Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 4 Chapter 22

Inside the screen was a different location. Ezra could not tell if he was still inside the castle or had been transported to another location. He was covered in darkness and could not make out anything other than the ground on which he stood. He knew he had to investigate this new place, as soon as he took a step forward hanging braziers lit up with blue fire one after the other leading towards a centre platform.

A voice sounded out from the darkness “Come, Child of D! Come!”

Ezra knew right away that this was not Uranus. There was a different entity in this place. He was not sure if this new being was a friend or foe. He could only put his guard up as he made his way towards the centre.

On the centre platform, there were two beings standing side by side. A watery man who Ezra had been a sort of mentor to Ezra, Uranus. Next to him was a small transparent dragon hovering in the air.

“You finally made it here!” Uranus said “It is time you knew the full story. But, I won't be the one to tell you. Dovah here will tell you everything you need to know.” As soon as Uranus finished speaking he disappeared leaving Ezra and Dovah alone on the platform.


“A few years ago, another D made it to this Island. He was exceptionally gifted. Even though he knew nothing of the heritage of the D, he was able to tap into his bloodline to hear my voice. After making it here he found out some history of the world but chose to burn his bloodline to retrieve 4 fruits reducing his lifespan in the process. I believe he was called Roger. Before him another made it here with a unique constitution, I entrusted the Azure fruit to him only because of the perseverance he showed while meditating at the Door to the End which you just came in from, I believe his name was Kaido. I have been monitoring this world since I was born and although people call me Dovah that is not my name, my real name is “Will of D”, I am the spirit of this world, Dovah World.” The dragon took a pause. “What I am about to tell you might seem strange, but the world that you will be exposed to from now on will be something you have to get used to as soon as possible because your enemy will not allow you the luxury.”

“The God Realm has two important rules when Gods wage wars no other God is allowed to join the battle for dominance. For a God to join the mortal realm, the Godhead will have to be extracted. Uranus was the God of Dovah and his enemy the God of another world. Uranus loved his people so much that he gave up his Godhead in order to live amongst them, seeing his absence, his enemy thought they could take over his rule forcing him to do their bidding.

Uranus shattered his Godhead which in turn created 4 trees and the Dovah Fruits which you all call Devil Fruits. He pulled his enemy into Dovah forcefully extracting the Godhead but didn't know how prepared his enemy was. Using the Godhead as a medium the person (whose name I cannot mention) summoned a great army which started the war hundreds of years ago.

Many fell during that battle and the world was destroyed. Uranus, the Mermaid princess and Champion Nika stood alongside others to defend Dovah. In the last attack, Uranus used his power to disrupt the sea but he fell before the attack I tried to keep the world together but my power was slowly siphoned by that person.

For your final transformation, you will need the remainder of my power as well as the other arrangement of Uranus. You need to ascend to the DemiGod position of Dovah, after the final battle the Godhead which is connected to Dovah is your key to Godhood. My job here is done” After rushing through the story in a monologue,  the dragon flew straight into the centre of Ezra's forehead. 

Ezra was baffled. The story shattered everything he knew of the world. He had alot of questions but Dovah had disappeared. The awkward dragon had probably not interacted with anyone in a very long time. 

“Rose D. Ezra!!!! You now know about the past, you have experienced the present but the future has not been written. Are you ready to take your place as the God Candidate for Dovah? Are you ready to save this world?” Uranus's voice filled the room

“Yes!” Ezra replied after settling the emotions in his mind

“Eat the Horn Snake Fruit!”

Ezra at this moment knew it was not about being the greatest marine. He was going to be the God of this world, he was going to bring peace to the world. He took the Horn Snake fruit and placed it in his mouth.


Da Doom

Da Doom

His heartbeat sounded louder and louder until his heart ripped out of his chest floating in front of his body. 

Blood poured out of his ears, mouth, nose and eyes. His skin disintegrated and his bones grounded into fine powder. His muscles stretched like rubber and his flesh rolled into a ball.


Uranus watching the transformation sighed. 

‘Ezra, the trust you have for me is impressive. If I had evil plans this would be the best time to take over your body at your weakest. But my time is up, the new Dovah will need a new God. This is my last gift to you and my last act as ruler of Dovah.’

A blue crystal flew out of the watery man and slowly merged with the floating beating heart.

“Now is the time Dovah, Lend me your power” He shouted



As the transformation was happening in a location in the world. Dragon roars could be heard in every area of the world. In a castle on Kuraigana Island, a black-haired man with a huge black sword stood up as a black aura poured into the ground from his body. A huge aura glow could be seen through the eye socket of the skull at Onigashima. The red force ship was radiating a red aura as it sailed over the seas in the new world. In an underground location, a man with a red tattoo on the left side of his face sat on a meditation mat as a white aura poured into the ground from his body.


The seas all over the world experienced a great change, The current in each sea stopped as supernatural calm could be felt from the sea. The sea breeze seized to blow and the skies all cleared up. The pirates sailing at this point could do nothing as their ships all stopped moving.


The world stopped as they listened to the roar over and over again. The Celestials also listened to the roars but that was it. Only one person knew who that creature was, a silhouette of a man could be seen looking into the sky. His red irises could be seen under his crown which had four incredibly tall spikes. 

“Your Majesty Im!”  someone called the attention of the silhouette

“Get everyone ready, it's almost time. I need to go back to my main body. Everything will be left to you now. Vegapunk” Im said before disappearing from the throne room.

Seconds turned to Minutes.

Minutes turned to Hours

On the 12th hour since the first dragon roar was heard.

Supernatural phenomena appeared in different parts of the world, deserts were drowned in water, and trees grew out of flat grounds. The sea receded in some parts, the tsunamis appeared in others. The most surprising one of all was the sea splitting outside Sabaody Archipelago. 

Back in the transformation room, a Blue dragon could be seen floating in the air surrounded by 7 watery balls which contained unique stars.


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