Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 4 Chapter 19 (I)

The past year was a quiet year for everyone. The marines, the World Government, the Revolutionary Army, Criminals even Pirates ceased all activities. The silence brought uneasiness to the common man who was sitting on the fence, caught in the middle of the war to come.

During this time the Marine Corps had finalised its restructuring forming a defence camp. Monkey D. Garp was named Commander in Cheif of the Marine Corps. Underneath him were 3 independent armies.

The Marines were officially placed under Fleet Admiral Kuzan, training, administration and deployment have already been finalised, and Admirals Issho, Gion and Tokikake have been appointed to lead the war front. The second army announced in the ranks of the Marine Corps was the Revolutionary Army led by new appointed Fleet Admiral Monkey D. Dragon. The last Army officially announced was the Atlanteans as so far the smallest of the 3. The Atlanteans will be led by the one and only Fleet Admiral Atlant. 

During this past year, rumours of a fourth army started spreading, bounty hunters, civilians, former slaves and fish-men. This was a mixed army that took in anyone and everyone. This army was to be led by Admiral Dalmatian. No one could hide the news of some Marine officers deflecting or resigning, one of the names that caused a few waves was former Vice Admiral Tsuru. 


During this year, all recruits in every academy were receiving specialised training from their instructors. Snipers were trained in one thing to kill at distance, Swordmen the way of the sword, no matter the weapon that was chosen there was an instructor allocated to teach. The academies focused on battle exposures and live battles to turn the recruits into soldiers.

The West Blue Academy paid special attention to its recruits. As well as receiving the standard training. Enhanced weapons were allocated to each recruit, this was only possible with the level of engineering of the academy and the materials brought back from Wano.

Nojiko had improved to a deadeye sniper with a 95% accuracy and had picked up a new nickname from her training. The instructors christened her as Payload.

Ussop worked with the engineering team to develop a unique weapon. The weapon created was an unconventional Slingshot with five bands connected to a long staff. Unlike Nojiko who went down the conventional sniper route, Ussop went down the gadgeteer sniper route. His ammunition made him a jack of all trade sniper that was a master of tricks as well as his deadly aim.

In addition to Nojiko’s and Ussop's transformation, Helmeppo, Jonny, Yosaku and Coby all changed physically over the year. The aura each of them carried now was no different from battle-bred marines. 

Franky’s upgrade had been completed, making the former half-cyborg complete his transformation. Iron Franky had more weapons installed than the Iron soldier on the Atlantis. Laws usage of the Op Op Fruit had improved since the operation on Iron Soldier, this allowed for more weapons to be fitted to the frame of Iron Franky making him a walking fortress.

There was no physical change to Nami during this period. Although she trained to keep up with the team, most of her time was spent in the library and lecture rooms learning from the best navigators and communication experts, the academy had to offer. Her genius mind was off the chart and her understanding of the sea quickly earned her the name Waverider.

Cute and cuddly chopper over this year had taken a step into being more man than reindeer. His improvement was by far the most noticeable amongst all the recruits. His people interaction all the way to combat improved. His hard work payoff making him one of the strongest members of the current group. His most praised transformation was when he perfected his Full man transformation making him more of a human, he could also change the shape and size of the man-body almost making him a master of disguise.

Currently, on the training field, 3 battles were happening simultaneously. At one stage Instructor Y, the kicks specialist was having a live combat training with Sanji. In previous years this would have been a sparing session but this year, Sparing became a beat-down and near-death experience for the recruits. This was a battlefield.

“Diable Jambe”

This was a technique Sanji perfected over the year. Sanji spawn on the spot until his right leg was set ablaze.

“Flambe Shoot” 

Sanji jumped in the air sending a kick to the side of Instructor Y. The flaming effect of the Diable Jambe added an explosive effect.

Instructor Y, stood there with his arms ready to block “Armament Haki”. His arms reinforced with Haki took the full force of the Kick, without waiting for Sanji to land he performed a reverse kick.

“Sky Hop”

Using the air as a platform Sanji acrobatically changed his position avoiding the kick. While in the air he tumbled down with this leg outstretched, gaining speed by spinning aiming to slam his heel on the top of the instructor's head.


Instructor Y sidestepped the attack and the battle continued with neither party giving in, any mistake made was punished immediately.

On the other side Instructor Q, was having a battle with Luffy. 

“Gomu Gomu no Pistol” 

Luffy stretched his arm back as he threw a punch at Instructor Q who in turn blocked the attack. Luffy did not stop there using the momentum of the initial punch launched his second attack

“Gomu Gomu no Gattling”

Luffy threw punch after punch using the stretching ability of his body to bring a blurry barrage of strong punches toward Instructor Q. The instructor increased his speed evading every attack. 

“Instructor you are still too fast for me, I can barely touch you without using that technique,” Luffy said enjoying the battle.

“Yes, remember heat makings rubber softer, in your case heat make your body quicker, and like heated rubber, you can change its shape more easily when it is heated. But we also know the opposite happens when heat is removed, Rubber can harden. You have perfected this hot and cold technique over this year. It is almost time for you to graduate from my training” Instructor Q said as he continued to evade Luffy's attacks.

On the other side of the field, a strange battle was taking place. Instructor M and Zoro stood in attack stances10m distance between them. If one looked closely, it could be seen that both the instructor and Zoro had their eyes closed. Zoro had his 3 swords drawn, one in each hand and one held with his teeth, on the other hand, the instructor had a mighty greatsword about 2m long. Although no one moved, attack marks could be seen all over the training ground. The seriousness of the battle could be seen by the pool of sweat forming under Zoro.


Marineford Meeting Room

“Magellan! What happened in Impel Down” Garp said as he looked at the large man in front of him. The man had a face that resembles a mandrill, with very sharp teeth. Aside from this black and white uniform, he was wearing bat wings and horn-like ornaments on his head.

“Commander in Chief, The World Government has taken control of Impel Down. The officers stationed there were either killed or deflected to the Celestial Navy. I believe they plan to conscript the prisons, especially those in Level 6 to fight for them” Magellan reported.

“This is not good, we put those guys in there for justice now we have to fight them all over again. This is going to be one tough battle. Magellan, thank you for coming to see me after your recent experience. Go to Admiral Dalmatian, you can serve under him as a Vice Admiral. We will need all the hands we can get for the coming battle” Garp ordered. “Tell Dalmatian we need to speed up the 4th Army’s recruitment as well.”


On the Atlantis

“Captain we are now entering the land of Giants,” Shield announced over the speakers

“Very well, let us get ready to make big friends,” Ezra said as he activated his power

“Water Giant Clone”

A  blue giant made entirely of water could be seen rising from the sea making its way to the shores of Elbaf.

Feeling a bit better now, still got a cough but life goes on. Part 1 uploaded... Hopefully, Part 2 will be released tomorrow

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