Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 2 Chapter 1

What does Volume 2 hold for Rose D. Ezra as he rises in strength and rank. What will his Justice be?

There's only one way to find out!

Continue reading :)


It has been 3 years since Ezra graduated from the academy. It was now time to fulfil his pact with the currently infamous Fisher Tiger. Over the years information about the unruly fish-men pirates who guard the area around the archipelago was already widely spread. The news coo paper wrote an exclusive coverage on the reason why this particular pirate group was not willing to leave the archipelago area and what their goal was. In this interview, Fisher directed his rage at the Celestial Dragons who captured his kind for amusement saying that they will continue to guard the entrance to Fish-man Island.

18-year-old Ezra was currently using his powers to move a little lifeboat across the sea at a rapid pace. He had just emerged from The Marine Corridor. His hair had grown and was now tied into a ponytail. His lean muscles were outlined with his blue marine uniform which was under his coat which had the word “Justice” on its back. Ezra’s previously distinguishable water container backpack was no longer present but he still had 2 water bottles fastened to his belt. 

Although he was using his power to seamlessly move the boat, Ezra still had time to enjoy the fresh sea breeze blowing on his face as he propelled forward. Arriving location, Ezra stopped the boat as he looked in the direction of the former Amagus village paying his respect. He solemnly spent a minute remembering his loved ones, once again igniting his drive to rise in rank as a marine.

He dove into the water, it was time to meet up with his old pal Fisher Tiger.

Deep in the abyss, Fisher and a few other fish-men were waiting for their last member. Although they were grateful for Fisher's rescue, some like Arlong could not help but question all the importance being placed on one human.

While they floated in front of the status, Ezra suddenly materialised in front of them.

“I see, You brought friends,” Ezra said as he swam towards Fisher.

“Young Marine, you have grown” he replied in a friendly manner.“ These are my brothers, they will be joining us on this mission.

Jinbe was a whale shark fish-man with long flowing black hair. He has a stocky build similar to that of a sumo wrestler and a fierce face that resembled a demon. His yellow eyebrows and sideburns were distinctly shaped emphasising that look, in addition to a bulb-like nose and an angular lower lip pointing upwards. He also possessed two tusk-like conical lower fangs; the rest of his teeth from the upper and lower rows looked like short sharp fangs also. 

Arlong was a large, muscular, light blue saw-shark fish-man with a distinctive saw-shaped nose. He had long, black hair with a widow’s peak reaching down to his shoulders, under a brown hat. He had a fin on his nape, surrounded by his hair, and gills located on both sides of his neck.

Kurobi was a ray fish-man, he had afro-like hair on his head while wearing a dark blue martial arts Gi.

Marco was a pelican eel fish-man. He had two abnormally large forearms compared to the rest of his body, with an anchor tattooed on them. His most distinguishing physical characteristic was his large lower lip and jaw. When he closes his mouth, his lower lip sticks out so prominently that Marco looked like he was always sticking his face up. When he opens his mouth, his lower jaw opens up so wide that the opening his mouth makes is extremely large in comparison to his head. Within his mouth, his upper jaw consists of molars while his lower jaw consists of fangs.

Aladine was a goatsbeard brotula fish-man. He was currently the first mate and doctor for the Sun Pirates. He was a tall, muscular fish-man. He had slanted thin eyes, dark hair tied into a long ponytail falling onto his back in many curves, and a full beard with a goatee in the same colour. His long tail was in two shades of colour, the top part was in a light brown colour compared to the darker lower parts.

“It is nice to meet you, I'm sure you have all been briefed on the mission. you guys will get the keys while I disable the defence. Are there any questions?”

Arlong was not happy, how come the human is taking command and Fisher is letting him. “Why do we have to get the keys? it sounds like you are leaving the hardest jobs to us fish-men,” he added.

“I have no problem letting you deal with all the guards and defences but can you guarantee that you would not cause the alarms to be activated? 

“The plan is simple, I will take down all the guards quietly. You can get the keys easily with your numbers. In addition, I am a marine so I cannot be seen during this mission. Is the answer good enough for you,” Ezra asked

Arlong: “Yes”

Ezra: “Are there any more questions?

Jinbe: “How do we get to the top of Mary Geoise?”

Ezra: “We climb!”

To start the mission, Tasks were given out to each fish-man. Kurobi and Arlong were in charge of securing a gateway ship. Alanine was a doctor; he was in charge of treatments if necessary. Marco was to secure an exit and protect Ezra if needed. Jinbe and Fisher would be in charge of obtaining the ring from a noble present.

The group of 7 divided into two, one group made of 3 people Arlong, Kurotobi and Aladine in command of the younger two. The second group contained Ezra, Jinbe, Marco and Fisher.

The Red Line looked very intimidating when up close. ‘Climbing a wall this high would not be easy’ Ezra thought as the group slowly emerged from the water.

“We will not be going to the location of the world government, the slave area is on the outskirts of Mary Geoise. There is a Taskmaster present in the slave area, he should have a master key that can be used to unlock the collars of the slave in his area. I think taking him out will be our best option without alerting the marines, the only thing is that there are over 100 guards on the site, each one will have to be taken out for this plan to work.” Fisher stated before looking in Ezra’s direction.

“If this was 3 years ago, I will definitely not be confident in completing this part of the mission, but the current me should be able to take them down easily. Have you got the barrel of water, Marco?” Ezra asked.

“Yes, I just need to place it at the meeting place right?” Marco asked in return.

“That is correct, we might be leaving in a hurry. It is always good to be prepared,” Ezra said. “It's going to take a while to climb to the top, you all get close to me. I will try to shorten the trip up using my power.”

The fish-men were almost two times taller than Ezra, only Jinbe just a head taller. The four grouped up with the barrel filled with seawater in the middle.

“Brace yourself”

“Water Jet”

Ezra willed his power as seawater slowly converged forming a pillar lifting the four members into the sky rapidly.

The fish-men were shocked, the speed at which they shot to the air was unexpected. it took all their training and self-control to resist screaming out in fright.

the higher the pillar reached the thinner it became, “I will not be able to control the water any longer, we should think of jumping off the platform to the wall.

One by One they jumped off the water pillar as its form became unstable falling all the way back into the sea causing a huge splash.

The pillar was very useful for this task as they could already see the top of the Red Line from their current position, ‘we should arrive by nightfall’ they thought.

The other group led by Aladine were currently tailing a world government transport vessel that was navigating to the Red Line. The ship was the size of a battleship, the sails proudly displayed the symbol of the world government. Onboard were just acquired slaves who were not yet collared or branded.

“Why do we have to listen to a snotty nose kid, can’t he see that we fish-men are an advanced species. We are the ones blessed by God to rule this world.” Arlong grumbled and complained as they swam along. 

“Arlong, I know you have your beliefs but I hope you can zip it for now. I don't want this mission to fail because an advanced species like yourself could not keep his mouth shut.” Aladdin Answered back. 

Acquiring the Ship was not difficult. The three fish-men had plenty of combat experience and were not soft-hearted in their attack, especially the excessively violent Arlong as he yelled “Tooth Gum”. Arlong pulled out his teeth from his mouth, He immediately grew another set of teeth after pulling the previous ones. After doing this twice, he was now holding his teeth as weapons, allowing him to bite his opponent with both his mouth and his hands.

It was at this point Arlong had an Idea, ‘How can I let that human take away our fish-men glory’ thinking up to here he held back his bloodlust and only knocked out the last officer after making sure he had seen who he was and heard him speak about the Sun Pirate.


Hello Readers,

I am really busy at the moment so chapters will not be very frequent. I will try my best to have at least a chapter a week.

Thanks for reading.

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