Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 460 - homeless street

Thorne left the quiet and peaceful temple and came to the only bustling street inside the fortress.

This street is called ‘Wanderer Street’ by adventurers. In fact, its original name is Wanderer Street, but few people know it.

Because the person who named this street had no idea why this adventurer-dominated street became a ‘Wanderer Street’.

As it turns out, the name actually fits the street.

More than two years have passed.

It has become a market for players and adventurers from all over the world to sell items. They shake out all kinds of tricks here, use all kinds of minds, and compete with all kinds of people.

At least, in Thorne’s knowledge, he has never seen a place as crowded and noisy as ‘Wanderer Street’ in this world.

In comparison, the Adventurer’s Guild he passed by earlier was as quiet as the Temple of Wisdom.

Homeless Street is surprisingly large and surprisingly crowded.

From a distance, no one would have thought that this dizzying street was actually traversable, but many brave people squeezed in, including Thorne.

Because his destination must traverse from here.

Vendors on the street were yelling, customers were yelling more fiercely, and children who got lost were crying and crying in fear.

There was the mooing of tauren, the bleating of half-sheep, and the babble of kobolds and goblins mixed together.

A dwarf craftsman was attentively banging on the metal plate on which the finished weapons were placed, attracting the attention of passers-by. As soon as he had time, he stopped to drink a small drink. When he saw passers-by who accidentally touched his goods, his mouth began to be unqualified. cursing.

Somewhere in the street came the sound of lutes, flutes, and harps, apparently played by bards and musicians.

However, Thorne was enjoying a good-sounding ensemble, and when he heard someone in the crowd keep blowing horns, it was obvious from the gruff sound that this poor guy was definitely not a musician.

Trying to avoid the goblin knights screeching past with their wargs, Thorne accidentally kicked and nearly tripped over a cage of vicious chickens chattering. Then he was pushed by a passing dragonborn, causing him to step on a soft tail-like thing, and a high-decibel ‘ah’ scream from a tiefling next to him sent him back. One step, only to be nearly hit by a tall, smelly, terrifying-looking ogre.

Wearing a buttonless vest and bare chest, the ogre wriggled his fat and smelly body with a naive smile, forcibly pushing away everyone around him, and there was a burst of 4,000+ scolding from the crowd.

Thorne looked around with interest. He hadn’t been here for half a year, and it was quite interesting to visit occasionally.

He saw two pure-blooded elves, while the crowd was watching, making gorgeous sturdy wine sacs out of ferocious rabbit fur and some unknown paint.

A halfling standing on a chair was spitting on the crowd selling his own folding hook.

This small claw hook has flat retractable serrations that fold out to form a usable claw hook that functions exactly like a normal claw hook, but can be folded up and tucked away in a sleeve.

A golden dwarf who was shaking his head introduced his dwarven brewer to customers.

But in Thorne’s view, it is actually a pressurized container like a filter.

The dwarf claimed that with just the addition of water, hops, and other ingredients, the brewer could brew delicious beer in three days, and someone retorted: Bah! The taste of this beer is too light, it is different from drinking water, who is fooling…

At this time, he noticed a stall with exquisite jewelry made of malachite and jasper.

Thorne wanted to take a look, but immediately saw that the dealer was a gruff, motionless dwarf with a paralyzed expression as if no one owed him money.

So I lost interest again and chose to turn around and leave.

The sound of the horn finally stopped, it is estimated that the poor guy was beaten, Thorne couldn’t help but think maliciously.

Then he stood firm in the crowd and walked towards the other street around the corner.

Suddenly, Thorne found that there was a very crowded place, and he also rushed over with the flow of people.

There was a man in the crowd.

Oh, no, there should be a goblin and an ogre.

The ogre stood on the podium made of improvised wooden barrels, and the goblin stood on the ogre’s broad shoulders, speaking to the crowd.

He happened to know these two people, and the ogre came from Nilgau, the leader of the Bone Shattering Ogre Tribe in Horn Town.

The group was wearing a clean and tidy black loose robe, still unable to hide his chubby belly. A string of holy emblems made of animal bones hung on his chest. The emblem could be guessed without looking at it: a silver horizontal bar.

Obviously, the ogre is a disciple of Martha.

The other goblin was wearing a garish coat and a wide-brimmed hat with translocated beast tentacles sewn to the sides.

This gentle-looking player goblin is Charlotte, a businessman who wanders underground and on the surface. Thorne has met several times in the lighthouse town of the underground world.

Now, with the appearance of the goblin patron saint, the goblin player has also taken refuge in Horn Town, mainly managing the finances of Horn Town and the temple.

Of course, when it seems that the egg hurts occasionally, he will also make a cameo appearance in other businesses.

Just like now.

“What is the best thing we have in life?” the goblin standing on the shoulders of the ogre shouted, “wisdom, without a doubt!”

“The reason why our human civilization is far away is not the result of money, but the crystallization of the wisdom of countless people!”

“Wisdom is a seed that can make you reap the granary. Wisdom is a breeze that can make you ride the wind and waves. Wisdom is a clear spring that can make you embrace the ocean.

In fact, each of us has wisdom, but some people are the puppets of wisdom, and some people are the masters of wisdom.

‘Achieving everything without fighting, and achieving everything without doing anything. ‘ This is the wisdom of Taoism. ‘Tian Xingjian, a gentleman should strive for self-improvement, learn and think, then wisdom is like a river, and he can do whatever he wants without breaking the rules. ‘ This is the wisdom of Confucianism. ‘Enlighten the Tao and understand the mind, turn consciousness into wisdom, good thoughts flow like a stream, and the Buddha state will come to you. ‘ This is the wisdom of Buddhism. “


Just as the goblin Charlotte was gushing about how to use wisdom to grow in this world, Thorne had left this “Wanderer Street” and came to a street with bars and hotels on both sides.

He stopped at the fork in this lively street and looked at a ‘Blue Pearl’ cafe with a glass door.

Thorne, who has been here several times, knows that the seats in the glass door shed are the most sought-after, because sitting there, you can see the blue sky tower when you look up, and you can also see the lively street scene when you look down.

Unfortunately, the place was already full of people.

Without caring, he walked towards the cafe.

The room was full of people, and the fragrance was bursting. Most people were sitting there reading books and drinking coffee. A few people were talking, and their voices were very soft.

Therefore, with so many people sitting, I didn’t feel disturbed.

On the left side of the door, there is a small curved staircase that leads to the second floor.

Thorne rejected the menu handed by the waiter, saying that he was invited, and walked directly to the second floor.

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