Gwen Stacy’s Yuri System

Chapter 16

The short drive towards the new apartment felt like it lasted forever despite its short distance. Everyone couldn’t help but be excited as they thought about their future together, whether Petra, who was happy that she could pursue her passion in photography and enjoy her time as Spider-Woman. Cindy was still somewhat reeling from the changes around her, as it was only yesterday that she woke up in her somewhat shabby bed at the orphanage.


Gwen was taking everything in stride and was placing one foot in front of the other as she went along. The apartment wasn’t a source of pride or happiness for Gwen; she just wanted to ensure her girls were happy and comfortable. When she first started her relationship with Jean, she quickly realised that her preferences were based on the girl she was with. It was why she was so submissive with Jean and more dominant with Petra. What turned her on more than anything seemed to be just making her girls happy and satisfied.


Jean had also long realised it, and she initially thought it was a bad habit. How would Gwen be satisfied if she just pleased everyone else in the relationship? But over the last week, she realised that Gwen loved seeing her girls happy. She had never been in a relationship like this before. While she had little knowledge about such relationships, she understood that the relationship needed a glue to hold them together. And that glue was Gwen. Jean had a little theory that it was due to this behavioural trait that she was chosen to inherit the Yuri System in the first place.


Shaking off such thoughts, Jean couldn’t help but smile as she pulled up to the apartment complex, parking in the underground garage as it seemed to have already saved some spaces for them. They exited the car and headed to the elevator, where Gwen swiped a card on a reader for them to enter. The lift ride was somewhat tense as everyone was excited about what they would see on the other side of the doors. The elevator seemed to enter directly into the apartment, but only Gwen had access to these floors with her keycard.


As they stepped out of the elevator, they were greeted by an expansive room with floor-to-ceiling windows that brightened up the whole place. The entire floor was wide and spacious, with a about 17ft high ceiling and door frames that looked like they were made for giants. At least that was compared to what Gwen was used to. The house's open plan as they stepped out of the elevator and found themselves in the living room and dining room area.


The sleek design of the interior made them smile. The marble surfaces of the kitchen and the sizeable twenty-person sette that formed a c-shape around the coffee table in the living room were inviting enough and formed a cosey atmosphere for their home. The sleek dark wood flooring underfoot was warmed up with heating, and the soft rug in the living room seemed to caress the soles of their feet.


“Damn… when you said that objects from the Yuri store were just better in a magical sort of way, I didn’t know you meant it literally.” Cindy couldn’t help but say, her butt sinking into an armchair that seemed too soft even to be authentic. “It’s like I’m sitting on a cloud…” she sighed in comfort, her initial trepidation of accidentally messing up and dirtying the furniture disappeared as she sank into the chair. Any stress that she had, any confusion and worries that she had seemed to dissipate as she found herself utterly relaxed in the moment.


Gwen smiled as she jumped onto the sofa and joined Cindy in bliss. Jean couldn’t help but also appreciate the luxury along with Petra, but she was somewhat used to it as she used to live in the X-Men mansion, which also had its luxuries, so she didn’t feel quite as out of place as the others. Then again, she knew that the quality of the furniture from the Yuri store seemed to be a whole other level above what they had in the mansion.


Petra quickly explored and found the kitchen with marble surfaces and just screamed luxury. There was an island in the middle of the kitchen with comfortable stools, each worth 100YP.


Gwen was soon able to leave the comforting embrace of the sofa and join her. “That sofa is dangerous…” She couldn’t help but say, “I feel like I could just lay here all day and do nothing…” Her voice held a bit of longing as she gazed at the living room from afar.


“Hehe. We could pamper you on the sofa as much as we like later.” Petra said with a smile, checking each drawer and familiarising herself with where everything was.


Jean joined them, but her eyes were still fixed on Cindy, who seemed to have fallen asleep already in her armchair. “What she said is true. If I remember correctly, pretty much all of the furniture in the house has the same cleaning feature as the beds.” Jean helpfully supplied.


Gwen couldn’t help but like the sound of that, but she pushed that away for now, “While I wouldn’t mind, we still have certain areas for that kind of activity.” she said as she looked towards the stairs and the girls knew exactly what she was implying about. “Let’s continue exploring!” She said, hopping in her step as she walked away, scooping Cindy up and dragging her along.


They quickly found the different bedrooms, whether the guest or master bedrooms, all super comfortable. Gwen had even set up a room for her dad and Aunt May to return to when they were home from their adventure abroad. She wasn’t sure if they would stay in this apartment or take one of the houses where they lived, but they’d always have a place to stay here if they ever felt like it.


The master bedroom was massive, with a walk-in closet and enough room for multiple different people, even if they each had lots of clothes. They also quickly found the showers and baths, both of which had been customised with the Yuri System so that they could enjoy comfort and have enough space, even if there were more than just the four of them. Yuri seemed to be planning for Gwen’s future when she suggested these adjustments.


Cindy quickly found and tested the gym room and was happy with the results. This room cost the most YP to furnish; luckily, it all came together in a bundle, just like the Basic Tech Box, and cost them 30K YP.


Cindy was quick to try out the weights, curious about them and the new strength in her body that she had yet to test out. When she set the weight to 300 KG and realised it was still really light, she couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, wondering if something was wrong with the machine. Her mouth was agape in shock when she kept upping the weight and only started to feel a light strain at two tonnes. It was only when she got to six tonnes that she started physically struggling, but she knew that she could go further if things like a life-and-death struggle or adrenaline spurred her on. 


It wasn’t only Cindy who tried, but also Petra and Gwen. The four girls easily spent two hours in the gym, seeing what they could and couldn’t do, testing their limits and having fun.


Petra quickly realised that while she was stronger physically than Cindy, she wasn’t quite as agile. Cindy’s balance was impeccable, even carrying four tonnes of weight while walking on a tightrope. It seemed to come naturally to her, but Gwen understood it was part of her powers as The Bride.


Meanwhile, Gwen seemed to trump them in each little activity they had and was much stronger overall than them, having better balance, agility, and even spider-sense. This was naturally all thanks to the Yuri System. 


Jean also had quite a lot of fun, whether it was just using the standard weights in the gym or pushing her telekinesis powers with multiple objects to practice multitasking or the weight of the objects. That, along with the fact that she was also referencing the book she acquired from her [Welcome to the Harem Mystery Box], made her training more efficient and pushed her further.


Before they finished in the gym room, Gwen and Cindy headed over to the small ring for a friendly match. While on the way, Cindy couldn’t help but mention something. “You know, despite not having spent much time around the building, why do I feel it’s bigger inside than outside?”


Gwen nodded in agreement; she didn’t know how the gym was this big. It was the same size as when they were designing it all in the Yuri store, but they had never been here beforehand, so it made sense that they thought that the building was quite big. But that didn’t seem to be the case; if anything, it reminded Gwen of the Tardis from Doctor Who. “Your right… now that I think about it.” She said, squinting her eyes as she looked around. “Yuri, any explanation?”


[Well, it was your first home bought through the system, and I thought I’d spice it up a little. I added enchantment from a wizarding universe that I thought would fit quite well here. It was just some simple things, such as the Expansion Charm and the Fidelius Charm. That means that while your home is here, most people, other than those you trust, won’t be able to find it. You are the secret keeper and can choose who can and can’t know about this place.]


“That’s… awesome…” Gwen couldn’t help but gape. “And… a wizarding universe? That sounds fun.”


[Who knows, you may be able to go there one day if you keep up the excellent work.]


“By good work, you mean spreading Yuri and my legs…right?”


[Why, of course. I knew I was right to pick you as my host!] 


Gwen rolled her eyes, and a small smile formed as she thought about everything that had happened thus far. It wasn’t only her lovers and family that had noticed her change in herself since she acquired the System, but while others thought that it was a change, Gwen knew that it was just her becoming more comfortable in her skin and her sexuality. She was just owning it now, even if she was becoming a wee bit of a slut.


Shaking away such thoughts, she stepped up into the ring. She and Cindy were already sweaty from their workout, and Gwen couldn’t stop herself as she glanced at Cindy, who was wearing a sports bra and form-fitting shorts. Gwen wasn’t the only one checking the other one out as both Jean and Petra, who were spectating from the side, were checking them out.


Gwen quickly formed a plan of action as a small smile spread. She decided that if Cindy still had those bottoms on by the end of this little spar, then it was her loss. Jean, who was watching from the side, also saw that familiar look in Gwen’s eyes and couldn’t help but smile as she spoke up. “Okay… classic rules of a sex fight.” She started, and Cindy looked over, confused. “The first person to orgasm is the loser.” 


While Cindy was becoming increasingly confused by the sudden events, Gwen couldn’t help but praise Jean in her heart. She had already learnt Karate, which has a significant focus on grappling, due to her system, and she had such a considerable advantage due to the difference in strength. While initially, she wanted this little spar to be something light and fun with her girlfriend, now she couldn’t help but put on her game face as she suddenly went into serious mode while licking her lips.


Helpless, Cindy couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she knew it was already her loss, but she swore to herself that she wouldn’t go down without a fight! “Ha. I suppose it was always going to end up like this anyway.” She couldn’t help but sigh, outwardly lamenting about it, but inside, her heart sped up, and she couldn’t help but be a little expectant of this ‘fight’. While Cindy had never been taught martial arts, she grew up in an orphanage, which wasn’t in a charming area, so she at least knew how to fend for herself. That, along with her training and practice for hokey, made her feel like she wouldn’t be one-sidedly dominated at the very least.


Gwen, meanwhile, couldn’t help but hesitate as she formed her battle plan. Did she make use of the Yuri cock or not? That was the question. No doubt she would be able to make Cindy orgasm quicker, but she would be at risk of orgasm herself if she were to use it. It was seriously a dilemma. ‘Ah, whatever, let’s see how it goes first.’


Before the match started, however, Cindy raised an important question. “Well, if it’s a sex fight, then that probably means no actual punches. But keeping it to pushing, pulling and grappling. What are the rules of spider-based powers?”


It was a good question, and Jean, who was invested in her role as the judge, thought about it for a second before replying. “The only spider-based power you’re allowed to use is your webbing to tie up your opponent and the claws you get as the Bride, but you can only use them to get out of the webbing and not on your opponent. Gwen is not allowed to use her bio-electricity or her invisibility.”


Cindy raised a brow for a moment before nodding her head. The claws were something that they only found out earlier in the gym when they were asking Yuri about their powers and trying to find out more about them. Gwen and Cindy discovered they could form tiny claws out of their fingertips and were also pretty sharp. They allow someone to break free from their confines if they are correctly used.


One thing that they also noticed was that Petra couldn’t use these claws. This was because Petra could only form webs from her wrist, while Gwen and Cindy could create webs from each of their fingertips.


Both opponents understood the rules, took their positions in each corner of the ring, and prepared for the match.


“Right! Each round will last 120 seconds. I will determine the winner at the end of each round, and the winner can do what they want to their opponent's body for 60 seconds after each round. The rounds continue until one person orgasms. The first person to orgasm then has to serve the winner.” Jean said, apparently coming up with rules for the impromptu match on the spot.


Petra nodded her head. “That’s good, but how can we keep score?” she asked, weirdly invested in this new event. “I think that we both need to be the judges so that we can discuss to find out the winner. There should also be a point-based system; for example, if Gwen makes Cindy moan, Gwen would get a point. If Cindy slipped her finger in Gwen’s pussy, then she may get two points. Likewise, if they happened to end up sixty-nine, the dom in the situation would earn points, while the sub wouldn’t get any and would have to try and break free. Also, Gwen should give Cindy a cock at the start of the match while also forming her own; it’ll add an extra way to earn points.”


Jean nodded in agreement and showed a newfound appreciation for her sister as she gave Petra’s serious face a once-over. “I concur. However, what’s the point of keeping score if the first to orgasm wins anyway?”


Petra stopped her rant before going silent for a second. “...Maybe we reverse it so that if Cindy moans, she gets the point. She gets fingered, she gets two points, etc. And then we make a leaderboard. We can see who can get the most points before orgasming.”


Gwen couldn’t help but smile. This wouldn’t be a one-time thing, and they may even have to write a rule book at some point in the future.


“Hmm, it’s a good way to track if this ever gets a championship or leaderboard. However, there needs to be some other rules in place. For example, a fighter can’t go into the ring if they just had an orgasm that morning; it would make it too easy to earn points if they weren’t in the mood.” Jean said.


Just as Petra was about to counter her, Gwen gave an awkward cough. “*Cough* How about we let this be a test run? You can iron out the rules at a later date. For now, let’s keep it simple.”


Jean and Petra stopped, looked at each other, and blushed. They realised they had gotten too invested in this ‘new sport’ that they even forgot where they were. “Ahem… you make a point. Anyway, Gwen, I still have to agree with Petra that you should give both yourself and Cindy a cock as well.”


Gwen was about to nod but shook her head a second later. “While I’d agree with you normally, Cindy has yet to get used to having a cock. You remember how weak you were just a week ago when you weren’t used to it. How about we both go without to make it fair this time, and we can have a rematch with it later on.”


Jean found that Gwen’s argument made sense. Just a week ago, it would only take ten pumps before she finished, but in just a week of intense ‘training’, she had gotten better control of it than before. A week that Cindy didn’t have. “Right, that makes sense. In that case, both of you take your positions.” She declared with a grin.


While the two girls took their positions, Petra couldn’t help but ask Jean. “Don’t you think that this will just devolve into sex after the first few exchanges?”


“That’s the point,” Jean replied. “I mean, look at how horny they both are already.” she pointed out, and Petra couldn’t help but agree. Their nipples were almost poking out of their sports bra, and they each had a little damp spot down below. Not only that, but they had both been watching each other intensely when they worked out earlier and worked up a sweat. Jean knew that even if they had a ‘proper fight’, they would have devolved into sex beasts halfway through anyway. She didn’t expect to come across this ‘new sport’, which excited her as she knew she could use this as another excuse to get in Gwen’s pants later. Not that it was hard to get in them anyway, but it was something.


“Well, shall we have some fun while they have their fight?” Petra asked, a blush coating her entire neck as she peaked nervously towards Jean.


Jean sent a smirk her way before looking into the ring. “Both of you ready?” She asked, looking between the two opponents, who nodded their heads. “Great! Then let’s get this started.”


Taking another look at them with a smile, she took Petra’s wrist and pulled her towards her. “3”, she started, placing Petra in front of her form, looking towards the fight. “2” She quickly used her telekinesis powers to grab a chair on the other side of the room. She sat on it, pulling Petra into her lap. “1” With a flex of her telekinesis powers, Petra’s bottoms were gone as she sat in only her bra. “Go!” She called, spreading Petra’s legs as massaged her pussy from behind before whispering into her ear. “Make sure you keep their score; otherwise, I’ll punish you later.”


Petra’s pussy quivered at the invading fingers. Still, she peeled her eyes from the fight in front of her, a tiny part of her mind questioning whether she should say the wrong answer on purpose so that she could find out more about what this punishment was; another part of her worried that Jean may give her a typical punishment, that wasn’t the fun type she was thinking off. She didn’t know if it was worth it to take that risk. But she quickly lost all of those thoughts as Jean’s experience with a vagina was even more profound than her own, and that experience was showing through. She was worried that she couldn’t keep score properly with this distraction.


Gwen and Cindy, meanwhile, were both on their hands and knees. This type of fight was one where they weren’t allowed to stand up, so they took their positions opposite each other. Hearing the word ‘Go!’ followed by a muffled moan, they both turned in surprise to find Petra getting fingered from behind while Jean was smiling towards them both.


A new surge of flame coursed through Gwen’s body as she let out a shaky breath. Jean knew how this scene would affect the fighters, and Cindy didn’t let her down, using that distraction to attack and bolting right towards Gwen, who was still in a daze at the beautiful panting face of Petra and Jean’s long fingers that she had loved. Before she could react, her hands were already webbed as she was tackled to the floor.


Reacting fast, claws grew on her fingers as she attacked the webbing, tossing and turning as Cindy took advantage of her. Groping her breasts and ass as she also used her claws, not on any webbing, but to open a few holes in critical areas of Gwen’s outfit. Exposing her nipples on her chest and making a hole in those yoga pants before pinning her down further.


Breaking free of her constraints, Gwen couldn’t help but feel the chill of wind that brushed past her exposed nether region. Her hands were now free; she didn’t hesitate to shoot out a web of her own, pinning Cindy’s leg to the floor as she seemed to climb out of Cindy’s grip and reverse the exchange flow, quickly topping Cindy and pinning her down. Cindy wasn’t one to give up the advantage so quickly, though, as she took advantage using her free leg as she reached up, using the webbed leg as an anchor and a counterweight to push Gwen down from on top of her.


A momentary lull in the battle ensued as they realised that this little game had more layers than they had previously thought. Cindy used this time to get her leg out of her constraints before looking up, finding Gwen was already on her, tackling her into the mat in a standard missionary position. Before Cindy could react, she found both of her hands webbed together over her head and her chest fully exposed as Gwen tore through her bra.


Gwen couldn’t help but think back to the points system as she dove in, feasting on the breasts in front of her, groping, licking, nibbling on them as Cindy struggled under her, letting out a moan as she tried to free herself from her restraint.


“Point to Gwen.” she heard the panting voice of Petra off to the side, and so did Cindy as she forced her mouth shut, not wanting to give Gwen any more points than necessary. Even if she felt like the underdog in this ‘battle’, it didn’t mean she would deliver herself on a silver platter to Gwen. She was going to make her work for it!


Cindy’s claws finally broke free from the webbing, and she finally pushed Gwen back; using the momentum, she completely shifted the flow of the ‘battle’ as she found herself straddling Gwen’s core. Grabbing both of Gwen’s hands, this time not using her webs as she knew that they wouldn’t last long, she forced her hands above her head while using her feet and dominant position to pry apart Gwen’s legs. Using her free hand as she latched her lips onto Gwen’s, she plunged a finger into Gwen’s dripping snatch.


A moan came from Gwen’s throat, and Petra’s voice came once again as she ground her hips into Jean’s fingers. “Three points to Cindy.”


This got a growl out of Gwen as she felt the pistoning of Cindy’s fingers, but she strengthened her resolve as she raised her legs and brought her knees to her chest before pushing Cindy away with her feet.


Cindy landed safely, but Gwen was quicker, pulling her leg out from under her and diving her head between Cindy’s legs. Moments later, Cindy was moaning as Gwen’s tongue found the sweet spot. Cindy felt her resolve to fight back slowly diminish as she instinctively grabbed Gwen’s head with both her legs and her hands to push her deeper. Luckily, Petra’s reminder of what was happening cut through. “Four points to Gwen.”


With Gwen now sitting at five points and Cindy sitting at three, she felt her fighting spirit rise as she loosened her legs and hands but still found herself in Gwen’s grasp as she felt a tongue lap up her pussy. Unfortunately, Gwen seemed to see this coming as a web shot out of her free hand, robbing Cindy of her vision. The next thing Cindy felt was getting turned over onto the mat, her legs spread, her hands webbed to the mat underneath her, and a finger quickly joined that tongue. The harder she struggled, the hotter she became as she found herself pinned under Gwen. Her breathing soon turned ragged, and her face flushed.


Petra spoke no more words as she found herself shaking under Jean’s fingers, panting as she sat there. Cindy soon joined her, shaking on the mat. When she recovered consciousness from her orgasm, she looked up to find Gwen looking at her with a slight smirk; a cock between her legs was raging in excitement and anticipation. “I think it’s time for me to claim my reward.”


Cindy shuddered as Gwen looked at her with naked desire and instinctively spread her legs.

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