Green Life

The security cameras – chapter 36

[ W-WHAT?!?!? ]

[ What do you mean completely destroyed?! ]

[ Is this the doing of the monsters again?? ]

[ No that can't be, the soldiers of that base had the new powerful gun "Max300" that could pierce through the toughest tank ever made!! ]

[ We have to investigate this!!! ]

[ Those damn monsters! ]

Everyone started freaking out.

[ Gentlemen! ]

The organizer grabbed everyone's attention once again.

[ We managed to get the recordings from the security cameras so please calm down... ]

He played the video on the main screen of the room and started explaining what was happening while the video was playing.

[ It seems like some of the soldiers had found injured refugees and took them to the base hospital. That's where everything started... Those injured people started attacking and biting the males around them.

...And the females got raped regardless of their age... ]

On the main screen could be seen and heard the screamings of everyone who were being raped, and the soldiers who were trying with their utmost not to kill their own comrades which their skin had turned gray and ripped on some places


[ S-s-stay away from me!!! No, no wait, please! AAAAAAAAHH ]


[ P-p-please I-i'm begging you stop!!! ]

[ AAAAH!! ]

[ Please at least spare my child!! I'm begging you!! ]

[ Mamma it hurts WAAAAAAAHH!!! ]



That place was filled with sorrow screaming by women and kids.

Everyone was shocked by the brutal video which was being shown in front of them.

[ W-What the hell happened there? ]

One of them asked.

[ We took samples of their dead body and found out some weird liquid that was running through their body. We decided to call that "Semps". We tested Semps on some animals and found the same results as in the video. The animal's skin started ripping apart and turned gray. Semps infects the brain and it can be spread using biting, scratching, and raping. ]

[ They are basically zombies! ]

One of the supervisors said.

[ Yes! The infected will lose sanity and start attacking men and raping females by their instincts and desire... ]

The organizer explained.

[ So in the end this whole thing finally ended? ]

Someone who was near the organizer asked while having a face that expected everything to have turned normal, forgetting what the organizer said at the beginning "the base was destroyed".

But when the organizer said that the base was destroyed, that could also have different meanings like, it doesn't have enough food and supplies for those who were injured.

[ *inhale*... *Exhale* ]

The organizer took a deep breath before answering. Everyone had their attention to the organizer which was about to speak.

The organizer played another video which was recorded on the same day.

[ The base wasn't destroyed by that brain disease... ]

The organizer said as the video continued.

In the video, a strange person appeared. He started slashing one after another the infected people with his transparent green katana.

At the split of the second, those who were infected started falling apart as if they were sliced countless times. Some of them were burned alive and some started eating each other.

[ S-such power!! Who is that? ]

[ Was he sent by this school in rescue to those who were alive?]

Everyone was amazed by the strength of that person but also a little excited to know who that powerful warrior was.

[ Gentlemen... keep watching the video... ]

The organizer said as if something important was about to be shown.

The strange guy with the transparent katana started slashing all the women and young girls who were being raped.

Their cries stopped.

Everyone in his sight was being killed without a care.

Both dead and alive people were being burned with his ability. One after another died.

The ground there ended up with dead bodies that were massacred.

After the video ended everyone in the room was quiet.

No one said a word.

[ ... ]

But the silence was broken by the organizer.

[ This is the whole video ]

He said.

His hands were trembling a little but he managed to keep himself calm.

[ Wha... ]

One of the supervisors tried to talk but he shut his mouth the moment he recalled the video which was shown.

[ W-what the hell was t-that!? ]

Another supervisor asked with a trembled voice.

No one answered.

They couldn't process the video which they saw.

Most of them were trembling. Some of them were even holding themselves back from not throwing up from that brutality.

[ Even though the quality of the video is low, we are trying to find the identity of that person even though that might take some time... ]

[ [ [ [ [ ... ] ] ] ] ]

[ But even if we find the identity of that person... can anyone actually kill that? ]

One of them asked.

[ I don't know, but the only thing we can do is to hope that our ability users and students can grow stronger to protect our country! ]

Every day the students of Sakuru were training with their ability. The more days passed the stronger they grew.









* * * *

At the dorm, in one of the rooms was Lily, the sister of Hastuko who was staying in her brother's room.

She cleaned and organized the stuff which were laying on the ground of the room.

The room was a mess before but now, was cleaner. Even the cracked walls were fixed really fast when she let the school's principal know about staying in that room.

She didn't go out of the room that much. She usually stayed inside creating some weird gadgets.

And food, she ordered through a phone to be delivered to her room. She didn't mind about money since she had saved a lot of them from selling guns to this country.

She suddenly stopped moving her hands and looked towards the window.

[ Brother... I will find you no matter what! ]

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