Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 2 Chapter 9

Ring Ring

“Hello, is this Lieutenant Commander Rose D. Ezra?” the den den mushi spoke out loud. 

“Yes, you are speaking to Ezra”

“Lieutenant, I am Donquixote Rosinante, a spy in the Doflamingo Pirates. I was the one who broke the news of the Ope Ope no Mi (OP OP Fruit) to the marines. Diez Barrels is a former marine who is now the captain of the Barrels Pirate. He is willing to sell the fruit to the marines for 5 billion berries. This information has already been briefed to the Fleet Admiral.

But there is something else that the Admiral is not aware of, I have with me a young boy who is suffering from a severe illness, the only way to save him is to have him eat that fruit. We are currently at Minion Island where Diez is currently hiding.” Rosinante was cut short by Ezra.

”You are at Minion Island, not Rubeck Island,” Ezra asked

“Yes Lieutenant, I believe there is a spy in the marines that is altering my intel. I am aware that Captain Doflamingo wants the fruit. It could be one of his men.” Rosinante added.

“I am sure another marine vessel should be carrying the 5 billion berries towards Rubeck island ready for the pirates to pick it up. Go ahead and steal the fruit!” Ezra said out loud 


Rosinante, the officers and seamen listening to the conversation could not help but shout in surprise.

“I said to steal the fruit, save the boy. I will be there soon” with that Ezra hung up the call.

“Why are you all surprised, I will take full responsibility for this” Ezra mentioned.

“No. 5 how is our battle preparation,” Ezra asked

“All soldiers are ready for action sir” No. 5 replied.

“Good, we only have 100 men, we have to make it quick. I want that 5 billion berries on this ship as soon as possible. No. 1 you deal with communication, I want to know the position of that ship and captain of the vessel.”

“Full speed to Rubeck Island” Ezra commanded.

Minion Island is located northeast of Swallow Island and east of Rubeck Island. It was not far from Flevance Kingdom. The island had a town that was built around several hills. It was currently nighttime at Minion Island, the temperature was low, the snowy climate of the Island meant everything was always covered in snow. On the top of one hill was a villa that was now occupied by a bunch of pirates.

“Hahaha, men we will be rich. I told you the best way of making money is sometimes the clean way. The marines are one of the richest in the world, they even make money from pirates these days. Soon we will have 5 billion berries to raise a strong enough crew, get a stronger and well-equipped ship before heading to the Grand Line. Tomorrow we will send the signal to start the transaction. If you see my son, Dory, tell him to go home and not to come here tonight. We will be swimming in berries hahaha “ Diez laughed as he drank with his crew before retiring for the night. 

Diez Barrels was a large muscular build, fair-skinned man. He had a prominent chin, pointed nose and small ears. His short orange hair slicked back, revealing his widow’s peak and sideburns. He was formerly a marine turned traitor and now the Captain of this raggedy crew of pirates.

Rosinante and Law were hiding in an alleyway not far from the villa occupied by the Barrels Pirate. Law was a young boy of 10 years old. He was wearing a fur hat and a ragged shirt that could be seen from the blanket covering the shivering boy, his skin looked white and pallid, his breath was slow but he was still alive. 

Nagi Nagi no Mi (Calm Calm Fruit): Soundless Barrier, This was an application of the devil fruit Rosinante had eaten. He could create a space around him where sound was nullified to those outside the space.

Law was shocked, "You also have the power of the Devil Fruit?"

“Yes, I ate the Nagi Nagi no Mi (Calm Calm Fruit), it is a paramecia type devil fruit that allows me to nullify sounds. This power has no direct combat applications.” Rosinante replied with a sigh. ”This power is good for covert missions like this.”

Law was confused, the both of them have gone from Island to Island. 'What mission is Cora-san talking about?' he thought.

“Law, I revealed to you not long ago that I can speak, and right now I am risking everything to help you. You have been suffering every day since your family, friends, kingdom was destroyed even now you are still suffering from that same sickness. I brought you here after all the hospitals in all the other kingdoms and islands had refused to help because they believe that Amber Lead Syndrome is contractible by human contact. How stupid...! I finally found a way to help you get rid of this sickness but some risks are involved. Can you stand?” Rosinante asked.

“Yes” Law replied 

“That is good, I need you to wait here for me. If I don't return before morning, runaway! There should be a marine ship close to this island, go to them, Look for Lieutenant Commander Rose D. Ezra, tell them I sent you.”

“Another D?” Law asked curiously “Is he also from the D clan?” he added

“I know you don't like the world government but we have no choice, but to trust this marine. Doflamingo wants this fruit, and there is no telling if he will help cure your illness or not. I have never met this Rose D. Ezra before but I heard some rumours that he is on a mission here in Minion Island, there is a high chance we can get him to help us.

Remember what I said Law.” Rosinante said quickly before using his power.

Nagi Nagi no Mi (Calm Calm Fruit): Soundless Human. This was another application where the sound coming from his body was nullified. His footsteps, heartbeats, breathing even voice were muted while this skill was in use.

Rosinante was also an elite member of the Doflamingo pirates under the codename of Corazon. He was a tall man with a slender build. He had golden-blonde hair, with pale white skin, his eyes were sharp reddish-brown as they glistened with determination. He was wearing a dark red hood with two heart-like shapes hanging from it, a pair of beige jeans and a dark purple feather mantle. He also had a white shirt with pink hearts printed all over it as well as his mismatched shoes. From a glance, anyone could tell that this person was not bothered by the cold at Minion Island.

Corazon was now silently walking along the street with a backpack full of explosives. He recalled the series of events that led to where he was right now: 

Corazon remembered lamenting his inability to help Law find a cure for his sickness. He revealed that he felt pity for Law and that he understood Law’s suffering. It was then his brother Doflamigo the captain of the Doflamingo pirates contacted him via den den mushi.

Hsh Hsh Corazon have you found a cure for that brat yet? Hsh Hsh” Since Corazon’s act was that he could not speak using the power of his devil fruit to mute himself over the years. He could only tap his den den mushi, three taps for “Yes” and two taps for “No”. Communication was rusty between the brothers, Doflamingo ordered them to return to the ship because he had discovered using certain channels that a pirate was selling the Ope Ope no Mi (OP OP Fruit) to the marines and he planned to steal it and the money. To further convince Corazon, Doflamingo even suggested that Corazon will be allowed to eat this fruit and use its powers to heal Law before hanging up the call. This news came as a shock to Corazon, he could only fulfil his duty as a spy by warning the marines.

“Soundless Barrier”

Corazon opened the door to the villa as he began his operation to steal the fruit. Stealthy moving with his “Soundless Human” skill. He made his way from room to room looking for Diez Barrels. 

Diez was sleeping on a bed that had a small treasure chest on the bedside table, Corazon made his way over to the bed, quietly opened the chest with his “Soundless Barrier” skill before taking out the fruit and stuffing it in his now empty bag.

Diez as a former decorated marine felt something was wrong with his surroundings, he was still under the influence of alcohol as he struggled to get out of his bed reaching for his rifle. A kick was sent in his direction hitting him square on the temple sending him flying into the wall causing a loud BANG.


Corazon kicked out on reflex only to realise that he had blown his cover. “I have overstayed my welcome, it's time to run,” he said as he jumped out a window and began to run. 

Boom Boom Boom Boom

Series of explosions sounded out from the villa behind Corazon as he ran down the hill.

“There he is, he is the one that injured the captain and stole our treasure, get him” Someone shouted as a group of pirates ran in pursuit.

Bang Bang

Sounds of gunshots could be heard all over the town.

Corazon who was now running in the opposite direction from Law tripped as he ran down a hill. Only to roll to a stop finding himself held at gunpoint by several pirates.

Soundless Space, this skill nullified the sound in a wider area. This brought about confusion in the pirates as they could no longer hear their voices. Using the commotion he had created as cover Corazon snuck away from the pirates, making his way back to Law despite his wounds.

“Law look this is the fruit that will cure your sickness,” Corazon said proudly

“Are you sure this fruit will be able to heal me, wouldn't it be a waste for someone like me who is already at death's door to eat it?” Law said as he looked at the fruit in Corazon's hand.

Having lost his patience, Corazon force-fed the fruit to Law. Forcing him to swallow it. He could no longer hold out as he collapsed face-first into the snow out of exhaustion. He was happy he had outwitted his crafty brother and Law could now be saved.

Law was not paying attention to any of the words that Corazon was saying, he wanted to use his powers to heal his friend. He could see the blood-stained snow on the floor as he rolled Corazon over only to see that his entire front was riddled with bullets.

Law who was now crying could not help but try harder to use his new powers, he had heard that this power should be able to cure any illness but why could he not use it, he thought

“Law the powers are not magic, you will slowly get to know how to use it. Here is a secret letter for Lieutenant Commander Rose D. Ezra. Deliver the letter to the marines and then return to me quickly, we need to leave this island before Doflamingo finds out about what we have done.”

Law ran through the snow as he made his way to the harbour, Marines should be coming via ship. They should have a way to save Corazon. Getting to the harbour there was only a marine pulling a lifeboat out of the water. 

“Marine please save my brother, he has been shot. He told me to deliver this message to you.” Law said innocently

“Take me to your brother” The marine replied as he kept the secret letter in his jacket.

Retracing his steps, Law brought the marine with him to the place where Corazon was resting. "Corazon, I brought the marine here to help you."

“NO, HOW CAN IT BE YOU, VERGO! Your secret mission was this...” Corazon shouted in horror. This was a failure he had accidentally revealed that he could speak, he knew that Vergo was aware that he came here to steal the fruit for Law. 

Vergo was a tall, light-skinned, lean, yet muscular marine with a bowl haircut. He had a pair of sunglasses on with no facial hair. His sideburns were grown in a zig-zag fashion with a leftover half-eaten octodog stuck on his face. 

“You can speak? Let’s see, you wanted to send a letter to the marines” Vergo laughed as he removed the secret letter from his jacket and broke the seal.

“Vergo don't do this, you don't have to read that letter” Corazon pleaded

“I can’t believe there is a rat like you in our family, you were the one sending all the intel. I had to work overtime just to keep Doflamingo's track hidden because of you” Vergo said as he kicked Corazon in the face.

Enraged Vergo used his spiritual energy to create an invisible armour around himself providing incredible offence and defence. The skin of the enraged Vergo slowly turned black as his attacks became more berserk like as he pounded Corazon on the floor. 

After making sure that Corazon was incapacitated, Vergo made his way to Law who was crying watching the marine hurt his loved ones again.


Sorry if there are mistakes, let me know of them. Thank you

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