eyes closed.

"This is?"

Hogback's pupils shrank sharply.

"I understand; luke-sama wants to obtain the swordsmanship of the Sword God, Ryuma, during his lifetime..." Perona suddenly realized and cried out.

The next moment.

Luke opened his eyes.

With a stern look, he took Ryuma's sword.

The famous sword, Shusui, ranked top among the twenty-one great swords.

"Rang—" Cold light flashed, and the black sword with jagged patterns was unsheathed.

An extremely fierce aura burst out from him.

The hair on Hogback's and Perona's back stood up in horror.

It seemed that what they were facing was not the usual Luke.

Rather, he is a great swordsman who has been famous for a long time.

"Shadow Clone!"

In the surprised eyes of the two people, a black shadow flew out from Luke's feet.

"Shadow Warrior!"

Not long after.

His entire body disappeared in an instant, replaced by a dark shadow.

And the shadow that had already flitted outside the castle.

Replaced his position.

In the open space outside the castle, Luke still had his eyes closed.

He stood there for a long time, motionless.

Nobody knows.

At this moment, in his mind.

One incredible scene after another shows…

A swordsman genius born from the Shimotsuki Family in the Wano Country.

He has been taught by famous teachers since he was a child.

He has studied hard day and night and practiced diligently.

When he was young, he was arrogant and high-spirited, constantly challenging the famous samurai of Wano.

He even killed the flying dragon that caused trouble in the sky over Wano and attacked the town. He was known later as the Dragon Slayer Samurai.

Even when facing those powerful enemies.

He never flinched but became more courageous as he fought.

He constantly breaks through his own limits and defeats powerful enemies one after another.

Although he often won the battle with those strong enemies, he was inevitably injured.

He also received permanent scars on his face and lost one eye, becoming a one-eyed samurai.

He was deeply ashamed and reflected on himself all the time.

He thinks this is caused by his lack of practice.

Instead of relaxing in the glory and adulation, he honed his sword skills even harder…


In his prime, he became a master of swordsmanship.

Refined his sword, Shuisui, into a black sword.

Became a veritable great swordsman.

Any enemy was quickly chopped to the ground in a flash, easily ending the battle.

He once fought against the Naval Headquarters alone and single-handedly stopped the World Government and pirates who wanted to invade Wano.

He never failed in his life and became famous in their country and outside.


Hogback and Perona ran out of the castle one after another.

Luke, who was standing there, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is this the past of the Sword God, Ryuma?"

His eyes were stern.

He has an astonishing and somewhat sharp aura.

It was so sharp that it was hard to look directly at him.

"Pah, pah..."

Stomping his feet on the ground, he flew into the sky.

Holding the black sword, Shusui, in his hand, he suddenly drew it.

"One Sword Style: Dragon Slash!"


A loud roar broke through the air.

A flying slash transformed into a swift flying dragon that spread its teeth and claws and galloped out like lightning.

"Boom..." Rocks flew, and smoke filled the air.

A ravine of about ten meters or so appeared there.

Although, the scene was far less astonishing than before when Luke used Shadow Revolution to make himself huge and unleash Tempest Kick.

But it's also frightening.

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