Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 4 Chapter 24 (I)

“300, 301, 302, 303, 304…..”

“Keep going, a little more pain on the training ground will allow you to survive longer in the war! Raise your voices, add some spirit!” an instructor was monitoring the training at the West Academy training ground.

Although Doc, Hara and No.13 were not on the Atlantis, they never stopped their high-intensity training.


“Hara, you have finally exceeded your limit. Your previous best was 800! Now you can get up to 815, you need to complete 10 more to finish your training” No 13 said while she continued her training. Law who was watching in the corner was sitting in a horse stance performing punches.

The 3 officers busy with training all received the same message at the same time in their minds. It was not a clear transmission more like a nudge, instinct or intuition pushing them to find more about Jaya and Shandia while being careful.

“Jaya! That name sounds familiar.” Hara said out loud. “I remember reading some scripts about that place when I was still at Ohara. I think we will need to visit the library here to get more information. If I remember correctly…. A part of Jaya disappeared from the face of the world.”

“No.13 you are the most senior officer, is it okay to leave the information gathering of Jaya to you? I and Hara, along with the Strawhats will get Adam ready for the trip to Jaya” Doc announced as he slowly stood up, stretching his legs while making his way to the exit.

“I think that was Brains mind transmission, we can conclude that his skill has improved once again. I will get the intel we need. We need to make haste! The last information from Marineford indicated an assault on the new stronghold built outside Mary Geoise. Let's get busy!” No.13 said as she pumped her fist in the air.

Marineford, Captain Training Ground.

Every Captain, new or old except the officers on the Atlantis were gathered for a battle briefing. 

“Everyone you have all gone above and beyond in this last year and a half. It is time to fight for our survival.

Just because we stood for the people, we fought against tyranny and oppression! We said no to turning a blind eye to injustice and abuse! Here we stand as the condemned to be wiped out of history. I refuse to have such an ending! So do you, since you stayed behind.

In the past, the marines have always tried to capture our prisoners. I must remind you that this is a war! It is going to be kill or be killed as soon as the battle starts. The rest is up to you.

Our Armies have been formed and trained. We will go on the attack! The R-Amry has bases all over the world. We will use these as rally points. Our aim in the next few months is to raid and destroy any stronghold.” Commander in Chief, Monkey D. Garp announced. Beside him were the fleet Admirals for the Marines and R-Army, Kuzan and Dragon respectively. Dalmatian was also present as the Admiral of the bounty hunter armada.

“Set out!”

“Is everything ready on your side Doc?” 

“Yes, No.13! Adam is ready to set sail. Everyone is ready as well. How about the information about Jaya?” Doc asked in reply 

“Jaya according to the map is located between the Kingdom of Arabasta and Water 7. Both places we have been to in the last year. There was an extract I found in the book that talks about Jaya, it says that the current landmass forming the island is only half of what it should be. This is in line with the comment that Hara made earlier. A reference was made to a biography of an explorer called Mont Norland Blac of Lvneel Kingdom. I did some extra digging. I found that this explorer stated that Jaya was a lot bigger, and was the home to the Shandians in their city of gold. This was never confirmed and he was punished by the King of Lvneel. We need to make our way to Jaya to investigate for ourselves.” No.13 replied.

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