Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 1 Chapter 11

The start of a new academic year welcomed another group of new faces. The academy once again made the Coo Newspapers top stories. Numerous News Coo’s flew about spreading the marine academy publicity campaign to villages, towns, and kingdoms across the four seas. The registration centres were once again full of people.

News Coo’s are medium-sized seagulls that deliver newspapers and wanted posters around the world. They are known to wear hats to signify their employment and carry bags over their shoulders. They are the main source of news and information for people across the globe.

Ezra felt sorry for the new cadets who looked happy to be arriving at the academy today. He could hear the instructors leading the cadets to their training ground. They had no clue of the hell that awaited them.

Ezra and the others were dressed in their white and blue uniforms. The weather was not too hot, the cool sea breeze blew over the island.

“Attention Apprentices,” said the head instructor as he stepped forward.

“Welcome back to your second year at the academy. Before we begin Apprentice 005, White Smoke step forward.” Here are your transfer papers, there is a ship heading to the East Blue at the harbour, after this assembly make your way to there” the Instructor said.

‘What is going on now? Is Smokes in trouble’ these were the thoughts floating about in Ezra’s mind.

“Don’t sweat it, young lad, it is all politics. East Blue Academy needed a yellow scarf elite, in exchange we got their most talented Apprentice. Replacing Apprentice 005, Blue Scarf – Combat class, Bellmere” as soon as the head instructor mentioned this name, a slim woman with long fuchsia hair tied in a ponytail with shaved sides, similar to a mohawk hairstyle, stepped forward.

“The first part of the year will be solely focused on your classes, your grades in this will seriously affect the second half of the year so be warned.

Each apprentice will be dispatched on a 6-month field experience placement as a marine; this will expose you to your duty and will also include combat, if necessary.

Dismissed, classes begin in the morning at 0800h”.

The guys did not know what to say, Smokes was one of theirs. Even if he was socially awkward, he was still their friend, their rival.

Soon Smokes stood at the entrance of the residential area. Ezra and the other 3 gathered to say their goodbyes.

Smokes pulled out a cigarette from his bag, this was the first time the rest of the boys had seen him smoke. Ezra felt this was most likely a sort of medium for him to activate his Moku Moku no Mi (Smoke Smoke Fruit).

After taking a few puffs, his body gradually turned transparent.

“Till we meet again at Marineford.” He vanished from sight.

0800h the next day.

The yellow scarf apprentices were standing in front of their course instructor.

“You can think of the first year as child’s play compared to what you will experience in these 6 months. You don’t need to know my name; you can address me as Instructor Q. I will be the closest person to you, even closer than your parents. I will be there when you cry, beg and mentally break down. I look forward to getting to know you boys on that level,” Instructor Q said jokingly.

“6 additional months of physical training program, this is the order from HQ. This Limit Break program was created by the Marine Hero, Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp. I do not expect you all to perform at the level of elites who train at Marineford, but I hope your willpower and mental fortitude is prepared for what is to come. Ok relax, you can take a sit on the ground” Instructor Q said as he dragged a wooden crate to sit on.

“Limit Break can be described exactly as its title; you will have to break past your limits regularly for this program to be successful. It not only trains your body to its limit, surpassing that limit also trains your willpower. This is one of the fastest training programs to improve your overall strength.

There are 6 parts of the body that must be trained using this program:

  • Legs, this includes calf and thighs
  • Arms, this includes triceps, biceps, forearms, and fist.
  • Body this includes chest and back.
  • Neck
  • Fingers
  • Core

These 6 parts have been split into 6 months. The first month is dedicated to legs, each day you will have to perform standard marine squats until you physically cannot move any muscles from numbness. When you are at this stage, you will have to give me 5 additional squats before you can call it a day for the training. Don’t try to cheat because I will know if you have reached your limit or not.” Without confirming if his explanations were understood, Instructor Q gave the order to start the training.

Ezra found a spot to train; the other boys did the same. When each person was settled, the squat training began.

With every squat, a number was called out by the apprentices.

1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 100… 150… 300… 350

The first to collapse was Hothead, he was already drenched in sweat, his breathing was very heavy while his eyes looked dazed, in any minute he will faint.

“Get up and give me 5 more, only then can you rest. Even if you beg, cry or puke you will have to redo the squats if you cannot give me the extra 5 apprentice Hothead.”

Ezra and the others tried to mind their own business as they continued to count their squats.

Hothead forced himself off the ground, snot ran from one side of his nose which he wiped with his sleeves. He had tears in his eyes but was determined to complete the last 5 knowing that will be all the training for the day.

With great effort, he performed the first squat. His legs hurt from the lactic acid build up in his muscles, the pain made his legs wobble, waking him up from his daze.

2… 3… 4…5… as soon as he completed the fifth squat he flopped on the ground.

“Medic” yelled Instructor Q.

“Yes Sir” Two medic cadets arrived; the majority of the medic cadets were students who were injured during the first-year cadet training. They wore a white armband which identified them as combat medics.

“Take this apprentice to the infirmary, he needs a leg massage and a sugar solution,” he said calmly.

500… 600…

Ezra continued to perform the squats breathing heavily, his uniform was now soaking wet, even a puddle had formed beneath his feet.

621… 622…

His legs turned numb. He felt like he was paralysed from the waist down. He gritted his teeth, pushing his worn-out body once more.

623… at this point his legs gave way, he tried to stand only to fall back down on his butt each time.

“Apprentice Poseidon get up and give me 5 more squats” the voice of the devilish instructor could be heard getting closer and closer, as he walked towards Ezra.

623 squats were his body’s current limit.

‘I didn’t come here to quit; I came here to be the greatest marine of my generation. To protect the weak and stop injustice across the open seas’ Ezra recited his conviction to himself.

Pulling together all the remaining strength his body could muster, Ezra managed to get back on his feet.

1 … ‘For Amagus’ he yelled internally.

2 … ‘For My Family’

3 … ‘For Justice’

4 … ‘For Poseidon’

5 … ‘For My Future’

As soon as he completed the last squat, everything went dark for Ezra. He could hear the yell for a medic as his senses faded into nothing.

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