Green Tea Specialist Male Lead

Chapter 87

Chapter 85 The male lead is an orange cat

Gu Wenjing proudly jumped off the sofa and walked a few steps on the ground with graceful catwalks, demonstrating his weight loss results for more than a month.

This time he crossed over and he was troubled by fat. He was almost as mad as a cat when he exercised to lose weight. He could only hide from the exercise in secret. He relied on drinking spring water to fill his stomach every day. figure.

Tongtong touched his body, and said in a worried tone: “You really lost weight! Tangtang, are you uncomfortable? Why are you losing so much?”

She doesn’t have the idea that cats will lose weight, only that the cat is sick to lose weight so quickly.

She hugged Gu Wenjing in her arms, and then went to get the cat bag.

Gu Wenjing: “Meow Meow Meow?” Where are you going to take Ben Meow?

Tongtong put him in the cat bag, and then took him out with the cat bag on his back.

One side of the cat bag is transparent, and Gu Wenjing squatted inside and looked at the scenery outside, Tongtong carrying him on his back and boarding the bus.

Tongtong brought the cat bag to the side to show it to the driver, and asked politely: “Uncle, can I take the cat in the car? The cat will be behaved in the bag.”

The bus driver master glanced at the orange cat in the cat bag and nodded to Tongtong with a smile. He has been driving for so many years, and even the grandfather and aunt carrying live chickens and ducks in the car have been encountered. The cat in the bright cat bag will not affect the passengers, and he will naturally not refuse unkindly.

Tongtong smiled sweetly and said, “Thank you, uncle!”

She found a window seat and held the cat in her arms.

Some passengers came up on the bus one after another, and a young mother with a child sat down beside Tongtong.

The little boy who was still wearing crotch-opening pants twisted his body in his mother’s arms, his little head turned aside, and his eyes met Gu Wenjing in the cat bag.

Gu Wenjing: “…meow ”

The little boy’s eyes suddenly became round, and it took a while to react, pointing to Gu Wenjing and shouting: “Mimi! Mimi!”

The young mother also looked over and saw the orange cat in the kitty bag, and smiled and said, “It’s a cat! A cat, a cat!”

When the little boy was just learning words, he stammered and followed his mother to learn: “Cat…cat!”



Gu Wenjing listened to this little kid yelling silently, but he didn’t learn how to say ‘cat’.

But children, it is really cute to say that repeated words are.

Gu Wenjing looked at this cute-looking little boy and deliberately teased him. When he shouted ‘cats’, he gave a ‘meow’.

The little boy was stunned, staring at Gu Wenjing for a while, then suddenly giggled: “Meow!”

The young mother held her smiling son and started talking to Tongtong, “Little sister, where are you taking the cat?”

Tongtong’s personality is a bit shy, but she still politely replied: “Tangtang suddenly lost a lot of weight and her appetite has decreased. I want to take it to the doctor.”

The young mother said, “It looks like your cat is not thin…but this is an orange cat! It is said that big oranges are important, but this orange cat is not fat?”

Tongtong said: “Tangtang was not so thin before.”

The young mother chatted with Tongtong. The little boy she was holding in her arms was completely attracted by Gu Wenjing who meowed at him from time to time in the cat bag. She kept staring at the cat, learning the meowing meow in her mouth. .

Suddenly a warm voice prompt rang: XX station is here, passengers who want to get off please prepare in advance!

When Tongtong heard the prompt tone, she stood up and said to her young mother: “Auntie, I am going to the station and get off the bus.”

The smile on the young mother’s face was a little stiff: “…” Auntie?


Tongtong got out of the car with the cat bag on his back, walked for a few minutes, and came to the front of a small pet hospital. She pushed the door in. The lady at the front desk in work clothes welcomed her with a smile: “Hello!”

Tongtong opened the cat bag and carried Gu Wenjing out, “My cat has lost a lot of weight in the past month, and its appetite has also become smaller.” She took out her phone and opened the photo album to compare the photos of the orange cat before and now, “Look. , It has lost so much!”

The young lady at the front desk also glanced at the orange cat in Tongtong’s arms with some surprise, and said, “I’ll call a doctor. You can sit here and rest for a while.”

Tongtong hugged Gu Wenjing and sat on a chair next to the wall. After a while, the young lady at the front desk brought down a middle-aged man in a white coat from upstairs.

The man walked up to Tongtong and said to her: “Put the cat on the table here, I will give it a simple check first.”

Tongtong quickly followed suit and put Gu Wenjing on the stage.

The veterinarian first looked at the cat’s ears, then carefully observed the cat’s eyes and gums, then picked up the cat’s claws and checked the pads… He reached out and gently scratched the skin around the cat’s neck, and quickly He released his hand, “The cat doesn’t seem to be a problem, it’s healthy!”

Tongtong showed the veterinarian the photos of the orange cat previously taken on the phone, “But Tangtang has lost so much in the past month!”

The veterinarian looked at the first photo of a fat orange cat taken more than a month ago, and looked at Gu Wenjing’s now slim standard figure: “…”

The veterinarian stretched out his hand to touch the flesh on Gu Wenjing’s body, feeling the tight muscles under his hand, and said, “It’s okay. The cat exercises a lot and naturally loses weight.”

“Amount of exercise?” Tongtong originally wanted to say that the cat didn’t run out much and was kept in the house. Then she suddenly remembered the cat’s previous behavior of jumping wildly at home. Is the cat exercising in this way?

The veterinarian did a simple check and determined that the cat was healthy and there was nothing wrong with it, so Tongtong wanted to go back with Gu Wenjing in his arms.

There is no charge for a simple check, but the veterinarian does not want to give up any customer. He suggested: “Your orange cat is a male cat. I suggest you give it a sterilization operation, otherwise it will be noisy in the middle of the night after estrus. Run away from home. The male cat is neutered very quickly. I have time to do it now. Would you like to sterilize your domestic cat?”


Gu Wenjing was on the verge of an enemy, his muddy hair exploded, and with a sharp scream, he quickly jumped off the platform and ran out through the unclosed store door.

He shouldn’t become a **** cat! Even if he is dressed as a male cat, he will not find a female cat to be his wife, but he must never lose his egg!

Tongtong hurriedly chased it out: “Tang Tang!”

Gu Wenjing didn’t run too far, he just wanted to escape from the veterinarian who wanted to turn him into an **** cat, but didn’t really want to abandon the **** shovel officer.

Tongtong chased him, panted and hugged him, “No surgery! Don’t be afraid of Tangtang!”

Tongtong is still young, and she doesn’t know much about sterilization, but seeing her cat reacted so badly after hearing the veterinarian that she wanted to sterilize her, of course she would not be cruel to send Tangtang on the operating table.

The blasted hair on Gu Wenjing’s body slowly calmed down. He rubbed his head radiantly and let out a soft cry: “Meow ”

Tongtong listened softly, wishing she would never go to see the terrible veterinarian again with Tangtang. She picked up the cat and put it in the cat bag, then carried the cat bag and drove back home in the car.


After Gu Wenjing succeeded in losing weight, he resumed his former lazy cat life. After all, exercise and diet are so exhausting. After losing weight, he is not allowed to rest well and make up for it?

The rebirth female Princess Danyang has never found Zhang’s family. Probably in her opinion, Zhang Tongtong has no Nine Lives Cat Demon and poses no threat to her.

Now some stray cats are gradually appearing in the community, and Gu Wenjing will occasionally go out to stroll around.

There is still half a year before the aura in the plot recovers, but Gu Wenjing has vaguely seen the light particles of aura light appearing in the air, which is exactly the same energy as the aura in the spring.

These auras are very thin, so thin that even the haze can’t be removed, and the air can’t feel fresh. If it wasn’t for Gu Wenjing’s eyes to have supernatural powers, he was afraid that he would not be able to detect it.

Now the aura is too thin to reach the level of quantitative change causing a qualitative change, otherwise it won’t have to be accumulated for half a year to fully regain the aura.

The aura in the air can’t be absorbed at all, too little, too little, but he has a spiritual spring space, and he can absorb the aura by drinking the spiritual spring.

In Zhang’s family, Gu Wenjing quietly added the spirit water diluted by Lingquan to the drinking fountain, but he did not dare to add the Lingquan because the taste of the Lingquan was too sweet, and one could notice that it was different from ordinary water. Moreover, the effect of Lingquan’s transformation on ordinary people is too obvious, and it is easy to attract the attention of others.

Slowly improve the Zhang family’s physique with the diluted spiritual water. In the future, their aura will fully recover, and they will be able to strengthen their physique under the aura.

The weather was getting hotter, and Tongtong came back from school with her schoolbag on her back. She was so hot that she was sweating. She took a cup of water from the water dispenser and drank it. After drinking, she smashed it with a bit of aftertaste. “This water is so sweet.” what!”

Gu Wenjing, who was lying on the side of the coffee table gnawing on the dried fish, his tail stood up a little nervously. He looked at Tongtong. Wouldn’t he notice that the taste of the water has changed?

But Tongtong didn’t care, drank another glass of water, and put down his schoolbag to do his homework.

Gu Wenjing breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his tail. When people are thirsty, it is easy to produce a sweeter taste of water, so Tongtong didn’t think too much.

After all, who would have thought that his cat would add something to the drinking fountain to make the water in the drinking fountain sweeter!

Zhang’s father and Zhang’s mother also vaguely felt that the pure water in the drinking fountain tasted better. They didn’t doubt anything. They only mentioned it casually during the conversation, “The water quality of this pure water company is good, and it feels better to cook rice with this pure water. Sweet, we will keep ordering pure water from this company in the future!”

Life is so busy and there are so many interesting things. Who cares why their own purified water is so sweet? Normal people think that the water quality is good, so they will buy pure water from this company with good water quality in the future.

After Gu Wenjing knew that his actions did not arouse the suspicion of the **** shoveling officer’s family, he added bolder and gradually increased the amount of use.


Gu Wenjing slept on the branch and took a nap. The sun was blocked by the leaves and the breeze was blowing. It was a good time to fall asleep.

He went to sleep in a daze, occasionally small flying insects flew around, all being driven away by his swinging tail.

Suddenly a crisp sound of birds awakened him. Gu Wenjing opened his eyes and looked at the place where the sound was coming from. A simple bird’s nest was built between the branches of the tree next door, and two birds stood there. Twittering on the branches.

Gu Wenjing didn’t know this kind of bird, it should be a unique bird species in this world.

He lowered his body, his tail drooped, his eyes fixed on the two little birds on the branch that continued to chirp unconsciously, and suddenly his body swooped quickly and leaped towards the branch of the tree next door.

The thin orange cat has excellent bouncing ability. It is completely free from the dilemma of even climbing a tree before. He easily pressed the two birds that disturbed his dreams under his paws.

The calls of the two little birds became more frightened and sharp. Gu Wenjing removed his paws, and the two quickly fluttered and flew away crookedly.

Gu Wenjing squatted on the branch, scratched his beard with his claws, watched the two birds turning into black spots in the sky, and shook his head helplessly.

He was affected by the cat’s instinct again.

Although after receiving the plot, he knew that the original owner of this world was stronger than him. After all, whether it was the original plot without the rebirth girl or the plot with the rebirth girl, the original owner was the existence of the invincible Nine Lives Cat Monster.

So he was affected by the original owner’s instinct and understandable. But every time he couldn’t resist the cat’s instinct, he was helpless.

Even if he likes to sleep late, like to eat dried fish, he can’t help but want to pounce when he sees a bird, and even sees a mouse running past, his paw feels a little bit eager to move.

Gu Wenjing jumped down from the branch and stretched, just about to walk out of the flower bed, he saw a small gray shadow running quickly across the flowers in front of him.

His body instinct moved faster than his brain, so he swished out and grabbed the gray shadow.

This is a big gray mouse, a gray mouse that was seen screaming and killing.

In the field of vision of ordinary people, the mouse can only see a gray shadow passing by when it runs. But from the perspective of a cat, Gu Wenjing feels that the speed of the mouse has been slowed down many times. He can let it run first. Ten meters and then hunt it down.

Pressed by the sharp cat’s claw on the throat of fate, this big gray mouse decisively lay on the ground and did not dare to move.

Gu Wenjing could clearly feel the fear in the heart of the big mouse under his paws, and he was inexplicably happy.

He slowly let go of his paw. The big mouse still lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. After a while, it tried to escape, and then Gu Wenjing held it with his paws like lightning. It pretended to be dead again, and Gu Wenjing deliberately let go of it…

Gu Wenjing, who wanted to go home to sleep, squatted happily in the flower bed and had fun with the big squirrel, especially when the big squirrel who was trying to escape was caught by his neck and fashioned to death. It was really just playing with the mouse. Very pleased his mood.


“The slacker is up! The slacker is up!”

With a snap, Tongtong closed her eyes and pressed the alarm clock off, and she fell back on the pillow and went back to sleep.

Zhang Mu heard the sound of the alarm clock, opened the door and walked into Tongtong’s room. Sure enough, she saw that Tongtong fell down again and fell asleep. She reluctantly walked over and called Tongtong: “Get up! I’m going to be late for class soon!”

“What? Be late?” Tongtong suddenly woke up, sat up, and the sleepworm ran away.

She rubbed her eyes, and Zhang Mu patted her hand rubbing her eyes: “I have said so many times, don’t rub your eyes with your hands! Get up and wash your face quickly, sober and sober.”

Tongtong glanced at the alarm clock and found that there was still plenty of time, so she got out of bed to comb her hair and wash her face.

After waking up in the afternoon, she felt sticky in her mouth. She brushed her teeth again, then took her cute little water bottle and put on her shoes and went out, “Mom, I’m going to school!”

Zhang Mu tirelessly warned, “Watch the car carefully on the road!”

“Got it!” Tongtong closed the door and ran out of the unit building.

When she came out, she saw Gu Wenjing squatting in the flower bed and patting his paws, so she took a closer look and found that he was photographing a big gray mouse.

Tongtong was very afraid of mice, so she took two steps back subconsciously, and said quickly: “Tangtang, throw the mice away! Don’t eat mice!”

Gu Wenjing has now played this big squirrel with autism. He let go of his paws, and he didn’t want to run anymore. He just lay there and pretended to be dead. There is quite a kind of ‘eat if you want! I don’t want to run away’ feeling of self-deprecation.

However, although Gu Wenjing was influenced by the cat’s instinct, he still didn’t have the idea of ​​eating the mouse. At most, he couldn’t help itching his paws when he saw the mouse running by, and wanted to play with it.

When Gu Wenjing looked up at Tongtong, the squirrel took advantage of this opportunity and ran away quickly. He didn’t bother to chase after him and walked towards Tongtong.

Tongtong saw that the orange cat hadn’t eaten the mouse, and he was relieved immediately.

She bent down and touched Gu Wenjing’s furry head, and said with a smile: “You go home! I’m going to school.”

Gu Wenjing rubbed her against Tongtong, and then followed her, escorting her out of the community all the time, and watched her get on the bus before turning back.

When he came to the door of Zhang’s house, Gu Wenjing scratched the door and meowed twice. Zhang Mu, who was not at work today, came over and opened the door.

Gu Wenjing walked in gracefully with catwalks, then walked to the bathroom, jumped onto the sink, and meowed loudly.

Zhang Mu heard the sound and saw the orange cat waiting for her in the sink, her eyes fell on the pale gray plum blossoms on the snow-white sink wall, and she smiled immediately, “I want to wash my feet!”

She came over to turn on the faucet, carefully helped Gu Wenjing clean the four small paws, and touched the soft meat pad. Zhang Mu still loved it!

She tore off the towels specially used by the cats at home, wiped the four little jiojio of Gu Wenjing, and then took him in her arms and went to the sofa to chase the cat.

Zhang Mu’s five fingers shuttled through the soft yellowish hair, and Gu Wenjing couldn’t help feeling sleepy again with his comfortable strength.

His eyes gradually narrowed…


At dinner, Tongtong hadn’t come back yet. Zhang Mu was preparing to cook in the kitchen. Gu Wenjing, who was lying in the living room, looked up at the wall clock. It was already past the time when Tongtong came back from school. Maybe her school teacher dragged the hall. Up.

Gu Wenjing walked to the door, jumped up and hung it on the doorknob, pressed the doorknob down with his own weight, and opened the door. He went out and closed the door again by pushing it from outside.

He ran out and stared at the bus stop at the gate of the community, hoping that a certain bus would stop and Tongtong’s figure would appear there.

Then after the next bus stopped, a familiar figure got out of the car.

Gu Wenjing whizzed over.

Tongtong walked towards the community from the station with her schoolbag, and suddenly saw a yellow lightning-like figure rushing over, and that figure slowed down before Tongtong saw that it was an orange cat.

Although she was a little far away, she was still a little nearsighted and couldn’t see the specific appearance of the orange cat, but Tongtong just felt that the orange cat running towards her was her own candy.


Tongtong shouted.

Gu Wenjing ran to Tongtong and rubbed her calf, “Meow ”

Tongtong bent over to pick him up, smiled and bent his eyes, “Tangtang, did you come to take me home?”

Gu Wenjing looked up at the girl who was smiling happily, and licked the girl’s fingers with his tongue subconsciously.

Tongtong hugged Gu Wenjing home, Zhang Mu just cooked the food and put it on the table outside. Seeing Tongtong coming back with the orange cat in her hand, she couldn’t help but wondered: “When did Tangtang go out?”

Zhang Mu couldn’t imagine that the cat would open and close the door by herself, and Tongtong didn’t want to think about how the cat went out. She was excited and excited: “Mom, Tangtang will pick me up at the station today!”

After interrupting like this, Zhang Mu also forgot the question just now, and asked in surprise: “Really?”

She looked at Gu Wenjing with a strange look. After all, cats are not dogs. She is not surprised to say that dogs will pick up their owners home, but the cats do?

Tongtong put down her schoolbag, Zhang Mu said to her: “Wash your hands and eat first!”

Tongtong ran to the bathroom to wash her hands. Zhang Mu suddenly remembered and said, “Tangtang is indeed smart and clever. After she came back at noon today, she wanted to wash jio, so she voluntarily jumped on the sink and asked me to help her wash jio. !”

Tongtong said in surprise: “Really? How did Tangtang call you?”

Zhang Mu smiled and glanced at the orange cat lying on the foot of the sofa with his tail wagging, “Of course it is meowing! How else can I call it? Wash your hands and eat!”

Today Zhang’s mother is not going to work, and she has time and mood to make a good meal at home, so dinner is much richer than before.

After a while Zhang’s father left work on time.

When he entered the door, he smelled the scent of the food, “It seems that there are sweet and sour pork ribs today? It smells so good!” He smiled and put down the briefcase, and took the initiative to go to the bathroom to wash his hands and prepare for dinner.

The family sat down at the table. The dishes on the table were very rich. One of the sweet and sour ribs was the most fragrant. The well-proportioned ribs were fried, and then topped with appetizing tomato juice, which was placed on the plate. Seductive.

Gu Wenjing smelled the sweet and sour scent of sweet and sour pork ribs and couldn’t help but ran to the dining table with his cat bowl in his mouth.

The sound of the cat bowl falling to the ground caught the attention of the **** shoveling officer’s family.

Tongtong was a little surprised and said: “Tangtang took the initiative to grab a bowl!” Tangerine cats usually eat very cold, and only if they take the initiative to eat will they take two bites of their face.

Zhang Fu took the opportunity to boast: “It must be your mother’s sweet and sour pork ribs that is delicious, even Tangtang can’t help it!”

Zhang Mu smiled so that the crow’s feet appeared in the corners of her eyes, and she said in a very good mood: “Tongtong, you can wash the ribs with a bowl of water, and taste the sugar.”


Tongtong ran to the kitchen to get an empty bowl, took a bowl of hot water at the hot water port of the water dispenser, and rinsed the ribs in hot water several times, so that the seasoning and salt on the ribs were reduced to At the lowest point, she put the ribs into the cat bowl that Gu Wenjing had picked up.

Gu Wenjing looked at the poorly sold pork ribs and didn’t want to eat it. He wanted to eat the sweet and sour pork ribs with tomato sauce, not the sweet and sour pork ribs that had been rinsed in hot water and tasteless.

But Tongtong hurriedly helped him get the ribs. He was too embarrassed not to eat it, so he rolled the ribs into his mouth and chewed the meat with the bones a few times.

Although there is no sweet and sour taste anymore, the crispy fried pork ribs are still very delicious, even the bones are relatively crispy. It should be because Zhang Mu has been simmered for a long time before making the ribs, and the bones are soft.

The orange cat’s ‘click, click,’ chewing bones caused the shoveling officer’s family to look sideways. They stared at the orange cat on the ground for a while, and said in a daze, “Can’t sugar seem to chew the bones to pieces?”

“Should it be? I didn’t see any bones with spare ribs left!”

“Does the cat eat ribs without spitting out bones?”

“I haven’t heard of it! Nowadays, some pet dogs are squeamishly eating ribs and only eat meat instead of chewing bones…”

“Maybe because Tangtang was a stray cat before, so the mouth is better than ordinary pet cats.”

Gu Wenjing listened to the discussion of the **** shovel officer’s family, silently spit out a bit of bone dregs from the bones he was going to chew and swallowed, and then pressed his paws on the bone dregs, and made an innocent meow, indicating that he was not the type to eat ribs Ruthless cat spitting bone scum.

After supper, after a short rest, Zhang’s father and Zhang’s mother took Tongtong out for a walk with him.

They just wandered around in the community and met many old residents of the community along the way. They all lived here long ago like the Zhang family. They didn’t know each other, but they knew each other well, so they smiled and said hello.

Similarly, residents with junior high school students in the family saw Tongtong and couldn’t help but talk to Zhang’s father and Zhang’s mother about their children’s education.

Gu Wenjing sprinted around in the flowerbeds on the roadside, and heard the housewife who knew Zhang’s mother and Zhang’s mother complaining about the rebellion of their son in the third grade.

Regarding the child’s rebellion, Zhang’s mother also can’t give any good advice, because she is Tongtong a daughter. Tongtong is a kind of well-behaved and sensible child. He never quarrels with adults. Everything is calm. Communicate with parents.

Similarly, Zhang’s father and Zhang’s mother are not domineering patriarchs. They are committed to communicating with their children on an equal footing. They have always respected Tongtong’s opinions. Therefore, the relationship between father and daughter is very close, unlike the relationship between parents and children in some families. Swords drawn, obviously close relatives, but when they met, they looked like class enemies.

Gu Wenjing liked the warm atmosphere of the Zhang family very much. He first lived in the Zhang family for the kind girl Tongtong, but later he stayed at the Zhang family willingly.

He thought, no matter which cat it is, in a warm family like Zhang’s family, he can’t help but stay!

This is much warmer than the luxurious villa prepared by Princess Danyang for Orange Cat.


After nightfall.

Gu Wenjing squatted on the balcony and looked up at the few shining little stars that appeared in the night sky.

There was a faint golden light gleaming in his cat’s pupils, and he could see more and more aura light particles floating in the air. Although it is still very thin now, it has turned a few compared to what he had seen before. Times.

Gu Wenjing could feel during the day that the smog in the city had gradually disappeared.

Reiki has a very good function of purifying the air. After the rejuvenation of Reiki, it has a great benefit to human beings that it will never see air pollution again. The whole world is full of clean and fresh air.

Gu Wenjing stared at the little star blankly for a while, then recovered, he got into the cat litter.

The cat litter that Tongtong prepared for him is far inferior to the luxurious cat litter specially tailored by Princess Danyang, but he prefers this shabby cat litter with shiny old clothes and can feel warmer.

He just got into the cat’s litter, and got out of it uneasy, walked into Tongtong’s room, and jumped onto the bed gently.

Seeing that Tongtong was blowing on the electric fan again without a thin quilt covering her belly, Gu Wenjing picked up a corner of the thin quilt and dragged it onto Tongtong’s body to cover her belly, and then turned off the electric fan.

Now the weather is getting warmer and heading towards summer, but it is not hot enough to blow the electric fan all night.

After Gu Wenjing helped Tongtong turn off the electric fan and put the quilt on, he went back into the cat litter on the balcony and got ready to sleep.

Alas, he has taken on a heavy responsibility that a cat should not bear ○| ̄|_

Gu Wenjing lay down in the cat litter, closing his eyes and preparing to go to sleep, but the cat was originally a night owl who sleeps during the day and is active at night.

He was a little bored tossing about in the cat litter, his tail wagging.

Suddenly his wagging tail drooped, his ears pricked up, and he heard a rustle in the kitchen.

Gu Wenjing suddenly became vigilant and walked quietly towards the kitchen. The mat stepped on the floor without making any sound. A pair of cat pupils shone sharply in the dark night.

As he approached the kitchen, he smelled a rat.

Gu Wenjing’s eyes were sharp and he saw the little mouse next to the rice bag. This mouse was much smaller than the big squirrel he was playing with in the flower bed, but it was also more alert.

Before Gu Wenjing entered the kitchen, the rustling stopped, and he could see the little mouse in the dark looking vigilantly around.

Suddenly, Gu Wenjing shot out like an arrow. The cute and harmless cat pad popped out with sharp claws, and directly inserted the sharp claws into this daring little mouse that dared to enter his territory and steal rice. On his neck.

Gu Wenjing threw the corpse of the little mouse hanging on his paws into the trash can, subconsciously wanting to lick his paws. He just raised his paws and smelled the stench, he immediately stopped, and honestly jumped three. He ran to the bathroom with his legs, jumped to the sink, and opened the faucet to wash the right front paw that had just touched the mouse.

In order to wash more cleanly, he also squeezed a tuft of hand sanitizer and rubbed a few times on the meat pad.

After washing, Gu Wenjing put his right front paw on his nose and smelled it. He was sure that the smell of mice was gone and it turned into the scent of lavender of hand sanitizer. He wiped it twice on his special towel.

He jumped off the sink and went back to the cat litter to go to sleep.


After dawn, Mother Zhang got up the earliest. After washing, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her husband and daughter.

She already used the rice cooker to cook the porridge at a fixed time last night. She cooked the porridge in advance, and now only needs to bake a few soft egg cakes.

Zhang Mu knocked the egg on the edge of the bowl, and then broke the egg into the bowl. When she turned around and threw the egg shell into the trash can, she suddenly noticed something dark in the trash can and took a closer look…


Zhang mother, who was afraid of mice, screamed subconsciously, and frightened Zhangfu and Tongtong who were still sleeping.

The father and daughter hurried to the kitchen to check the situation.

“Wife, what’s the matter?”

“Mom, what’s the matter?”

Zhang Mu pointed to the trash can in shock, “Yes, there are mice!”

Tongtong, who was also afraid of mice, hurried out of the kitchen with fear. Father Zhang was the most courageous. He glanced at the trash can. The black corpse covered by the eggshell was indeed a small black mouse, with its long tail still exposed.

Zhang Fu breathed a sigh of relief: “Don’t be afraid, it’s a mouse corpse.”

Hearing that it was a dead mouse, Zhang’s mother was finally determined. When she saw that the mouse’s brain had become blank, she now calmed down. She also thought that the mouse was lying motionless in the trash can. It should be dead.

“Where did the dead mouse come from?”

Father Zhang smiled and tied the trash bag out, and planned to take it out and throw it in the trash can outside, “It must be Tangtang’s credit. The mouse appeared in the house, of course the cat caught it. Tangtang used to be a wildcat. ”

Tongtong did not see the disgusting look of the mouse. She heard Zhang’s father boasting Tangtang and proudly said: “Tangtang is super good at catching mice! I went to school and saw Tangtang playing with mice before. A big squirrel has been played between the cat’s paws by Tangtang!”

At this time, Gu Wenjing also quietly came to the kitchen to probe his head and watch the movement in the kitchen.

He knew that the mouse he had caught yesterday was found, and he also heard Tongtong blowing his rainbow fart.

Gu Wenjing squatted at the door of the kitchen with a reserved face, hey, don’t be so high-profile! Low-key, low-key, this is a routine operation!

The tail behind him unconsciously wags faster.

Seeing Gu Wenjing, Zhang Mu walked over with a smile and touched his furry head, and praised him: “Tang Tang is really amazing, I will reward you with an egg pancake today!”

Then Zhang Mu cracked another egg. When baking the soft egg pie, he baked another one, cut into small pieces and put them into Gu Wenjing’s cat bowl, and the piles were too high.

Gu Wenjing couldn’t refuse the reward for his’hard work’ last night, and he ate the fragrant egg pie that was still warm.

This egg soft cake is simple to make, but Zhang Mu is really good at craftsmanship, and it is delicious and full when paired with white porridge.

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