Grimoires and Gunsmoke

Operation Tolkien: Chapter 49

“You sure we’re gonna find a village this way?” Elijah questioned as he tried to make heads or tails of a poorly hand-drawn map he had in his hands. The man rotated the strange animal skin parchment in his hands as his gaze alternated between it and Azeline in search of confirmation.

In response, Azeline rolled her eyes in exasperation before impatiently snatching the map from his hands. “What are you, stupid!?” She barked while squinting at it critically, turning it around in her hands. “Who holds a map upside down? Gods…” She chided

Coleman was hanging lazily in the gunner's turret when his foot kicked Bennett’s shoulder. “This is why we don’t give these two dipshits -

“Hey, fuck you.” Bennett’s voice echoed in the background.

“- maps.” The team leader finished as he chomped down on another piece of beef jerky.

Azelines narrowed her eyes at Bennett before letting out a sigh. “Noted…” She replied while flipping the map around and presenting it to Elijah. “See this small river?” She traced her finger along a winding line on the map. “That’s where we are. How are you roaming around this place without knowing anything about the river system? That’s literally the only landmark here that’s not trees or fields!”

Still staring at the map, Elijah scratched his head in confusion "I'm not seeing it, champ. It's just lines," he complained, throwing his hands up in defeat. “Just squiggly lines and blobs of bullshit.” Every part of the map seemed to refuse to coalesce into any meaningful form.

“I mean, what the shit is this supposed to be?” The medic then pointed to a particularly crudely drawn section of the map, where the lines seemed to meander aimlessly. "Is that a hill or a pit? A town, maybe? Or is that just a grease stain?"

A desirive laugh left Azeline’s mouth as she felt her patience leave her body. She facepalmed hard and dragged her hand down, pulling at her face. They had been having this back-and-forth for over an hour now and Every time Elijah looked at her map, he bombarded her with questions as if she had personally drawn the damn thing and been to every landmark.

“In the name of everything good and holy… How in the gods am I supposed to know!?" Azeline shot back, clutching at the air and flexing in frustration. "Maps aren't some all-knowing oracle! They give you a rough idea, and you figure the rest out!”

Elijah's hands went to his head and expanded outward like an explosion as his eyes fluttered. It was almost as if her words had inflicted actual mental damage on him. "What does that even mean!?!?" he retorted incredulously. "What's the point of a map that isn't accurate!?"

In a dramatic display of exasperation, Elijah got out of the GMV and started gesticulating wildly at Azeline. "Oh hey, Ben! According to our fantastic map here, the village we're looking for is….. Maybe, in this general direction!" he announced in a mockingly high-pitched voice while stomping off with an exaggerated, silly walk.

A fit of giggling resounded beside the vehicle, causing its inhabitants to snap their heads to the side and see Yana hovering next to them. She perfectly mimicked Elijah’s every movement, even down to the goofy facial expression.

Azeline’s face contorted with anger as her hostile look snapped between the fairy and Elijah’s mocking display. "If I weren't so crippled right now, I'd send my boot so far up your ass you’d be spitting out leather and dirt!" she snarled while her hands clenched tightly into fists.

“Jesus preserve me, they’re the same goddamn person…” Coleman muttered under his breath as his hand went to his face and cringed. “Eli, can you stop being an asshole for 5 seconds?” He said, pushing in his eyeball to banish the headache forming “Just… Just 5 seconds, that's all I want!”

A flicker of annoyance flashed across Elijah’s face as he sighed and started walking back to the GMV. Bennett and Yana, meanwhile, couldn't contain their laughter and continued to cackle at the spectacle.

Coleman had enough of the antics, and decided now was a good time to step in to assert control over the situation. "We're going to listen to the local," he declared firmly, gesturing towards Azeline. "She knows this land and knows what she's doing."

Not one to back down easily, Elijah opened his mouth to retort. "But the map looks like it was made by an illiterate drunken child!" he started but was soon cut off by Coleman's stern voice.

"Ah! Ah ah! Shut up! No! Bad!" Coleman scolded, pointing at him with a mix of authority and exasperation. "Bad Eli! We're going to listen to the local, and that's that! No more bitching, no more moaning, no more bullshit! Now get the fuck in the car!"

A growl left Elijah’s mouth as he glared at Coleman. However, he ultimately relented and made his way back while a slew of curses left his mouth. “What am I a dog…?” He grumbled to himself as he stomped his way over

Azeline on the other hand, had a smug grin on her face. Even though she couldn’t understand a word of that exchange, she sensed the tide had turned in her favor. As Elijah begrudgingly climbed into the passenger seat of the GMV, Azeline couldn't resist the opportunity to get the last word in. "Dickwipe."

“Shitbag.” Elijah’s retort was instant and sharp.

"Enough!" Coleman's voice cut them both off before another round of insults began. "Let’s just focus on getting to this other damn village!" He barked, looking down at the two. “Eli, get on the horn with the convoy and get a goddamn sitrep! Christ on a stick you two are insufferable!”

The interior of the GMV fell into a heavy silence, the only sound being the rumble of the engine and the crunch of tires on the rough terrain. Elijah, still simmering with frustration, shifted in his seat and snatched the radio while Azeline continued to smile at him conceitedly.

“Baron 2, this is Baron 1. How you nerds holdin’ up?” Elijah said nonchalantly as he let go of the push to talk.

Bennett, in the driver seat of the GMV while peering off into the distance with binoculars, couldn't help but chuckle after such a solid example of NATO radio protocol. "Elegant as ever," he said dryly.

In an attempt to maintain his cool, Coleman simply shook his head and sighed as he rotated the turret around.

After a few moments of silence, a reply came through, "Baron 2, copy. Convoy is moving along without incident. Villagers are... well, they're villagers. A bit of grumbling about the pace and the dust, but nothing out of the ordinary. I think." The voice from Baron 2 reported with a hint of weariness in their tone. "Any chance we can swap out? Over."

“No, Baron 1 out,” Elijah replied immediately and ceased communications.

He then turned to Coleman, giving a brief, concise report. "They're fine," Elijah said, his voice carrying a note of finality.

As Coleman listened to Elijah's report, his expression remained stoic, but internally, he grappled with the challenge of handling his subordinate. Elijah’s usual petulant and unpredictable nature often made it very difficult to maintain any semblance of discipline or order within the team. And Coleman knew that when Elijah became obstinate, no amount of reasoning or reprimand would bring him back in line. The best approach, he had learned over time, was to not react in a way that might encourage the medic’s more… exhausting tendencies and to divert his attention somewhere else.

But it wouldn’t take long for something or someone to throw a wrench into that plan. Coming out of nowhere, Yana suddenly zipped in front of Azeline and pointed an accusing finger at the Elf. "Hey! You shouldn't talk to my human like that!" she exclaimed in an angry voice. "You're lucky he told me to be nice to you, or I'd set your stupid pointy ears on fire!"

Azeline recoiled away from Yana's sudden appearance and threat, and for a moment, she felt a pang of fear. However, this quickly morphed into confusion. She couldn't help but notice that Yana's ears were equally as pointed as her own. But before Azeline could react further, Coleman interjected once again by letting out a loud and exasperated groan.

“Oh for fuck’s sake! ELI!” The team leader barked and looked down at his medic who seemed confused and annoyed as to why HE was being yelled at. “Eli get in the goddamn turret and take your fairy with you!" Coleman barked harshly as he crouched down out of the position in a huff. "Jesus Christ! Cats! It's like herding cats!"

Elijah gave Coleman the side eye as he lifted himself up and maneuvered to climb up to the .50 caliber machine gun mounted on the GMV. "This is bullshit," the medic grumbled as he hauled himself up after snatching Yana out of the air as she continued to harass Azeline.

“I’m a goddess ya know! I’ll turn you into a frog, ya know! I’ll- GWAK!” The fairy yelped in response and started to struggle.

But as quickly as she was scooped out of the air, Yana found herself dumped on top of the cupola rolling around. She flailed for a moment, before shakily standing up and pointing an indignant finger at Elijah.

"Hey! You can't do that to me! You're my apostle!" Yana protested as she stood on her new perch. “You're supposed to be nice to me!”

Ignoring the tiny being, Elijah scowled as he popped open the feed tray of the heavy machine gun and began to check the belt of ammunition, ensuring it was properly seated and ready for action. Once done, he slapped down the feed tray and yanked back on the charging handle with a satisfying 'chick-chack' sound.

Meanwhile, Yana took off from her perch and landed on top of the weapon with her hands on her hips, her tiny wings fluttering in agitation. "Hey! Hey, listen to me, you stinky ugly face!" she barked at Elijah as she stomped her tiny foot, emphasizing each word, "I’m your goddess! You should be nice to your goddess!”

Snapping his eyes to the fairy, Elijah’s mouth opened as if to unleash a barrage of insults, but the words filtered as he instead just started flapping his lips as his words seemed to fail him. And in that moment of exasperation, the man began ruffling his hair while Yana glared at him petulantly.

“FINE!” Elijah yelled as he ducked under the cupola and rifled his bags.

A few choice words were said as Elijah rummaged through the contents of his assault pack until he finally found what he was looking for– a small strip of beef jerky with red flakes on it. Climbing back into the turret, Elijah shoved the treat towards the still scowling Yana as she glared in reprimand with her hands on her hips.

Initially, the small goddess looked as if she was about to retort with another sharp remark on how dare he try to win her over with such insignificant tribute, but one small sniff put an end to that. “Yay!” Yana exclaimed, quickly grabbing the jerky from Elijah’s hands before buzzing away to the back of the vehicle.

“Goddamn…” Elijah sighed in resignation as he watched the menace fly off. “Gimme a break, man…”

With everyone settling down, a quiet took hold as they each found their rhythm. Coleman pulled himself halfway out of the GMV and balanced himself on the edge of the doorway as he peered over the back of the vehicle. His eyes scanned the terrain behind them, noting the progress of the rest of the team and the caravans they were escorting. The sight of several wagons and carriages, filled with villagers and their meager belongings, slowly cresting over a distant hill signified it was time to get a move on.

Coleman's gaze lingered for a moment, ensuring that everything was in place and there were no signs of distress or disorder. Satisfied with what he saw, the team leader then pulled himself back into the vehicle and gave Bennett a firm slap on the shoulder. “Let’s get outta here,” he ordered quietly, gesturing towards the empty dirt road.

The GMV's engine roared to life as Bennett took the wheel and moved in the direction that had plotted out earlier. According to Azeline, they were getting quite close to a sister village to the one they had just saved. And with how the forces of this land were conducting themselves, one could only hope they didn’t suffer the same fate.

Regardless, the team would have to take whatever was going to happen in stride, one step at a time. So acting as the lead scouts for the main body of their team Coleman and his element drove forward to clear the way and ensure that the path ahead was free and clear.

Time seemed to fly by as they journeyed on towards, what they assumed, was the north west. The terrain subtly started to change from the vast unending forests and into a valley as the sun began its slow descent in the sky, painting the landscape in hues of gold and orange. The daylight waned, and by the time the sun had finally sat comfortably on the horizon, did the team crested a hill that overlooked a breathtaking sight.

Before them lay a massive river, snaking through the valley in a majestic, serpentine fashion. Its waters reflected the colors of the sunset, shimmering with streaks of gold and crimson. Alongside the river, a rather sizable village nestled comfortably, its structures harmoniously blended with the natural surroundings.

Surrounded by a wooden palisade covered in flowery vines, the village appeared to be a bustling center of life and activity, even from their distant vantage point. Thatched and tiled roofs of varying shapes and sizes dotted the landscape, interspersed with patches of cultivated land. Plumes of smoke rose from several hearths, suggesting the preparation of evening meals.

The scene was reminiscent of a painting that displayed the natural beauty and a settlement coexisting in harmony, but there was something off.

Coleman brought his binoculars to his face and narrowed his brow when he noticed an unusual and tense confrontation unfolding at the gate. A small contingent of men clad in armor, eerily similar to those that had attacked the previous village, were engaged in what he could only assume was a one sided verbal confrontation with the inhabitants of the settlement. The armed men gestured aggressively, their body language indicating a heated exchange, while the villagers, though clearly outnumbering the intruders, seemed hesitant and defensive.

"We've got a problem," Coleman stated in a monotone voice as the rest of his element did their best observed the scene through their weapons small optics. “Eli, can you get eyes on ‘em?”

“Yep.” Elijah, who was still stationed in the turret, replied as he turned around in an almost letheragically upon hearing Coleman's words. Reaching over the rear of the GMV, the medic grabbed a rather long case made of sturdy cloth before unzipping it and pulling out a MK22 Advanced Sniper Rifle.

Without even deploying the rifle's bipod, he carefully rested the high-powered rifle ontop of another piece of secured luggage, creating a makeshift yet stable platform. Popping off the protective caps, Elijah set the optics magnification to max peered through it to see one of the soldiers take several baskets before slapping some poor woman.

“Hrmmm….” Elijah murmured as he watched the scene through the sniper rifle's scope. His eyes narrowed as he observed one of the armored soldiers harshly slap a woman to the ground, then roughly grab her arm and drag her along with him. The rest of the villagers reacted with anger and moved aggressively towards the soldiers.

The tension escalated quickly, and the soldiers unsheathed their weapons in response to the villagers' advance. However, before the situation could erupt into violence, another villager intervened. This man, evidently a person of some authority or respect among the villagers, flailed his arms wildly, facing his own people as if to stop them from attacking.

As the scene unfolded, Elijah tapped his finger on the side of the rifle and continuously clicked his tongue. "Well, that's not good," the man commented dryly eliciting a few raised eyebrows from his team. “Looks like extortion to me. Food, money and women.”

A sigh left Coleman’s mouth as his finger drummed against his binoculars. “You think they’re apart of that group we just ambushed?” Coleman asked, still focused on the unfolding drama. "Can you get a head count?"

Elijah took a deep breath as he counted the figures moving around in the village quietly. "Ehh…. I'd say about ten or fifteen, give or take," he finally said as his fingers spun the optic’s magnification back and forth.

He then paused momentarily while fixating on something through the scope. "But, I think they got something big," Elijah added, a hint of seriousness in his voice. "Ehhhh…. Ahhh…. I can’t really make it out, though. It’s just sitting behind some trees."

“Shit…” Coleman muttered as he put down his binoculars and began to rub his head.

There could have been anything in those tree lines, and with limited flexibility and no support, Coleman knew he had to tread carefully, and any wrong call could get him or his team killed. They couldn’t risk just waltzing in the place or even taking a potshot without at least getting an idea of what they’re dealing with.

Turning towards Azeline, Coleman gave the Elf a hard and inquisitive look. "Any idea what these imperials might have?" Hey asked, furrowing his brow as he tried to remember the words in this strange tongue. "Anything big and dangerous?"

Azeline lifted an eyebrow and scratched her head in thought. Her memory returned to the informant she paid off and how he explained that only the Empire's impoverished goons bothered to be out this deep. "You're going to have to be more descriptive than that," she replied as she leaned back in her chair. “These guys are most likely more Auxiliaries like the ones we fought outside the previous village, so it could be a smaller wyvern, a salamander, or whatever feeble beast the Empire might have burdened those poor saps with as a support element."

Coleman shot his head up towards Elijah, who was still peering through the scope of his rifle. "Eli, can you give us anything else on the thing? Anything specific?" he asked, hoping for a clearer picture.

For a few moments, Elijah remained silent as he adjusted his position and watched the creature wiggle around in the thicket. "Could be anywhere from 10 to 15 feet long… there are a few spikes... maybe claws, beige or an off-white bottom with blood red on top." Elijah reported in the local language as he squinted his eyes to discern more details. "It's hard to make out, but it's definitely trying to stay hidden behind those trees. Looks like it's waiting for something, or maybe just watching."

“That’s a Wyvern.” Azeline immediately spoke up. “A small one at that.”

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