Green Life

Childhood friends? – Chapter 11

It's been almost 10 years since the last time I met Hanna.

She had grown so much to a mature beauty from a crybaby.

I wouldn't have recognized her if it weren't for the hairpin which I gave it to her as a gift 10 years ago.

My mother and Hanna's mother were close friends since High school.

This what my mother told me about her best friend.

Anyway, Hanna's mother used to come to our house and hang out with my mother.

She always brought her daughter Hanna. At that time she was only 6 years old.

I'm not sure if she was scared or just shy, but the first time Hanna came to our house, she would usually hide behind her mother.

At that time I wasn't really interested in becoming her friend so I usually stayed in my room until Hanna and her mother would eventually leave.

But one day when they were at my house, my mother called me down and introduced me to Hanna.

She secretly gave me a hairpin which at first I didn't understand why she gave it to me and told me to give it to Hanna.

I did as my mother told me to, I gave it to Hanna like it was no big deal but her reaction surprised me.

She changed her expression from a shy one to an amazed one.

Since that day she would just follow me around all the time.

Even when I went to the bathroom she would just follow me there.

I eventually got used to it and didn't bother with Hanna following me around.

We started playing video games and stuff together.

I won't lie, I actually had a lot of fun.

I remember she would cry every time when she had to leave our house.

Every weekend used to be like this until one day Hanna's mother had to leave to another country with her daughter for business reasons.

That was 10 years ago...

Hanna being to this school means she got invited by this school cause she has a special ability?




At the moment me and Hanna were watching the view of the campus from the rooftop of this school.

I have to agree, the view up here is amazing but the silence between me and Hanna was ruining it.

It's becoming kind of awkward...

I need to say something!

[ Um...D did you also get invited to this school? ] ( Hatsuko )

She turned her head to me and calmly responded to me.

[ Yes, I was said that I have a special ability, I don't know what kind of ability it is yet... ] ( Hanna )

Oh, so she just transferred.

I could see it from the school's bracelet on her hand that she has finished applying her personal information on this school system.

[ You can find out the basics of your ability using that bracelet on your left hand, y-you just have to say "Status" ] ( Hatsuko )

She showed an amazed expression.

This was a nostalgic feeling.


[ OH really? That's amazing!! I thought this bracelet was only to show me around the school. ] ( Hanna )

I could see from her voice that she was really excited.

[ I just have to say status right? ] ( Hanna )

I nod.

[ Alright! Here I go! ] ( Hanna )

She brought the bracelet close to her mouth and said.

[ Status! ] ( Hanna )

You don't really need to bring the bracelet close to your mouth to hear the commands...

After she said "Status" a screen popped up.



Name: Hanna Lun

Age: 16

Ability: (Updating soon...)

STR: 69

MC (mental capacity): 300

AGI: 60

VIT: 46

DEF: 29

Condition: Healthy

Skills: (Updating soon...)



After seeing this, both Hanna and me showed a confused look.

[ From what I can see, you haven't used your ability yet so the bracelet can't find what kind of power you have ] ( Hatsuko )

Her STR, AGI, VIT, and DEF seems to be a bit lower than average, but still higher than my status.

She hasn't used yet her power so her status isn't accurate.

But holy shit her mental capacity is high!

I'm sure even after unlocking her powers and training she would be really strong.

[ I see... what about your status Hatsuko? ] ( Hanna )


My s status??!!

No no no no no no!

I don't want to show her my pathetic status!

I don't want her to think I'm this weak...

I finally found someone to spend time with, I don't want her to ignore me.

[ Uh m my s status.. uuhh... ] ( Hatsuko )

I need to think of an excuse not to show my status to her.

[ My bracelet isn't working at the moment so I can't show you now ] ( Hatsuko )

I smiled wryly while scratching my head.

[ *sigh* is that so?... I really wanted to see your status... ] ( Hanna )

She sighed as she looked down with a sad look.

She really wanted to see my status that much?

But I'm sorry Hanna for lying to you like this.

[ Well I need to set up my things in my room for now since tomorrow is my first day at this school, I'll see you around Hatsuko! ] ( Hanna )

I didn't reply, I just gave her a smile and watched her leave the rooftop of the school.

Hanna is really beautiful so she is going to be popular.

I'm sure of that!

And one way or another she is going to find out the truth about me being a weak Mixer...

I'm sorry for lying, Hanna...

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