Half-immortal civilization

Chapter 7: The idea of ​​a world sensation

Zhang Jingyuan simply paid attention to the later affairs, but really, he didn't need to use his strength.The publication and recommendation of the thesis were all helped by the principal and the advisor to Yundong.

Today, Xiang Yundong is the tutor of Zhang Jingyuan, Zhao Qingyun, Liu Donghai, Wu Yuliang, Zhou Feixuan, etc.; Li Changxing's tutor is 47-year-old doctor Wang Yangang; Wang Qingwei's tutor is 53-year-old doctor Li Dong; The instructor is 48-year-old doctor Zhang Weiming, the director of the master laboratory named by the principal, Zhang Jingyuan, deputy director, and four doctoral supervisors, which can be described as strong strength.

Peng Zhanghua and his four mentors first submitted the manuscript to the National Science Magazine. Such scientific papers need to be strictly reviewed, and even the Academy of Sciences has to review them. After all, they are to be sent to the whole world.The review time will take about one month, because many experts have to verify the feasibility.

Of course, another one is that the laboratory Zhang Jingyuan applied for does not meet the requirements at all, and needs to be established separately, which also requires the approval of the National Academy of Sciences.

Now, a group of veteran experts and scientists are scrutinizing Zhang Jingyuan's thesis word by word, and they are also verifying the statement that the level of "energy" determines wisdom and life.The paper pointed out that electric energy is a low-level particle energy, crude and simple, and difficult to support the development of intelligence; chemical energy is flexible and changeable, which is one of the necessary conditions for life; there is also a kind of primitive energy, cosmic microwave, which is An extremely delicate "energy", which is the core of life and wisdom.What supports life movement is a kind of field energy, and what supports wisdom is an extremely delicate energy, which is the "soul", a living body composed of cosmic microwave energy!
Using this as an argument, the future direction of scientific and technological development should first be the redefinition and exploration of energy. The development of electric energy can hardly keep up with the development speed of human cutting-edge technology, so now I want to form an industrial revolution again, technological innovation , we need to start with energy first.

A thesis not only involves scientific acting skills, but also involves the soul research that is quietly rising in the world now.

While the experts were busy, 16 members of Zhang Jingyuan were doing theoretical research with the assistance of four instructors.Prepare to redefine energy and energy, mechanical motion and control, and more from a new perspective.With the awakening, absorption and fusion of memories, and the continuous advancement of his cultivation, Zhang Jingyuan can always speak amazingly. In a month, Zhang Jingyuan relied on his own wisdom to make all four instructors have to give a thumbs up, especially They are some small experimental products made by everyone, which makes people overwhelmed!

Zhang Jingyuan used 108 high-end home computer chips, arranged according to three formations of two appearances, three talents and four images, forming a three-dimensional network structure. From a distance, it is inexplicable that there is an illusion of a human brain.

Using wireless connection and energy transmission technology, after these 108 chips work, a "field" that simulates the brain is generated, connected to the computer, and after calculation, the computing power of the 108 chips combined has increased by a full [-] To two thousand times!Eyes exploded on the spot.

This experiment even alarmed the principal. After seeing that the combination of 108 home computer chips produced a computing power close to that of a large-scale computer, the principal made a decision on the spot: the laboratory should be established now!
Then Zhang Jingyuan gave a brief explanation to everyone: the operation mode of this chipset has actually completely changed.First of all, the chip itself does not have any computing power to be applied. They are only used as a basic unit. The weak magnetic field generated during the operation of these chips is the core of the calculation after these magnetic fields are staggered and evolved. It is in the chipset Operations that start in blank space.

"It's okay!" Not only the teacher and the principal, but also the friends were shocked!
"Wait, if this is the case, then the operation will definitely involve energy consumption. Let's check it with an infrared energy measuring instrument." The principal is an old scientist after all, and immediately proposed a method.

Soon, the infrared energy detector was sent by the principal's assistant, but this poor assistant was quickly driven out of the door by everyone!
"Turn on the power, start typing check equations, and calculate pi without limits."

"The check is normal, the power supply is stable, start!"

"The installation and debugging of the infrared detector is normal, start scanning!"

"Squeak... squeak..." The infrared device started to work, and a three-dimensional pattern of red, yellow and white was displayed on the 3D projection screen.

"Wow!" Many people were amazed. Although 3D stereoscopic projection technology has matured, due to cost reasons, it can only be used as an extremely expensive item.Not to mention anything else, only a large amount of rare metals are used in 3D stereoscopic projection equipment, and the cost of these alone exceeds one million yuan, not to mention the cost of technology.Such an infrared detection instrument is worth more than 200 million, which is still the cost price.

But high investment, the effect is gratifying.An identical virtual model appeared in the air.

After infrared energy sensing, it was found that, in the void model, the temperature of the highest temperature exceeds 30 degrees, and fluctuates between 33-35 degrees. These places are all blank positions in the chipset; and the temperature of the chip itself is only Around 25 degrees, the temperature of the power line is 22 degrees; the room temperature is 22 degrees.

"Unbelievable! It's incredible!" The principal and four instructors were speechless in surprise.Such a model has subverted their existing knowledge system!

"Ah... pi actually repeats regularly! (novel)" Suddenly, Jiang Huilan screamed, and the bookish aura disappeared from her body!

"What! Let me see!" Five gray heads gathered together, staring at the screen!I saw that the chipset was working fast, and the number of decimals on the computer screen was increasing by nearly ten million digits per second, and the cycle rule was every 12 billion decimals, one cycle!
"This is a great discovery, pi is not an infinite non-repeating decimal! This discovery will change human's understanding of the world!" Xiang Yundong couldn't contain his excitement.

"Recalculate, maybe it's a computer error!" The principal said calmly.

"Restart the chipset and connect to the big screen." Zhang Jingyuan commanded calmly, and connected the display screen to the giant screen on the wall, which was ten meters long and three meters high.

Numerous ants-like numbers scrolled across the display, filling the screen in the first instant.The chipset works at an accelerated speed, and the chips vibrate slightly. This kind of calculation speed and calculation intensity have exceeded the capacity of home chips.Fortunately, the chip now only needs to withstand the vibration, without having to bear the computing power, but the huge data conversion and transmission are gradually approaching the limit of the chip.

"Really, repetition has really appeared! This is a great discovery that has changed mankind. The repetition of pi represents human mathematics research and will embark on a new path!" The principal gently stroked the screen excitedly, only the most senior Only a few scientists can know the significance of this little thing!
"Principal, Zhang Jingyuan's last paper hasn't been published yet. Shall we send this discovery to the Academy of Sciences?" Xiang Yundong looked at Zhang Jingyuan with bright eyes—this is his student, but he is such a person Genius tutor!A mentor who is as talented as Einstein + Tesla is exciting to think about!

Before the Academy of Sciences, which had been busy for nearly a month, woke up from the excitement, another huge pie fell from the sky.There are repetitions in PI, that is, Zhang Jingyuan is the main signatory, followed by fifteen students and five senior doctoral signatures.

November 2040 is a time that future generations will remember. A paper that led to a new direction in human scientific research was published in the National Science Journal of China. In less than half a month, two journals, the British Nature and the American Science, Reprinted successively.Also published at the same time, there is also the discovery of the repetition law of pi, which completely declares that pi is infinite and non-repeating decimals have become history.

Countless scientists began to verify and publish their own research theories.There are those who oppose it, those who are unified, and those who fight soy sauce!But in any case, it cannot be denied that this paper has aroused new thinking in the world. Should our previous development direction be changed?

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