Great Primordial: The Villain Buddha Ancestor, Fooled Nuwa Into The West

Chapter 77 ZhuǔNtí Proves The Saint! Shock! Great Primordial Mighty Reaction! Emperor Jun Taichi: Th

Chapter 77 Zhǔntí Proving the Holy Spirit! Shocked! Great Primordial's Almighty Response! Emperor Jun Taiyi: The West has calculated me so badly!

Jie Yin and Nuwa discuss the Tao, firstly for each other's practice, and secondly for taking care of Zhuntí and others.

Therefore, this discussion is extremely profound and mysterious from the very beginning, and such great powers as Xi He and Chang Xi can only barely understand it.

Zhǔntí, Fu Xi, and Zhen Yuan'zi entered the West early, and they practiced the Western system, so they are quite relaxed at the moment.

Queen Mother of the West has a profound state and can barely understand it.

But as the discussion deepened, Xi He and Chang Xi found it extremely difficult to hear what Jie Yin and Nuwa talked about, but after only a few years, they couldn't help but wake up.

It's not that they lack comprehension, it's that their practice system is poor, and it's really hard for them to understand such unconstrained and unconstrained theories like Jie Yin Nuwa.

If you can tell them a little bit, they are confident that they can understand.

But now, the two of them can only watch helplessly while consolidating their own cultivation.

After all, Nuwa's sermons were broken and crushed before, which was of great help to them.

Jie Yin slowly narrated, the Buddhist principles permeated, and a golden Buddha gradually appeared behind him, and the golden Buddha recited the Taoist scriptures, and a string of mysterious and incomparable characters flew endlessly, containing the supreme charisma.

Nuwa, Zhǔntí, Fu Xi, Zhen Yuan'zi, and Queen Mother of the West all listened intently and understood the key points.

Not long after.

Queen Mother of the West sighed quietly and opened her eyes.

It was also difficult for her to continue comprehending.

It's not just her, Jie Yin's words have gone very deep, even Fu Xi and Zhen Yuan'zi have had a hard time listening.

Only Zhuǔntí, who has a deep understanding of Buddhism and is in the same line as Jie Yin, can listen easily.

A few more years.

What Jie Yin said has already reached the Golden Immortal of Great Primordial Chaos realm, and even Nuwa needs to concentrate on comprehending it in order to keep up with Jie Yin's rhythm.

Fu Xi and Zhen Yuan'zi have already withdrawn from the practice state, looking at Jie Yin and Nuwa.

Later, Nuwa often had something she didn't understand, so she asked and argued with each other. Nuwa also talked about her own Grand Dao, and the discussion was extremely profound.

The Grand Dao permeates, covering the entire Mt. Xumi, and the coercion is extremely terrifying.

But Fu Xi and others were surprised to find that Zhuntí is still enlightened!!

Moreover, around Zhǔntí's body, there were golden streamers of light circling, and the supreme Buddhist principles spread among them.

These powers are very similar to Jie Yin's power, but slightly different. 26

The golden streamer turns into a series of Buddhist scriptures, engraved on the whole body of Zhǔntí, blooming with extremely mysterious Dao Rhyme.

At the same time, Zhǔntí's aura also changed quietly.

When everyone looked at it, they were all taken aback for a moment, and then their eyes showed deep shock!

After the process of Nuwa's sanctification, they are extremely sensitive to the improvement of this breath.

What Zhǔntí is experiencing now is very similar to what Nuwa experienced before!!

It's a terrifying boost!

"Could it be possible that Zhuǔntí will also become holy..." Fu Xi muttered to himself in disbelief.

Zhen Yuan'zi and others were also shocked by it.

Jie Yin and Nuwa also noticed the strangeness of Zhǔntí, they were all surprised, and then they looked at each other, agreed, and continued to preach, and the speech became more and more in-depth.

At the same time, the truths they narrated have also begun to have a tendency, all of which are helping Zhǔntí to consolidate more and give birth to more insights.

The aura on Zhuǔntí's body became stronger and stronger, and he lifted up quickly.


In the bottom of Zhuǔntí's heart, a sense of enlightenment emerged.

For a long time, Jie Yin is the master of Western Buddhism, and Western Qi Luck is on Jie Yin. It is said that the two of them support each other and develop the West. Compared with Jie Yin, Zhǔntí always feels that he has done too little!

He is not satisfied!

He is always dissatisfied with his inaction, which in his view is a kind of incompetence!

Now, Zhuǔntí gradually understands, he sees his own way, sees the shortcomings of the West, and also sees what he can do to help the West.

Everything gathered together, and in a mysterious and mysterious way, made him suddenly realize.


On Zhuǔntí, the aura suddenly changed, and suddenly broke out, extremely violent!

The spiritual energy poured into Zhǔntí's body, forming a series of spiritual energy tides, and Mt. Xumi was wrapped in spiritual energy.

The terrifying Dao Rhyme burst out, sweeping across the western land in an instant!

All souls in the West are shocked!

Zhuǔntí's cultivation has increased dramatically, enlightenment!

I don't know how long this momentum will last.

All the spirits of the Great Primordial sensed this strangeness, and looked at it one after another, their eyes filled with horror!

Right now!

Zhǔntí suddenly opened his eyes, a ray of golden light flashed across his face, and he declared solemnly: "Heavenly Dao is above, I am Western Zhǔntí, now I understand the Grand Dao, follow the Heavenly Dao, and I am willing to make forty-eight great wishes to help the Great Dao Primordial development, urging all beings to do good, save all beings from misery, worry-free, enjoy bliss forever, go to our western blissful land together, hope Heavenly Dao learns from it!"

The sound of Zhǔntí suddenly spread throughout the Great Primordial!!

In the sky, a supreme coercion is gradually revealed!

Heavenly Dao is here!

Heavenly Dao's breath roared, descending infinite mighty power, to witness for Zhǔntí!

Great Primordial, all the spirits, many great powers looked sideways at it, and they were shocked!

This breath is comparable to Saint!

"This is...Zhǔntí?!"

"How could the Western Zhǔntí have such momentum!? He also wants to become a saint?"

All of a sudden, Three Pure Ones, Emperor Jun Taiyi, Twelve Ancestral Witch and many other great powers were extremely astonished and shocked.

In the west, is it possible that two Saints will appear in a short period of time?

How can it be!!

The Eastern creatures were even more astonished.

No one can believe it!

But the fact is right in front of our eyes, Zhǔntí's momentum has exploded, and he already looks like a Saint!

When everyone was shocked, the voice of Zhuǔntí came out again, extremely majestic and full of supreme faith.

"If I have attained unsurpassed Bodhi and have attained enlightenment, the Buddhaland I live in will be endowed with immeasurable and inconceivable Karmic Merit adornment. There will be no hells, hungry ghosts, beasts, snails and wriggling. All sentient beings, as well as the realm of flames, In the three evil ways, you will be born in my land in the future, accept my dharma, and become anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, and will no longer fall into the evil realm. If you make the vow, you will become a Buddha. If you do not make the vow, you will not obtain the supreme enlightenment.

The first vow, when I become a Buddha, all living beings in the worlds of the ten directions, if born in my place, will have a purple-polished gold body with thirty-two majestic signs. Upright and clean, all of the same kind. If the appearance is different, and there are those who are ugly, they will not attain enlightenment.

The second wish, when I become a Buddha, all sentient beings who are born in our country will know that there is no destiny, good or evil. All of them can see, hear, and know the past, coming, and present of the ten directions. It must not be a wish, and it is impossible to obtain enlightenment.

The third wish is when I become a Buddha. Bright and infinite. Shine in all directions. Superior to all Buddhas. Better than the sun and the moon. quadrillion times..

The forty-eighth vow, when I become a Buddha. Bodhisattvas in other worlds. Those who hear my name. The law of separation and birth. Get Darani. Pure joy. have to live on an equal footing. Practice Bodhisattva deeds. Full of virtue. One, two, three forbearance should be given. in all Buddhist teachings. Those who cannot demonstrate non-regression will not attain enlightenment. "

Zhuǔntí quickly made forty-eight great wishes.

As the ambitions continue to be established, the pressure of Heavenly Dao in the sky becomes stronger and stronger, and golden Karmic Merit gathers together, forming an incomparably terrifying golden rain of Karmic Merit pouring down!

All fall to where the Zhǔntí is!

Endless Karmic Merit sprinkled, Zhǔntí suddenly stood up and leaped into the air, the magic formula changed, and the three generations came out!

With the blessing of Karmic Merit, he finally comprehended the Dharma Door of Unification of Body and Body of the Three Worlds, and performed it immediately!


Karmic Merit wraps Zhǔntí, and the third body of Zhǔntí, the four merge with each other, bump into one place, and then fuse together in a mysterious and mysterious way.

Karmic Merit is the bridge that connects all of Zhǔntí.

Zhuǔntí stood in the air, his pressure gradually increasing.

The Great Primordial is eye-catching.

If Zhǔntí is successful, there will be two Saints in the West!

Western creatures are looking forward to it, extremely nervous.

Mt. Xumi.

Fu Xi, Zhen Yuan'zi and others also watched nervously.

They are envious, but not jealous, Zhǔntí Sanctified, which is of great benefit to the West.

Jie Yin stared at Zhǔntí's figure, deep in the pupils of his eyes, there was a touch of regret, and he couldn't help but sighed softly.

He didn't expect that Zhuntí had an epiphany at this moment and made a great wish.

Perhaps, this is the way of Zhuǔntí.

Originally according to the Great Primordial process, it was Jie Yin Zhǔntí who made great ambitions together, and the two were barely Sanctified, and they were also the weakest Saint.

But now, these Karmic Merits are enjoyed by Zhǔntí alone, and after he is Sanctified, his strength will also be extremely strong!

It's not bad.

It's just that, in this way, it is impossible for Zhǔntí to get rid of the shackles of Heavenly Dao, and the positive limit will decrease every day.

Jie Yin only felt sorry, but there was nothing he could do.

The road of Hunyuan to prove the Dao is too difficult after all. He got so many opportunities and accumulated so much, so he walked out of his own way with difficulty.

From this point of view, Zhǔntí also wants to follow the path of Karmic Merit to attain holiness like Nuwa.

The Karmic Merit condensed from the forty-eight great wishes is enough for Zhǔntí to break through, Jie Yin thought for a while, but with a wave of his hand, he once again threw out the infinite Karmic Merit power he had accumulated, and threw it all to Zhǔntí!


It seems that the power of Karmic Merit has accumulated to the limit, and some kind of change has taken place, the momentum of the Zhǔntí swayed, and the holy pattern of Karmic Merit suddenly condensed!

One, two, three...

The golden Karmic Merit holy patterns quickly condensed, and in an instant, hundreds of them were condensed.

This process is still going on.

The more Karmic Merit holy patterns, the stronger the strength.

For example, Nuwa, created human Sanctified, Karmic Merit monstrous, condensed three thousand Karmic Merit Sanctified.

According to Jie Yin's calculation, the accumulation of a thousand Karmic Merit holy patterns is the foundation of Sanctified by Karmic Merits.

This limit, Zhǔntí naturally broke through very quickly and easily.


Zhǔntí momentum, stand firmly in the realm of Saint!

Heavenly Dao roared endlessly, as if congratulating Zhuntí.

The Great Primordial Spirits were also shocked watching this scene!

West, add new saints!

All the creatures in the West were surprised, excited, and cheered again and again!

Three Pure Ones, Emperor Jun Taiyi and the others had serious expressions, showing no signs of happiness or anger.


Just when everyone thought that Zhǔntí was about to succeed, a sudden change occurred!

Zhǔntí was dressed in the aura of a Saint, and he slipped down quickly. His face was pale, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood!!

Instant serious injury!!

The primordial spirit is damaged!

Zhǔntí wanted to forcibly follow the Golden Immortal of Primordial Chaos law, but it didn’t work!!

This is not his way!

Yes, follow the Hongjun method, put the primordial spirit in Heavenly Dao, you need Purple Qi of Grandmist!!

He, does not have Purple Qi of Grandmist!

Zhuǔntí was extremely anxious in his heart, but he was helpless, and a strong sense of unwillingness rose from the bottom of his heart!

Sanctified is right in front of him, but he is about to fail...

Zhuǔntí was almost desperate.


A Purple Qi of Grandmist flew out swayingly, rushed into the Zhǔntí primordial spirit, melted instantly, brought his primordial spirit with him, and plunged into Heavenly Dao.


Heavenly Dao's aura erupted, power descended, and poured into Zhǔntí's body!

Zhǔntí recovered from his injuries in an instant, broke through the coercion, and sat firmly in the Saint realm!

Shengwei mighty!

Zhuǔntí was overjoyed, and subconsciously looked at Jie Yin, only to see Jie Yin smiling at him, with a reassuring power in the smile!

Zhǔntí is extremely excited, quickly consolidate!

Although there are twists and turns

But it became Saint after all!


Great Primordial Shock!

The Western creatures were extremely disappointed, thinking that Zhuntí had failed, but unexpectedly, at the critical moment, a ray of Purple Qi of Grandmist flew out to help Zhuntí to become a saint!!

It turns out that there is a Purple Qi of Grandmist hidden in the West!

The Western creatures were overwhelmed with surprises, and it was hard to get back to their senses for a long time.

After a long time, they murmured and wept with joy.

"West, there are two Saints!"

"Who said the West is inferior to the East? From now on, the West is the core of Great Primordial!!"

"We are in the Holy Land, no need to envy others!"

Western creatures are excited!

In the west, there are two Saints, and the leader Jie Yin!!

The remaining 50% of the territory is also expected to recover!

The complete revival of the West!

At the same time, All Souls of the East were also shocked, admired, and yearned for it.

"The Qi Luck in the west is constantly improving, and now there are two Saints!"

"I must go to the west!! Emperor Jun Taiyi can't stop me!"

Countless creatures set off one after another, heading straight to the east!

They are extremely determined, even if they are dead against Demon Race, they must break the ban and rush out!

Many great powers also looked at it, and their hearts were in a hurry.

Mt. Kunlun.

Tongtian looked at the golden light in the sky from a distance, and said in a deep voice: "Is Zhǔntí insane? How much karma does he have to be contaminated with so many ambitions? If he can't do it in the future, he will definitely suffer from it!"

Yuanshi showed sarcasm, and his tone was quite disdainful: "What's the use of being Sanctified in this tricky way? It's just a dead end! If he can't accomplish these things in the future, Heavenly will definitely kill him!"

Yuanshi looked at it, but was very happy!

If Zhǔntí is so Sanctified, he is asking for his own death!

Although there is one more sage in the West, it is not to be feared.

When they are Three Pure Ones Sanctified, they must prove the Dao in an extremely perfect way, which also means that the Three Pure Ones will definitely be stronger than the West in the future.

Even if Jie Yin is also Sanctified, the three of them can beat the three sages of the West together.

This step of Zhǔntí has ​​completely brought the West into a disadvantage!

Yuanshi doesn't know that there are strengths and weaknesses among Saints, and Nuwa, or Jie Yin who proved the Dao in Hunyuan, is not comparable to ordinary Saints!


Lao'zi silently watched the entire process of proving the Dao, feeling inexplicable, for some reason, he was faintly touched.

In his opinion, Zhǔntí's move shows great wisdom and courage!

Lao'zi said softly: "Don't underestimate Zhǔntí. He can think of such a way to get Heavenly Dao's approval, I have to say, he is a great talent! I thought the Sanctified would be Jie Yin, but unexpectedly, Zhǔntí is even more Sanctified first."


Yuanshi's face suddenly paused when he heard this, all kinds of sarcasm and disdain froze on his face.

He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He has great respect for Lao'zi, and now, hearing Lao'zi praise Zhǔntí, he is really uncomfortable!

Zhǔntí is nothing more than a shameless person, cheating Sanctified by Karmic Merits, what is there to praise?

After making great ambitions this time, after Sanctified, he will also face a crisis of karma.

From the bottom of Yuanshi's heart, he just doesn't like Zhǔntí.

All along, he only regarded Jie Yin as an enemy.

The West, Zhǔntí, is not important to him, and he doesn't need to care about it.

He didn't know it at the moment, but because of his contempt, eventually the School of Enlightenment was severely calculated by Western Buddhism in the future, and the period of Investment of the Gods was extremely miserable.

Of course, this is all for later.

Zhǔntí Sanctified, Nissin is still calm.

Demon Race is already numb!!

Emperor Jun Taichi is completely overwhelmed!

They couldn't figure out why the West could have two Saints in such a short period of time!


How did the Purple Qi of Grandmist of Zhǔntí come about?!

Demon Race.

Mrs. Emperor Jun looked at each other, their eyes were full of fierceness and evil spirit!

They think they have figured out the key point. At this moment, their hatred for the West has reached the peak, and they hate to have to go all out to kill them!

When the Palace of Purple Firmament preached, Hongjun only bestowed six Purple Qi of Grandmist.

One for each of the Three Pure Ones, one for Nuwa, one for Hongyun, and three for Houtian.

Later, the two of them led troops to capture Hongyun, intending to snatch the Purple Qi of Grandmist.

Ming He attacked and fled away.

The two of them always felt that the Purple Qi of Grandmist was on Ming He, until just now, they hated Ming He very much, only thought that Ming He stole their Sanctified opportunity!!

But now, they understand!!

A total of six Purple Qi of Grandmist, the Hongyun one, was not snatched by Ming He, but fell to the west!!

Demon Race, got tricked!!

They are being manipulated by the West!

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