Green Life

Brain infection – chapter 30

In a far place, 400 km away from Sakuru, remains a small village surrounded by barricades and deadly traps for monsters.

There used to be a city here but ever since the disaster, only 122 people managed to survive and build this safe zone. They were also helped by Sakuru with their survival needs and protection.

Soldiers had managed to build this area as a base for their missions to find any remaining survivors. Even if it seemed pointless, Sakuru wanted to save all the people that had managed to survive. They didn't wish to let any more people die.

In this village, mostly live women and kids that are trying to heal their painful memories of that day! Some of them were being helped by special psychologists to erase their trauma from losing their parents.

Some of them didn't even want to accept the fact that everything that had happened was real.

This is what that place was about!

A peaceful place where any monsters shouldn't be around that zone.


Or so it was!

Now it had turned into a nightmare!


Hours ago...

After soldiers had found some unconscious people, they decided to bring them inside the village to have them healed. When they found them, they decided to not waste any time and have them treated as soon as possible. That was their duty after all.

Protecting and rescuing people.

Those unconscious people had their skin ripped in different places and it had taken a gray color. They seemed to be having difficulties in breathing and their flesh was becoming more and more rotten. The soldiers thought at first that this was the work of some monster who wanted to eat them.

But before those people could be treated, they opened their eyes and started scratching and biting other males that were around them. The doctors started screaming in pain as they were being attacked by them and the next moment, they start attacking their own colleagues.

From the outside of the mini-hospital, screams could be heard.


[ S-s-stay away from me!!! No, no wait, please! AAAAAAAAHH ]


No one was nearby the mini-hospital so those screaming weren't heard by any villagers or soldiers.

After those people were attacked, their skin would turn gray and eyes yellow. After these changes, they would stand up and attack other people by biting their necks or ripping out their guts from their stomachs.

Some of them had biting marks on their body, some would have a missing leg or arm, but they weren't bothered by this at all.

Those people had already lost their minds.

They weren't the same.

It was the same as if they were being controlled by something.

A brain virus that could be spread through blood contact or any other body fluids.

This infection would make other people lose their understandings and the only thing they want was to satisfy their own needs.

Even after some time had passed this infection could not be stopped. Soldiers were trying to kill them off with guns but that was pointless. The infected one would stand up again with bullets inside their skin as if nothing had happened. Some of them would even have their brains spilled out.

And soon this is where the nightmare began.

The infected ones started eating other males and when they would find any females...

They would rape them!

The kids weren't excluded. Even when they screamed for help no one came.

After the infected would rape a woman, they'd eat them afterward.

[ No please don't!!! ]

A girl around 16 was surrounded by other infected people. The girl understood her situation and what would happen if she was caught by those things.

She started running but reached a dead end.

There was no way to escape.

From behind those infected ones who were about to rape the girl was a view of more infected people who were raping girls.

The girl recognized her friends and their mothers who were being raped and eaten alive!

Even if they screamed for help or begged for them to stop, the infected people would continue ripping through the children's hymen, and women's womb while gushing out their guts.

[ P-p-please I-i'm begging you stop!!! ]

[ AAAAH!! ]

[ Please at least spare my child!! I'm begging you!! ]

[ Mamma it hurts, WAAAAAAAHH!!! ]



This place was filled with sorrow screaming by women and kids.

She started crying after seeing what was happening to her friends. She begged God for help.

"Please God, if you still have a little mercy for me please save me from this place"

She begging on her mind while trying to find a way to escape this place.

The infected ones got closer to the girl and grabbed her hands.


They started ripping off her clothes and pushed her down easily.

More than 3 infected ones with their dicks out were about to rape the girl.

Her eyes were filled with tears.

She wanted to hide her pussy and Chest but her arms were locked by 2 other infected from her both sides.

"It's over" was what she thought.

Her legs started being forcefully spread by those people with rotten gray flesh.

She was terrified and disgusted by such a thing.

At any moment she would be raped but...

Sounds of slashing could be heard.

All the attention of the infected people were directed towards that sound.

The girl was released.

All of the infected were running towards that sound.

From the girl's pov (Point of view) a person could be seen. He started slashing one after another infected people with his transparent green katana.

At the split of the second, those who were infected started falling apart as if they were being sliced 1 billion times. Some of them were burned alive and some started eating each other.

The girl caught a little glimpse of a boy with ripped and blood-stained clothes.

She couldn't see him perfectly since he was moving at an enormous speed.

Floating rocks were crushing the infected and some of them would explode. The remaining infected started puking out blood and weird fluids out of their mouths. Their bodies started falling apart.

Light returned to the girl's eyes as she was watching her savior.

Her prayers were heard by God and sent her a hero that would save his heroine.

Her face started blushing and tears of joy appeared on her face.

[ My h-hero! *sniff* ]


But reality was different!

After all the infected people were down, the boy started slashing the women and children who were being raped some moments ago.

[ W-why? ]

The girl asked while looking at her last hope who was killing everyone.

What was left was the ripped bodies of all the people who used to live in this village.

The girl lost the balance of her body and fell down.


In front of her was not a hero...

But a devil!!

The boy was slowly coming towards the last remaining girl. The boy now could be seen more clearly. His face and hands were filled with the blood of his enemies. And his transparent green katana was clean as if the blood was being absorbed by it. The boy had an expressionless face and his eyes remained the same as if nothing had happened.

[ W-why are you doing this? ]

She desperately asked.

But the boy didn't answer.

On that second he cut off the girl's head without a care. Her head flew off the body and fell down with no emotion on her face.

The whole village was exterminated!

A.F continued walking forward without looking back.

The only sounds that were heard were the steps of A.F leaving this place.

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