Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 2 Chapter 14

“Dean, It is great to see you are well. You haven't aged by a day since I left” Ezra said as he walked into the dean's office.

“Rose D. Ezra, Posei… Atlant, you sure have a way with domineering names, forgive my mistake. You are more relaxed now compared to your academy days. What brings you here? 195 of the top graduates of this year have already been assigned to you. From what I was told, your officers were here to receive them. ”

“Dean, I wanted to ask, is the third-year island in use at the moment? If it is not can I use it for a short time in training my troops? Also, I wanted to know if it is possible to speak to the shipbuilding teacher? I would like to build a monstrosity of a ship. I thought it would be best to mention this to you first.” Ezra stated his aim for coming to visit at once.

“I understand. 3 of the four sections of the island are occupied. The south section is free, I had a feeling something like this will happen so I kept it free as soon as the order came in from HQ. About the ship, you can speak to the team but remember we are only an academy we will not be able to obtain some of the parts that you require.” the Dean said not wanting to dissuade Ezra.

Dean, would it be possible to leave this kid here for 6 months? I want him to at least complete 6 months of yellow scarf training. He is a devil fruit user as well.” Ezra asked, he knew this was not something normal but he needed Law to be trained before joining his officers.

“Sure, if he is one of ours we will be sure to look after him. Young man what is your name and what fruit did you eat.” the elderly dean asked.

“I am Trafalgar D. Water Law, I ate the Ope Ope no Mi (Op Op Fruit), I am currently a Recruit.”


After leaving Law at the Dean's office, Ezra made his way to the dockyards.

Ezra: Instructor!

“Captain, you can’t forget your rank now” The instructor saluted Ezra as he made his way into the dockyard.

Instructor: I heard that you are planning to build a ship, what have you got in mind?

Ezra: Instructor, that’s why I am here. I have an idea for a ship but I’m hoping you can bring my imagination to life. You are aware I have the power of the Umi Umi no Mi (Sea Sea fruit). I want a ship that can be operated with my power. I was thinking of something like a submarine.

Instructor: Submarine!, you don’t see much of those around these days. How big of a ship are you thinking of?

Ezra: A galleon size or bigger. How long would it take 

Instructor: 2 years maximum, can be less if we can get parts quickly. It would be almost impossible to make a submarine from scratch without enough time. 

In Kano Kingdom not far from here, there is an older model of a submarine kept in their dockyard. This is a relic of the past so it would take some convincing before it is given to you. Bring that to me to upgrade it. I will turn it into a statement vessel so that people in the world would recognise the shipbuilding talents of the West Blue. 

Ezra: Instructor...

This was a "we will give you our best for free" statement. He knew the academy valued him and the others from his year but this much was touching.

Instructor: We haven’t had monsters at the level of you 5 in the past and now only 2 of you remain. Also, 95% of your troops are graduates from this academy. This is the most we can do. This was an order from the top, by the way, even the Dean agreed to this arrangement. If you wanted a normal galleon it would have been state-of-the-art as well.

Ezra: Thank you, when you have a faculty meeting next. Please pass on my heartfelt gratitude. 

Ezra performed the marine salute to the instructor to show respect.


One week later, South section, Training Island.

50 officers were performing physical exercises on the training field.

“Did you not eat today. I said one more set. We are one unit, any weakness is not allowed. We are a team, we get through it all together. Our Justice is impartial, how can you withhold that creed without strength.” No. 15 who was topless showing off his well-defined muscular physique. 

“We are Atlanteans, the strongest force on the seas” the seamen yelled as they moved their tired bodies.

On the shooting range,

“These guns are custom made for our troops, the guns allow for 12 bullet cartridges. This is something that was developed in the last 2 years, luckily we were able to order enough for everyone in the troop. The longer barrels allow for a longer range and each rifle now has a wide range scope fitted.

Don’t worry about ammunition during the shooting exercise, rubber paint bullets will be used during training to improve each person's accuracy, you need to learn how to care for your rifle as if it was a part of you. Begin!” No. 18 the shooting instructor gave the order to begin the training.

Bang Bang Bang

Each seaman fired at the 50 puppets placed 20m away from their position.

“Continue until you can hit a vital spot 10/10 times” No. 18 instructed.

On the beach by the sea, 100 seamen in full underwater diving equipment were running. 

“We are an amphibious unit. We are deadly in the water and are just as deadly on land. Don't stop running! We still have 3 more laps of the beach; running on land and swimming in the sea.” No. 12 instructed.

Ezra monitored the progress of the training and was satisfied. His numbered Lieutenant has been with him for almost 5 years, he trusted them totally with getting the new blood into shape by the end of the 6 months training period.

“No. 20 you are to continue with the current training. I want regular sparring sessions added to the current arrangements. Don’t go easy on them!

“Yes sir!”


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