Green Tea Specialist Male Lead

Chapter 18

Chapter 17 The hero is a cousin

Time flies quickly, and the child grows long after seeing the wind, as if in the blink of an eye the ugly child who was red and wrinkled when he was born suddenly turned into a fat, pitiful, white bun.

As usual, Gu Wenjing came to see his son the first time after get off work. Gu Zhenghong, who was almost one year old, was lying in the cradle specially made for him by his father. He stretched out his hand to catch the hanging on the cradle with his big beautiful eyes. Little bells. Little Fatty couldn’t grasp the bell, so he waved desperately, shaking the strings of small bells to jingle, and the little fat buns giggled to reveal toothless gums when they heard the sound of the bells.

Seeing this scene, Gu Wenjing’s expression suddenly became gentle, and he walked over and stretched out his hands to pick up his son, and said with a smile: “Hong’er, do you miss dad?” Then he kissed his son’s white tender cheek. .

The servants around saw no change in their expressions, and they have long been accustomed to it.

Gu Zhenghong shouted vaguely: “Father…” Even if he shouted slurredly, it was enough for a silly dad to be happy.

“Hey!” Gu Wenjing happily responded, and then kissed his son on the other side of the cheek.

Gu Zhenghong’s little friend is also very happy to slobber on his father’s face, so that Gu Wenjing’s face is full of chubby bun’s saliva.

But Gu Wenjing’s saliva smashed by his own son, there is no reason for Gu Wenjing to dislike, instead he smiled and hugged his son and walked to Cheng Yuhua’s house next door.

When Cheng Yuhua looked at Gu Wenjing’s face, he knew that the two of them had just gotten close together again, and said helplessly: “My husband, I’m going to the main room for dinner soon, so please wash your face.”

In the past year since the birth of the child, Gu Wenjing has refreshed her concept of petting children in her heart.

In Cheng Yuhua’s view, a father pampering a child is more than asking about the child’s situation. Like Gu Wenjing, he would take time out to get close to his son every day when he is too busy. It is nothing to kiss his son’s cheek directly. He even changes his son’s diaper with his own hands. pass.

Gu Wenjing didn’t do this kind of fatherly stupefying thing. Cheng Yuhua mentioned it several times. Gu Wenjing took it as a whisper, and no one could stop him from cultivating feelings with his son.

Ning Yuanhou and Yuan also couldn’t see it. After all, for a family like them, where do they need to raise their children like ordinary people? What does the nurse wait for someone to eat? Gu Wenjing is more concerned than the child’s mother. As long as he is at home, he will do all things like feeding the child.

Gu Wenjing reluctantly handed her son to Cheng Yuhua, not because Yuhua didn’t take over, but let the mother next to him hold him.

Gu Zhenghong, the little fat bun, was a little thinner than ordinary children due to premature delivery at the beginning. The Hou Mansion naturally raised them carefully, let the nurse take various tonics, and then breastfeed the children.

So now Gu Zhenghong has grown white and fat, and his weight has soared. Cheng Yuhua has no strength to bind a chicken, and feels like he is falling, so he seldom hugs him by himself.

Gu Wenjing glanced at Cheng Yuhua, then went to wash his face, washed his son’s saliva off his face and wiped his face clean, he couldn’t wait to hug his son who was earning money from the hands of the mother.

Gu Zhenghong is still young. Whoever hugs him the most and who treats him best will naturally depend on whom. Therefore, except for Gu Wenjing, he was only willing to let the nanny hold for a while while drinking, and would rather lie in the cradle and play by himself.

Gu Wenjing is not surprised that this kind of children are not close to their biological mothers. In modern times, there are children who are not close to their biological mothers because they have been brought up by nanny. What’s more, in ancient such large families that even breastfeeding was done by the nurse.

In the memory of the original owner, he did not get close to his mother Yuan when he was a child. Even if the mother and child care about each other, they are observing the rules, more like going through the process.

Gu Wenjing reminded Cheng Yuhua that she hoped that she could put down her arrogance and get along with her children like him. However, Cheng Yuhua, who has been educated by her daughters for more than ten years, could not do this. Her care for her son was manifested in the fact that she often asked people if they were there. Take good care of the child, and even hold the child a handful of times on weekdays.

Gu Wenjing mentioned it several times, and saw that Cheng Yuhua didn’t take it to heart, and didn’t say any more, but he became more spoiled for his son.


Gu Wenjing held his son personally, followed Cheng Yuhua by his side, and went to the main room to have a meal with Ning Yuanhou and Yuan.

Seeing Gu Wenjing holding Gu Zhenghong in his arms, Ning Yuanhou stared, “Why did your kid hold Hong’er again? What does the nanny do?!”

It is not the first time that Gu Wenjing, who has heard this kind of reprimand, replied calmly: “Breastfeeding my son.”

Ning Yuanhou was choked for a while, then glared at Gu Wenjing with anger, and reprimanded: “Don’t you understand the rule of holding grandchildren and not holding children? If you spoil yourself like you, sooner or later, loving father will be more defeated!”

Gu Wenjing said: “Father, don’t you think that you can take my son into your arms if you put up some rules about holding grandchildren and not holding children. Hong’er is my own son, who do I not spoil him?”

Ning Yuanhou shook his head helplessly, and said earnestly, “Hong’er is your eldest son. If you are so spoiled, what should you do if you are spoiled?”

Gu Wenjing calmly said: “Father don’t worry, I will spoil Hong’er when he should be spoiled, and I will strictly demand Hong’er when he should be strict. Don’t worry, Hong’er will not be spoiled by me as a dude.”

As for the education of children, Gu Wenjing believes that he still has a lot of experience, and the children he raised in the previous life are not frustrating.

But what he said, Ning Yuanhou didn’t take it to heart at all. In Ning Yuanhou’s view, Gu Wenjing himself was still a child, and he was still playing with his son every day, without realizing what it was like to be a father.

Ning Yuanhou, who wanted to be the loving grandfather in his grandson’s heart, could only sigh in his heart and made up his mind that when his grandson grows up, he must be a strict grandfather. Why did he give birth to a son who could not be a strict father!

When eating dinner, Gu Wenjing held his son to feed him personally as always, and the action of taking care of him was more skillful than the people who took care of the children.

Ning Yuanhou didn’t bother to reprimand him, pretending not to see.

Although Cheng Yuhua felt that it was inappropriate for her husband to take care of her son in this way, Gu Wenjing loved her son. She was only happy and didn’t want to dissuade him.

On the contrary, Yuan Shi watched the warm interaction between Gu Wenjing and his son, and wondered what…


After dinner, Ning Yuanhou went to the front yard to handle official duties, while Yuan was in his house listening to the housekeeper’s report on the affairs of the house.

Then a maid came to report: “Madam, the lady watch is here.”

In fact, Yuan was still keen on Yuan Susu’s willingness to be a concubine insult to the lintel of Yuan’s family, so the people she served on her side had never called Yuan Susu’s name for Yuan Susu, she had always been a cousin.

When Yuan heard the maid’s report, he smiled and said, “Let her come in.” These days, Yuan Susu would ask her to please her after dinner every day.

Yuan also understood in his heart that Yuan Susu had a hard time, and Gu Wenjing directly regarded her as nothing. In the days when Cheng Yuhua could not wait for him, he would rather sleep in the study than go to the west courtyard to find her. People are also watching people order dishes. Yuan Susu, an unfavorable aunt, can have a good life?

Therefore, Yuan Susu could only come here every day to show that he was still the niece of the mistress of the Hou Mansion, so that he would not let people be neglected.

Yuan feels sorry for his niece, but has always supported Yuan Susu. Between his niece Yuan Susu and his daughter-in-law Cheng Yuhua, he often favors her niece.

But no matter how she favors Yuan Susu, there is no way her son is unwilling to enter Yuan Susu’s house.

So far, Gu Wenjing has never set foot in the west courtyard where Yuan Susu lives. Who in the Hou Mansion doesn’t know that Yuan Susu is a joke? A good girl, she must be willing to be a depraved Aunt Yuan.

Yuan Susu walked in, and she bowed to the Yuan family: “Please greet my aunt.”

Yuan Shi took her hand and let her sit next to him, “No need to be so polite! Susu, can you have dinner?”

Because Yuan Susu knows how to be a human being, he never complained about Gu Wenjing’s reluctance to spoil her when he came here. Instead, he was very considerate of Gu Wenjing.

For example, when Cheng Yuhua was pregnant, while Gu Wenjing was sleeping in the study, Yuan Susu said to Yuan, “Aunty, sister Yuhua can’t serve her cousin when she is pregnant, and cousin doesn’t want to see me. Susu worried that her cousin would be unattended. Send two maids to wait on my cousin!”

When she said this, she not only showed her love and resentment for Gu Wenjing, but she was also very virtuous and generous for Gu Wenjing’s sake, and without a trace, she gave Cheng Yuhua eye drops in front of Yuan Shi.

Yuan Shi was very pleased to hear it, and praised her for being more virtuous than Cheng Yuhua, and then sent two beautiful and enchanting maids to wait in Gu Wenjing’s study.

Although it turned out that Gu Wenjing really used the two beautiful maids as rough maids, and did not accept them, this did not affect Yuan Susu’s favorability with Yuan’s.

Perhaps Gu Wenjing’s refusal to accept the two maids was also within Yuan Susu’s calculations.

Therefore, Yuan is now very fond of Yuan Susu and feels that she is much more caring than the virtuous daughter-in-law who stalks her son and wants to monopolize her son.

Yuan Susu smiled and replied: “I have used it, thank you for your aunt’s concern!” Then she cared about Yuan’s body tenderly again, and Yuan’s mood was even more comfortable.

After a while, the Yuan family asked all the people to quit and talked privately with Yuan Susu in private.

“Susu, you also know how much Wenjing loves Hong’er’s child. You have to take the initiative and conceive a child as soon as possible. With a child, according to Wenjing’s childlike temperament, you will naturally love the house and the black.”

Yuan Susu’s face was bitter: “But aunt, cousin, he doesn’t even want to see me, how can I get pregnant?” So far, she is still the eldest daughter of the yellow flower, if she really had a child, the Houfu would definitely not dare to recognize it!

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