Green Life

Chapter 5 – First day (part 1)

After I finished the registration, I was given some kind of thin bracelet on my left wrist.

That confirms that I'm officially a student of this school. The bracelet which was given to me was multifunctional. The bracelet can be used as an "ID card" "Room Keys" "Map".

They told me that the bracelet can help me with directions around. For now, I need to follow the map on the bracelet to go to my own room.




The room was big enough for a single person to live, it has a bathroom, bedroom, and a kitchen. After taking out my clothes and things from my bag, I tidied up my clothes in the closet which was located in my bedroom and shelved all of my personal belongings.

I tried to finish really fast since I was really tired from the trip.

I laid down on my bed. It was the best feeling ever, all of the stress inside of me, was gone in an instant. I stretched out my arms and legs making cracking noises. As I was about to fall asleep, the principal's words came up in my mind.

"We were expecting you!"

Seriously, it's like they knew that I was coming even though I never applied to enroll in the school, nor gave any confirmation for accepting the invitation through the email.

Well, I shouldn't let this bother me too much, but still, I don't even know if I have an ability.

As I kept thinking that, I covered myself with a blanket and decided to sleep.

* * * *



It's finally morning and I was woken up from my phone. I got up and noticed that I still had my yesterday's clothes on. I was too tired to change my clothes.

I need to take a shower...

I got up as I thought that.

I took off my clothes and headed to the bathroom. The bathroom wasn't that big, but I didn't let that bother me.

After I finished taking a warm shower I started wearing my casual clothes I had prepared before taking a shower.

After putting my bracelet on my left wrist, a blue transparent screen appeared above it.

[ Oh this must be the schedule for today's class periods. ] ( Hatsuko )

1st period: History class 08:00 - 09:00

2nd period: Ability measurement 09:10 - 11:10

Long break 11:10 - 11:50

3rd period: Practice 11:50 - 13:00

This is all I got for today from that screen.

Well, I better hurry to the classroom cause I don't want to leave a bad impression on my first day at this school.

The bracelet also has a map function which can help me go wherever I want.

This bracelet can actually help me a lot since I don't want to ask anyone for guidance.

It would be really awkward for me...

* * * *

[ Class...1-D, This must be my class for the first period. ] ( Hatsuko )

I said as I was entering the class.

I tried avoiding eye contact with everyone since I didn't want to get attention from anyone or getting picked by bullies.

The class walls are completely white and instead of a blackboard, there is a white one with a projector screen.

Most of my classmates were chatting with each other, laughing, and having fun.

Some girls were hugging each other like they had been glued together. Their breasts were being smashed with each other. Some of the boys were staring at them intensely.

Must be fun...

That's what I thought while I was looking at them.

I decided to sit back at the last seat of the classroom the moment I noticed that it was empty.

Beside my seat was a blonde-haired girl with brown eyes. She was wearing a short red skirt, showing her bare legs to everyone. On the top, she was wearing a white pure shirt. The shape of her breasts was visible. She also had a gentle smile on her face.

Around her were four other girls chatting with her. She must be popular since she is really cute. Some of the boys wanted to approach her but it seemed they couldn't.

As I kept staring at her, she turned on my way and waved her hand to me while giving a cute smile.

Crap, she noticed me!

I turned my head the other way as I thought that.

I felt my face burning from embarrassment. Also, my heart was beating really fast.


That must be the bell for the beginning of the class.

After some seconds, the teacher entered the classroom while saying.

[ Goodmorning Class! I will be giving lessons for the first period, so everyone please take your seats and pay attention! ]

Everyone quietly went to their seats.

Since most of the topics for the lessons are about abilities they shouldn't be that boring...

Or that's what I hoped.

The teacher began talking about how these abilities were born.



100.000 years ago the god and his army of angels were in a war with Lucifer and the demos. Their main objective was exterminating the existence of each other, devouring and making them more powerful. Humans at that time didn't have any special abilities. They were treated like unwanted insects or just as food to the demons. Humans at that time couldn't do anything against them. The only thing they could do was praying to God for protection, but humans were ignored and left at the mercy of fate.

Both the Devils and God gathered an insane amount of energy directed at each other.

No one won the war. Both God and Lucifer died after releasing that amount of power trying to kill each other. The warzone which was located on the surface of the earth was turned from a destroyed land to a land filled with the fruits of miracles. Humans managed to cure their illnesses and became stronger after eating those fruits. Of course, not everyone was able to obtain the fruit since it was believed that the fruits disappeared the next year, a huge explosion occurred, creating a massive crater on the surface of the land.

100 years passed and humans managed to use and evolve their inner energy into different abilities. There were only a few people who manage to use their ability. Most of them were used in wars between humans.

It is also believed that one day the God and Lucifer will revive and start their war once again.



[ Okay, that's for today's lesson of history! ]

As the teacher said, she left the classroom.

Well, I gotta go into the next class as well.

I went out of the class as fast as I could without getting noticed by anyone.

* * * *

Somehow I managed to find the next class using the bracelet.

I entered the class and as always sat in the last seat of the classroom. I still have no idea what the ability measurement is going to be, but I hope that everything is going to be okay!


The bell rang, and a guy with a black suit entered. He was holding a big notebook in his hand.

[ In this class we will be taking the measurement of your power. ]

The teacher said.

[ Does that device have a capacity for measuring abilities? ]

A girl in the front seats raises her hand and asked the teacher.

[ The device has a bit of malfunction when measuring a mixer! It also tells what kind of ability you posses!]

The teacher replied with a serious face.

[ What are Mixers? ]

Another girl which was in the front seats asked.

[ Mixers as the name says, are not pure powers. All of us have abilities from light and dark abilities that come from angels or devils. Mixers are a combination of both dark and light making the user weak and difficult on using their ability freely!

That is caused because light and dark can't be mixed together since they are both opposites.

Do any of you have any other questions? ]

The class fell silent, no one made a sound until the teacher started speaking again.

[ Alright, once I call your names, I want you to come here and place your hand on this screen. ]

As the teacher explained that, he opened his tablet\notebook, and placed it on his desk.


One after another my classmates got their ability measured. Some of them got dark or light power for combat, some for non-combat or support. Until now, no one got a mixer.

While I was wondering what kind of ability I would have, I noticed the cute, blonde-haired girl who was next to my seat.

[ Okay, next up is Lauren. ]

The blonde girl got up and went to measure her ability.

So her name is Lauren...

Not gonna lie, that's a pretty cute name.

The moment she placed her hand on the screen, the text shown there turned red. I wasn't able to read the text from here.

[ You have a positive, combat class to manipulate fire freely. Not bad Lauren! ]

[ As expected of Lauren ]

[ Yeah I know ]

[ She is amazing ]

The classmates reacted.

But is her ability that great?

I hope I get a great one as well!

Lauren went to her seat and sat down while having a sweet smile on her face.

[ And the last one, Hatsuko! ]

I went to the measurement device after hearing the teacher's call.

While praying I wouldn't do anything wrong I placed my hand on the tablet.

Some words appeared on the screen really fast like:







The words on the screen turned green and started glitching without rest.

The teacher with a shocked voice said.

[ This is the first time the device has reacted like this... ]

Wait what does it mean?

Does this prove that I don't have an ability?

In the end, the screen showed a word in a bigger size.

{ Mixer }

[ I see, you must be a mixer...]

Everyone else in the class started laughing.

And I, still confused, was standing there like an idiot.

My hands were trembling, I wanted to go back and sit on my seat.

I can't bear this!!

Why are they laughing at me?!

[ What the hell, the class got an intense atmosphere just for "that"? ]

Someone in the classroom said while pointing his finger at me.

[ Seriously, we have a weak one in our classroom!! ]

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Hahahaha!! ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

They kept laughing at me, and the teacher wasn't even trying to stop them from keeping quiet!

I turned my head again to the screen and notice something.

The word "Mixer" turned to "Unknown" for 0,5 seconds.

Are my eyes making up stuff or did that word change for a second??

No one seems to have noticed though since they kept laughing at me.



The 2nd period finally ended and now was the long break.

After I decided to go to the cafeteria to buy something to eat, I noticed someone coming towards me.

It was the blond-haired girl, Lauren.

[ You're Hatsuko right? ] ( Lauren )

I tried ignoring her but she called out to me.

[ Y-yes! ] ( Hatsuko )

I replied to her while looking down.

What does she want from me? Is she going to make fun of me as well?

[ I see... Then will you go out with me? ]

[ Haaa???? ] ( Hatsuko )


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