Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe

Volume 4 Chapter 7

Ring Ring

“Old man Z, how is the new arm?” Garp asked 

“Getting used to it, it's not like my old one but the design is not bad and its power is incredible.” Instructor Z replied

“Are you aware of the current situation going on in the world? Celestial Navy and the upcoming war?” Garp asked

“Yes, Don't worry all of this started because Ezra went to avenge me and my men. I will pull together all my supporters, we will stand by you when the time comes.” Instructor Z said. He had never liked the way the World Government handled the pirates; A pirate massacred his whole family and village, a pirate also took his hand and his beloved students. Why should he continue to put them on a pedestal, ‘The revenge I need can only be achieved by this war.’ he thought to himself.

“That's good to know, anyways for now I need you to head back to base with Ainz and Binz. I want you to be in charge of training a New Elite team to the Admiral or Vice Admiral level. Unfortunately, we have lost all communication with Ezra, I am sure he will power up even more on his journey.” Garp said

“Which candidates are you planning to lead the Marines, are we sticking to the old structure?” Instructor Z asked

“No, not really. There will be 3 - 4 independent armies that will be managed by a central command post. This is all we could come up with in a short time. The necessary arrangements have been made. Pulling all our resources around the world back, we have formed a Marine Army that will be led by Fleet Admiral Kuzan, The revolutionary Army has been conscripted also, they will be forming the R-Amry and will be led by their leader now Fleet Admiral Dragon. Your army of trainees will be sent to join the Atlanteans forming a Sea Army, we will be promoting Rose D. Ezra to the rank of Admiral. Lastly, a bounty hunter Army is being arranged and the person to lead this army is none other than Dalmatian, he needs a power up to the Admiral level. In the command post, we will have 3 Admiral level powerhouses Gion, Tokikake and a new enlisted marine Issho the blind.” Garp reported all the plans that were already in motion.

“You have been busy. To have thought about it so carefully. It seems you were able to predict this outcome a while ago. Will I be sitting in the command post also?” Instructor Z asked

“Yes, Old guys like us can only hold the fort down. When the time comes to head into battle, we will go together.” Garp said with a smile, the underlying meaning of his words was understood by Z. ‘When it's time for us to die, we will die together

“That's fine by me,” Instructor Z replied.


Somewhere in the depths of the seas, Atlantis and the crew moved in the direction of the current leading them to an Island.

“How are the systems? Is everything ok!” Ezra asked as he walked onto the Bridge.

“Captain, the journey is progressing as you instructed. We have been going with the flow of the sea current we got into right outside Dressrosa. If we continue on this route we will be ending up at Onigashima Island, previously known as Wano country.” Shields mentioned, he was a little worried because their journey so far had been too smooth. The campaign in Dressrosa should have created huge waves in the world, but they had disappeared right after leaving the others to clean up.

“Shields, you worry too much! What will happen will happen. There will be a huge mess when we go back to land. It should be fun to see which side the marines will take ours or will they sit still to be destroyed” Brains said with a laugh.

“True, there is no point worrying about it” Shield replied shyly, over the trip each person has been training to guard their minds to avoid external influences. He knew his moment of doubt must have allowed Brains access to his thoughts.

“Don't worry, keep going this way! There seems to be something calling to me on that island.” Ezra said calmly. ”What pirate group is in control of this island?”

“The island is controlled by the Beast Emperor Kaido” Bomber replied.

‘I see! If my thoughts are correct. The first aura I felt should be something left behind for me to retrieve on this journey to the beginning, while the second aura should be of Kaido. But why did his aura feel so familiar yet so different’ Ezra thought to himself as the discussion came to a halt and everyone returned to their posts.

“Doc, how is Hara and Clown’s training going?” Ezra asked

“Captain, using some of the scientific training methods and pills Clown designed we were able to push both of them from beginner to elite marines. With a bit more training they should be touching on Haki and releasing some uses of Ki.” Doc reported

“Ok, keep up with the gradual training. There is no need to rush, haste makes waste.” Ezra said as he walked out of the bridge. “Get everyone to prepare, we will be going on an adventure in Wano”


On the outskirts of Syrup village, a sleepy community was surrounded by grasslands, dirt trails, hills, and forests. This gentle village was located on Gecko Island in East Blue. Anchored at the shore was a 2-mast Caravel class ship with a sheep figurehead. The ship's armaments consisted of four cannons, one in the bow pointing forward, one in the stern, and two pointing to either side. The brown wooden deck and cabin, the white and red striped back sail, the cream front sail, the crow's nest, and the ropes, bolts and joints are all brand new.

“Thank you for saving my life and this island. Are you sure all you want is a ship?” Kaya said. She was a slim and pale-skinned girl with blonde hair. She has wide brown eyes, that are of a sort of lighter shade. She was from the richest family in Syrup village and the one who the Black Cat Pirates planned to murder to claim her wealth. Despite her fortune, she was wearing a common plain long dress.

“Yes, no sweat. Someone was ready to stake his life for it” Luffy replied with a grin as he stretched his hand to the mast of the ship, before pulling himself onboard.

“This ship is beautiful. This is more than we expected” Nami replied as she happily inspected the ship.”What is its name?”

“I called it the Going Merry. I am Merry, a Butler under the service of Miss Kaya” a tall, curly lamb’s fleece-haired man said, was wearing a black suit with a fleece collar.

“Thank you, it is beautiful,” Nami added.

Boarding the ship was a green-haired, muscular swordsman of average height with tanned skin. He was carrying three swords along with him, bundled up with a green haramaki over his right hip. He has three identical gold earrings on his left earlobe. A black bandana was tied around his left bicep. He was wearing a white shirt with three udon buttons at the collar and black trousers tucked inside his black boots. Next was a pink-haired boy, who was followed by a yellow mushroomed hair boy.

“Zoro, we have a ship, our journey should be quicker now.” Luffy smiled

“Okay!. Why don't we leave Coby and Helmeppo on this peaceful” Zoro asked

“Nami will be leaving us soon, Coby’s dream is to become a marine. While Helmeppo signed himself as your sword carrier for a year to atone for his crimes. Either way, we need to train them a little bit, don't you think.” Luffy said with a smile.

“Don't look at me like that, your thoughts are written all over your face.” Zoro replied, before turning to the boys, “My training won't be easy, if you are not careful you might die. It might be safe for you both to quit now, stay on this island where you will be treated as heroes.”

“My dream is to be like Rear Admiral Atlant. I will become a Marine” Coby, already influenced by Luffy’s straightforward character, blurted out without thinking, only after realising all eyes were on him, he looked towards his feet in embarrassment.

“Over the past few days, I have reflected on my previous way of life. I have realised that My father is the only great one and I was leeching off his fame. I will make a name for myself, I will stand on my own two feet from now on.” Helmeppo spoke passionately.

“Very well, no going back!” Zoro said with a smile that made him look like a green-haired devil.

“Luffy everything is ready, we are ready to sail” Nami reported as she made her way to the Helm.

“Not yet we are still missing one person,” Luffy said as he looked up the hill, in the direction of the village.

“Ok, Ussop pirate crew has already been disbanded. I will head out to the open seas to make a name for myself. After that, I can find my father, No I will be so famous my father will come to find me. HAHAHAHAHA. Everything is packed. I need to avoid that group, even though they helped fight against Captain Kuro and the Black Cat Pirates, at the end of the day, our destinations are very different. I need to slip off quietly before anyone realises.” A long nose, a slim tan-skinned teenager with medium-length black afro hair said as he walked out of the house. He was wearing an olive green checkered bandanna and a blue and white striped armband on his left arm. He was wearing a brown overall with no shirt underneath, a white sash and a yellow satchel on his shoulders. “I better lock the doors since I don't know how long I will be gone for”

He did not notice the stretched hand behind him until it gripped him on his shoulders dragging him with speed towards the shore.

“Gomu Gomu no Mi (Rubber Rubber Fruit): Stretch”

“Argh wait, WAIT, WAIT! I don't want to be a Marine!” Ussop cried as he flew towards the Going Merry which was already leaving the shores.

“GOOD LUCK! Ussop, the Greatest Warrior of the seas” Kaya screamed with all her might as tears streamed down her face.


Somewhere on Mary Geoise a grand turnout of ex-marines and pirates who had already answered the call of the World Government.

“I am Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, I don't care what you were before today. Marine or Pirate. The fact that you are standing here now, tells me you are ready to become a member of the new Navy. The next year will be dedicated to training you all to be officers fit to carry the responsibility of the Celestial Navy. there is no better way to prove to the world than to show our superiority over the old Marine Corp. Forget everything you knew previously, we will be turning you into cold-blooded soldiers. There are currently two Admirals Borsalino and Ryokugyu. The following people have been selected to join the Admiral program Momonga, Doberman, Strawberry, Onigumo, Yamakaji, and Comil.” He announced before finishing his speech “Weakness will not be tolerated! WE ARE JUSTICE!”


Please comment away as always

Chapter might not be as frequent as before, I am not getting as much time to write these days. I am relocating at the end of the month, with a lot of paperwork and things to do in the current country before I leave.

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