Green Life

A sudden change – chapter 32

[ Seikatsu... ]

My body started shaking.

[ You need to wake up... ]

I slowly open my eyes and saw a young girl that was shaking my body.

Her face was blurred. I couldn't see her clearly...

[ Please wake up! ]

Shut up, let me sleep!

[ They are coming!! You need to get out of here!! Wake up... ]


I opened my eyes and noticed the head of a girl laying on the ground without its body.

[ WAKE UP!! ]

[ WOAAH!! ] ( Hatsuko )

My body immediately got up.

It was already morning.

I saw the things around me.

I was sleeping on the dead body of the monster which I had killed yesterday.

But what the hell was that??!

I think I've seen similar dreams like that...

Huh, dreams?


For a moment I was in thoughts.


Yesterday I fell asleep while checking my stats.

Oh right, my status!



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 90.643/90.643

STR: 9.899

MC (mental capacity): 10.860

AGI: 32.920

VIT: 12.999

DEF: 24.902

Soul collected: 9.879/10.000

Condition: Healthy,

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Auto fight ) ( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion) ( Life Draining ) ( Telekinesis ) ( Limit breaker ) ( killing intent ) ( Boost ) ( X10 eyes ) ( Aura sense ) ( Eyes of destruction ) etc



I already knew what the new skills I got were the moment I thought about them.

With poison resistance now I can eat whatever I find and it wouldn't harm me at all.

I can create fake images or scenes to someone using Illusion.

I can also use telekinesis. I don't know the limit of this skill yet, I will test it out later.

Boost, I can increase my status.

X10 eyes, I can see things clearly from far away.

Now I can sense auras in a 6 km range.

And lastly "eyes of destruction" I can destroy the vitals of my enemies using this.

But now what I don't know is why I have "etc"?

{ Answer: Other skills are not unlocked }

Not unlocked?

What do I have to do to unlock those?


[ Well fuck those other skills! I don't need them! I have everything I need with only " Materialization" ] ( Hatsuko )

I created countless katanas floating above me while I said that.

I couldn't stop grinning.

I don't need to get excited yet!

Firstly I need to test out something.

Since I could use telekinesis that means I could use it on myself as well?

I tried making myself float but nothing happened. My body didn't move an inch.

Maybe it doesn't work on living things.

I grabbed one of the katanas which was floating above me.

While I gripped it hard, I felt myself floating.

I made all of the Katanas disappear. And I safely land on the ground.

I see...

I can't make myself float but I could make it using other objects.

I created a thin layer on my feet and my hands using "Materialization"

It's transparent and green but it's barely noticeable from a distance.

I used "Telekinesis" on those. Using telekinesis isn't that difficult. All I need to do is think about it consciously or unconsciously. This must be because my mental capacity increased a lot.

My whole body started floating slowly.

I felt a light pressure on my hands and feet.

Even if I made any reckless moves I don't think it could harm my body since I've put a layer of protection on my whole body.

After reaching a certain height I could see the whole forest.

Wait it's all trees?

( Authors note: always has been! )

I was lost in the middle of nowhere.

I couldn't see any sight of any buildings even with my "10X eyes"

Just how far have I gone?

I had no lead of where to go. This made me really irritated.

I went even higher in the sky.

The air was getting thinner but I didn't let that bother me.

But suddenly...


Something fast flew past me.

I used my "10X eyes" on that thing and noticed.

It was a white-clothed man with wings on his back.

An Angel?

I tried seeing its status...

I wanted to fight it but the moment I thought about it, I felt an unimaginable, insane pressure on my body.

My breath got really hard.

So that's an angel...

The aura of that thing is making me feel pain!

Even with my skills, I won't beat it. Just the thought of it made me like that.

I got back on the ground and started catching my breath.


I hated myself for being weak.

Just because I got some skills doesn't mean I got stronger!

I thought I changed from that weak pathetic me from the past.

Just what changed within me?

Am I still the same as that Mixer who used to get bullied?

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

{ Skill unlocked: ??? }

[ AGHHH! ] ( Hatsuko )

I started holding my head in pain.

The ground also started shaking.

{ Skill activated: ??? }

Am I still me? Stop it!

Betrayed? Yes!

Bullied? Yes!

Looked down on? Yes!


I don't know, I don't know!


Where am I? The forest of monster, home.







Stop it...


Stop it!




The moment I came back to senses I noticed that everything around me...

Was gone!

All of the trees, monsters were completely gone.

All that was left was a wasteland. Like a deserted place with no life.

On the ground, burned places and ashes could be seen.

The burning places were spread the way like some kind of bomb had exploded.

And in the center of it... was me!

* * *

Hatsuko stood there in shock at what was happening.

He couldn't gather his thoughts.

All that was left inside him was anger and destruction!

Hatsuko started flying towards someplace where he could rest. It didn't matter where as long as no one was there.

* * *



At the Sakuru school, a young girl entered.

She was a short girl with brown eyes and long brown hair.

While she was walking on the hallways of the school, everyone was muttering words.

[ So cute! ]

[ Who is she? ]

[ A student here maybe? ]

[ isn't she a middle schooler, she couldn't be a student here! ]

[ Hey who is that? ]

[ So little and cute!!! ]

Some girls were screaming things like that.

The young girl entered the Principals room.

In the principal's room were also the supervisors.

[ Ah, she's finally here! ]

The principal said in a relieved tone.

[ Who is she? ]

One of the supervisors asked.

[ She is Lily Gee, the genius developer of weapons on Sakuru country! She will be helping us make new powerful weapons! ]

The principal happily answered.

The supervisors were surprised since Lily was a young girl. And she was even considered a genius.

[ I never got the chance to ask but are my parents safe? ]

She asked with a serious face.

[ There are no information about them, I'm sorry! ]

The expression on Lily's face didn't change a bit. While all of the other girls that are the same age as Lily would be crying if they heard this kind of news, Lily didn't react at all.

[ Also your brother Hatsuko... He didn't return from the first monster combat outside the country.. ]

Lily clenched her fists and took a deep breath.

[ WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DID NOT RETURN? What kind of idea did you have to send a weak student to fight monsters? ] ( Lily )

There was no response.

After calming down a little, the principal gave a bracelet to Lily to show the way to her brother's room.

There was nothing she could say anymore.

She left the room of the principal and headed towards Hatsukos room.




She reached Hatsukos room.

But while she was unlocking the door of her brother's room, she heard a sudden voice.

[ why do you have the key to that room? ] ( Raiden )

The voice that belonged to a boy asked her.

She turned around and saw a strange guy.

[ This is the room of my brother, what do you want? ]

She answered with an angry expression. She was still angry with what the principal said, so she couldn't keep her cool.

[ Hatsuko's sister huh... ] ( Raiden )

He said while he left.

"What a weird person"

Lily thought while she entered the room.

She didn't want to get bothered so she made sure to lock the door from the inside.

Meanwhile outside on the hallways of the dorms was Raiden with a smirk on his face.

" So he had a cute sister huh... Well, thanks for the gift Hatsuko! I'll make sure to enjoy her! "

Raiden's thoughts went wild as he was leaving.

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