Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 1

Gwen always knew that the world around her was a scary place. While she acknowledged such a fact, that didn’t mean that the world didn’t have any beauty beneath that. On the way home from school, Gwen could spot the injustice, inequality, and disparity between the poor and the rich. However, Gwen was also keenly aware that good people were around—people who inspired her to improve and pushed her to do her best.


Her father had always been a role model for her, putting that gun on his waist and wearing a badge, striving to keep the streets clean and put away bad guys. At least, that’s what she used to think, a childlike innocence that she used to have. But she had seen the other side of it, too, where her father was pushed into a corner just because he was following the rules while people in higher positions used the rules as they pleased, getting away with things they had no right to get away with.


Gwen shook her head and thought about the news that recently aired. Talia Stark. The Iron Woman. Gwen was still somewhat in awe from the broadcast that had swept the entire country, but she quickly accepted it and moved on. It was easy to do so, as she was so far removed from that type of life that she couldn’t relate. Just like many things she sees on the news, a momentary sympathy or heartache before moving on with her day. She didn’t have either the power or influence to make a change. She was still in school and studying to get through her SATs and see where her life took her.


“Then again, who doesn’t want to have that kind of life?” she asked, walking back home, her feet somewhat dragging as she looked up at the clouds in the sky. “Can you imagine it? Flying through the sky in a suit of armour?” She couldn’t help but grin at the thought.


“Ha, I know I would love to try that,” Peter replied, somewhat wistfully. “But you have to admit, she’s pretty damn cool to be able to make something like that. Did you hear she made the prototype when held hostage in a cave or something? Over in Afghanistan, I think it was.” He was also looking at the sky, maybe imagining what it would be like, just as Gwen was.


The duo entered a comfortable silence for a moment before Peter perked up. “How about you? What type of superpower would you have? Or maybe go the Stark route and kit yourself out with high-tech weaponry.”


“Hmm. I can’t imagine myself as some type of soldier who uses weaponry. I’d certainly go with a superpower if I had the choice. If nothing more than the convenience of using it, at least compared to lugging around a weapon. But even then, it’s not like I have any enemies who I’d use them on, so it doesn’t matter.” Gwen replied lightly, not taking the question seriously. But then she perked up, “Then again, the power to teleport would be handy. I could exit class, appear in my living room and slump on the couch. Maybe I fancy some authentic Italian food and just hop over to the other side of the world.”


Peter chuckled by her side as he shook his head in amusement. It was quite the ‘Gwen answer’. Despite her scholarly nature at school, he had known her long enough to know her better than others. While she couldn’t be labelled sluggish, she couldn’t be labelled hard-working either. It was more of a hard-working attitude so she could be lazy later on. She had short bursts of 200% efficiency but would be comparable to a sloth drugged with a tranquilliser when she was lazing around. “Yeah, that’s just like you,” he commented with a wry smile.


“What about you, then, Pete?” Gwen asked, still looking at the sky. She also listened to Peter, already knowing his reply.


Surprisingly, he didn’t answer straight away, causing Gwen to look away from the clouds and tall buildings to look towards her childhood friend and neighbour. Realising that he was hesitating, Peter chuckled it off nervously before replying. “...I also don’t see myself using a weapon. It's just some super strength… or a superpower to heal people. That would be nice.” While the answer was somewhat expected, Gwen also felt that Peter was keeping more to himself, but she couldn’t pinpoint what it was for her life. 


Realising that Peter also probably didn’t want to talk about it right now, she shook her head and focused back on the sky. “That’s just like you, but I expected cringy lines to accompany it. Something like a power so I could look out for the little guy or something like that.” She said with a little grin. Peter was one of the people that she looked up to. Despite his somewhat nerdy demeanour and bony limbs, he always offered a hand to those who needed it, even if it earned him a beating.


On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t look up to him. If anything, he’s an intelligent doofus who doesn’t know when to stop butting in. She shook her head at the thought, and a wry smile found its way onto her lips. 


Peter blushed slightly, knowing Gwen had quoted that directly from his mouth from the last time they had a similar conversation before defending himself. “You say that like you're not the one who saves my ass from Flash every few days.”


“‘Saves’ my ass. I’m usually too late; you still got some soup on your shoes from earlier today.” Gwen replied as she thought about the mess in the cafeteria that had been caused just that day before, shaking away the thought, though she did somewhat pity the cleaners who would have to put in some extra time. Suppose it wasn’t for the fact that the school had showers and that Peter was currently wearing his Phys Ed. Clothes, he would still be smelling of that grime they serve in the cafeteria.


Peter coughed lightly and decided to ignore the comment. “Anyway, what’s wrong with wanting to help people?”


Gwen smiled as he answered the same way he always did: “I know. You’re right. There is nothing wrong with wanting to help people, but there is a difference between helping others when you have the means and helping others when you don’t. You might worsen the situation if you don’t have the means to sort it out.” And before Peter could reply, she glared at him, looking down at his attire.


Peter got the message. If he hadn’t butted in, he wouldn’t have to carry the clothes he wore to school this morning in a carrier bag. “Well then, answer me this if you had a special power. Something unique to you. Are you saying you wouldn’t use it to help those in need?”


Gwen simply looked at Peter like he was an idiot. “You’re simply proving my point by using this argument. Yes, because I’d have the means to do so. In the same way, you would have the means to defend yourself if you took up martial arts and started hitting the gym. In the same way, my Dad can help others due to his position and his job.”


“Aiya, I’m not on about that; I was just talking about it in general,” he replied lightly, brushing off Gwen’s light scolding.


Gwen sighed. For how brilliant Peter was, he really could be a doofus. A loveable doofus, but a doofus nonetheless. He was the type of guy who would run into a burning building to save someone, only to get saved by the firefighters. It was honestly a worry for Gwen that he’d end up just going too far one day and end up in the hospital or maybe even worse.


As the duo continued their talk, they eventually arrived home. They split up, saying goodbye for the night, and Gwen entered her house. She immediately realised she was home alone and would be for at least another two or three hours before her father arrived home. Knowing she had some free time, she quickly took two pizzas from the freezer and placed them on the side before heading upstairs to her bedroom.


As she slipped into her room, she sighed in satisfaction as she had already felt some of the stress from school and life slip away. Like many other people her age, her room was like a haven for Gwen. She dropped her rucksack off her shoulder and hung it on the door before jumping onto her bed, her head finding the comfort of the pillow in seconds. She closed her eyes and thought about what had happened that day. She was alone with her thoughts, and a stray one happened to catch her attention.


Just yesterday, when she was partaking in her secret hobby, one that not even Peter knew about, she remembered that she was interrupted at a specific moment by the arrival of her father, stopping her from enjoying this hobby to its fullest. She opened her eyes, which were practicality shining now at the realisation as she slipped her phone out of her pocket and quickly found the novella she was reading.


It wasn’t just any novella that she was reading, though. No, this one was special to Gwen. Well, this one and the many she had read through in previous years. What made it special was its genre. Yuri. Girls Love. Erotica. Smut. Mature. Whatever you wanted to call it, she was sure there were other names for the genre as well, and she was confident that she would find all the niche sites online to find the best ones. The hottest ones. The soft, romantic ones. The steamy ones. The cuddly ones.


Peter’s opinion about Gwen being neither lazy nor hardworking, but a mix between the two. And while it wasn’t wrong, Peter didn’t have all the facts. Peter already knew that Gwen liked girls, as it was something that Peter happened to be together with Gwen when she realised it all those years ago. Peter also knew Gwen was crushing on a particular redhead from their maths class.


The girl in question was Jean Gray. If there was a vote for the ‘Hottest Girl In School Award’, Gwen was sure she wouldn’t be the only voter. And while Gwen was attracted to her physical appearance, she wasn’t so fickle as to fall for someone based on that alone. No, Jean was thoughtful and respectful and had a weirdly good intuition about those around her. It made her a little mysterious, like she had already seen and experienced the world. She was more mature than most in the class, and Gwen’s initial curiosity eventually turned into something more.


Gwen had already known that she liked women even before she had met Jean the year prior, but that was only ever physical attraction, or rather the lack of physical attraction to the males in general.


Shaking away such thoughts, she quickly found the novel and decided to backtrack on herself, going to the chapter before the…spicy…scene. You see, there was a reason that Gwen liked this novel so much, and it was due to the two main characters.


It was a novel about a princess trying to blend in with the commoners of her kingdom, even doing things like going to school while in disguise. But unexpectedly, the princess finds love at the school she was attending.


The Princess is a red-haired beauty with mesmerising green eyes. The second Gwen read the description of the Princess; she couldn’t help but overlap the image of Jean in her mind.


And then the commoner girl. With a softer appearance and a little clumsy personality. Fine blonde hair and baby blue eyes. It was like looking into the mirror when she looked at the fan art that some of the other readers had provided the author.


And then there was Gwen. While other readers had an image of the Princess and the commoner in their minds as others read through, Gwen had an image of herself and Jean Gray. She didn’t know whether to feel guilty about it, but it wasn’t like anyone would ever find out, so she enjoyed it as much as possible.


And so, she continued to read. The light build-up of tension and chemistry between the characters. The exchanged glance, the inexplicable hotness in the character's chest. The time when the Princess was caught staring at the commoner for a moment longer than necessary but decided to keep staring anyway—the inexplicable connection between the two, and when they finally shared their first kiss.


Gwen had read it all before, and now she continued reading. The dates they shared, the time they spent together. And before Gwen had realised it, her cheeks were flushed as she continued to read. The characters had decided to take the next step in their relationship. The red-haired Princess and the commoner were in a private place where no distractions could happen. A safe place.


As they nestled together, hugging and staying close, the Princess slowly lifted the shirt of her soon-to-be lover, trailing kisses at the exposed skin, stomach, chest, and neck. The Princess was like a knight, caring for her lover and affectionately showering her with little kisses on the woman's body, Gwen’s body. Jean’s lips travelled to places Gwen only kept to herself, but she was excited about what was happening.


Before Gwen realised it, she had already placed the phone to the side. Letting her imagination take its course as she had a firm mental image of Jean, who started to lift her shirt while those piercing green eyes stared at her with lust and passion. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath, and Gwen was met with a mesmerising sight; she could almost feel them in her hands as she reached up and took hold of those orbs.


The pink nipples were more rigid than they had ever been before, and they seemed like something that Gwen could just suckle on forever. Gwen didn’t want this to stop, but a tiny part of her was afraid to look at Jean after this; she wasn’t sure if she could stop herself. She felt something awakened inside her that she didn’t even know about. Soon, she strengthened her resolve, her panties already on the floor as Jean stood over her.


Gwen spread her legs, and the image of Jean became more apparent. Already stripped of all her clothes, Gwen stared at the beauty before her. While Gwen’s imagination was taking its course, her hands were moving according to Jean’s. Finding sensitive spots on her body as ‘Jean’ played with her body. She didn’t even know how much time had passed as she sat there panting, red in the face and tears in her eyes. Her hands were already soaked in her liquids when she awoke from her imagination.


She felt the orgasm, an orgasm that was larger than she had ever had before that seemed to wreak havoc on her body. Her legs couldn’t stop spasming; her breath was short and fast but also long and deep at the same time. Her head felt incredibly light and heavy at the same time as well. Gwen didn’t even know orgasms like this were real; she assumed that they were fake, but she knew well enough that she wasn’t faking this.


Only two whole minutes later did Gwen properly regain consciousness. She stared at the ceiling in her room, her vision hazy, her breathing still deep, and her body was hot all over. “What…the fuck?” She couldn’t help but exclaim breathlessly. She’d never experienced anything so intense before.


She felt like she had been placed under a spell. She didn’t know how else to describe it, but every action of ‘Jean’ had a tangible effect on her body. She just didn’t know how. It was so real that Gwen had a look around the room, wondering if it wasn’t a figment of her imagination, but Jean sneaked into her house, kissed her, played with her body, fingered her, and left.


After thinking about it, a chuckle escaped her lips and a wry smile formed. Her eyes were still half-lidded as she basked in the pleasure of her orgasm, just staring at the ceiling of her room, at least until she saw it. There, in her vision, a pink box. It wasn’t solid, as she could still see the ceiling behind it, but it was there. Maybe a hologram of some sort.


She didn’t know what it was, but her hand instinctively tried to swat it away, only to find that her hand went through the construct, not finding purchase on anything at all. She raised her body, sitting naked in her bed, only to find that the pink construct moved along with her vision as if someone had placed a pole on her head and was dangling it in front of her.


She was confused, scared, bewildered. A sudden thought flashed through her mind, a memory of a novel she had read just a few weeks prior. She took a second, calming herself and taking another look at the pink construct, only to find that it had writing on it. They were written in white letters.


Maybe, in some form of post-orgasm clarity, an idea formed in Gwen’s mind as she looked at the construct. Her initial confusion now gave birth to excitement and expectation as she took a moment to read the letters in front of her.


[Good Evening Gwen Stacy! Congratulations! You have awakened to the Yuri System! Would you like to accept?]


Gwen didn’t even have the time to think before the words left her mouth, almost unconsciously. “Yes!” Her fear of the unknown had completely evaporated as excitement and expectation coursed through her body. Another wave of energy sprouted forth, and she found herself more energetic than before; her orgasmic bliss thoroughly washed away, and she was suddenly alert and focused on the phenomenon before her.


[Haha, that’s excellent news, Gwen! I like that my host is so decisive! My name is Yuri, and I hope we can get along in the future!] Gwen somehow had an image of a cute little girl in her head, with bright pink hair and eyes, bouncing up and down in her chair while looking towards Gwen through the system with an excited smile.


“Hehe, I hope we can get along in the future, too,” Gwen said as she looked down at the small mess she made while sighing. “Let me clean up first, and then we can talk.” While she didn’t mind talking to Yuri more, she wanted to get comfortable first. She was lucky to have placed a towel before her fun as she quickly put it in the wash basket and walked towards the bathroom. She considered the possibilities and systems she had read about during her shower.


She knew many mystical and mysterious systems; some even forced the user to do things against the host’s will. While those thoughts crossed her mind, she didn’t feel that she needed to worry about the Yuri system, and while having only interacted with it briefly, she felt like they were just a couple of Yuri lovers who could be great friends in the future. At least, that’s what she thought at the moment.


A few minutes later, Gwen stepped out of the bathroom, her hair slightly damp, and she had put on some comfortable pyjamas that she could lounge around before sitting back on her bed, crossing her legs and leaning forward in expectation. “Alright, Yuri! Lay it on me. What can we do with this system?”


[Haha! It’s about time! Well, let me warn you first! Get Ready To Get Your Mind Blown!] Gwen’s mental image of Yuri seemed to be pushing out her non-existent chest in pride, and Gwen couldn’t help but smirk as she prepared herself. 


[First feature: Quests - You can be given many quests. Some may be simple things, such as doing homework, and can get much more difficult in the future, such as saving people, stopping a crisis or even defeating villains. You may be wondering, Why would I do such a thing? Well, there are also rewards for completing such quests. These rewards can come in many forms; perhaps you save someone, and they have a favourable opinion of you. You could be rewarded with money, power, knowledge, and powerful items. All for the sake of Yuri!]


Gwen was reeling about the implications of Yuri’s words. It expected her to fight villains in the future. As a superhero or vigilante? And she could even get more powers as a reward? Heart beating in her chest, Gwen was already excited about the adventurous future lies ahead of her. She thought back to her earlier thoughts about Talia Stark and how such a life was out of her reach, and then suddenly, here she was, possibly about to take the first steps into such a life.


[Second feature: Store - Want some food? Check. Want some magical healing pill? Check. Want some new furniture for the living room? Check. Want some super obscure knowledge about time travel? Check. Want the power that will let you blow a girl's mind into endless orgasms with a single lift of a finger? Check. If you can find something that is not in the store, I’ll make myself a body and let you have your way with me! But everything comes at a price. Yuri Points or YP are the currency for the store, and you can gain them through both Yuri encounters and the completion of quests!]


Time travel? Those words alone made Gwen realise that the world was much larger than she ever thought possible. Why would she ever need that knowledge? But even then, other powers? As in, may she get multiple different powers due to the system? That was just crazy. She had heard about mutants before, the x-men and the brotherhood or something that occasionally made its way onto the news. While she only had a fundamental understanding of them, she was confident they only had a single power. Gwen couldn’t help but be even more excited for her future, her eyes practically shining.


[Third feature: Inventory - I’m sure you are already familiar with the game-like term; the question is: How much storage? Unlimited. That’s right; you can store any number of objects in your inventory. Want to get changed into your super suit quickly? Let the inventory do it for you; it will instantly appear on your body. I know, it’s great!]


Damn right, it’s excellent! There was no way that Gwen would not abuse this power to store everything she may ever need, somewhat already planning for her nuclear fallout shelter and the things she may ever need for such a situation. On top of that, she can change outfits instantly or even strip herself when her future yuri encounters happen! On top of that, she returned to her conversation with Peter earlier. Didn’t she say that she never saw herself lugging around a weapon? Well, here’s the solution!


[Fourth feature: Gacha - Well, I’m sure I don’t need to explain this one either, but for the sake of it, let’s do so! Spend your hard-earned Yuri Points in the Gacha and gamble your points away! What could you get from the Gacha? Well… Anything! That’s right, you could get ANYTHING! You may spend 1000 YP and casually get one of the Infinity Stones! Or the power of Thor. ANYTHING! There are different rarities of Gacha pulls as well, and they go like this:


White 50%: Poor Quality - Need some toilet roll? A pen? Well, you may get some here!


Green 30%: Common - A knife? A gun? They’re pretty helpful for the average thug, but what does that even matter for superheroes?


Blue 15%: Uncommon - Oh, some knowledge about Kung Fu? Yeah, we’ve got the basics. The odd magic book to learn some spells? Sure, we’ve got them here.


Red 4.5%: Rare - Ohh, what’s this? A new superpower? How lovely! Some Alien Technology? Nice. Knowledge about Nanobots? Super cool! The mastery of Taijutsu? Sure, you can find that here!


Gold 0.5%: Legendary - Infinity Stones? Yeah, we got them. Gungnir? Yeah, we have those lying around. The power over death itself? Yeah, you can get that.]


She didn’t even know how to reply to this. It was easy to consume until she got to the gold drops. And while she had no idea what an Infinity Stone was, she recognised the name of Gungnir from Norse Mythology. The only reason that she even knew about it was due to a Yuri story she read about Freyja, the goddess of love and beauty. Gungnir was a spear that always hit its target, no matter what. That’s not even talking about the power of death itself… that was just too scary to fathom the meaning of it.


Despite feeling somewhat scared, she couldn’t help but smile as she looked back over the features. The excitement had somewhat bled off now, but she was still reeling from everything that had happened. She couldn’t help but smile somewhat wryly as a stray thought crossed her mind. How would she explain her powers in the future? Most superheroes get an incredible origin story, like the kidnapped Talia Stark, who then went on to build the Iron Woman armour. She couldn’t possibly tell others that she gained her powers while furiously masturbating one evening, right? She’d die of embarrassment.


While somewhat blushing at the thought, Yuri used this time to make another little announcement. [Gwen, it’s not over just yet! You still have a Yuri System Welcome Package to open!] Yuri’s excitement was evident, and Gwen somehow pictured her spinning around in an office chair while she read those words.


Gwen was excited. This was when she would find out if this were true or if she was still in some post-orgasm dream. “Well then, Yuri, open it up!” Gwen didn’t know what to expect from her welcome package, but she felt it would be extraordinary.


[Haha, silly Gwen, the package is in your inventory!] Gwen couldn’t help but smile wryly. Yuri was somehow like a kid who was experienced in a subject and looking at an adult who was completely new to it, only to call them silly as she expected any adult to know everything they already knew just because they were older.


Despite feeling so, Gwen didn’t voice any complaints as she instinctively opened her inventory, and her hand slipped inside, making it look like her hand vanished momentarily before pulling out a box. It looked like something you’d find under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning, even tied up with a cute little bow.


The box wasn’t large, but it wasn’t small either, and as she pulled on the bow, she was shocked to find a spider on the back of her hand. Instinctively going to slap it away, Gwen saw that it was too late. She felt a pain in the back of her hand, the spider pincers latching onto her skin.

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