Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 3 Chapter 25

A feminine voice could be heard in a corner of the city by a fountain.

“Where did everyone go, they left a damsel like me all alone” a short, slim teenager with shaggy shoulder-length blonde hair and a feminine appearance. This person was wearing light-coloured hoop earrings, a white baseball cap with horns sticking out of it, a long-sleeved shirt with a giraffe-like design on it, blue shorts and dark purple stilettos.

“Fish-man Hybrid Dellinger, You are under arrest” Plus said, “Is that right Minus?”

“Sure is” Minus replied

“Oh, two pretty boys are here to keep me company,” Dellinger said as his eyes turned red, his human teeth replaced with sharp shark-like teeth. “Very well, I just remembered. I missed out on lunch today.”

“Twin Slash”

The twins slash their sword at Dellinger at the same time, this attack was sure to cut the unarmed fish-man into two.

“Dorsal Fin”

A retractable fin grew out of his back, blocking the attack.

“My fin is too strong, for your weak attacks. Don't you know fish-men are a superior race” Dellinger said.

“Rapid attack: Pistol High Heel” 

Dellinger rushed towards the twins at a very rapid pace, leaving after images of himself as he ran. He kicked with the sharp pointy heel of the stilettos.

“Clank” “Clank”

The attack was blocked, but Dellinger was not done. He continued to attack in a random pattern. Sometimes he attacked Minus, other times he attacked Plus. He was moving too fast for the twins to follow his attack.

Argh! Argh!

Both Plus and Minus were sent flying into the water fountain dying the water red with blood.

“You need to bleed more, Red is my favourite colour,” Dellinger said as he laughed.

“We will not be the ones to lose, Plus it's time to use that attack,” Minus said

“Okay, let's do it” Plus replied as he supported himself with his sword, standing up slowly. The last attack caused a lot of damage, they were also soaking wet. While their opponent was unharmed and a fish-man who had water attacks using their general affinity.

“Purasu Purasu no Mi (Plus Plus Fruit): Positive Charge - Lightning Rod”

“Mainasu Mainasu no Mi (Minus Minus Fruit): Negative Charge - Voltaic Absorb”

The sword of both Plus and Minus glowed with electricity as they pointed in Dellinger's direction.

“Overload Attack” They touched the tip of their sword together, hence releasing a large electric bolt attack at Dellinger who was also standing in the fountain.



Pica after using the initial attack that split the group up into smaller sizes was now partially assimilated into the foundation, leaving only his upper body to be seen. He was an extremely broad, tall, intimidating and muscular man. He was wearing golden armour and a golden helmet on his face. His most distinctive feature was his shoulder which had three spikes protruding out of each shoulder blade.

“Ishi Ishi no Mi (Stone Stone Fruit): Foundation Punch”

“Bari Bari no Mi (Barrier Barrier Fruit): Barrier Wall”

Pikkya-pikkya-pikkyarara, You are just going to stand there for me to punch, Pikkya-pikkya-pikkyarara,” Pica said with a high pitched voice.

“Pica of the Spade suit, Why is your laugh so strange? Did anyone ever tell you that your voice doesn't suit your size” Shield said jokingly

“Now you have made me mad, You are dead” Pica furiously screamed with his high pitched voice

“Ishi Ishi no Mi (Stone Stone Fruit): Stone Giant”

The stone giant was a large version of Pica, it had buildings and structures from the city on its body, Pica had used part of the foundation of the city to build his stone giant’s body.

“Everyone knows that the Bari Bari no Mi (Barrier Barrier Fruit) is a defensive fruit, I put a spin on the famous saying a good defence is also a good offence,” Shield said before using his skill in response.

“Bari Bari no Mi (Barrier Barrier Fruit): Crystal Maze Barrier”

A crystal formed enclosing Shield, it had razor-sharp edges “I am not done yet” Shield yelled.


Pikkya-pikkya-pikkyarara, You think this will be enough to stop my gigantic fist” Pica in giant form still possessed the high pitched voice.

Punch after punch the stone hands of Pica crumbled and reformed. Yet he kept punching.

“Bari Bari no Mi (Barrier Barrier Fruit): Crystal Maze Razor Hedgehog”

The blades on the crystal grew in size poking out in every direction like a porcupine. The Large stone giant could not avoid this attack as its body crumbled, revealing a knocked out Pica falling in the midst of the rubble.

“Barrier Transfer”

A transparent barrier formed around Pica

“Stay in there, for now, I don't want you making any sudden movements.” Shield said as he detained Pica, restricting his movements.


The battle between Rear Admiral Atlant, Rose D. Ezra and The Awoken Doflamingo continued.

Doflamingo went on one knee, he placed his hand on the ground

“Ito Ito no Mi (String String Fruit): Ever White”

The surrounding buildings, structures one by one started transforming into strings.

“I heard of the term Devil Fruit awakening, during my Elite training, only marines at Admiral level have gone through this stage. It is strange to see a pirate who is not at Emperor level achieve this stage.” Ezra said calmly

Shushushus, you don't know about awakening, yet you came to fight me! I think the Joker title fits you better, Shushushsu. Time to die Marine” Doflamingo said in response before attacking

“Ito Ito no Mi (String String Fruit): Break White”

Doflamingo created two large, thick sheets of string sending them to wrap around Ezra.

“Seawater Gatling Punch”

Ezra responded by forming a multitude of water fists around him, sending them slamming in succession into the approaching attack.

“Ito Ito no Mi (String String Fruit): Flap Thread”

Doflamingo then condensed a large amount of string from Ever White into countless points infusing them with Armament Haki, before sending them at Ezra as if they were two wings.


Ezra used an explosive step to change his location avoiding the attack. Doflamingo ran towards Ezra in an attempt to damage Ezra who had just appeared.

“Ito Ito no Mi (String String Fruit): Five Colour String”

With a swipe of his hand, 5 strings came out of his finger increasing his attack range. 

“Water Teleport”, “Tempest Kick”

Ezra teleported to a distance away from Doflamingo before using a Rokushiki technique, Tempest Kick. Seeing the attack coming Doflamingo dodge it calmly using another awoken skill.

“Ito Ito no Mi (String String Fruit): God Thread”

Sixteen thick bundles of strings with Armament Haki-infused sharp tips took shape behind Doflamingo “Marine, it has been a very good fight, but now it's time to end this battle. PIERCE!”

“Water Screen”

A screen of water took shape in front of Ezra, stopping the attack. Doflamingo yelled as he willed the strings to continue to pierce, but Ezra’s control of the water screen was reinforced as he placed his full focus on countering the attack.

“Conqueror's Haki” Doflamingo yelled 

Ezra who was blocking the attack using his water screen was being pushed back by the Haki radiating from Doflamingo.

“This is my Conquerors Haki, it is a sign that I am one of the chosen ones to rule the seas,” Doflamingo said proudly

Ezra felt the pressure of the attack on his mind, the insanity carried in Doflamingo's will was heavy on his mind. At this moment a force broke loose in Ezra’s mind. This force was like a wild enraged bull, storming all around.

“I refuse to back down” Ezra yelled as he finally let loose the power that was building up inside him with a heavy blast into the area.

“Conqueror's Haki? Why is it so strong?” Doflamingo yelled as he was forced to take 10 steps backwards.

Ezra’s head was in pain. This was the first time he was using a power of this kind. It was so strong that it almost knocked him out also.

“O, you unlocked it also, but you know only one king is needed in the end. Since you claim one of my officers betrayed me, None of them will be leaving this Island. They will accompany you all to Hell.”

“Ito Ito no Mi (String String Fruit): Ultimate technique Birdcage”

The strings gathered from Ever White shot high into the sky as a concentrated beam which soon diverged to rain down to all sides in an umbrella-like fashion covering the whole island. The strings formed a razor-sharp wire dome that could slice everything in its path.

“It is all over, we are all done for. Doflamingo has used that attack” Viola cried

“No need to panic just watch and see,” Doc said

Hara nodded in acknowledgement

“You don't understand we are all in great danger...'' She looked up and saw the unbothered behaviour of Hara and Doc and could not help but also place her trust in Rear Admiral Altant.

“Sea Giant Clone”

A giant completely made out of Seawater rose up from the sea, as it moved the size of the giant increased. It slowly made its way, step by step until it stood over the island. With its two enormous hands, the giant tore open the birdcage ripping it apart.

“It's over Doflamingo. You know what everything that has happened on this island is being viewed all over the world. There are no more secrets. I want the world to know in a similar way to what Gol D. Roger did to set ablaze the fire of the new pirate age. I will be putting an end to it. I will find one piece once and for all.” Ezra declared before merging with the sea giant clone “Time to end this”

“Sea Giant Punch”

The sea giant threw a Haki reinforced punch, the huge fist covered the entire square.

“You cannot defeat me, I will claim my place amongst the Gods” Doflamingo screamed at the top of his lungs

“Ito Ito no Mi (String String Fruit): Multi-Layered Spider Web”

Doflamingo created multiple layers of webs made of string 

“Ito Ito no Mi (String String Fruit): Shield White String”

He also gathered two large masses of strings from the ground near him, swiping it at the gigantic punch.



The world stood still at this very moment!

‘What they had heard, what they had seen, was it all real?’ they thought,

“Atlant”, “Atlant”, “Atlant”

Every corner of the world chanted this name, even some marines, who felt their blood rush at the bravery of their comrades chanted along loudly. While the chanting was going on the screens which were initially showing the battle at Dressrosa was hijacked by another transmission.

“Ladies and Gentlemen all around the world!

We the World Government are against the actions of the Marines. We will hereby be creating a force that will bring all this nonsense to a stop. Their first mission will be to destroy the Marine Corp!

In the name of ABSOLUTE JUSTICE!”


Readers, this brings us to the end of Volume 3. Thank you for reading up till here.

A timeline will be uploaded as normal. Thank you once again

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