Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 3 Chapter 10

A month later, Underneath Rain Dinners Casino, a Baroques Works officers meeting was taking place.

“Boss, we lost contact with Mr. 7. We received news of a green-haired swordsman, an infamous bounty hunter in the East Blue. Mr. 7 was sent to recruit this Roronoa Zoro, it's been a month since we last heard from him. In addition to that, we lost 2 frontier agents during the last pirate hunt; Mr. 8 and Miss Wednesday. That is 3 vacancies on our rota” Miss All Sunday reported.

“Unfortunate about Mr. 7, Which Billion has the highest contribution? Mr. 0 asked bluntly.

“Square Sniper, Sir!” Miss Fathers Day replied. She was happy because a shooter partner was perfect for her.

“Give him Codename No. 7, if he can't protect his ranking then his number will drop. He needs to learn quickly about this” Mr. 0 announced as he looked in the direction of Mr. 9 to Mr. 12.

“Yes Boss, I will inform the new No. 7 right away. Arabasta is now safe, and our reputation has started spreading as you instructed.” Mr. 6 said, “We also have complete ownership of Whisky Peak.”

“Very Good Mr. 6! From now on Frontier Agents are in charge of Whisky Peak, take the Billions with you. I expect a smooth operation; celebrate the arrival of pirates, with parties then kill them in their sleep. Don't touch pirates you can't handle, just give them a log pose for Arabasta, when they arrive we officer Agents will finish them.” Mr. 0 announced from behind his screen. “Only contact me, if there is a problem. From now on we must keep the knowledge and hierarchy of our organisation a secret”

“Yes Boss” they replied

“You may leave, I await good news” Mr. 0 announced as the Frontier Agents walked out of the room. “How is the rain situation going?” Crocodile asked as he removed the screen.

“Boss, the reaction to the rain has been as predicted, praise of the King is being sung in every direction. The only issue is our supply of Dance Powder has run out.” Mr. 1 reported.

“Don't worry about that, a shipment should be arriving soon at Nanohana, this month. Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas, you two will be in charge of picking up the package and transporting it” Mr. 0 announced. “Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger, you two replace them at Tamarisk. A group of pirates made it to Nanohana the other day, I need to let them cause more havoc before I come in as a saviour. Ok, let's get busy. There is still a lot to do before the scene we want to see starts taking form. Dismissed”

“Yes, Mr. 0” they all replied before leaving.

Puff Puff 


“Brother Bomber have you heard from the Captain?” Doc asked

“No, it's been a month and he still in closed-door training” Bomber replied

“I am starting to worry, the captain was looking for the Mizu Mizu no Mi (Water Water Fruit) what if he tried to eat it, what if something had happened?” Doc could not help but think about the worst-case scenario

“Don't talk like that, it's the captain you are talking about. He never jumps into anything he is unsure of. If he wants to eat another fruit, it means he must have found out something during his trip to Fish-man Island'' Brains replied “I have used my Mind scan, I can see that the Captain is in some type of weird state, his mind is at peace, but I am not so sure what is happening to his body”

“Bomber you are in charge since the Captain is out, what do we do next? we are not far from the port town of Arabasta, Nanohana.” Eagle who was now fulfilling the role as lookout asked.

“From the information that Brains found out, we need to find out more information about Baroque Works and what their plans are with Dance Powder. We must not reveal ourselves until we are fully aware of the situation in the kingdom” Bomber announced, looking at Brains for his input.

“It is as Bomber said, we cannot reveal ourselves. What will be best is if we can capture a member from the inner circle and draw out the secrets in their minds. After this, we can figure out everything happening on this Island.” Brains added.

“Ok, I am itching to fight. It's been a while since I was in any action” Leo said as he yawned, his yawn sounded like a roar of a lion.

“Leo, I know you are excited but we must still complete this mission cleanly, if not the Captain will not be pleased with our results.” Bomber drew Leo’s attention back to what was important. This group did not care about HQ, Admirals or even orders from any higher rank, they were in it for their captain.

“Ok, Just let me whack a few baddies, and I can go back to sleep.” Like Dalmatian, Leo was constantly in his human-Hybrid form, his half-lion head, bushy brown mane and his swirling tail made him look like a cute cat.

“Captain Bomber, we are approaching Nanohana” Shield announced.

“Stop the ship before entering the harbour. Raise the bridge above sea level” Bomber instructed

“Yes Sir” Shield replied

“Eagle, you scout ahead? We timed our arrival to be the same as the estimated arrival time of the Donquixote transport ship. Whoever ordered the goods should be waiting for pick up” Brains said


A white head and black-body, giant eagle rose up from the deck into the skies. The flight was initially shaky at first due to the strong sea winds, but it was soon gliding in the sky screeching as it flew. On the deck the other Lieutenants watched as Eagle flew off, thinking about how nice it would be to be given a ride.

After getting used to his new powers. Eagle flew above the port, using his enhanced vision to search for any signs he could pick up. On him was also a Cameko den den mushi.

This type of den den mushi could store images and videos, as well as transmit them as signals to its counterpart, Proko.

“Brains, are you there?” Eagle said in his mind.

“Yes, my power was already activated before you took off”  Brains replied

“Are you seeing what I am seeing, there are two groups at the port. One group looks like royal guards and the second group is just 2 people” Eagle replied

Brains looked into the screen showing the transmitted image, the image was that of two people. One was a tall and fat man, with big lips. He wore a green shirt that covered most of his body, black pants and a pair of grey running shoes. He had an obscure number “4” design on his shirt as well as a “4” on his baseball bat. Behind him was a bat case of some sort. Next to him was a stout, middle-aged woman with red hair. She was wearing a necktie that resembles a Christmas tree. She had a large pair of purple-lense sunglasses, a basket strapped to her back and sandals on her feet.

“They must be the ones we are looking for,” Brains said

“Return to Atlantis, Leo you are up” Bomber announced

“ROAR it's finally this kitten's turn!” Leo shouted as he made his way to the lifeboat.


Thanks for all the rating received, not only keeps me motivated, but it also gives an impression that you all are enjoying the book, thus encouraging me to continue writing. This is my first book properly released on any outlet and I write as I upload, your feedback, comments and suggestions have been a great help in developing the story.

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Although I am writing this for fun, I still see it as a chance to learn something new. (No need to do this if you don't like One Piece in general).

Thank you for reading Chapter 11 will be released today also :).

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