
Chapter 65

Chapter 65 invites Kodak, white

Shuangqing University, Chen Ming has completely abandoned all face, or that he has no face, crazy in the school forum, constantly smearing Shi Lei.

Although in the midday broadcast program, he successfully proved his innocence, but he was framed by Shi Lei, but Shi Lei was also in the midday broadcast program, refuting the defeat. Then, Shi Lei pretended to be the identity of the University of Science and Technology, and broke the news that Chen Ming was the first in the campus software contest. This agent is so fierce that Chen Ming is completely defeated!

Since there is no such thing as a face, Chen Ming is completely crazy, and he does not stop in the school forum to create a variety of rumors, and do everything possible to discredit Shi Lei.

The biggest reason for Chen Ming’s smear of Blackstone is that Shi Lei once said that he would invite well-known manufacturers to join the jury of the campus software competition.

However, from the campus software competition, there are still nine days, Shi Lei’s so-called well-known manufacturers, there is no news at all. Chen Ming seized this point and kept attacking Shi Lei.

Some onlookers who did not know the truth, and their hearts and minds, also joined the team that besieged Shi Lei.

If Shi Lei really invites a well-known manufacturer, then he will be an absolute man in Shuangqing University. How many slings, how can you let Shi Lei do it?

Even if Shi Lei can’t be a man of the wind, he won’t be able to turn them, but the group of hanging silks are still black with Shi Lei!

This time, Ling Yumo also flattened his mind, not too worried. After all, she also knows how well-known manufacturers can easily participate in a campus software contest.

It’s Mumo, but I believe Shi Lei can do it!

In the teacher’s office, Li Zhiyue looked at the computer screen, and the post on the school forum about Shi Lei was slightly frowning and worried.

‘Shi Lei, are you sure? If this time you fail, then…’

A young man who looks like twenty-seven eight, walked into the teacher’s office and looked at Li Zhiyue’s frowning look. He quickly came over and asked: “Knowing the moon, what trouble has you encountered?”

The man named Wu Bin, who is 28 years old this year, is a calligraphy teacher in the art department and one of Li Zhiyue’s pursuers.

Li Zhiyue looked up at Wu Bin and his eyes showed an unpleasant look. “Mr. Wu, please call me Teacher Li, thank you!”

Wu Bin did not have any embarrassment, but he was polite: “No problem, Teacher Li! Excuse me, Teacher Li, what trouble have you encountered? Maybe I can help you!”

Li Zhiyue snorted. “Mr. Wu, here is the teacher’s office of our computer department. I am working now. If there is no work, please don’t bother me!”

Wu Bin’s smile is still the same, and he said: “I’m disturbing, Teacher Li, we will see you next time.” After that, Wu Bin turned and left. When he walked out of the computer department teacher’s office, the original sunny smile disappeared and his face became very cloudy!

‘Li Zhiyue, you are this. Goods, one day, I want you to surrender under me! ’

In Jingyayuan, Shi Lei browsed the post of the school forum and watched Chen Ming smudge him without the bottom line. Shi Lei just snorted.

“Chen Ming, you are always just a paper tiger! The appearance looks strong, but it is really vulnerable. Just a little bit of wind and waves, can’t afford it? If it is so useless, then I will sink you!”

Shi Lei opened the video advertisement for the smile detection program and sent it to the secret mailbox of five well-known camera companies.

In the secret mailbox, Shi Lei found that the Patriots, Kodak, and Leica had an unread email. After reading, they all asked about cooperation.

Sony and Nikon are still ignoring their attitudes. The Canon company actually sent several emails, and each email was very inquiring.

In the first email, Canon pointed out the smile detection program and was registered by Sony. Throughout the whole is a sigh of great justice, a tone of justice.

The second e-mail, their tone changed, said that they can cooperate with Shi Lei, and can also help Shi Lei avoid Sony’s harassment.

The third e-mail, Canon company completely exposed the ambition, directly let Shi Lei offer, they want to buy the source code of the smile detection software!

From this point of view, Canon and Sony, it seems that the road is not right!

Shi Lei first replied to Canon, and did not refuse their willingness to purchase the source code. Instead, they sent an invitation to let them come to Xia Guo for discussion. As for Canon, will it come over, Shi Lei is not too concerned.

Anyway, Canon will not come, there are Patriots, Kodak, Lycra, three large international companies!

Ok, except for the Patriots!

Shi Lei replied to the emails of the three companies one by one. I didn’t expect Kodak to reply to the email after a while!

Xia Guo at this time is more than three o’clock in the afternoon, Kodak company in Lijianguo, they should be more than three in the morning? In the middle of the night, does Kodak actually have employees on duty?

In fact, Kodak did not have the rules of night shift, but Shi Lei sent a smiley face detection screen advertisement, which made Kodak’s high-level eyes shine.

Kodak was the first company to develop a digital camera, but their digital cameras were not developed by the Vasang State camera company. The market share was also lost to Vossan.

Kodak is eager to develop new technologies and leverage its technological advantages to expand its market share. The smiley detection advertisement sent by Shi Lei let them see the hope! By anti-tracking by mail, they determined that the mail was sent from Xia Guo. In order not to miss the mail from Xia Guo, Kodak specially arranged personnel to keep an email address 24 hours a day, ready to reply to Shi Lei’s email.

The email from Kodak received by Shi Lei is very simple and straightforward. Kodak directly asked Shi Lei’s address. They will send a business negotiation team and personally rush to negotiate with him.

For Kodak’s eager attitude, Shi Lei did not understand, but no doubt, directly let Kodak company to Shuangqing City’s Shuanghu District, and left his mobile phone number.

In the evening, after Ouyang Xiang came back, she made a pot of braised pork for Shi Lei!

Ouyang Xiang’s cooking is really superb!

The taste of braised pork made Shi Lei almost swallow his tongue.

“Ouyang, your cooking is definitely this!” Shi Lei erected the thumb of his right hand, but the oil stain on his mouth made his look full of joy!

After dinner was finished, Shi Lei smiled and looked at Ouyang Xiang. “Ouyang, we discussed one thing.”

Ouyang Xiang’s eyes revealed doubts and then nodded: “What?”

Shi Lei took out five red banknotes from the pockets of the trousers and placed them on the table. “Ouyang, brother thinks, brother can’t always eat white and drink you. Otherwise, will the brother become possessed by you?”

Ouyang Xiang snorted, “Shi Lei, are you 19 years old? Want to be a brother? Tell you, I am 25 years old, you should call my sister!”

Shi Lei hippie smiled and said: “Brother is too lazy to care for you! Brother played the game!”

Said, Shi Lei stood up, patted the belly of the drum, and returned to the room with a satisfied face. In the evening, Shi Lei naturally cannot play games, but is perfecting the behavioral dynamic capture program.

This program, Shi Lei intends to promote it as a business project. As for its use, it is naturally impossible to use it only as a cryptographic service!

The night without a sister, always rushing past…

In the morning, Ouyang Xiang rang the door of Shi Lei, and the sound of perseverance came in.

“Shi Lei, if you want to have breakfast, give you three minutes to get up!”

Shi Lei faintly heard the voice of Ouyang Xiang, suddenly turned around, put on clothes and pants, and rushed out.

“Ouyang, brother wants to eat fried poached eggs, three!”

After seven or eight minutes, Ouyang Xiang came out with two plates. There is only one poached egg in the plate, two toasts, and a piece of ham, plus a cup of warm milk. The salad for the last breakfast was replaced with ham.

After Shi Lei was swallowed up, he complained: “Ouyang, isn’t the brother saying that he wants to eat three?”

Ouyang Xiang swallowed the toast bread slowly and took a sip of milk. He said: “The three are too wasteful, and now the nutrition is just right!”

After she finished, she found Shi Lei’s look at her. Ouyang Xiang could not help but wonder: “Shi Lei, what are you looking at?”

Ouyang Xiang’s mouth is hung with half a drop of milky white milk. With her lips, one by one, full of other temptations, as if left behind, this makes Shi Lei look at it!

“Oh? Hey! Nothing! Ouyang, brother and things, first flashed!” Shi Lei naturally can not say.

Ouyang Xiang got up and walked to the mirror. Only then did she find half a drop of milk at the corner of her mouth. She was already 25 years old. Although she had never experienced any personnel, she had seen pigs running.

After thinking a little, I understood Shi Lei’s thoughts. Ouyang Xiang was ashamed to say: “Shi Lei, you bastard, you be a beast!”

In the bedroom, Shi Lei heard Ouyang Xiang’s big cockroach, revealing a smirk, pretending not to hear, sitting on the bedside, unraveling the behavioral dynamic capture program of the No. 1 server.

Invited Kodak company to come to Shuangqing City, Shi Lei naturally wants to prepare. Regarding the smile detection program, Shi Lei does not intend to stay in his hand.

The technical content of the smile detection program is not high, but no one thinks it now!

Shi Lei opened the editorial program for smile detection, prepared to optimize the smile detection program again, and made an encrypted installation package, which was convenient for Kodak personnel to test.

At noon, Shi Lei casually ate something and continued to optimize the smile detection program. This is not how hard Shi Lei is, but Shi Lei’s cooking skills. Compared with Ouyang Xiang, it is too far and far away. He doesn’t like to eat it himself!

He is ready to wait for the evening, Ouyang Xiang cooks and eats a big meal.

However, at four o’clock in the afternoon, a phone call made Shi Lei’s wish fall through!


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