Green Life

Humiliation – Chapter 9

While still running with all of my might I turned my head behind to check if he was chasing me but luckily there was no sign of the black-haired guy behind me.

I stopped running to catch my breath.

[ huf..huf..huf...] (Hatsuko)

I hate this!!

Everyone in this school despises me for being weak.

It was way more peaceful when I was in my previous school.

No one bothered me or talked to me.

It was so peaceful.

Now that I think about it I really miss my life back then.

Since that encounter with Raiden which caused the incident and the damage on my left eye, everything turned a mess for me!

Because of that, I can't see from my left eye anymore. When I once checked my eye on the mirror when I still was at home, my left eye had lost its color a little but it didn't leave any scars that would be visible to anyone else.

After I calmed down from all that running I checked once again if that black-haired guy was trying to find me.

[ Did he give up on chasing me? ] (Hatsuko)

I hope he doesn't decide to look for me and beat me up cause I pushed him.

Well, for now, I need to get out of here before he finds me.








After arriving in class I quietly sat on my seat without anyone noticing me.

While minding my own business my ears caught the conversation of 2 girls who were nearby.

[ hey hey, did you see the news about the dead student that was found this morning ]

[ Yes, I didn't see the corpse myself but I heard that the body was found with its head chopped off!! ]

My hands started sweating and my body started trembling from the things that happened last night.

[ Are you for real? who could have done that? ]

[ I don't know the details myself but I heard that the body was found behind the girl's dorm ]

The other girl started trembling.

[ S scary!! Are we gonna be okay? ]

[ I'm not sure, the authorities haven't said anything and the news hasn't been public yet ]


After the bell rang everyone went to their seats and the teacher entered the classroom.

[ Good morning class! ]

Everyone else didn't make a sound after the teacher greeted them.

[ Quiet today aren't we? You must have heard the news about this morning... ]

The teacher said with a troubled look.

[ The victim was a 3rd-year student, the authorities are still looking for the culprit and I want to let you know that everything is going to be okay and no one is going to get hurt! ]

Still what the teacher said didn't look that convincing.

To break the ice the teacher changed the subject.

[ Anyway today the school has added another high advanced update to everyone's bracelet! With the new update, you can check the status of your body and the capacity of your ability by pressing the option "My status" or using your voice " Status"]

The moment everyone heard this, the mood changed from a gloomy one to an excited one.

Everyone started saying commands to their bracelets "status" and a screen window appeared on each of their bracelets.

I also wanted to try it so I brought the bracelet close to my mouth and said "status".

Like everyone, a screen window appeared.


Name: Hatsuko Gee

Age: 17

Ability: ;@#h%ds

STR: 10

MC (mental capacity): 3

AGI: 6

VIT: 4

DEF: 14

Condition: Healthy

Skills: None


This is what appeared on the screen when I called it out.

The name and my age are correct just like on my ID card.

Next up is my Ability which showed random letters and signs.

This happened before as well in the ability class measurement the other day.

That means I'm a mixer or that's what the teacher said. The tool has difficulties measuring a Mixer resulting in errors, making it hard for a mixer to get their status measured.

The screen also shows the condition of my health and the measurement of my power capacity.

I don't know if the numbers are average compared with the other classmates and it seems I don't have any skills.

Everyone else seems really excited about their own status and some are boasting to each other.

[ It seems like my Strength (STR) 89 and Agility (AGI) 100 are the highest on my status ]

[ Ha, mine are 91 and 109 ]

[ I have the highest MC (mental capacity) 60 and the others are from 40- 59 ]

Wait, what?

[ My DEF is 70, the highest from all of my other status ]

From what I was hearing the average status in the class was about 35.

Compared to everyone else my status is so low.

Is this some kind of error on my status?

[ Oh I have 2 skills "Falcon eye" and "Fire arrow" ]

[ Looks like your specialty is bow and arrow ]

[ I have as a skill "Fire fist" and "Fire resistance" ]

Even the skills that everyone is showing are amazing while I have none...

One of the girls said excitedly.

[ My specialty is DEF 80 and I have a skill "Barrier support" ]

[So you can protect with your barrier not only yourself but also your friend's XD]

[ Yeah I'll never let anyone harm my cute Rena!! ]

[ Yeah yeah...]

Responded annoyingly the named girl Rena while being hugged by her friend.

Everyone seems really happy about their status...

Now that I'm looking around the class, I can't seem to find the blonde bitch.

Well, I don't want to see her anyway

...Not after what happened yesterday.

* * *

-While Hatsuko was still lost in his thoughts one girl approached him slowly and took a picture of his status but before Hatsuko could respond she started laughing.-

* * * *

[ Hahahahhahaha check out this Trash's status!]

Huh, when did she get behind me?

My status... Oh, fuck!

[ w wait!! ] (Hatsuko)

She sent the picture of my status to everyone before I could stop her.



The whole class started laughing at me.

[ Hahaha Well as expected of trash! ]

Even the teacher is just staying there doing nothing...

My mind was filled with nothing but the eyes that judge and laugh at me.

While still trembling and sweating I got up and started running outside of the classroom.

But before reaching there a block of ice appears in front of my legs causing me to trip and fall down.

[ Hahahahaha watch where you're walking! ]

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ HAHAHAHAHHAHA ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

I got up really fast and head out of the classroom.

This really is the worst!!

Those Motherfuckers!










[ ...Yes that's Hatsuko the person I mentioned! ] (Lauren)

While I was trying to walk to my room I see Lauren pointing her finger at me with 2 other police officers near her.

Those police officers start approaching me and say.

[ Are you Hatsuko? ]

[ ...Yes, why? ]

I said while trying to calm myself down.

[ We need to ask you some questions related to the incident this morning! ]

[ eh? ]

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