Gundam seed: the final destination in the future

Chapter 36

Carl, who walked out of the interrogation room, was ready to go home to rest, and he had spent the past two days in PLANT to recuperate, and when the time came, he would return to the battlefield and kill in all directions.

Thinking of this, he was a little excited in his heart.

MS: He hadn't driven in a long time, and he didn't know if his driving skills had retreated.

He doesn't care about killing or not, what he wants to care about is the feeling of driving an MS, and that feeling is an unprecedented feeling.

He felt that he could only be resurrected by sitting on MS.

"Are you Carl Mitchell?".

Two men dressed in manufacturing factory clothes suddenly stopped Carl's path and looked at him to confirm his identity.

Being blocked in his way like this, Carl thought for a moment and then said.

"I'm Carl Mitchell, may I ask you something?"

"We are from the PLANT Arsenal, and we are currently working on an exclusive aircraft, and you are one of our exclusive aircraft pilots this time.

We'd like to get some input from you. "

After revealing their identities, the two explained their intentions.

Such words shocked Carl's heart.

Exclusive MS?

This is the dream of every MS pilot, and the combat power of a pilot with an exclusive MS is much stronger than without a dedicated aircraft.

Moreover, the exclusive aircraft itself is designed for the exclusive pilot, and some aspects of it are designed for this person, which is also very helpful for improving combat effectiveness.

"You're saying you're going to design my own MS again? I heard you right?"

Not quite convinced, Carl looked at the two and asked for confirmation.

The two nodded as they listened to Carl's words, and replied again with confirmation.

"You can rest assured that this exclusive MS is designed for you. Your piloting skills in MS are for all to see, and you've killed more enemies than battle-hardened veterans.

We've also seen the battles you participated in, and they're very strong, but the mass production machine is no longer suitable for you, and it's the exclusive MS that is more suitable for you.

In this way, you can bring your strength to the extreme. "

Carl was a little embarrassed to be praised like this.

But at this time, he heard the second explanation to design his own MS, and he was already convinced of this matter in his own heart.

They don't have to lie to me.

He also doesn't have much to be deceived about.

"Let's go right now, I can't wait. "

"No problem!".

Carl's impatient appearance was seen by the two of them, and the two of them just smiled at his behavior.

Sitting by transportation, we soon arrived directly at the arsenal on the PLANT, where the research and development of the new MS mass production machine was in full swing.

Carl is still a little curious about this kind of place.

However, he was soon taken to the room of the MS designer, where Nigaul's father was standing.

"Hello uncle!".

"Long time no see, Carl. "

Nigol's father looked at Carl and nodded gently, his tone of greeting as if he had seen the back of the family.

"Some time ago, there was something that I didn't have time to return to PLANT, but uncle, you should also pay attention to your physical rest, otherwise Auntie will learn a lesson when she finds out. "

"I don't have anything here, you kids who go to the front line should pay attention to safety, it's much safer here than you guys over. "

After the pleasantries,

This is the formal questioning stage.

Nigol's father and his men confronted Carl and asked him about his requirements for an exclusive MS.

For your own exclusive MS, the first point is that you are handsome.

As he searched through the gunplas in his memory, the last Magic Zero Gravity Trial Gunpla appeared in Carl's mind.

With templates, it's easy to say anything.

While explaining the description to Negol's father, he held a pencil in his hand and scribbled on the paper, and finally drew a zero-gravity trial.

The front, back, left and right, backpack, etc., are all drawn in great detail.

At the same time, based on this, Carl also added some things that he wanted to add.

On the backpack on the back, two ship slashers shortened by a third were directly added, one was a pure entity ship slasher, and the other was the common kind of entity combined with a beam.

A beam saber was added to the side skirt armor on the waist, and a beam saber was also mounted on the hip armor.

It is equipped with two beam rifles at the same time, and can be hung on top of the side skirt armor in normal times.

The whole is mainly an MS that focuses on near and medium distances.

Compared with the free MS that focuses on firepower, his own firepower can't be compared.

Compared with the high-speed maneuver of justice, which is suitable for close combat, this one of his own is also a bit inferior to the high-speed maneuver of justice.

The main thing is the MS that is between the two of them.

"Carl, you really have a unique opinion on the shape design of MS, and the one you drew is really beautiful, and it looks mighty and domineering.

And you're quite demanding in terms of firepower!

It's really embarrassing for us, uncle. "

Looking at the papers, and then at the requests, Nigaul's father teased with a smile on his lips.

Listening to these teases, Carl just smiled slightly.

He knew in his heart that this was just a little joke that Nigaul's father made to himself, and that manufacturing could still be made, and that PLANT's manufacturing capacity was still quite strong.

And these are not too difficult things, and they are still very easy to implement.

"I'm sure you can make it, uncle. "

"You kid, it's okay. Your mission is over, you can go back and get some rest.

I promise you'll soon be able to drive your dream MS, and hopefully you'll be able to drive him to victory on PLANT. "

Seeing that the questioning was almost over, Nigel's father simply stood up and waved his hand to signal that Carl could leave his place.

Carl watched the gesture, stood up and walked straight outside, and when he reached the door.

Nigaul's father stopped Carl again.

"We've designed our second-generation production MS, and when you come back this time, you'll see how it performs for us.

You can rest assured that this MS will be modified for your driving preferences when the time comes, and you will not be used to driving. "

"Thank you, uncle!".

With such words, Karl could hear that this was deliberately making up for his own combat power, after all, his current self was compared to Aslan, who had already used those new MSs.

It's a bit of a stretch to drive Jean on your own.

And he prepared this for him as compensation.

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