Haguko’s Curse

The Prisoner (Part Three)


There were so many things that I wanted to know. But I had to be careful. I’d bought myself just two chances. But I couldn’t show them that I already knew about Project Gwonak. I had to be discreet. I wasn’t sure if any question I asked would work. But I had to risk it. 

Me: When I was being transferred today, I saw certain things. As soon as I was taken out of my old cell I saw many, many white passages, spreading out in every direction. Then I was taken through a dark hallway. And then there were the vehicles. Some of them had a name and a logo. 

Dr. Sylos was quiet the whole time. 

Me: My question is.. What are you guys?

There was an odd expression on his face. Like he gave it a thought before answering. 

Dr. Sylos: We run a secret government-funded special project here, to extract information regarding military technology. 

I waited for him to continue but he was silent. That was it?? 

And I was frustrated. I needed more info. Like what did he mean by extracting information about military technology?? Is he talking about Japan’s military technology? And if so why were they questioning me? And about supernatural occurrences?? None of that made sense to me. 

Me: That’s not enough information, Dr. Sylos. I thought our agreement was to exchange substantial information.

Dr. Sylos: I just gave you substantial information. 

Me: It’s not substantial enough for me. 

Dr. Sylos: Well, that’s unfortunate but that is as far as we go on that.

I was fuming at this point. 

Me: Fine. But remember that based on THAT logic, I too can judge whether my information is substantial enough. I can withhold any information as I prefer. Pretty sure you took the trouble to bring me here because you valued what I have to say.

I said this and felt pretty smug, not gonna lie. He had no escape now but to confess the entire truth to me. At least, that’s what I thought. Before he started smiling and laughing. 

Dr. Sylos: You know.. You’re pretty cocky for a teenager. But then again I guess teenagers are cockier than anyone else, usually. Well, how do I put this? It was a..test, Takawji-san. I was curious to know how persistent you would be. You said you wanted this information just to know what is happening to you. I..wanted to see how desperate you were to know that. 

You know..recently there were signs of a breach in this building.

I was suddenly speechless. It sounded like he was accusing me of having something to do with this breach. Which I’m pretty sure I did. This breach..it must have been the person who is trying to bust me out. But I couldn't look guilty. Because he just might catch onto it. 

Me: A breach? You mean someone had broken in?

He was silent.

Me: Dr. Sylos..?

Dr. Sylos: Well, I was hoping you could tell me, Takawji-san. Have you been in contact with someone?

My heart was pounding like crazy. I was racking my brain for answers. How did it come to this?? How did he start suspecting me?? Did they catch him? The person who sent me this message. No, it can’t be. His suspicion seemed to have sprung from my persistent curiosity, rather than anything else. But how could he guess that still??? I feigned ignorance. 

Me: What are you talking about?? How can I be in contact with anyone here? You’ve kidnapped me from my house. Then put me in a cell. Left me completely confused and uninformed about what kinda mess I’m in, for days. I’ve been put through a lot of emotional stress and now you have the gall to suspect me?? If someone broke in then maybe you should blame your own damn security systems. Honestly what kinda prison is this if people can just break in?? 

Then I decided to get a bit more dramatic with this. I leaned towards him and spoke in a low voice.

Me: Dr. Sylos, as you said, this game is about exchanging information. Not being a smartass or tricking each other.  I’m giving you useful information. All I ask in exchange is to at least give me a general idea of what the hell is going on here!!

That ought to do it, I thought. But I still wasn’t sure. I was genuinely worried about this. Have I been exposed?? Is he being just very very cunning about revealing it to me? But his face suddenly turned sad. It wasn’t obviously visible sadness. Just a hint of it in some corner of his face. His eyes.. they suddenly looked full of regret. I knew something ticked. Because then he began speaking seriously and..compassionately..? I couldn’t say for sure but there was a subtle tone. 

Dr. Sylos: You’re right. It must feel like hell being stuck in here. 

Then he got lost in thought. For a couple minutes, I’d say. So weird. 

Dr. Sylos: Like I said our project, “Project Gwonak”

Aha! He said the word. Gwonak.

Dr. Sylos: – is aimed at researching military tech.

Me: Japan’s military tech? 

Then he looked at me. With a very distinct smug look on his face. I remember this look. In hindsight, it seemed to say “oh you poor child. You don’t know a thing”.

Dr. Sylos: No Takawji-san. Try Earth’s military tech.

He said, popping a rolled up cigar that he’d taken out of his coat pocket, in his mouth and lighting it. I was extremely confused (What else is new, really?). “Earth’s military tech”??? He sounded like some alien. The slow realization took its time. I must have been really dumb to not connect the dots all this time. 

Me: Earth’s?? What do you mean “Earth’s”?? You mean you’re researching the whole world’s military tech, right?

Dr. Sylos: Yes, of course. Your world’s military tech. Earth’s. 

He smiled a twisted kind of smile. One minute he was sad and compassionate, then the next he was a sociopath. I just stood there. Waiting for more information.

Dr. Sylos: Quite the planet, Earth. Very similar to ours. Except , we don’t have cigars. One of the best things I picked up here on your planet. 

And that was when it hit me. That he wasn’t joking. He was really seriously saying these things as if he was an alien or something. Your planet, our planet. I began to understand, with a racing heart and chills running up my spine. This guy wasn’t from Earth. Either that or some sick role playing maniac kidnapped me. 

Me: So.. you’re not from this world?

Dr. Sylos: Well I thought that was quite obvious to you considering that I don’t really look like a being from your world. 

Me: But I thought that.. you were maybe.. the product of some experiment… Does that mean Kvie is not from our world too??

Dr. Sylos: Yes.

This was overwhelming. I still couldn’t tell if this was some kinda sick joke or not. I felt nauseous. And I remember my head throbbing painfully. Even though everything was now laid out in front of me there was still one thing that just didn’t make sense. 

Me: So.. why did you bring me here? I mean.. what do I have to do with Earth’s military tech??

When I asked this he looked at me with a spark in his eyes. 

Dr. Sylos: Nothing.

Me: Huh??

Dr. Sylos: You asked.. “what do I have to do with Earth’s military tech?”. Nothing. And it has nothing to do with you. 

What the fuck??

Me: What?? What do you mean?? Then why am I here??

Dr. Sylos: Oh, you’re not here for that. Well.. at least not entirely. 

Me: Then.. then what am I here for??

Dr. Sylos just smiled.

Me: Dr. Sylos? Tell me why I’m here.

Dr. Sylos: Your turn is over now, Takawji-san. 

Oh no. 

Dr. Sylos: It’s my turn now.

Me: Wait. Just.. wait. So.. so you’re telling me that aliens exist?? And that ALIENS have captured me??? Is that what you’re telling me?? 

Dr. Sylos: Look, kid. I know it’s a lot to take in. But right now I want you to focus on cooperating. 

Hm.. I was dreading this moment. Honestly, I didn’t wanna be tortured to death. I mean who wants to?? And I wanted to sound truthful. Make him satisfied with my answer. Well.. It was time to mislead my way through this one. What did I expect? That all answers to my questions will be served to me on a silver platter? But at least I did get to know some things.. I guess. If they’re not playing jokes on me, that is.

Besides, I still had another chance.

Me: Fine. What are you asking me??

Dr. Sylos: Have you ever experienced a.. Well let me rephrase that question, have you or anyone you know, ever made happen, any inexplicable occurrence that does not agree with science?  

Day two : after dinner

Had to pause writing for dinner. This time Kvie brought me a bowl of rice and spicy tarako. I don’t know why but the food here is really good. Obviously not as good as mom’s. Or most restaurants I’ve eaten at. But I truly expected worse out of prison food. To be fair I don't have a typical prison cell either. So this makes sense. 

Kvie also brought me something else. A small round electronic device. When I held it in my hand it lit up. I really didn’t know what it was or what to do with it at the moment. But I had a hunch that it was sent by whoever agreed to get me out of here. I checked it out. Turned it around and all. There was a note attached to its back saying, “Press the button”. I turned it back around and did as instructed. 

Then from inside the device a keypad just rolled out. And the screen had something like a chat interface. I recognized this because I received a message just then. They asked me if I’ve obtained the information. 

I said I did. Then they asked me to be ready in a couple of days. I felt nervous and excited. Nervous because what if it goes wrong? Excited because.. Well.. there’s so many reasons. But the first two things I thought about were my parents and..my friends. 

“Thank you for this”, I typed back, “I really miss my friends and family. So thank you.” 

Nolowi, Daiki, and Zakuvo lay on the grass, behind the barrels. This time, Daiki had fallen fast asleep. Zakuvo hadn’t woken up even for a second since he fell asleep a few hours ago. Only Nolowi was awake, keeping watch. 

She stared at Daiki. His head was almost touching her shoulder and his mouth was half-open. There was also a faint snore. Nolowi stared for a few seconds and blushed. Her heart fluttered and her stomach rumbled. 

What is this? Am I hungry? I told Zakuvo we should pack some protein bars. Tch. 

She rested her head on her knees and waited. Suddenly, there was a rustle in some nearby trees. 

Oh no. What was that??

Then it came again. 

Shit. Shit. I gotta wake them up.

“Psst! Daiki. Daiki!!”, she shook him and whispered loudly. 

“Aah-”, Daiki almost screamed upon being woken up but Nolowi put her hand tightly on his mouth. “Ssh!”, she said. Then she moved to Zakuvo, “Oi, Zakuvo, wake uuup”

“What? What??”, Zakuvo hissed. 

Daiki rubbed his eyes and looked around, “What’s going on??”

“I think there’s something over there”, she said pointing at the trees. 

Zakuvo gasped, “What?? Who??”

“Tch. I don’t know you idiot. I just heard a noise”

“What kinda noise??”, Daiki whispered.

“Like leaves rustling”, Nolowi said. 

They waited silently. Daiki could hear his heart pound. There was sweat forming on his forehead. His armpits were excessively sweaty too. He glanced at Nolowi. She was squeezing his arm tightly. Next to her, Zakuvo sat absolutely frozen. His eyes were as big as tennis balls.

Something slowly moved in the shadows of the trees. Nolowi took a couple of tiny shurikens out of her pocket and pressed her thumbs to their center. A zap of electricity moved through them as if she was charging them for an attack. 


“Ssh!”, she hissed, “Let me focus”

Next to her, Zakuvo stood with one hand gripping the hilt of his katana. Daiki’s stomach rumbled. He was feeling sick with fear and anticipation. Unlike the others he had no weapons, he had zero combat experience or skills, and he had no idea what was lurking behind those trees. The other two probably had a general idea. It is their world, after all. Helplessly, he put his arms up and took a fighting stance. 

The three of them stared into the darkness between the trees. Suddenly a giant ball rolled towards them fast. Daiki panicked, dropped his stance and held onto Nolowi. Then Nolowi lost balance and almost fell back but Zakuvo caught her just in time. But he dropped his sword. 

Shit, Daiki thought. 

The giant ball popped out its limbs and stood up. As it turned out, it was a person. Curled up into a ball for rolling purposes. Daiki’s jaw dropped. This was not just any other person. It was a tall, beautiful woman. 

“Nolowiii”, she greeted in a whisper.

“No no no don’t stand uppp. They might see us! Crouch! Crouchhh!”, Nolowi hissed. The woman panicked and bent down and sat on her heels. Her posture was perfect. She looked so magnificent that for a minute Daiki forgot his utter confusion as to who she was. 

“Nolowi, sweetiepie, we’re so late. I’m so sorry..”, she said in a drawn out sexy voice. Daiki’s heart was pounding. There was a super sexy, tall, alien girl standing right in front of him. She had her dark green hair tied up with a bunch of Golden rings. Her skin was an olive brown and her lips were the same. Her hazel eyes glanced down at them from under her curled lashes. She wore a gorgeous emerald green jumpsuit that flattered her slender figure. 

Nolowi glanced up at her speechless for a second. As if still recovering from shock. Zakuvo and Daiki were something in between shock and deep infatuation. Then someone bonked Zakuvo on his head. Someone invisible. 

“Ouchh”, he hissed, “Zyc, is that you?”

“Duh”, the invisible person answered. 

Daiki looked around. He could only hear a voice. No one else was to be seen except the beautiful woman.

“Zyc”, the woman whispered warningly to her invisible companion, “Is that how you say hello to our comrades? We were late. Please have some manners.”

“Alright. Fine. Sorry”, the voice said, annoyedly. 

“Where’s Jupong?”, Nolowi asked the woman.

She rolled her eyes and replied, “Inside the tunnel. You know I can't bring him out until it's time”


Wait what the fuck is happening?? Who are these people??? 

“Ahem, uhh, Nolowi”, Daiki whispered, “Nolowi care to explain who they are”. He pointed towards the woman with his eyes as he spoke. 

“Oh tch. I’m sorry, Daiki”, Nolowi said, “This is Bavaka. The invisible one is Zyc. And there’s another giant dude underground in the tunnel. He’s Jupong”

“Yes, I heard that much”, Daiki said rolling his eyes, “But who are they??”

“Oh”, Nolowi slapped her forehead, “Yes of course. Let me formally introduce you”

She turned to their new friends and pointed at Daiki, “Guys, this is Daiki. This is the human we kidnapped to help with our mission.”

Wow, she admits that so casually, Daiki thought.

Then Nolowi turned to Daiki and pointed at her friends, “Daiki, this is our backup team”

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