Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 1 Chapter 18

Ezra had not been to the island where Amagus village was located in years, he had already made up his mind that he would not return until he had brought justice to the villagers. He could feel his heartache as he swam closer to the island. ‘Maya, Lisa, Dad, Mom, everyone,’ he said in his heart.


With a sigh, he continued swimming in the direction as illustrated on the statue.

At a location near the island, Ezra was floating on the surface of the sea. He was unbothered by waves as they splashed against his face. ‘This should be the place but there is nothing around here’ Ezra thought,  He noticed an increase in the current of the sea, he looked up and saw dark clouds forming in the skies ahead ‘it looks like a storm is heading this way.’

Whilst he was investigating the area of the marked location, Ezra noticed a ship approaching. ‘Pirates?’ He thought, ‘I need to get closer to see their Jolly Roger.’ Getting closer to the vessel he noticed a golden figurehead on the ship, the front sail had a symbol of five circles connected with a cross, Ezra remembered he had seen this symbol before at the academy.

‘I remember but what is the world government doing at this part of the ocean’. He also recalled the absolute justice philosophy which made him sick to his stomach. Ezra was curious about the ship, he had never met anyone from the world government before. He swam closer to the ship for a better look.

“Not again, even the weather outside the Grand Line does not favour us,” a marine said playfully to his companion. 

The crew on board the vessel busied themselves taking down the sails as the ship travelled through the stormy waves. The crew was made up of both marines and people with weird-looking collars on their necks. A brand could be seen on their back or chest that looked similar to a paw with sharp claws. A circle in the middle, with three triangles at the top and one on the bottom.

Infiltrating the ship was not a difficult thing to do, he could easily blend in as a Marine. Ezra deactivated his distinguishing water flask, he removed his yellow neck scarf, leaving just his uniform and two waist-mounted water bottles.

He soon found out that this was a slaver’s ship and onboard the vessel was a noble descendant of a founding family of the world government, they are known as Celestial Dragons.

‘Who would have known that the world government were involved in slavery’

This was the first time Ezra was learning about Celestial Dragons, he was dissatisfied with the current system of law and order in the world, ‘how can the marines who are meant to protect and serve the common folk aid people like this? How are these people allowed to continue without any consequence?’

Making his way through the ship, he found out some information about the black collar around the slaves' necks. The collars were a restraining mechanism invented by a very famous scientist of the world government, Dr Vegapunk. The device did not tamper with the memories of the slave but inflicted a great amount of pain with every thought to cause harm to its master.

Some of the people he had met were not pirates or criminals, they were normal people who the nobles had forcefully seized from their loved ones, homes, their lives. Ezra was appalled, ‘how can people be treated this way?’

Eavesdropping on the marines, he was able to understand how he could rescue those restrained by the so-called collar of death. Every noble had a golden square ring on the middle finger of their right hand, this ring can only be removed at their death. The ring is the key to unlocking the collars. The only problem is knowing which noble owns what slave.

Rumours were floating around the ship that prisoners that spoke and looked like men but had distinguishing fish features were kept in the lower deck. Not many marines were part of the transport group used in moving the fish-men onto the ship. To some, these were all fabricated stories, told to pass time on the voyage.

‘Fish-men prisoners, it seems I was fated to be on this ship’ Ezra thought as he made his way into the deck.

A guard was present at the door leading to the prisoners. The dampness of the wood let out a stale smell which was mixed with the excrements of the prisoners. The smell was nauseating.

‘A fight will blow my cover; I have to end it without creating a ruckus’ Ezra thought

Seawater poured out of each water bottle onto the damp woodwork, Ezra controlled the water as it moved within the cracks on the wall into the roof. Slowly pouring down behind the guard gradually changing form into a hand made of water.


The water hand karate chopped the back of the guard’s neck. After which it held the body of the unconscious guard in place, preventing any noise from a fall.

After settling the guard down in a sleeping position, Ezra picked up the bunch of keys before entering the prison.

The prison was dark, the smell was stronger here, Ezra had to cover his nose resisting the urge to puke. There were 8 fish-men in cages, Majority of them looked washed out, their eyes were dull, Ezra could tell they had lost all hope. Only one of them still had eyes that radiated fire to live, his willpower had not been broken. He was indeed the strongest merman on this ship.

Each of them had a similar mark on their chest. But there was no collar around their necks.

“Hello, can you hear me, since you have no collars, I will get you off this ship, but I will need your cooperation,” Ezra spoke quickly as he slightly jiggled the bunch of keys in his hand.

A tall lean fish-man with round eyes, salmon-pink coloured skin, a flat nose, wide lips and a thick dark beard and sideburns that covered his face could be seen in the cage in front of him.

The fish-man had been captured five years ago by pirates, he had been sold to the nobles and had been forced to fight for their amusement. Spreading information on his capture had also led to more than a few fish-men being captured themselves. Although his will to live was strong, he had lost all faith in humans.

No response was given, even the other lifeless fish-men withdrew into their cages. ‘This is probably another game, another source of amusement for the nobles’ they thought

Ezra threw the bunch of keys into the cell of the red-skinned fish-man who was in front of him. 

“Get the others out, we will leave as soon as you all are ready. I would like to destroy this ship, but we can’t, there are still some innocent people in the same situation as you and others who can only obey orders on board. Let’s leave, we will have to think of a way to rescue them all later.

My name is Rose D. Ezra, but you can call me Poseidon, I curiously boarded this ship,” Ezra said with a grin on his face.

‘Poseidon how is it possible, it can’t be, my mission…’ the red-skinned fish-man thought. His hands were bruised from battles, he felt pain with every action as he unlocked his chains, his legs shook as he stood but the will to be free pushed him on as he unlocked the gates, taking a step out of the cage.

“My name is Fisher Tiger,” the red-skinned fish-man said.

“Alright, Fisher we can talk when we are off the ship. For now, free the others we have to go” Ezra said as he made his way to the door.

Sneaking out with 8 half-dead fish-men was not going to be easy. They needed the sea, they needed it badly to survive.

One of the fish-men could not hold on any longer. He looked like he was part of an octopus species but 4 of his arms had been amputated leaving only stumps. He had a nasty gash across his chest. It was a miracle for him to get this far in the escape.

“Leave me, I am done for. Fisher, look after my son Hatchan for me, I can use what’s left of my life to buy you time” he didn’t wait for a response before he started running.

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