Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 458 - Overwatch

The Falling Dragon Canyon is an important gateway connecting the Emerald Wilderness and the Dajianken Mountains. Strictly speaking, it is the most labor-saving and fastest gateway to the Emerald Wilderness.

Of course, if you want to avoid this passage and go to other places, you can only choose to turn over the complex terrain smashed by the dragon’s sharp claws, thick tail, wide wings and huge dragon body.

Once upon a time, the masters of the Emerald Wilds were ruled by goblins, trolls, kobolds, ogres and other evil humanoids.

This portal, which was created by two giant dragons due to the fierce battle, became the main traffic road for the overlords of the Great Sword Mark Mountains, the gnolls, who often went down the mountain and ravaged the emerald field.

They are like locusts, wherever they go, there is blood and blood.

However, time has passed, and things have changed.

The former mountain overlord and the mountain giant fought against each other, and their respective strengths could not completely conquer them.

The rulers of the Emerald Fields also have a new batch of masters.

As for this gateway into and out of the emerald field, a group of skilled craftsmen built a dark black war fortress.

The majestic city walls and impenetrable fortifications stifled the endless Great Sword Marked Mountains, which reached the coast at both ends.

This strong fortress directly makes it difficult for the evil ones in those mountains to enter and exit freely.

The unbreakable fortress is like a large gate in a torrent, with four striking characters “No passage” engraved on it, keeping all enemies who try to invade the emerald field away.

Unless they can pull out the nail that is deeply embedded in the Dragon Falling Canyon.

The firmament of the sky turned white without knowing it, the stars disappeared one by one, the sun rose from the green field, and the warm light was communicating with the dying coolness of the night, giving a sweet feeling of tiredness.

The Watch Fort, located in the Falling Dragon Canyon, has two gates that allow access to the Great Swordscar Mountains.

One of them is on the west city wall, and it is the main passage for the garrison of the Watch Fort, and it is not allowed to be used by anyone other than the garrison of the fortress.

This gate is only opened when there is a major war, or when the scout team needs to go out on patrol.

The other is on the northernmost side of the city wall, a barrel-shaped building next to the rock wall of the canyon.

In fact, it is not a door, but a spiral staircase that needs to be climbed.

The stairs turned smaller and higher, until the adventurers felt dizzy when they found a small door. Entering sideways, you will see an adventurer’s guild sitting on a flattened canyon.

Many adventurers carrying their prey are on the way to the union to turn in their quests. When they are tired and dizzy from climbing the spiral stairs and sit on the steps to rest, one of the things they like to do most is to scold this man from Iron Horse Town. The fortress designer, said he designed some brain-damaged buildings.

It is a problem that can be solved by opening a small door in a remote location of the city wall that allows adventurers to enter and exit freely, but it is designed like a spinning top.

They believed that this came from the designer’s deep malice towards the group of adventurers, so they, under the leadership of the leader, gathered in the union square to protest, forcing them to demolish the brain-damaged building.

However, from the fact that the spiral staircase has been preserved to this day, it can be seen that their protest is obviously ineffective.

As for what happened to the people who took the lead in the trouble, it is said that they were forcibly thrown into the mining area for free reconstruction for a month.

What is surprising is that after these thorns have served their sentences, they actually chose to actively join the forces of Watch Fort.

As for the specific reason, it is unknown, unless someone is willing to use the same method to transform the mining area for a month.

The Adventurer’s Guild in the early morning is undoubtedly the busiest.

It’s like the rush hour here. Hundreds of people gather here, waiting for the reward bar on the wall to refresh the task, then go to the lobby to receive the task they want, and disappear into the Great Sword Mark Mountains.

As for whether you can come back?

Hehe, almost no one cares about other people’s problems, or they may not even care about themselves.

Probably most adventurers think that adventure is a game of life.

If they can persevere, for them, every morning is the best blessing, and every day they live is a gift.

Oh, and as for scars, broken bones, sore extremities, and the occasional bout of pain, some might think it’s just a gentle caress.

Of course, there are also people who don’t like taking risks, who think that only a successful adventure is an adventure, and a failed adventure cannot be called an adventure, but is called death.

So people who hear this sentence will pretend to be a deep retort:

There are too many things in this world that can’t be reached even with a hundred efforts, but we must always carry small expectations and dreams to try those adventures that we don’t know about the results. In my opinion, this is the courage that adventurers have been waiting for.

These adventurers, in groups of three or five, chatted noisily and boasted to each other about the possible gains of this adventure.

Or show a mocking look at the unfortunate people who are bandaged and have new scars on their faces, or because the team has been reduced, standing in the crowd and shouting to recruit players with the same experience.

Despite the hustle and bustle of a wet market, most people are restrained.

No matter how fierce the quarrel is due to the conflict of tasks, the blushing and the thick neck, or even the foul language, they will not roll up their sleeves, pick up their weapons, and fight to the death.

Because on this flattened hilltop square, a group of knights belonging to the ‘Golden Thorn Rose’ Knights were constantly patrolling around the adventurers.

Whenever they encounter troublemakers, they will indiscriminately arrest all the participants and **** them into the mining area to experience the life of a miner with the kobold miners.

After a certain period of time, after the mining area was overcrowded, these thorns finally understood what it meant to obey the rules.

The Knights of the Golden Thorn Rose are a cavalry regiment formed by all the territories of the Emerald Fields. For everyone in the Emerald Wilderness, being able to join this cavalry regiment through the assessment is undoubtedly equivalent to joining the special forces.

Since they were just patrolling here, these knights did not wear armor with higher defense, but some close-fitting chain armor for easy movement, with a cloak printed with a thorn rose pattern on the outside.

The color of the cloak is the same as the walls of the Watch Fortress, a dark black with a heavy texture.

When the door of the Adventurer’s Guild was opened, the noisy crowd rushed over like a tide. Some people went to the lobby to hand over tasks and then receive new tasks. Some stronger adventurers focused their attention on one by one. on the bounty bar.

At this time, a young man dressed as a staff member held a circled yellowed paper and limped towards the reward bar.

There are numerous bounty quests posted on the bounty columns on the walls, and the yellowed paper also describes the information of each bounty creature in as much detail as possible.

Most of the protagonists of these bounties are gnolls, hobgoblins, bear goblins, hill giants, and occasionally some snake people from the deepest part of the mountain range.

The purpose of rewarding them is not because a certain part of these monsters is particularly valuable or can serve as a precious magic material. It is because these guys wandering around the mountains have brought a deadly threat to the travel of many relatively weak adventurers.

These monsters and beasts that can honorably join the bounty column are undoubtedly very ferocious.

These creatures are often highly intelligent, and adventurers who attempt to hunt them often alternate between hunter and prey.

That is to say, when you are ready to enter the mountains to hunt, you have become the prey of other creatures, and even some monsters’ favorite fun is to kill adventurers.

They take advantage of their familiar terrain to fly through the woods, revealing sharp fangs and sharp claws in dark corners, before you can’t notice them, they rush out and take your life.

So the role of the bounty bar is actually more to remind adventurers to be careful of these dangerous hunters and try to avoid their range of activities when they go out.

In the bounty column, there are very few monsters that can really be cleaned up by the adventurers. Most of them were jointly eliminated by the members of the Golden Thorn Rose Knights of Watch Castle.

Even so, the paper in the bounty column is still increasing bit by bit with the passage of time, and it is even able to dominate the list for a few months by virtue of its own strength.

After all, the rolling Great Sword Mark Mountains are too big, and the Watch Fort is the only place where civilizations live near the entire mountain range.

Then, countless adventurers from all over the world gathered here to make a fortune or seek excitement, and also attracted a large number of monsters who like to act as hunters. Keep the hunter and the prey tricks going on in the mountains.

It can be seen from this that it is almost impossible for the territory of the Emerald Field to conquer the Great Sword Mark Mountains in a short period of time. They can only use the method of attracting adventurers to nibble away the threat of the mountains step by step.

“Damn it! Why hasn’t this ‘cute new killer Hogg’ been killed yet? I haven’t been out for a month. If this goes on like this, I won’t be able to open the pot.”

An adventurer in a black robe and lined with wolf leather armor looked at the gnoll in the bounty column and said very depressed.

When the other adventurers heard the words, they all fixed their eyes on the image of the gnoll with dark red mane and hideous scars on its face, and most people’s faces became a little ugly.

‘The New Killer Hogg’ is not a gnoll’s name, but a nickname given to him by adventurers.

As for his exact name? Perhaps only the dead have a chance to know.

Of course, this gnoll may not have the habit of killing people.

In short, it is right to call him a gnoll.

Anyway, the legacy of these demons looks almost the same.

As the name of the gnoll said, the most favorite thing for this 3rd-rank gnoll is to sneak up on new adventurers.

He is an extremely sneaky, sneak attacking, assassinating hunter, and most importantly, he is very cunning.

As long as he encounters two or more adventurers walking together, he will never show up.

He only picks the one who is single.

Rao is so. When he finds the prey, he will follow him for a while, and he will choose to attack after he thinks he has sufficient confidence.

Then kill him with one hit and flee away.

It can be said that Gou Dao is brought into full play.

Therefore, as long as it is the prey targeted by the “new killer Hogg”, it has never missed.

In just two months, fifty or sixty adventurers were killed, including a dozen members of the Golden Thorn Rose Knights.

It is precisely because of the appearance of this gnoll that most adventurers dare not wander around the mountains alone.

No way, the gnoll’s range of activities is too wide.

Even if they knew the hunting rules of gnolls, no one dared to gamble with their lives that the other party would always abide by the rules of the game.

Moreover, the Golden Thorn Rose Knights dispatched a dozen consecutive plans to encircle and suppress him within a month, but each time they returned empty-handed.

In the words of these knights: I didn’t even see a hair, and I killed a fart.

Even if the half-drow elf Horat from Twilight Town, who is proficient in assassination and stealth skills, went, it was still unsuccessful.

The next day, I could still hear the news that a certain Mengxin who was not afraid of death was killed by a gnoll.

Even with the fear of gnolls, some people have begun to spread how gnolls kill their prey and eat them cruelly.

To put it simply, the gnoll first disembowels the prey, then picks up the stone and smashes the head, and then “sucks”, and **** the marrow clean at once.

As for why this gnoll hated adventurers so much, no one knew the specific reason.

However, there is one rumor that is quite credible.

It is said that this gnoll is not only a believer of Mara, the **** of hunting, but also the leader of a tribe of black blood people deep in the mountains.

However, his old nest was given to a nest by the rangers from Waterfall Town. His wife and children were all gone, and all the **** was burnt, and he was the only one left to escape.

Since then, this overly sad gnoll has been wandering around the Watch Fort, doing nothing, only picking out newbies who have been singled out.

Then, under the expectant gaze of a group of adventurers, the lame staff member did not tear down a reward quest, but added another one.

what does that mean?

It means that in their adventure today, the degree of danger has not only not decreased, but has increased a bit.

As a result, everyone turned their attention to the reward information that the staff had just posted.

“Fuck! White Dragon!” A sharp-eyed adventurer first noticed the above introduction and couldn’t help exclaiming.

The crowd became noisy, chattering incessantly.

Obviously everyone was talking about the white dragon who was honored on the list.

Some people even began to speculate how long this white dragon could dominate the list.

The one who has been known to dominate the list for the longest time is a frost giant who is proficient in storm spells and has a bunch of younger brothers.

This blue-skinned idiot who likes to eat adventurers like popsicles has been on the bounty bar for three and a half months.

In the end, when there was no other way, the management of the fortress personally went to invite a ranger from Waterfall Township, and then resolved the problem.

At that time, the head was embalmed, and it still hangs at the main gate of Watch Fort.

Because of this, annoyed a tribe of frost giants.

Kill the little ones, and come the old ones.

Taking advantage of the cold wave, more than 200 frost giants, with a large group of hill giants, launched a surprise attack on Watch Fort.

Then the wizard’s tower in the town of Falls sent a large group of construct golems, including an iron golem, and they cooperated with the Knights of the Golden Thorn Rose to cleanly repel this group of stupid frost giants.

The second is the gnoll known as the “new killer Hogg”.

Most people think that this old silver gnoll who has won the “gou” way can definitely surpass the frost giant who looks a little silly.

“Don’t get excited, this is just a very timid young white dragon, and the wizards in Twilight Town have already set their sights on this dragon. As long as they find his trace, they will immediately arrange the dragon slaughter team to rush over.” The lame staff smiled to reassure everyone:

“As long as someone can find the specific location of this white dragon, and the news is true, you can get 5,000 gold coins, 5,000 gold coins directly.”

5000 gold coins!

The adventurers were instantly fried, and the people who had just walked out of the hall gathered together following the sound.

Many people began to secretly speculate that it was the wizard from Twilight Town who was so interested in the white dragon.

It has been more than three years since the decisive battle with the Hobgoblin, and the age of the Watch Fortress, which was jointly established by six towns, also has a history of two and a half years.

And has resisted the two attacks of the gnoll and the frost giant, and both ended in perfect victory.

In the past three years, all the forces in the wilderness have been accumulating and developing.

There are three major groups of wizards in the entire Emerald Wilderness territory.

The first is the wizarding organization formed by Twilight Town and Yuanshan Town. They belong to the weakest group due to their weak foundation.

Then there is Iron Horse Town, a group of players from the Wizarding League headed by Wizard Randall.

These people have ties to the Wizarding League and always receive a lot of player wizards from the Wizarding League.

They have the largest number of wizards, but the quality is a bit uneven.

Finally, there is the Emerald Tower in the town of waterfalls.

On the bright side, they are led by a human, a octopus brother, and a dark elf, and they have a complete wizard tower. They are undoubtedly the strongest wizard group in the entire Emerald Field.

As for why a group of local tyrant wizards in Twilight Town attracted the attention of Bai Long, it is unknown.

After all, they are wizards, and it is normal to study strange things all day long.

Some people even joked that the wizard is like a whitewashed tomb, beautiful on the outside, but only rotten flesh and dry bones inside.

“You can pull it down. The white dragon’s lair is usually located in an ice cave deep in the ground that is far from the sun. How can it appear in the dark jungle and deep sky near the mountain range. Unless you cross half of the mountain range and go to Huaernas Mountain to find it. It’s safe, let’s not join in the fun here with you guys who want money and don’t want to die.”

A warrior in a broken chain shirt carried a palm-wide giant sword and walked towards the bustling streets inside the fortress.

Following his gaze, he could see that this dude had been staring at a bar called ‘My Fair Lady’.

“That’s right, there have been more and more monsters in recent months. I don’t even dare to leave the Watch Fort, and I’m still thinking of looking for the white dragon. I guess even if I find it, it’s a problem that can be solved with a breath of dragon.” An adventurer followed suit.

“I heard that white dragons like to eat frozen prey the most, and they enjoy the crispy feeling. Moreover, after being frozen into ice sculptures by the dragon’s breath, they will not die on the spot. Your fearful eyes will pass through the crystal clear ice cubes. I watched helplessly as my body was shattered by the sharp teeth of the white dragon.” An adventurer dressed as a wanderer vividly described to the crowd as if he had been there.

Immediately, most of the adventurers who were interested in 5,000 gold coins put away their greedy eyes and moved away from the white dragon’s reward paper.

Apparently, it’s one thing to seek thrills, and it’s another to die in vain.

Just when a group of adventurers looked at the bounty bar and left in disappointment.

In the shadow, an extremely inconspicuous energy cloud emerged, and a silhouette appeared silently.

Then, the figure walked straight to the bounty bar, paused, and without hesitation, reached out and tore off most of the yellowed paper that recorded the bounty information.

It also includes the “cute new killer Hogg” who has dominated the list for a long time, and the white dragon just posted.

Accompanied by the sound of paper being torn off, all surprised, shocked, puzzled, and even foolish eyes all turned to this back.

When the figure turned around, everyone found that it was a half-elf who was tearing the list.

Apart from the two unpretentious sheathed swords hanging from his waist, he didn’t have any conspicuous equipment.

“Help me calculate the amount of these bounties, and then send them all to the Emerald Tower.” The half-elf looked at the surprised staff who could put a duck egg in his mouth, threw a dozen bounties into his hands, and handed them to him. He has a dimensional bag: “It’s full of heads on the bounty list.”

“You are… You are the ranger Thorne of Falls Town?” Finally, the recovered staff recognized the identity of the person who came.

“It was him!”

The adventurers immediately boiled when they heard the name of the person who was called out by the staff of the Adventurer’s Guild.

In the battle of conferring gods three years ago, everyone in the player group knows nothing about it, and the contribution to Thorne is even more clear.

When he appeared, he directly killed the hobgoblin leader, and killed a group of high-ranking priests of the dark king like killing chickens and dogs. In the end, he rushed into the center of the hobgoblin army alone, and shook out a large group of helpers. Victory in that great war.

And when the fortress of the Watch Fort was not completed, the other party even rushed into the gnoll tribe trying to attack the fort many times by himself, killing the gnolls and disbanding them on the spot.

Half a year ago, when everyone couldn’t solve the frost giant, it was this ranger from Waterfall Town, the tower owner of the Emerald Tower, who solved it neatly.

Does this mean… Most of the awakened adventurers began to look away, some looked at the few bounty boxes, and some looked at the yellowed paper in the hands of the staff.

Sure enough, it was discovered that the long-standing ‘cute killer Hogg’ gnoll had disappeared, and the reward paper was in the hands of the staff.

“Exactly.” Thorne nodded slightly, ready to turn and leave.

“Your Excellency Thorne, you…you wait a moment.” The staff noticed that the white dragon was torn down by the ranger and offered a reward, hesitated, and finally stopped him.

“What else?” Thorne stopped and said.

“The task of the white dragon is to know where he is hiding, so if you want to get his bounty, please tell me the news, so that I can notify the wizard in Twilight Town to confirm.” The staff said.

“So it is, I thought it would be okay to kill him.” Thorne immediately woke up, then smiled helplessly, and then said: “If that’s the case, then I don’t want Bai Long’s reward. He’s been killed by me.”

After speaking, he ignored the group of people and turned around and left.

Vaguely, he heard complaints from the chaotic crowd:

“Bai Long, you should leave the group quickly!”

“I didn’t expect that the record for the shortest time on the list was actually broken by Bai Long. It was only 1 minute and 32 seconds. I don’t think anyone will be able to break this record in the future. It is indeed a shame for the dragon family!”

“If the Bailong family knew about it, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be crying in the toilet.”

“Shh… Be quiet! Be careful that this fortress has been brushed by the ancient white dragon as a copy.”


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