Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 4 Chapter 17

A month went by after the meeting in Fish-man Island. Three events were taking place simultaneously in three locations in the world.

“Kaku, check the houses” a voice sounded out of the den den mushi

“No sign of Iceburg” Kaku replied. Kaku ran into the house in his orange and blue sleeves shirt, blue trousers and white hat covering most of his face except for his long nose. “Every room is empty, Kokoro, Chimney, Gombe .. all gone”

“Kalifa, check the office.” the same voice that had been speaking to Kaku sounded out of another den den mushi.

A slim, pretty woman with blue eyes and glasses was busy filing documents in the office. Her long strawberry-blonde hair was kept tied up in a bun. She ran into the office checking room to room. “No sign of Iceburg in the office. His note says he has a meeting at the docks.”

A tall and slim, yet muscular man in a white tank top with arched eyebrows and a close-shaved goatee. His black hair was tied in a ponytail as he ran with his pet pigeon perched on his right shoulder. Arriving at the docks, Rob Lucci saw all the members of the company working on the latest project. After asking around none of them had seen Iceburg that morning.

‘Shit! How am I to report this to Spandam’

“Boss! Boss! It is not just Iceburg who disappeared. Franky disappeared as well” Kaku’s voice sounded on the den den mushi

“Kaku, summon the others im afraid the mission is over. We need to get in contact with the base as soon as possible” Rob Lucci said with a frown on his face.


Arabasta Kingdom - Royal Tomb

“This is our only secret.” King Cobra said as he led Hara into the tomb. “We, the people of Arabasta owe a great debt to your Captain”

“Thank you for trusting us with this secret,” Hara replied as she stopped in front of the poneglyph to read its content. A diary entry of some sort. I have to translate more to understand it. 4 trees, Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel. Abel became the tree of knowledge at Ohara.. ‘Oh!’ Eve was given to the mermaid princess becoming the Sunlight Tree, Cain was damaged and left at the palace. Adam was split into two, one half was stone the other half was sent into the Florian Triangle. Note: The key material for making Pluton is Adam.

“Thank you King Cobra. I have all the information we need. You dont need to protect this with your life as it doesn't contain any information about the actual Pluton.” Hara bowed as she hurried out of the tomb. “Hatchan let's go!”


West Blue Academy

“Oh my, it has been a few years since I last saw you Law. It looks like you have matured under Atlant’s wings. You are even going on solo missions” the Dean commented.

“Grandma Dean, It's not a solo mission. We had to split up to get things done quicker.” Law replied embarrassed by the praise. “Captain told me to bring our comrades who left before us back home”

Hearing this the Dean got serious, she knew these people from when they were kids and had watched them grow, even though there was no blood connection, they were all one big family. A little tear slowly slid down her cheek.

“Eternal Marines we salute you!” All the instructors saluted and observed a min silence.

“Instructors, please give them a befitting Burial” she added.

“Yes Ma’am” they replied as they started moving the bodies from the vessel.

“Grandma Dean, The Captain also sent me here for another matter. Have you head of the Gomu Gomu no Mi! Captain seems to be interested in the fruit or its user.” Law asked

“Oh didn’t Garp mention it to you?” The Dean replied with a question, not sure how that information had not gotten to the Atlantis.

“No Ma’am, we have been in radio silence since we left the Atlantis,” Law replied

“Wait a minute let’s get the new recruits.” The Dean said with a smirk on her face.

I’m a little while the Dean came in with a baldy bruised group of kids. Law could only shake his head as he remembered those fun days at the academy, although his time was a short 6 months. The tailored training he received was enough to bring him nightmares.

“Attention! Let me introduce you to Trafalgar D. Law. A marine officer under Rear Admiral Atlant. He has a mission that involves one of you. Introduce yourself.” The Dean ordered.

“Sniper King and Future warlord of the sea, Captain Ussop” a mummified Ussop yelled

“World Greatest Swordsman, Roronoa Zoro” Zoro said holding 3 training swords over his shoulders.

“Best Navigator in the world, Nami Bellemere”

“Marine Coby”

“Marine Helmeppo”

“Marine Jonny”

“Marine Yosaku”

Nojiko looked at the overly excited bunch. She could not believe the introductions she was hearing. It looks like Luffy's influence has started affecting them.


“Yellow Scarf: Monkey D. Luffy, Codename Atlan”

Everyone could not but hide their face in shame. It looks like Luffy adores Atlant that he chose a similar code name.

“Oh...What fruit did you eat? I was once a yellow scarf as well after eating the Op Op fruit.” Law was surprised by the naming choice but was intrigued by the boy with the same name as Garp.

“I ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi (Rubber Rubber fruit).”

“I see” ‘So he is the one!’ Law thought. “Very well, you all can continue with your training! While I wait for the rest of my team. With the war coming you all will have to improve as fast as you can.” With that law dismissed them looking at the smiling Dean

“What an impressive bunch,” the Dean said, before Law could reply a buried voice could be heard as well as hoofs clattering on the floor. “Sorry I’m late: My name is Tony Tony Chopper.”

“How odd, how can a reindeer speak,” Law asked

“I was lucky enough to eat the Zoan Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Human, this led to me being exiled from the tribe until Rear Admiral Dalmatian found me on Drum Island.” Chopper replied as he transformed from a four-legged reindeer into a hairy man.

“So you are the one Dalmatian spoke about, very well you can join the others!” The Dean replied pointing towards the group that was making their way towards the training ground.

“What an interesting bunch” Law replied as he watched Chopper run towards the instructors.

COVID hitting hard, taking some time to get better. Will release if I can

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