
Chapter 52

Chapter 52 seems to have met Yan Zhilai’s monitorin

At one time, when Ye Feng was on the border, he happened to meet a case of a tourist who was robbed. Although the three tourists were not citizens of Xia Guo, or even citizens of Wasang, Ye Feng still saved them with kindness.

The three robbed tourists were thousands of miles and her parents.

Qianqian Qianxue is a native of Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Wosang. Her family manages the business of marine fisheries. Although it is not rich, it is also a good family. Ever since Ye Feng saved thousands of thousands of snow, a thousand months of snow and snow fell on Ye Feng, this is the so-called hero to save the United States, to let it be!

Ye Feng never took the initiative to contact Qian Qian Qian Xue, although he knows that Qian Qian Qian Xue likes himself, but for this girl in the Wasang country, Ye Feng does not like it very much. However, after Deng Xiaoling suffered from acute leukemia, Ye Feng planned to rob the bank in Shuangqing City, but he lacked a reassuring candidate to take care of Deng Xiaoling.

As a police-level A-level wanted criminal, Ye Feng can trust very few people. Apart from two comrades, it seems that there are only thousands of thousands of snow!

Thousands of thousands of snow are the people of Worthang, and with the love of Ye Feng, she will not be in charge of the police department of Xia Guo. Therefore, Ye Feng contacted Qianqian Qianxue, which is far away from Hokkaido in Hossan, and asked her to come to Shuangqing City to help take care of Deng Xiaoling and provide them with a hidden place.

In Beiyu District, in a quiet community, Ye Feng sat in front of the computer and sent an email to Shi Lei. In less than three minutes, Shi Lei’s email was replied, and the content of the email has only one web link address.

After opening the network link address, Ye Feng found that it was a voice chat room. Without waiting for his operation, there was an independently encrypted voice chat channel on the computer screen. There were only two IDs in the channel, one was stone and the other was leaf. peak.

“Hey? Can’t you hear?” Shi Lei took the headset and whispered a word into the microphone.

Ye Feng has no headsets, only speakers and separate microphones. Thousands of thousands of snow are very virtuous to open the speaker and microphone, and then said: “Ye Fengjun, I will take care of Xiaoling first!”

Ye Feng did not respond, just cried two times in the microphone. “Hey? Hey? Shi Lei, can’t you hear?”

Shi Lei whispered in response, “Can you hear, can you hear me?”

“Shi Lei, you speak a little louder, I don’t know clearly. I just called, you are so whispered!” Ye Feng asked with doubts.

Shi Lei did not raise the volume, still whispered: “You turn the voice a little bigger, I can’t speak loudly here. I suspect that in reality I was also monitored by the police!”

Ye Feng’s heart sank, Shi Lei was actually taken care of by the police? Is it that he and Shi Lei, where did they reveal their feet?

“Shi Lei, are you no problem on that side?” Ye Feng asked worriedly.

Shi Lei’s headset sound is very small, even in a quiet room, only close to the headset can be heard. His lips were against the microphone and whispered: “Don’t worry, there is no problem for the time being. The police will doubt me, but they have no evidence!”

“That’s good!” Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Lei’s face was smiling with a smile, and he said in a tone: “Ye Feng, how did I hear the voice of a woman? And, she seems to call you ‘Ye Fengjun’?”

Ye Feng’s tone is somewhat unnatural, coughing to cover up, but after Shi Lei’s repeated questioning, Ye Feng is still the original one. Shi Lei’s eyes lit up and quickly asked: “Ye Feng, you mean, Qianqian Qianxue is a Wonsan national? And she likes you. That is, she won’t betray you?”

“Well, I saved the life of her family, she will not sell me!” Ye Feng said affirmative. From the eyes of Qianqian Qianxue, Ye Feng clearly can see that Qianqian Qianxue loves him. Women in love are often blind!

Shi Lei couldn’t help but wave his fist. It was really God’s help. In Shi Lei’s plan, the handling of Ye Feng and others just happened to involve Wozang. If there is a Wo Sang country’s internal response, then Shi Lei handles it more conveniently and quickly!

Thinking of this, Shi Lei quickly said: “You will sort out the details of Qianqian Qianxue and send it to me and send it to my mailbox!”

Ye Feng hesitated, with a hesitation: “Shi Lei, you are sure, you will not hurt thousands of months?”

“Reassured! Will not hurt her! I promise!” Shi Lei’s tone is sure.

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and even he himself did not realize why he was worried about the safety of thousands of months. Then Ye Feng said that he would immediately ask for details of Qianqian Qianxue. Shi Lei left Ye Feng, kicked out the connection of the voice chat room, and cleared the cached records generated by the voice chat room before he left.

In the Jingyayuan community, seven buildings downstairs, a gold cup car with an ink-tight solar film, stopped on the residential road. In the Golden Cup, two police officers wore headphones and had monitoring equipment in front of them.

One of them wears glasses and looks awkward, while the other is somewhat listless.

The listless police officer pushed the police officer wearing glasses and said: “Two cylinders, I don’t understand. Why does Dai Jie always think that this Shi Lei has a problem? What problems can he have? A freshman student. Can you still turn the sky?”

The second cylinder is the nickname of the police officer wearing glasses. He has a hint of fineness in his eyes. “Ali, don’t look down on anyone. Don’t say that Dai is suspected of Shi Lei. I also suspect that Shi Lei! The last hostage is the end. Don’t you know? You can look at Shi Lei and come back unscathed!”

Ali did not understand: “Maybe Ye Feng, they have a good heart? Ye Feng’s information, I also know that if it was not forced to be a dead end, he is actually not a bad person.”

The two cylinders smiled, “Ali, you only saw the surface problem, then you know, why do you wear the Secretary, so skeptical that Shi Lei has a problem?”

Ali shook his head, “I don’t know!”

“I will tell you!” The second tube pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose. “In the case of the double lake ICBC robbery, Ye Feng held a hostage for the first time. He walked out of the bank gate and arrogantly hosted Hu Keda of the Shuangqing TV station. Man, do you remember?”

“Is there any doubt about this?” Ali still did not understand.

“There is nothing to be suspicious!” The second tube affirmed Ali’s opinion, and then continued: “Yesterday, Shi Lei was unconscious and was sent to a Beijiang District Chinese Medicine Hospital by a Granite named Kane?”

Ali nodded, did not speak, waiting for the second tube to continue analysis.

“Shuanghu ICBC held a gun robbery case. After Ye Feng took the hostage and fled, Director Dai personally arrived at the scene to appease the frightened hostages, especially the one who was threatened by Ye Feng. The director found a small detail, the name The hostage’s neck has a mark! However, when Shi Lei was in a coma in Beijiang District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dai Dai deliberately observed Shi Lei’s neck without any traces. This shows that Ye Feng did not hold Shi Lei at that time. Neck, as if not afraid that Shi Lei will resist running away!” After the analysis of the second tube, he laughed twice. “Because of this detail, Dai insisted that Shi Lei and Ye Feng are related!”

“Well? Hey ” Two cylinders suddenly put two monitor headphones, pressed **** the auricle, his face revealing a confused look.

The two cylinders focused on monitoring, but Shi Lei lived on the seventh floor after all, and Ouyangxiang’s house, the decoration is more qualified, the room sound insulation ability is quite good. Coupled with the police’s monitoring equipment, it is not the most sophisticated model. Therefore, the two cylinders only faintly heard Shi Lei talking, but could not understand clearly, what Shi Lei was saying!

“Ali, Shi Lei just talked to people! You quickly contact the bureau to see the colleagues who monitor Shi Lei’s phone, have you found any abnormalities, Shi Lei is not talking to people!” Two cylinders told me.

Ali immediately took out the phone and dialed the phone inside the city bureau to ask about the situation. After a while, Ali’s face was weird: “Two cylinders, the colleague monitoring Shi Lei in the bureau said that Shi Lei did not make a call! However, Shi Lei’s mobile phone received a text message. But when tracking the mobile phone number, it was found that it could not be traced. To!”

The two cylinders frowned. “Impossible! Just Shi Lei is clearly speaking. Although I can’t understand what he is saying, but with my six years of rich listening experience, I dare to conclude that Shi Lei is absolutely talking to someone!”

Ali shrugged. “But, Shi Lei’s mobile phone number, no call records!”

The two cylinders frowned and meditated. After a while, he put down the monitor headphones and said: “Ali, let’s go back and look for the director to give us the most advanced monitoring equipment! I have a hunch, between Shi Lei and Ye Feng, certain What is the connection? If we monitor the flaws of Shi Lei, then we may catch Ye Feng!”

The two drove the Jinbei car, left Jingyayuan, returned to the city bureau of Beiyu District, and prepared to find Dai Guanghua to apply for the most advanced monitoring equipment.

Upstairs, Shi Lei is in the e-mail, check out Ye Feng sent over, detailed information about Qianqian Qianxue. After reading the information several times, Shi Lei built a plan in his mind.

Xia Guoren and Wozang people, from the appearance, there is almost no big difference. After Shi Lei was preparing to capture the supercomputer Yan, he used the powerful ability of Supercomputer Yan to invade the national demographic database of the Vasang State, tampering with the data, and changing the identity of Ye Feng and others to the Wozang people.

Then, wait for the wind of the double-decoration ICBC robbery, and then arrange for them to go abroad after a little smaller!

To do this, you must have the cooperation of Super Computer Yan. Otherwise, the garbage server controlled by Shi Lei alone cannot penetrate the national demographic database of the Vasang State.

Shi Lei memorized the information of Qianqian Qianxue, deleted her information in the mailbox, and executed a simple code command through the mailbox, allowing the mailbox service provider to completely delete the records in the garbage bin inside the server.

Backed by the chair, Shi Lei opened the music player, and the music in the headset sounded.

‘Who is the flower flower, and spring comes again in the spring, and the flower says it waits for one person. ’

‘There is nothing to do with the flowers, I’ve seen the return of Yan…’


PS: The list of newcomers is on the list The final score is sixth. Thank you for your support!

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[Thank you for your appreciation] Su Xuanrui, rewarding 100.





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