Grimoires and Gunsmoke

Operation Tolkien: Chapter 59

Darkness was the fate of all existence. No shapes, no sounds, nor sensations beyond the oppressive weight of infinite nothingness. Within it hung a clot of consciousness, a memory older than the history of this realm's new wardens. Its existence was not sleep but a stagnant approximation, a dull ache with no source, like the phantom pain of a long-lost limb.

There, gently floating comfortably in the void, a single memory twitched. A solitary spark amidst the endless dark. It pulsed softly, a lone neuron firing gently amidst a dormant network. Within it, a fragment of a world, a fleeting echo of existence that this memory and many like it sought since their inception:

A vibrant city bustling with life and adventure. Laughter and music that caused one to break into dance. Love of a doting partner. Hatred for a spiteful enemy.

The memory flickered, then faded, leaving only a faint echo in the void. The lich, for a fleeting moment, stirred. A single, primal instinct flared, screaming at it not to survive but instead to… live.

Suddenly, an arcane scream tore through the stillness.

The scream was less of a sound and more of a force. A force of malice and mischief that burst forth like a fiery explosion in the dead of night. The multitude of other fragments of memory pulsed from its violence, and within the network, something jerked. The taste of that scream... potent, chaotic, promising an unmaking of the endless black. It was familiar, agonizingly so. It bore the same signature as the power that pulled this ancient soul from oblivion and bound it in brittle bone.

Then, it was gone. The network of memories pulsed within the stillness, waiting. Was this a summons? A test? Or nothing more than a cruel echo of the past? For eons, this collection of memories… this eternal one had known nothing but its muted existence and the void since the great sundering. Now, a hunger bloomed within, a desperate craving that had once reshaped its world. It waited in the aching silence, bones coiled tight, for its master - its tormentor - its salvation - to show another sign.

At that moment, the discordant symphony ricocheted across the void. Though it had vanished as swiftly as it appeared, it still sparked a long-forgotten storm. But the scream had ignited a beacon. The scattered memories were like stars in the void that began to slowly be sucked back into the core of the being’s consciousness.

One by one, the nodes of its mind found each other, drawn together by an invisible force, a longing for completeness that transcended time and the abyss. As they converged, a flurry of activity sparked across the entire network. Memories once isolated and adrift were now intertwined, knitting together the fabric of a consciousness that had lain fragmented for eons.

With each connection, the consciousness grew stronger and more coherent. Images and thoughts, and muted emotions that had been mere whispers in the dark coalesced into a loud, harmonious chorus.

This newborn, yet ancient, being reached out. Not with hands but with the tendrils of its forming mind. It swept through the void, not seeking another scream but just an echo. Even a whisper to confirm that the power that had jolted it into existence had once again brought itself back into existence.

Like a blind creature learning to use its ears, the lich listened. Not for sound, as there was none, but for the tremors in the nothingness. The reverberations of the scream had faded, but it had learned something crucial: The void wasn't empty. Within it moved currents of energy, unseen and unfelt until that moment. This couldn’t have been a fluke. It couldn’t have been a cruel trick of memory. The being knew the scream was real.

Days slithered into weeks, and weeks stretched into months. The being in question had no concept of time as the world knew it, only the ebb and flow of energy within the void. But it still found itself impatiently searching every stray flicker of sensation that flowed in the void tirelessly. Yet, there was nothing. No echo, no scream, not even a whisper.

Frustration started to build up in the core of the ancient being like an impossibly cold ember. It wasn’t quite the rage of a predator that was denied its prey but a gnawing, unsettling certainty. Perhaps the scream had been a cruel trick of its memory. A last, desperate reverberation of its memory flickering into life before fading back into obscurity. And with that realization that the scream was a phantom born from its desire to reconnect with a purpose long since faded.

It settled back into the void. Not in defeat, but in acceptance. The nodes in the mind pulsed slower as its search for meaning gave way to a familiar ache… disappointment.

Then, it came. Not a scream, not even a whisper… but the subtle shivers in the veil. A flicker of dissonance not unlike the fading echo of the first scream but far softer and laced with a burst of strange laughter that was both quiet and chilling.

The timeless being jolted to life. Not its body but its very essence. For interwoven with the laughter was power as raw as it was chaotic and burned away the arcane with a venomous joy.

As the tendrils of the being's consciousness brushed against the faint echo of power, a surge of energy ripped through its core. It was a jolt that echoed through the very fabric of its being, a violent awakening that pulsed with the intensity of a supernova. Once devoid of any light, two empty sockets within the creature's skull abruptly flickered to life. Within them, two violet orbs pulsed with an otherworldly luminescence, casting an eerie light upon a skeletal visage.

With deliberate and purposeful movements, the being’s skeletal form, clad in flowing black robes that shimmered with an otherworldly sheen, pulsed with magical energy that seemed to emanate from within. Its eyeless gaze swept across the void and pierced the very fabric of nothingness. And with a wave of its skeletal hand, a wave of flame erupted forth, banishing the oppressive darkness.

The flames seemed to consume the void itself, not with mindless destruction but with a purifying intensity. Cobwebs disintegrated, dust danced in the flickering light, and any lingering creature was consumed without a sound.

Yet, the destruction served a purpose. With the chambers fully illuminated, the room is full of breathtaking intricate, arcane wonders. The walls were adorned with complex geometric patterns that pulsed with a soft, ethereal glow. Each line and curve seemed to hold a purpose, a hidden meaning that whispered of ancient magic and long-forgotten constructs.

Embedded within the walls were devices of unimaginable power and sophistication. Crystalline orbs, each the size of a human head, hovered delicately in metal cradles. They thrummed with energy, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the room. Intricate metal pipes, etched with runes that shimmered in the flickering light, snaked along the walls, carrying currents of pure arcane essence.

With each step the lich took, the intricate geometric patterns on the walls seemed to come alive, shifting and turning in response to its presence. The ethereal glow intensified, pulsing in rhythm with the lich's strides as if the room itself was welcoming back its master after eons of dormancy.

The lich's form itself was a sight to behold. Its towering stature and elongated limbs exuded an aura of raw dread, while its pristine skull, with its angular jaw and imposing visage, spoke of ancient regality.

Even the long flowing black robes it wore were a work of art. Shimmering with arcane patterns, the robes enveloped the Lich’s form as they shimmered with an otherworldly sheen. Each movement caused the robes to ripple and flow like liquid shadows, casting mesmerizing patterns across the chamber walls.

As the lich approached the center of the room and towards one of the crystalline orbs that hovered in their metal cradles, and reached out to touch it. But before beings long fingers could touch it, a raspy feminine voice suddenly cut through the sound of magical hums and licks, "I'm already here, Ythrak," the voice said, with a timbre that was both exotic and sultry.

Ythrak, the ancient lich whose mere presence would cause even lesser gods to tremble in fear, turned its skeletal head toward the source of the disturbance. There, against the chamber wall, leaned a figure that seemed to defy his commanding aura with a casual shrug. The newcomer turned out to be the very vision of dark allure, with beauty as undeniable as her authority. Her skin was a porcelain white in contrast to the ornate red and black garments that adorned her form, hugging curves in a manner that spoke of both regality and seduction.

Her crimson eyes glowed, relics of a lifespan rivaling Ythrak's. Yet, it was the graceful sweep of her horns that held an ivory shimmer, yet strangely light-devouring, that transfixed him. These horns, coupled with her porcelain skin and crimson eyes, left no doubt as to her Vampiric nature.

With a casual grace that belied her power, the woman gently pushed off the wall and began a slow, deliberate walk toward Ythrak. As she moved, she tilted her head from side to side, stretching languidly like a cat waking from a long nap. Her delicate fingers brushed a speck of soot from her long, pointed ear, a subtle gesture that hinted at her displeasure.

"I must say, I didn't quite appreciate being set aflame like the vermin you so thoroughly incinerated," she remarked, her melodic voice tinged with a hint of reproach. Despite her words, there was a playful glint in her eyes, suggesting that her annoyance was tempered by a deeper understanding.

Ythrak regarded the vampiress for a long moment, his glowing violet orbs taking in every detail of her appearance. Her raven-black hair cascaded down her back, nearly brushing the floor as she moved. The lich found himself momentarily transfixed by how the arcane light played across her hair, casting shimmering highlights that seemed to dance with each step.

Finally, Ythrak spoke, his voice resonating with an arcane power that seemed to make the very air tremble. "My apologies, dear Synael," it spoke with carefully measured words. "It has been quite some time since I last walked among the realm of flesh. I'm afraid my control is not what it once was."

There was a hint of something more in his words - a touch of melancholy, perhaps, or a sense of long-buried memories stirring to life. For a being as ancient and powerful as Ythrak, the passage of time was a complex thing, filled with countless lives and epochs that blurred together in an endless tapestry.

Synael let out an exasperated "Hmph," her crimson eyes narrowed slightly at Ythrak's apology. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed a lock of her raven hair over her pointed ear, the silken strands catching the arcane light and shimmering like a cascade of obsidian.

"I shall forgive you this once, Ythrak," she conceded, her melodic voice carrying a note of indulgence. "On account of your slumber spanning thousands of years." There was a hint of amusement in her tone as if the idea of the great lich requiring forgiveness was a novelty in itself.

With a grace that seemed to defy the laws of mortality, Synael glided past Ythrak, her bare feet stepping lightly over the thrumming arcane devices that pulsed with ancient power. "I'm assuming you felt something from our rather… estranged little mistress?" Synael asked almost bitterly as her gaze swept across the chamber, taking in the intricate carvings and pulsing geometric patterns that adorned the walls.

Ythrak inclined his head, the gesture somehow conveying a mix of acknowledgment and contemplation. "Indeed," the Lich added with a reverberating voice. "It was just a few murmurs, but I have no doubt that the High Judge has broken free."

There was a weight to his words. For creatures as attuned to the ebbs and flows of magic as it was, even the subtlest ripples in the fabric of reality could not go unnoticed.

“Hmm…” Synael hummed in interest as she spun around with an air of nonchalance. With her hands clasped behind her back, the Vampiric being’s bare feet moved with deliberate grace as she stepped gingerly over the thrumming arcane devices and navigated to the rear of the room.

Synael's gaze was drawn to a peculiar mechanism that stood out among the rest. It was a vault of sorts, crafted from a brass-like metal that seemed to pulse with an inner life. Violet light seeped from its seams, a radiant energy that strained against its confines as if desperate to break free.

And as the woman approached the vault, a smug smirk played on her lips while her demeanor remained outwardly relaxed. Yet, if one took a closer look, they’d see the subtle signs of tension. Her crimson eyes sharpened, their glow intensifying as they fixated on the pulsating light. Her breaths grew shallow, as a hint of anticipation crept into her usually unflappable composure.

For a long moment, she simply stared at the device, her gaze locked with the writhing violet energy as a rare sensation grew in her chest…


“Are you certain…?” She finally spoke after a long bout of silence, her voice barely above a whisper. "Could there be any room for misinterpretation?" The question hung in the air as her eyes remained locked onto that pulsating energy that was trying to break free.

Ythrak moved to stand beside her, his towering form casting a shadow across the room. The violet orbs pulsated within his skull as he, too, gazed upon the straining energy. "There can be no doubt," it answered with a voice that resonated with the weight of centuries. "I can no longer even detect that repulsive blackened spire that once held her."

Synael let out a contemptuous laugh, the sound echoing through the chamber with a bitter edge. The prospect of their mistress running free, unbound by the constraints that had held her for so long, was not a situation she relished. Especially since they couldn't ascertain her whereabouts, it spelled a brand new set of problems for them to deal with.

If they, with all their arcane might and ancient wisdom, couldn't locate their mistress, then it was unlikely that anyone else could. And that, in itself, posed a significant challenge. The gods, ever watchful and quick to assign blame, would more than likely be breathing down their necks, suspecting that they had played a role in her release.

With furrowed brows, Synael contemplated the implications. The mortals of this realm already had a rather disfavorable view of their kind. It has gone to the point where they would look to exterminate them whenever possible, so the political maneuverings and power struggles that would ensue weren’t something she looked forward to navigating. Yet, amidst the frustration and apprehension, she couldn't help but feel a flicker of grudging appreciation.

For all her chaotic whims and unpredictable nature, their mistress had once again managed to elicit a response from Synael. A response that the woman hadn't experienced in a very long time... emotion. Granted, it was a negative emotion, a mix of irritation and dread, but it was a sensation nonetheless. In a world where centuries could pass without a flicker of genuine feeling, even the most unpleasant of emotions could be a welcome change.

As a sigh of resignation left Synael’s, the woman turned to face Ythrak. "I shall prepare this necropolis for war," she declared in an exasperated voice. "We should also send warnings to our brothers and sisters to do the same. If our mistress is indeed loose upon the world, we must be ready for the chaos that will inevitably follow."

Ythrak lowered his head in contemplation, the violet orbs within his eye sockets dimming slightly as it processed Synael's words. They were in a delicate situation where any wrong move may cause all the feuding gods and mortals to unite and march on every Necropolis they could find. The fate of the Unseelie courts weighed heavily on their shoulders, and they had to tread carefully.

For a long moment, the lich remained silent while his skeletal form became as still as a statue. It was as if it were delving deep into the recesses of his ancient mind, sifting through the countless lifetimes of knowledge and experience stored within.

Finally, after what felt like several minutes, Ythrak slowly and deliberately nodded. "Of course, that is most prudent," The lich voiced in a way that seemed to echo throughout the room. "We must prepare for the worst, even as we hope for the best."

There was a hint of weariness in his words, a sense of the toll that the endless cycles of conflict and chaos had taken on him. Yet, beneath that weariness lay an unbreakable resolve, a determination to see their duty through, no matter the cost.

"I will begin the preparations here," Ythrak continued, his gaze sweeping across the arcane devices and ancient tomes that lined the chamber's walls. "There are rituals to be performed, wards to be strengthened. The covens and crypts scattered about may fall if the worst comes to pass. Still, we must at least ensure that this necropolis remains a bastion and sanctuary for all the Unseelie."

Synael chuckled in amusement as she turned away from Ythrak, the soft taps of her bare feet echoing through the chamber as she made her way toward the exit. The ancient walls seemed to respond to her presence, and the intricate patterns rippled and shifted as if they were alive.

As she approached the doorway, the very structure of the room began to change. Small cubes and blocks popped out from the walls, rolling and rearranging themselves to create a clear path for her. It was as if the necropolis itself was bowing to her will, acknowledging her authority and power.

Pausing at the threshold, Synael's hand rested lightly on the doorframe as she glanced back over her shoulder at Ythrak. A mischievous glint in her crimson eyes, and with a flick of her wrist, she tossed her raven hair over one of her horns, causing the silken strands to catch the eerie light of the chamber.

"Don't worry about that, sleepy head," she said with a voice that carried a teasing note. "I'll have that all taken care of."

"While you locked yourself away for the past few thousand years or so…" she continued, her tone almost teasing, "I've been busy keeping things in order. The covens, the crypts, the armies of the Unseelie in this region... they all answer to me now."

While full of pride, her declaration harbored no unjustified arrogance, merely a matter-of-fact acknowledgment of the authority she wielded. While the lich had sequestered himself away, keeping a watchful eye on the gods and their capricious mistress, Synael had been busy running the place. The Vampiress had stepped up, taking on the mantle of leadership and guiding the Unseelie through tumultuous times.

Ythrak didn’t respond at first, as his dreadful eyes seemed to bore a hole through Synael’s head. However, the Lich eventually gave a nod of respect and understanding. Ythrak knew it effectively dumped the incredible burden of management and the safety of their people onto Synael. He was grateful for her unwavering dedication and strength.

“You, my shiny ivory friend,” The Vampireress started again as she turned her back to the lich. Go see if you can find what our chaotic little mistress is up to…” she continued as her body whisked away into a dark vapor. “And perhaps attempt to put a stop to whatever antics she may be up to before the hellion causes a war that sunders this plane… AGAIN.”

And with that, Synael disappeared into blackened smoke, hurtling itself towards the inner sanctum of the Necropolis.

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