Hail the King

Chapter 59

Chapter 59.1: Kneel Down and Kiss My Shoes!

The celebration party was entering its climax.

Fei held his wineglass and walked to the soldiers.

After experiencing the cruel battle that could repress anyone to the point of suffocation and turn them crazy, only fine wine and women could relieve these strongmen. Pierce and Drogba laughed as they drank with silver bowls the size of a kitchen sink. Wild and uninhibited laughter echoed in the square. The twenty three strongmen including Oleg had followed Fei and slid down the defensive wall and charged into the enemies like a death squad. Except for Breno who had sacrificed himself on the bridge, although the other twenty two strongmen were all severely injured, they made back alive. Fighting alongside the king had built a special friendship between these iron-like men.

On the north side of the square, the men gathered together and sat down on the stone tables and gulped down the wine. Some of them wrestled half-naked on the side, some arm-wrestled on the table and others danced with the joyful girls. Even Oleg who was unwelcomed by all the soldiers had gained many people’s respect after this deadly mission.

“Cheers! For our brothers!” Fei raised his wineglass and proposed a toast.

“For our brothers! Hail the king! Cheers!” The soldiers cheered as they also raised their glasses and bowls; King Alexander’s arrival made them feel very honoured.

“This second glass of wine is a toast to our hero Breno!”

Fei poured the wine in his glass onto the ground and said, “His parents will be all of our parents, and his son will be all of our son……Breno’s family will be supported by the Royal family of Chambord until his son becomes a real brave and strong man like his father!”

“For our hero Breno!”

The soldiers poured the wine in their hands onto the ground silently. At this moment, in many soldier’s drunk and bleary eyes, it was as if they had seen the figure whose heart was penetrated, but still dragged three enemies off of the bridge while yelling, “Hail the king!” in the dark, star filled sky……Breno was a hero, he was a comrade, and he was also a companion!

“The third glass of wine is a toast to our hero Breno’s comrades, a toast to the twenty two great warriors of Chambord, Pierce, Drogba, O’Neal, Essien, Ballack…… Fei said the strongmen’s names one by one. Every time he announced a name, the crowd would burst into cheers and applause; the person whose name was called shivered in excitement.

“May the God of War bless you, my warriors. Your names shall be remembered together with Chambord. Now, in the name of King Alexander, I shall grant you honour; the armour and weapons you guys used during the battle will be returned to you after they are repaired by the best blacksmiths in the castle……” Fei’s voice was like a burning bonfire and ignited every soldier’s blood. After seeing the strongmen’s incredible and excited expressions, Fei raised his wineglass filled up high with wine into the air and congratulated, “Yes, my warriors, as you wish, these are the most precious items in the royal family, and they shall be permanently granted to you guys, because they are the medals that represent your bravery and skill.”

The twenty three sets of armour and weapons were the treasures that the old king collected throughout his life time. Although they were not illustrious magic items and weapons, in a level six affiliated kingdom of a level one Empire, they were priceless. For an officer like Oleg, if he saved all his life time income, he still wouldn’t be able to get a full set of the armour and weapons.

So right after Fei stopped talking, the soldiers started to cheer wildly.

The king was clear towards who deserved rewards and punishments, especially for those who showed loyalty and risked their lives. Moreover, in the prior battles King Alexander was always on the very front line of the battlefield and charges, and he had blocked the enemies’ blades for his soldiers and companions with his own body. The series of behaviors had boost Fei’s influence in the military to an unparalleled level.

The King’s kind rewards had pushed the celebration party to its peak.

The intoxicating smell of wine diffused into the air.

Fei was inspired and even took off his own luxurious king’s robe and put on a thin armour. He wrestled with the strongmen bare armed and competed in drinking games; it was a men’s game and Fei was soon on the same page as the other soldiers. By using the Barbarian Mode to cheat, Fei easily flipped over a dozen famous strongmen in Chambord and completely showed off a king’s strength and courage ……

The delightful atmosphere embraced Chambord Castle after the war.

At this moment, suddenly a surprise occurred.

In the middle of the square where it was the most crowded, a series of female screams and curses was heard, in addition to the faint laughter of men mixed in with it……

Fei frowned.

The soldiers who were having a good time also froze their hands which were holding wine glasses in the air.

“It’s probably a drunk punk forcing a kiss on his beloved girl recklessly……”

It was the first thing that came to Fei and the soldiers’ minds.

“Haha, although that kind of behaviour isn’t civilized, at this open and unconventional celebration party, we can probably forgive that horny bastard. The girls at Chambord are very bold and vigorous, haha, I hope the God of War can bless that poor punk.”

All the men had understanding smiles on their face.

But what was unexpected was that the chaos and curses didn’t calm down as Fei and the soldiers expected; it grew bigger and louder. Cursing and screaming were very pronounced when mixed with the cheer and laughter. Many people stopped dancing and crowded towards the middle of the square. The noise gradually stopped and everyone’s attention was at the source of the chaos.

Fei stood on a stairway beside him and looked at the source location of the chaos. The next second, his expression turned cold and a murderous sensation leaked from his body and diffused to the surroundings.

“Fuck! Someone is messing with Angela!”

Barbarian 【Leap】 was initiated, and “Whoosh!” Fei jumped up tens of yards (m) into the air and rushed to the centre of the square in a few ups and downs.

At this time, the crowd formed into a big circle.

In the middle of the circle, Emma and a dozen young citizens formed a human wall and angrily stared at the couple of knights in front of them with red eyes. Behind them, Angela who was in the azure long dress crouched down as her face turned pale. A fifteen or sixteen year old teenage boy was leaning against her arms. The little guy’s neck was severely injured; there was a shocking slit that was cut open by a sharp blade; the teenage boy was having a hard time breathing, and blood and foam was coming out of his mouth. Like a person who didn’t know how to swim had gotten choked by the water in a swimming pool, his chest raised and fell dramatically. The blood and foam coming out of his mouth flew everywhere, and Angela’s azure long dress was strained by the blood.

“Puh! Reckless low class citizen, how dare you point your finger at a superior empire knight?”

A leading red caped Zenit Empire’s cavalry put the sword that had blood on it back to the scabbard. Cutting someone’s throat almost in half was a negligible matter in his eyes. He yelled at Emma and the citizens of Chambord disdainfully, “If you want to live, then kneel down and kiss my boots, and get the fuck out of here. Shameless bastards, the Deputy Knight Captain of the legion, Mr. Semak only wanted to invite your future queen to a dance……”

The red caped cavalry emphasized the words “Queen” and “dance”; any man would understand the obscene meaning behind it. After he said that, he winked at his companions proudly.

Behind him, a dozen similarly red caped cavalry held onto their shoulders and laughed out loud.

In between all the cavalry, the buffed knight who was behind prince Tropinski had a bright smile on his face after he heard that. He sneered at the citizens of Chambord who were crowding them and glanced around. When he saw Emma, his eyes brighten up; but after a short pause, his vision went through the crowd and landed on the goddess like azure dressed girl. An obscene expression came on his face; he didn’t hide his lust at all.

At this time –


A strong wind blew by. Everyone’s vision blurred and a majestic figured suddenly appeared in the middle of the circle……It was Fei who used Barbarian 【Leap】 to get here faster.

Fei glanced around and quickly figured out what was going on.

His face changed expression; he didn’t acknowledge the provocation from the red caped cavalry who were like mad dogs and rushed to Angela. He crouched down and placed his hand on the back of the dying teenage boy. He opened up his belt storage and took out the bottle of 【Normal Healing Potion】; he carefully dropped the last few drops of the remaining red potion into the teenage boy’s mouth and on his shocking slit on his neck.

A light mysterious magic power surged.

The 【Normal Healing Potion】 had displayed its incredible magical effect. Quickly, the teenage boy’s wound recovered at a visible speed; it formed a scar in just a few seconds and the scar soon shrunk and disappeared. He stopped spurting blood from his mouth and his dramatic chest movements calmed down as well. His breathing went back to normal and regained consciousness and opened up his eyes slowly.

Fei was relieved after he saw that.

Luckily, there were still some of the 【Normal Healing Potion】 left after Fei diluted most of it. Fei saved a little bit just in case of an emergency. He didn’t expect that it would be utilized at such a crucial moment. If not, this teenage boy would probably be a cold corpse by now.

Chapter 59.2: Kneel Down and Kiss My Shoes! (2)

After seeing the king perform another miracle by saving the teenage boy’s life magically, the surrounding citizens of Chambord couldn’t help but cheer.

“Angela, tell me what happened.”

Fei handed the boy over to one of the soldiers to take care of. He looked at the imperial cavalry who were laughing out loud proudly with a provoking manner, then turned around and asked.

With an angry expression covering her innocent face, she tightly held onto Fei’s hand and then whispered into Fei’s ear. Fei became more enraged as he listened; an unstoppable fury burned in his heart and his expression was as cold as ice. A sharp murderous sensation unknowingly diffused from his body.

It turned out that these dirty cavalry pretended to be drunk and started touching the girls beside Angela and Emma. At first, these girls tolerated a little bit because the cavalry were from their parent Empire – Zenit. Who knew that the cavalry were insatiable; some daring cavalry even wanted to touch Angela and insisted her to accompany their Knight Captain Semak to drink and dance with him. Their reckless and rude behaviour angered the young citizens of Chambord. How could the energetic lads allow the Great King Alexander’s fiancée be insulted; they walked up and reprimanded the cavalry. Both parties started shoving each other, but one of the Zenit cavalry pulled out his sword and sliced the throat of the youth who was standing at the very front……

Fei listen patiently as Angela told him the whole story. He tapped on his fiancée’s shoulder gently to tell her to relax. He then walked up, separated “the human wall” that was formed by Emma and other young men and stood at the very front of the commotion.

“Oh? You’re that King Alexander, right?”

Knight Captain Semak was at the centre of all the cavalry. He was like a moon surrounded by a bunch of stars. He clenched his fists and crossed his arms and walked up a couple of steps. After he observed Fei with his haughty demeanor, he said lightly, “Your Majesty, I’m very dissatisfied with the way that Chambord treats its guests. See, my men only wanted to invite the queen to a dance, but some of your citizens were blocking and insulting us unreasonably……”

Honestly, Knight Captain Semak didn’t have any respect for this king named Alexander. Rather, he despised this little hillbilly kind of king. The Zenit Empire had many affiliated kingdoms. The powerless kings of little level 6 kingdoms held lower positions than even lowly navigators at St. Petersburg in Semak’s eyes. Therefore, he didn’t hide his scornful expression and said, “Although my mood has been disturbed and my fun was stopped, if the Queen can do a roundtable dance for us, I will treat this as if nothing happened……”

After he said that, the surrounding Chambord citizens started to yell and swear. On the Azeroth Continent, roundtable dancing was an unsightly dance that the vilest prostitutes used to please men. Asking a future queen to do the roundtable dance was the greatest insult of all time.

Knight Captain Semak didn’t acknowledge the swearing and anger from the crowd.

He smiled with a disdainful expression on his face, and ridicule filled his eyes like a high emperor that controlled everyone’s lives. Suddenly, he raised his hand and pointed at Emma who was standing behind Fei and continued, “Your Majesty, one more thing. Let your little blonde servant come to the legion’s residence and sleep with me tonight; she should be thankful that I granted her the honour, hahaha……Oh, right, I’m also interested in the magic potion that you used to heal that lowlife citizen, give them all to me. If you could do all these things, the Zenit Empire won’t punish Chambord for being discourteous.”

After he said that, Semak looked at Fei scornfully.

Before this, Semak had been to many affiliated kingdoms. The kings and ministers in those kingdoms were like poor beggars. To make sure that their kingdom could still be protected by Zenit Empire, they did everything they could to please Semak. A little king of a level 5 affiliated kingdom even forced his newly wedded beautiful queen to serve Semak, the Imperial Knight Captain at night. His request and behaviour today was like an extra reward in Semak’s own eyes; he went easy on the young and ignorant king in front of him.

Semak was a little messed in the head. He loved seeing the kings who had exclusive and supreme authority over their own territories kneel down with pleasing expressions on their faces. It gave him the thrill of conquest.

But today, Semak didn’t get the thrill he was waiting for; he surprisingly found out that the young king who was standing in front of him maintained a strange expression on his face. The king was calm and cold; he didn’t show any signs of pleasing or flattering Semak.

Suddenly, Semak’s smile disappeared.

“Young and ignorant king, my patience is limited. Please do want I have said immediately. Otherwise, hehehe, trust me, your little kingdom wouldn’t be able to handle the anger of a Knight Captain.”

In unison with Semak’s “ultimatum”, “Tink, tink, tink!” the red caped cavalry all drew out their sharp swords and started at Fei ferociously and threateningly. Nasty and cruel grins appeared on their faces as they knocked their armour with the hilt of their swords and made huge “tinking” noises.

Previously, this tactic had been very effective against other level 6 and level 5 affiliated kingdoms. Even if some kings were resistant, they would almost sh*t their pants and kneel down to beg for their lives. At that moment, the cavalry almost saw the fantastic scene where this young king would bite the bullet and let his glamorous fiancée do the roundtable dance……

However –

“Alright, how do you bastards want to die!?”

That was the response from the young king.

“What? What……What did he say?” The cavalry stared at each other in unison.

The egoistic cavalry couldn’t process the information fast enough in their minds, “What…… How dare a king of a little level 6 affiliated kingdom say such a thing to the noble Imperial Knight Captain? Does he want to give up his throne?”

“What did you say, punk? Do you even understand what you are saying?”

After seeing Semak’s face getting colder and colder, the cavalry who sliced open the teenage boy’s throat felt it was a great time to flatter the Knight Captain. He rushed to Fei arrogantly and pointed at Fei’s nose with his sword and swore, “You little reckless lowlife bastard! Do you think you are really a high up and powerful king? Kneel down and kiss the Imperial Knight Captain’s boots and apologize, otherwise……”


A muffled noise interrupted his clamoring.

The cavalry hadn’t even finish speaking when he suddenly felt he that was hit by something. He was shocked and he looked down confusedly. The next second, an inconceivable expression suddenly appeared on his face. He wanted to scream from this unprecedented terror, but as soon as he opened his mouth, blood spurt out and he couldn’t make any sounds.

A fist dripping with blood came out of his back.

A series of gasping sounds could be heard.

Everyone saw that when the soldier was spouting nonsense, the silent Alexander suddenly punched out and hit the reckless cavalry right on the chest. It made a daunting, crisp crackling noise, and the monstrous strength of a level 12 Barbarian was fully applied without any kind of restraint. The fist directly penetrated the cavalry’s body and revealed itself on his back; all the internal organs and bones were shattered into pieces.

Everyone was shocked.

“What kind of strength is that? How could it create a huge hole on a human body with a bare fist?” What was even more shocking was that Alexander shook his arm the next second and shattered the entire corpse into minced meat; the pieces fell onto the ground and form piles.


Another round of gasping was heard.

The Knight Captain Semak was also shocked by the bloody scene and back off a couple steps. The other red caped cavalry were even more shocked; fear filled their eyes. After seeing the piles of steaming “minced meat”, their hands that were holding onto their swords started trembling.

The whole square was silent; if someone were to drop a pin, everyone would hear it.

“God! King Alexander killed a soldier from Zenit’s Royal Canonization Legion!” This shocking scene had blanked out many people’s minds……But at the same time, the citizens of Chambord felt very excited and thrilled.

“Say bastards, how do you want to die?”

After exploding a Zenit cavalry like killing an annoying fly, Fei’s expression still didn’t change. He shook his fist to get rid of the blood as he approached Semak and other cavalries slowly. His voice was freezing cold, his stares were as sharp as blades; with the murderous intent in his eyes, he looked at the opponents as if they were piles of rotten meat that even wild dogs wouldn’t eat.

“How dare you kill an imperial soldier?” After the initial shock, Knight Captain Semak became enraged. Like a mating dog that got its spouse snatched, he shivered in anger and pointed at Fei and shouted, “Done! Chambord is done! You are done!!! I declare that starting from this moment, Chambord kingdom is now the enemy of Zenit Empire. Start to tremble in fear! Your castle will be razed!”

“Oh really?” Fei said with a dismissive expression, “We’re enemies now, so what? Is Zenit Empire that great? It’s hard to say whether or not Chambord will be razed, but without a doubt, none of you guys will walk out of Chambord alive.”

After he said that, he shouted, “Where is Pierce and Brook?” Behind him, Pierce and Brook who finally squeezed through the crowd rushed over, half kneeled and responded after they heard the king’s call, “King Alexander, your command.”

“Evacuate the civilians, gather the King’s Guard, shut down the gate and lock down the traffic in the city. Then, surround the residence of the Canonization Legion and wait for my command. Anyone who dares to resist shall be executed instantly.”


After hearing such a command, Brook who was experienced and prudent was surprised, “Is Your Majesty planning to start a war with Zenit Empire?” Even Pierce who was wooden headed was having a hard time digesting the command that he heard.

On the opposite side.

The infuriated Knight Captain Semak was so angry that he started laughing after he heard that, “Hahaha, great! Great! Great! You ignorant and reckless punk, daring to surround the residence of the Legion and confront the Empire? This is ridiculous. The six hundred cavalry in the Legion cab easily wipe out the entire Chambord Castle. It looks like this evil kingdom doesn’t have to exist anymore……Hahaha, I will chop your head off first, then enslave all the women in the castle and kill all men and wash the castle with your own blood!”

As he was spoke, Semak drew out his sword. A yellow earth energy covered his body and two looming stars appeared on his forehead – it was the sign of a two star warrior.

“[Crack Rockburst]!”

Semak intended to kill, so he used his combat energy techniques right away. He moved first and shouted. His sword glowed as he stomped on the ground; he charged at Fei with his yellow earth energy and struck at Fei viciously with the pressure of a sliding mountain.

“Huh, only a two star warrior, how dare you be so rampant in front of me? You are seeking your own death!”

Fei ‘humphed’ coldly and stood still. A white light flashed and 【Storm Sabre】 appeared in his hand. He made a lash and the golden sword collided with the double handed knight sword. After the series of sparks and a crisp metal colliding sound, Semak’s yellow energy shield was shattered and his double handed knight sword was chipped mercilessly as well. He was blown back and blood leaked out of his mouth.

“You…..how could you have this kind of strength?”

Semak smashed into a huge stone statue further away. He couldn’t stop spurting blood out of his mouth. His face was filled with shock and disbelief. He held onto the statue as he struggled to stand up.

Fei ignored him. He stomped his feet and flashed forward. The golden sword turned into a series of golden lights. After making a sound similar to cutting tofu, out of the eight red caped cavalry, seven of them held onto their bleeding necks. They screamed as they shivered and fell to the ground. Just like the teenage boy before, they throats were sliced open and blood and foam clogged their lungs. They felt a huge amount of pain, but couldn’t die right away. They struggled crazily……

The only cavalry that was left alive was completely petrified; he lost all of his strength. “Tink!” The sword fell out of his hands and onto the ground; his legs trembled and a stinky and disgusting smell came from his crouch. He was scared to the point of peeing his pants.

“Come here and kneel down and kiss my boot!”

Fei stared at the cavalry coldly and ordered. This was what the cavalry had said when they were provoking, so now Fei returned it back to them.

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