Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 4 Chapter 14

“Oden is Alive!”

Ezra could not hold back his surprise. “Are you telling me that, the civil war that started back then was led by Kurozumi Orochi! The message the outside world received was that Kozuki Oden died in this war! Wano preparing for war, the samurai’s gathering, the beast pirates protecting, a failed civil war, Oden lives! You really fooled the whole world”

“We did what we had to do to make the World Government believe that their plan had worked. They somehow convinced Orochi to betray the samurai’s leading to the civil war. They wanted him to use the Beast Pirates as tools in conquering these lands.” Kaido stated.

“There is no way that the world government would have not tried to contact Orochi after the event. How did you manage that feat.” Ezra asked trying to make sense of Wano’s past.

“Unfortunately, we managed to get an agent in the Kurozumi clan before things went too far. Her name is Kurozumi Higurashi, the user of the Mane Mane no Mi (Clone Clone Fruit). She is currently the one standing in for Orochi keeping the Kurozumi family in check.”. Kadio got up from the floor and walked to one of the eye socket windows of the skull dome.”We killed the traitors of that time and then shut off the island from the world in order to build a united Wano.”

Kaido looked at the blue sky and the blue sea going for miles into the horizon “Rocks took the fall for the crew back then. The crew broke up each started their own battles with the world government. Shiki was the one who drew the attention of the government first, the rest of us decided to raise an army first. Charlotte changed her name to big mom and has her own army, Edward is now known as Whitebeard, he also has an army. Even though they did not get the mission from Uranus, the pain of losing Rocks and the thirst for revenge has not gone away. I was the one who told Charlotte and Edward to protect Fish-man island. They are waiting for an opportunity to strike back at the World Government.”

“They will soon get their chance to fight the God Clan. Continue as you have, when the appointed time arrives you will know what to do.” Ezra said as he walked toward Kaido. “Seeing how much detail Uranus put into setting pieces in place for this last battle, I better hurry to Laughtale to complete the transformation.”

“On the murals in the castle, there are 4 guardians. Azure which I represent, there is also Red, Black and White. I am sure you will be meeting them soon.” Kaido said as he bowed his head towards Ezra.

“Thanks for all you have done.” Ezra’s voice sounded as his body gradually faded from the position he was standing.

In a wooden dojo built on the snow cap of a mountain in the icy Ringo region. An elderly samurai with a large and muscular build, wearing a red kimono which left his legs exposed sat on a tatami mat smoking out of a brown long pipe. He had long, wild hair of grey colour that was notably gathered into a large, flat, circular plane at the top, and also included a prominent widow's peak and triangular sideburns. He had relatively sharp, black eyes whose inner and outer corners were marked by black jags going down and up respectively, and above a pair of prominent, highly arched eyebrows. He also wore red eyeliner around his eyes, making them look even sharper. He had a mid-sized, slightly hooked nose, a large, expressive mouth, and a broad chin with a short grey goatee.

The elderly man looked into the distance while puffing his pipe. “My Family have been defending this scroll for over 800 years and today that duty is completed. I, Kozuki Oden, Former Shogun of Wano and current Daimyo of Ringo, leader of the Temple Defence Army, Greets, Ezra-dono!” Oden knelt in front of Ezra who appeared in the dojo with both his swords raised as an offering.

“You can imagine how surprised I was when I heard that you are still alive. All the information circulated in the marines about Wano has your death as one of the most important intel. Ok, that's enough with the salute, first Kaido, now you. It's a lot to get used to this new identity” Ezra said with a very helpless tone

“Ezra-dono, it's only because you have not completed your transformation, you do not know the responsibility that lies on your shoulders. Here is the secret scroll! It's time to awaken your champion from his slumber.” Oden said in reverence.

Ezra nodded his head as he received the scroll. Ezra did not know what to think, what Oden gave to him was a hardened water ball making it crystal-like. He walked out of the dojo unto the snowy mountain.


Activating the Umi Umi no Mi power cracked the water ball, releasing a parchment hidden within.


The old pluton was destroyed, and the plans are protected by the royal shipwright: Don family of Fishman Island

To awaken your champion, find the owner of the Gumu Gumu no Mi (Rubber Rubber Fruit). Call out his original name….. NIKA!


We sure have gotten this far. Looks like the next few chapters will almost bring most of the strawhats together.


As always if there are any errors, plot holes or just inconsistencies... let me know

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