Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 469 - ended meeting

Silence fell again in this long conference room, and the strange and mournful wind sounded outside the window, shaking the sash from time to time.

Sarayan, Lord of Twilight Town, took a beer mug from the table and took a swig.

This was only after he suggested three times in a row to the wandering Horat next to him, the other party finally woke up and filled it up for him.

Sarajan rubbed his temples, enjoying the stubborn dwarf stout in his throat, pondering with a bit of a headache about Thorne’s just proposal and the other questions that had arisen from it.

This is a habit of his. Whenever he encounters a problem that makes him puzzling, he will drink a big sip of strong beer. Under the stimulation of alcohol, his thinking will become extremely active, and he will think more thoroughly and long-term when he thinks about the problem. .

How to grasp the advantages and disadvantages of wine is something that everyone who loves wine should master. If you want to touch it, you must learn to control it. If you are controlled by it, it will only be counterproductive.

For example, the dwarves who are addicted to alcohol, these Tiehanhans who are generally straight-minded and love to drink, will inevitably make a noise if they drink too much.

Although many people say that people who drink for a long time will gradually become dull-eyed, their reflexes will be weakened, and they may even look a little silly.

In fact, this is all caused by the damage of drinking to the brain. The brain cannot get a good rest under the stimulation of alcohol for a long time. Over a long period of time, it is inevitable that the response will be slow, and if it continues like this, it will affect the intelligence, which is a very serious consequence.

This is the fundamental reason why agile pros such as ranger rogues rarely drink alcohol.

But for Salayan, he didn’t care.

In fact, like people, wine is good and bad.

Thinking of Thorne’s proposal just now, his head began to ache again.

The plan to jointly build a city on the Emerald Wilderness was actually initiated by him.

This idea was already brewing in his heart three years ago when he hadn’t driven away the Hulk Hobgoblin in Serene Forest.

The reason why he took the initiative to bring up the plan of building a city.

Considering the future development of the wilderness, establishing a free kingdom of his own for the compatriots in distress is one of them, and the main reason is his little selfishness.

Many people know that the former Twilight Town accommodated many lords who lost their territories, resulting in numerous factions.

This potential hidden danger may be held back in times of war because of the same goals and common enemies. If there is a long-term peace, the result will be different.

They will be like time bombs, and the slightest accident will blow up Twilight Town to pieces, and it will be horrible to watch.

Especially after Jarod, the lord of Yuanshan Town, had restored his former territory, many restless people began to make up their own minds.

Relatively speaking, there is almost no threat to the Emerald Field at this time, and what is left here is rich natural resources and a large area of ​​no-ownership.

The verdant pine and cypresses and wild beasts roamed the wilderness like a piece of big cake before their eyes. As long as someone was willing to reach for it, they would easily grab it.

None of the people who have survived to this day are fools. As long as they have a little ambition, they can perceive the opportunities. This is an era when the times create heroes.

So many people in Twilight Town have secretly saved for three years, and finally can’t help being lonely.

There are even plans to build new territories.

Faced with this situation, it is impossible for Salayan to use force to completely suppress it and cut off their attempts to split.

It also has no ability to convince these distressed lords who are about to write their ambitions on their faces, so that they can keep their peace and be dedicated to the public like good babies.

So, he reached a unanimous decision with the executives of Twilight Town.

As long as they are willing to jointly build a city in the wilderness, they can bring their own men to the city’s exclusive territory of Twilight Town to develop their own forces.

He will never interfere, he still guards this Twilight Town, which has been built brick by brick, and lives a life like lying flat, and spends the rest of his life in peace.

Although he is a person with lofty ideals, he is also very clear in his heart that fanaticism and blindness will only make ideals dusty and make life difficult. Night.

There are many calamities in the world related to this.

He didn’t want to be the dragon in “The Dragon Slayer Becomes the Dragon”.

So he gave in.

Building a city means consuming a huge amount of resources. If the six towns build a city jointly, naturally whoever pays more will have the greatest benefit.

In other words, if these restless and distressed lords want to occupy a place in the new city, it depends on how strong their respective financial resources are.

This is the real intention of his eagerness to build a city together.

When this new city was built, it was the time when Twilight Town was divided.

How many people will be willing to accompany him to protect Twilight Town? Thinking of this, Sarayan muttered to himself, which was a little melancholy.

If a person’s desire is only for money and power, then he will never be satisfied, and he will never be happy.

Keeping the ordinary simplicity and looking at everything in the world calmly and calmly, only in this way, the hanging heart will be as quiet as ever.

Through Thorne’s analysis just now, Sarayan knew the true potential of the Temple of Wisdom in the Fortress of Watch Fortress, and understood how much the fortress with the Eye of Insight could play in the future.

He was undoubtedly very excited when he heard that the new city would be built on the Norsil Plain, and that the magic energy construction technology would be used to connect the major traffic routes in all directions.

If all these plans are really realized as Thorne tells them, their country on the peninsula will definitely soar into the sky with the passage of time, leaving a strong mark in the dusty history books.

In this way, the dream that he has been pursuing in his heart will come true.

“Can this otherworldly train really be done?” Sarayan looked at the calm ranger with suspicion.

He didn’t wake up until now, the strength and power of this low-key ranger.

When the other party moved forward today and suddenly became active, he understood one thing completely.

That is, if Thorne has the heart, it is also very easy for him to integrate the forces of the wilderness and unify them.

Therefore, when Thorne said threatening words, he even thought of the infighting scene of all the towns fighting together.

However, when Sarayan inadvertently noticed the indifferent expression of his friend Carlos, he was inexplicably relieved.

The subconscious mind told him that this ranger would never do such outrageous and stupid things easily, otherwise he would not have been so low-key all the time.

Unless someone else thinks so.

Facing Salayan’s question, Thorne did not answer, but turned his attention to Carlos next to him, the meaning is self-evident.

There’s one thing Thorne has to admit.

The red dragon player Argottus hidden in the ruins is simply the most diligent and studious dragon in history.

His strength can grow over time, just by sleeping.

However, during this period of growth, the other party often came to the wizard’s tower to learn, asking him for a lot of knowledge about constructing creatures, and with his unremitting efforts, he successfully became a wizard.

It may sound unbelievable for a teenage red dragon to become a wizard, but it is, after all, this is a multiverse full of miracles, and anything can happen.

The main faction of the Red Dragon Argotus is the Construct Golem.

During this period, the other party wasted countless cherished materials due to various researches. Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and he finally fiddled with this otherworldly version of the power black technology.

“It has been tried successfully, and it is only a matter of time if it is to be completely perfected.” Carlos looked at Salayan and confirmed to him.

He was still a little anxious. He was eager to guide everyone to build a new city along the coast of Shadowmoon Sea, but he ignored the black technology mastered by his younger brother and did not combine the two.

Carlos glanced at Thorne happily, and sighed in his heart for his timely reminder.

“If that’s the case, then I agree that the location of the new city is located on the Nosil Plain.” For some unknown reason, Sarajan let out a sigh of relief after he made this decision.

Then, he looked around and asked, “Does anyone else have any comments?”

“I agree with this proposal.” The lord of Iron Horse Town spoke first.

Relatively speaking, it is naturally more advantageous for the new city to be built on the Norsil Plain than on the coast of the Sea of ​​​​Glory. He has no reason to refuse, unless he has a problem with his mind.

“I also agree with this decision.” Avatar of Stallman Town replied, and stopped talking. He was thinking about how to win more territory and interests for the tiefling race in the new city.

“I have no opinion.” Jarod from Yuanshan Town shook his head slightly and replied.

His territory was re-established after the fall, and the strength of Yuanshan Town was the weakest among the six towns.

In the face of such a major decision meeting, Garrod will never go out in those senseless limelight.

After all, Yuanshan Town was at the southernmost tip of the wilderness, and Twilight Town was established with the support. They had nothing to do with other towns, and the conflicts in other towns would not burn him, and he was happy to relax.

Even on each vote, he was careful to follow in the footsteps of the majority, deferring to Sarajan if the meeting split on an issue.

His only task now is to rapidly develop the economy and improve his strength. As for other little things, let it roll as far as possible.

“I don’t mind either.” Sailu, the tiger man in Horn Town, finally replied.

As a town populated by various humanoid creatures, the number of players in the town can be said to be very small. In fact, the impact of building a city is also dispensable for Clarion Town.

But their original leader, the goblin wizard Malvasia, once solemnly explained to him: when you are hesitant, just follow in Thorne’s footsteps or seek his advice.

So after he noticed Thorne nodding to him, Sailu, who didn’t want to participate in the construction of the city, agreed immediately and was ready to contribute to the new city.

His achievement today is entirely due to the help of Malvasia, the goddess of goblins and wisdom, Martha, otherwise he would have been occupied by the wild due to lycanthropy, so he listened to Martha’s words.

“Since everyone has agreed, then this matter is finalized.” Sarayan tapped the hammer in his hand, this time with greater force and louder than the previous ones.

Then he picked up the goblet and drank the remaining stout beer.

Horat shook his head and laughed, ready to add another drink for him, but he reached out and refused, and the latter rolled his eyes at him.

“I have one more thing to tell you.” After a brief commotion, Thorne stood up again.

Now that the dust had settled, he felt it was time to go.

However, before leaving, Thorne thought that he still had to explain something very important to the future development of Emerald Wilderness to everyone.

Then he can safely pursue his career path to the hero level.

As the Ranger got up, most of the people present frowned involuntarily.

There is no other meaning, the main reason is that this Ranger’s performance is too active today, and he is so active that everyone can look at him as if the sun is coming out of the west.

This makes people realize if something is going to happen.

Thorne looked around indifferently, seeing everyone’s expressions, and said in a very calm tone: “Since our development will definitely involve politics and power under inevitable circumstances in the future, then I will tell you about my the opinion of.”

He paused for a moment, and put his hands flat on the table, as if he was thinking about how to speak. Thorne was silent for a while under the strange eyes of everyone. After finishing the language, he said: Then he said slowly:

“A seemingly peaceful society is likely to have good and evil as the background, and a strict order is likely to be at the expense of spiritual numbness. We want the inhabitants of our wilderness to live authentically, express life freely, and pursue decency and reason. , responsible, sincere, and tolerant, we must strive for the return of humanity.”

“You mean to enlighten everyone and understand what wisdom is.” Carlos, who was the first to understand, was very surprised that Thorne could say such profound remarks.

Fortunately, however, his remarks are very close to his own philosophy.

Although the inhabitants of the Wilderness Territory are mainly players, from a long-term perspective, if you want to thrive, you still need to rely on the power of the bottom-level native residents.

How to make this country have a long history is inseparable from the management system of the territory.

To enlighten everyone, let them understand what wisdom is, is undoubtedly the first choice.

After all, they are all from the real world, and they are too clear about this level of things.

“I understand what you mean. Let everyone understand what wisdom is. It is nothing more than wanting to strengthen the power of goblins and the goddess of wisdom.” The lord of Iron Horse Town also understood the meaning of Thorne’s words, but his tone was a bit intriguing.

“Martha is our patron saint. His divine power is strong. For us, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. Do you have any opinion on this? Or?” Sarayan looked at Hulme with a bad look and said aloud. retorted.

He didn’t believe in God, because no **** answered their prayers in their most distressing moments.

But when Malvasia was crowned a god, it made him understand the importance of having a racial god, so he was very disgusted with those who were frivolous about the new god.

“That’s not true.” Hulme shrugged and smiled, he was just a little disgusted by the other side’s words, but he didn’t dare to say those words.

“You are wrong.” Carlos got up, looked at Hulme, and said solemnly:

“Thorn is talking about a reform of the future, and the final result of the reform is a change in personality. Without reform, like the original inhabitants of this world, few people will think about constantly surpassing themselves, so Xunhua , their lives are bound to stagnate.

If they are not open, they will not think about opening up space, and their lives will shrink and shrink, and they will be stuck in narrow arguments all day long. If those in power stop reforming, the result is a castration of group personality. “

“…” Thorne glanced at the slightly excited Carlos with a speechless look. In fact, the real purpose of what he said was to make people pay attention to wisdom, so as to strengthen Martha’s divine power.

Who would have thought that Carlos thought so long-term. Although the two were not in the same atmosphere, their ideas were the same.

Naturally, he wouldn’t try to spoil the other party’s happiness, so he said, “Wisdom is from a low level, including the way of daily life, and from a high level, it includes a person’s upbringing and quality. Therefore, good beliefs and ideals are related to Wisdom is about.

A decline in the upbringing and mannerisms of a territory’s civilian population is more shocking than a massive economic decline. Whether it’s Martha’s beliefs or something else, we must take it seriously. “

“Lord Thorne, please be blunt. It’s good that people with wisdom have a wider scope of thinking than ordinary people, and thus more general responsibility, but this situation can also have the opposite effect.”

Avatar of Stallman Town got up and retorted: “Some people think that they have mastered the knowledge and power, but they think they have penetrated the mysteries of the world and grasped the truth of the world, and they will try to frame the world, accuse Vientiane, create terror, and even seek dictatorship.

In the history of this world, especially the professionals with extraordinary power, they have been making charming calls in society, or trying to attract the attention of the world with constant harassment, so popularizing wisdom, I don’t think it is appropriate in this world . “

“That’s just garbage in the extreme.” Carlos got up again and retorted:

“You must know that those who possess true wisdom are always tolerant and modest. They recognize the mysterious nature of the world, deeply feel their own insignificance and ignorance, and pay attention to all the good things in the world with human conscience. Because seeing the bad side breaks everything that’s good.”

“No matter what you say, I still don’t agree with your words. After all, this is a different world from ours. This is a world of great power. If these professionals can master the wisdom of our inheritance, our so-called ‘free country’ It will only get worse.” Avatar shook his head slightly, not agreeing with Carlos’ words.

Thorne stopped Carlos who was about to continue to refute. He looked at everyone and said, “Then do you know how the people at the bottom live here?”

“I’ve seen it in the middle of the continent, where the low-level civilians have to work hard and work hard in order to live humbly.” Sarajan took on Thorne’s words:

“It is in this wrong perception that they work blindly. Time is like an iron plow. Soon, most of the fit body of the commoners will be plowed into the soil and become fertilizer for the nobles.”

“That’s right.” Thorne nodded slightly, recalling the southern kingdom he traveled with Andrina a year ago, and said: “Most of the low-level commoners, because of their ignorance, they worry all day long, in order to get rid of those who do not exist The sorrows, years of hard work, and eventually exhausted a little bit of energy, but unable to reap the beautiful fruits of life.

They cannot find time to improve themselves, to maintain the noblest relationship between themselves and others, and when they enter the market place, their labor is devalued, and these people are like a machine that is constantly running and has no time for anything else. How can such a person discover his ignorance? In fact, ignorance is what they rely on to survive.

Therefore, I think, whether it is Martha’s beliefs or the future development of the territory, enlightening and spreading wisdom for the common people is what we must start to do. “

After Thorne finished speaking, he stopped talking. As for how many people listened to it, it was not something he needed to worry about.

Goddess of Goblins and Wisdom.

Although his core priesthood is goblin, Thorne believes that the potential of this “wisdom” is the greatest, but the premise is that most people in this world have this kind of wisdom.

If you want people to have wisdom, you must popularize education, which is very well done in Clarion Town.

Time slipped away quietly in a short silence, and finally in the quiet conference room, with the end of Saraya’s sentence, they walked out in twos and threes.

Sarayan glanced at Thorne who had not left yet, he thought about it, but chose to leave.

“You are planning to go out for a while.” When there were only two people left in the conference room, Carlos came over and guessed.

“You guessed it right.” Thorne nodded slightly, without denying it.

After all, he is always stuck in the extraordinary rank now, and if he continues like this, he will even be stuck for a lifetime.

So he wanted to leave here and try another advanced method.

“The reason why our civilization far away from home is not the result of money, but the crystallization of the wisdom of countless people. Because of this, many people worry that with the enlightenment of people’s wisdom, they will not be able to better control the development of the territory. This is understandable, after all, strict order comes at the expense of the mental numbness of the lower-level civilians. Knowledge is safest in the hands of a few.”

Carlos and Thorne looked at a group of ravens croaking outside the window together, and said with a smile: “There is nothing wrong with them doing this, at least the original residents are much more controlled than our player group, and the reason for this is self-evident. Yu. So, Martha’s priesthood of wisdom wants to grow, and for him, there is a long way to go. Unless…”

Carlos said, deliberately sold a pass, paused, and did not continue to speak.

“Then I can only pray that when I come back here, besides prosperity, there is peace.” Thorne touched the hilt of the sword, looked at the afterglow disappearing on the horizon, and said to himself.

He naturally understood what the other party wanted to express, but he didn’t want to point it out directly.

“When are you going to leave?”

“Leave tomorrow.”

“I wish you good luck and advance to the hero level as soon as possible.”

“Thank you!”


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