Hannah’s Revenge

Hannah’s Revenge Ch. 3

I heard two voices coming from the doorway of the equipment shed. One I knew was Hannah's. I didn't know who the other voice was but I'm sure I recognised it. Straining to hear what was being said I managed to just about hear the conversation that was happening a few feet away from me in hushed whispers.
"So we're in agreement? This happens and I get an A in PE all year and don't have to run cross country or the bleep test?" Said Hannah.
"That's right. And you say I can do whatever I want with her?" Replied the mysterious voice.
"Anything at all." Hannah replied, "The dirtier the better. I know the little slut loves it. Just take control, remind her that we have her on video and she'll do whatever you say."
"Mmh, terrific." The voice said. "Thanks for this Hannah. You'd best be getting back to class. I've got her excused though, she'll be mine for the next hour..."
After that, I heard the click of the tape being removed from the camera and then Hannah's evil laugh again as it faded into the distance and the shed door shut behind her.
I knew that there was someone in the shed with me and as they stepped closer towards me and into the light I was shocked and horrified to see that it was Ms. McLaughlin, my PE teacher!
My friends and I had always joked that she was Ms. at her age because nobody would ever want to marry her. She had to be at least 50 with hair turning grey and crows feet starting to creep in. Even then, she wouldn't have been much of a looker in her youth either. Her skin was loose and starting to wrinkle. All in all, Ms. McLaughlin was not an attractive woman.
I'd always found her to be a really creepy teacher. If you'd left you PE kit in your room, she wouldn't let you go back and get it, she'd just make you run the track in your underwear. And she seemed to enjoy teaching swimming a little too much than what seemed normal.
The worst thing though was one time when I was practicing late and I was just showering up before heading back to the common room. I turned round to see Ms. McLaughlin standing in the doorway staring at me. I hadn't heard her come in and had no idea how long she'd been there.
I remember I quickly wrapped my towel round me and she said that she just wanted to congratulate me on working so hard at my volleyball. She said that she could see that I was really building up a sweat on the court and that she was proud of me.
She had stood there for a few seconds more staring at me as I desperately clutched the towel to my naked body, not knowing how long she'd been watching me shower. When she left the shower-block I cut my shower short and got dressed very quickly, wondering at the strangeness of the situation.
Although nothing compared to the strangeness of seeing her standing in front of me in that sports equipment shed, light barely filtering through the blacked out windows while I kneeled there, naked, ashamed, covered in cum, and tied to the wall.
Ms. McLaughlin slowly advanced towards me.
"Hello Victoria," She whispered, "I've been waiting for this a long time."
She stepped even closer and began stroking my long raven hair.
"You're a very beautiful girl, Victoria. Do you know that? I'm sure you do. I'll bet you'll get all the attention from guys when you leave school. But there's no guys here in this school. Just us girls."
Her hands had moved down and were stroking the side of my face. I was so stunned I could barely speak.
"Your skin is so soft, Victoria. What kind of moisturiser do you use?"
She stroked off a streak of Hannah's cum that was still on my face.
"Oh, is this it?" She giggled "That's some high quality stuff, but are you sure you wouldn't like a nice vintage? This type of product only gets better with age. Tastes even more delicious."
I was so horribly unsettled. I wanted to say something, make it stop, but Hannah's panties were still wedged into my mouth. They felt dry and hard inside my mouth; all the sweat and cum had been soaked out down my throat it seemed.
"Let's get these panties out of your mouth my dear." She said, as she pulled out Hannah's panties from my mouth. "We'll leave them here for now and can stick them back later"
With Hannah's panties removed from my mouth I could finally speak.
"What the hell are you doing Ms. McLaughlin?!" I screamed at her. "I was just sexually assaulted, twice, by another student and now you're stroking my hair and feeling my face! In case you haven't noticed I'm fucking tied up naked here!"
My sudden outburst shocked even me. I tasted all of Hannah's bodily fluids stale in my mouth.
"Oh I noticed." Ms. McLaughlin said in an ominous tone. "I definitely noticed..."
I noticed her licking her lips slightly as she eyed me up and down, staring at my full breasts and my tight, shaved pussy. I thought that any hair below your eyebrows was disgusting for a woman. It was made clear to me that Hannah did not share my views...
"I can't believe you're going to let her get away with this!" I continued yelling. "Someone will come looking for me, just you wait!"
"Oh, I'm afraid nobody will be looking for you for quite a while." Ms. McLaughlin smiled "For the next 55 minutes, you belong to me."
I gulped out of fear. Belong to her? What could that mean. At least Hannah was gone but...did Ms. McLaughlin have something similar in mind?
All the signs were pointing to something sinister. Her not marrying, doing PE in your underwear, her love of the swimming team, that thing with me in the shower. Even her taking a position in a girls’ boarding school had a far darker implication now.
And now, here I was. Tied up and naked, with nobody planning to look for me for almost an hour. Oh god, this is really bad.
"First things first, let's get those ropes off." Ms. McLaughlin whispered "I've been fantasising about this moment for years, it has to be perfect."
Thank God! I thought. This was the moment I was waiting for. I didn't know where my clothes were but I didn't care. I'd gladly run across the whole campus naked instead of facing whatever Ms. McLaughlin had planned for me in the equipment shed.
The second that Ms. McLaughlin had undone the ropes on my hands and feet, I sprinted straight for the shed door and flung myself against it. The door was locked. I hit against the door again and again, hot tears streaming down my face. No no, this can't be happening.
I turned to face Ms. McLaughlin, hearing her laughing from the other end of the room.
"Honestly, Victoria." Ms. McLaughlin smirked, "What did you expect to achieve? Were you planning to run across the whole school naked? And don't forget, sweetie, Hannah has that video of you doing all that fun stuff to her! Why bother fighting against it? Besides...it'll definitely be pleasurable, trust me on that." She licked her lips again.
Feeling more tears pricking in my eyes, I slowly shuffled back over to Ms. McLaughlin, attempting some hint of modesty with my arms covering my breasts and pussy.
"Mmh, there we go sweetie" Ms. McLaughlin murmured. "Now, don't cover up, baby!"
She knocked my arms away. I stood limp, my arms swaying by my side with my firm breasts sticking out proudly and my young pussy on show to Ms. McLaughlin's hungry eyes.
"You are so beautiful, Victoria." She continued "You don't want to cover up. Not with me. Not with 'mummy'. Call me mummy."
My voice barely more than a whisper, I croaked out: "Yes, mummy."
"What was that, baby?" Ms. McLaughlin returned. "Mummy couldn't hear you."
Biting back my shame, I tried again, louder:
"Yes, mummy."
Ms. McLaughlin beamed.
"Well done baby! Tell mummy how pretty she looks today."
Looking away in shame, I muttered back:
"You look very pretty today...mummy"
"Tell mummy how sexy she looks today."
"You look very...sexy today, mummy"
Ms. McLaughlin stepped forward and grabbed ahold of my soft breast. I went to step back away but her other hand reached round and grabbed ahold of my supple round arse.
"Mmh you're so young and soft, baby" she moaned "Give mummy a kiss baby."
She had puckered up her lips and closed her eyes, moving in. Bracing myself I took a deep breath and kissed her. I felt her tongue deep in my mouth, searching, probing, stroking against mine.
She quickly pulled back from me.
"Oh yuck!" She exclaimed "Dirty baby, naughty baby! Have you been doing bad things baby?"
I felt an intense burning shame. She could taste everything that Hannah had subjected my mouth to.
"Ooh you have been naughty!" Ms. McLaughlin said, a strange smile stretching across her face "Mummy has to punish you for being so naughty!"
With one last grope, she released my tits and arse before reaching behind her and pulling out an old chair. She sat down on it and draped my naked body over her knee.
With a glint in her eye, she swung her hand back and struck me, hard, against my arse cheek.
I gasped in shock and pain.
Again and again she spanked me. When she was pleased with how pink my arse was from her spanking, she released me and let my body roll to the floor.
"Christ it's hot in here!" Ms. McLaughlin exclaimed "I'm sweating like a pig under all these clothes"
With that, she began to peel off the tracksuit that was sticking to her body revealing that she was wearing no bra and a tiny slip of a thong.
I turned my head away in embarrassment.
"What's wrong sweetie?" Ms. McLaughlin asked "Don't you find your mummy sexy? Don't you want to bury your sweet young face into this tasty arse?"
With that she spun round and began shaking her arse right in my face. With the hot temperatures of the shed, she was sweating and her arse was starting to stink. At least it was clean, I thought, unlike Hannah's.
"Tell mummy what you think of her." Ms. McLaughlin commanded.
Swallowing what was left of my pride, I muttered ashamedly: "You are very sexy mummy."
"And what do you want to do to mummy?" Ms McLaughlin asked again.
With a quaver in my throat I whispered: "Bury my...young face in...in your...in your tasty arse..."
I could feel hot tears pricking in my eyes at the unbelievable shame of what I was doing.
"Well if that's what baby wants, that's what baby gets!" Ms McLaughlin laughed. "I take good care of my baby, as long as she takes good care of me!"
She moved her arse even closer to my face and peeled aside the tiny thong revealing her cleanly shaved pussy and dark puckered asshole.
"Well, go ahead!" She exclaimed. "Tuck in for your din-din!"
I couldn't believe what I was doing. My body seemed to be acting on autopilot as I felt my head tilting forward and my tongue slipping out, inching closer and closer to the stinking rear end of my PE teacher.
I couldn't bear going anywhere near her actual asshole and instead began pressing my lips against her cheeks, hoping, however vainly, that that would be enough.
"As much as I like a kiss-ass, Miss Johnstone, I do believe you wanted a taste of your mummy's hole?"
Hearing her words ringing in my ears I sighed with shame and instead moved my mouth towards her pussy. Slowly I extended my tongue and pushed hard against the folds.
I felt Ms McLaughlin shudder beneath the works of my tongue and her already dampened pussy began to soak even further. What I was most surprised at was how it didn't taste as bad as I'd expected. I mean, sure it was awful and made me feel sick, but it still tastes better than Hannah's sweaty, pissy mess that was smothering me earlier that day.
"God Victoria, you have no idea how long it's been since I've felt anything there. And to have your sexy tongue lapping away at my pussy is a dream come true!" Ms McLaughlin moaned above me. "But it's still not what I asked for. I told you to lick my asshole. Don't forgot that we have video footage that I'm sure you won't want anyone else to see."
She paused for a moment.
"Of course, I'm sure I'll certainly enjoy it! I might enjoy it a few times a day! Then again, why bother when I can have the real thing whenever I want!"
What did she mean by that? Oh god, will I have to do this more than once?!
"Mummy is still waiting for her sweetie-pie to do as she's told" Ms McLaughlin sang in a sickly sweet tone.
Bracing myself physically, and emotionally, I let my tongue glide up her cunt and paused for a split second, unwilling to put it anywhere near the sweating, pulsing dark hole of Ms McLaughlin's arse.
It seems she became aware of my pause as no sooner had I stopped than she cupped her hand round my head and began pulling it gently, but still with force, upwards.
Tracing the ring of her anus I shuddered against the bitter taste. The salty taste of her sweat mixed with the unpleasant smell that drifted out from her arse and caused my head to swim.
I felt her body twitch beneath my tongue and heard her release a loud, deep moan.
"Oh god, yes that's the spot." Ms. McLaughlin moaned. "Well done baby, keep that going!"
Swirling my tongue inside of that woman's arse was breaking my heart. The complete and utter shame that was overwhelming me was too much to bear. I felt her arse grip my tongue and pull it in deeper all the while her hand keeping a firm grip against the back of my head.
After a few minutes, Ms. McLaughlin shifted my head down from her anus. My tongue slipped out with a gentle pop. The few moments of gratitude from the lack of ass in my mouth disappeared almost instantly as my face was quickly buried into Ms. McLaughlin's pussy.
"How's that baby?" Ms McLaughlin asked "Is that better? You were so desperate to taste me before. Say thank you to mummy"
With my face deep inside her dripping pussy I murmured a thanks; the vibrations sending even deeper pleasure to Ms. McLaughlin.
I could hardly breathe with her wide pussy lips smothering my face. The smell was strong and overbearing. I didn't let my tongue stop rolling around inside Ms. McLaughlin's cunt, flicking against her clit.
As my tongue moved quicker and her moans grew louder I could sense her climax coming. With what was almost a roar, Ms. McLaughlin exploded across my face. Her hot sticky cum flowed out over my hair and my eyes and my mouth.
She left my face inside her pussy for a few seconds while she panted above me. She let go of my head and allowed my face to slide out of her.
"Mmh, yeah Victoria." She groaned "That's what mummy likes."
I was sitting on the floor hugging myself to try and feel something other than the shame flooding through my body.
"Ready for round 2?" Ms. McLaughlin asked, with a wide smile spreading across her face.
"Round...round 2?" I whimpered.
"Well, sure!" Ms McLaughlin laughed "I own you for an hour and mummy can't just have one!
Stick your pretty little face back into my hot sexy vaj and don't let that tongue get tired!"
Sniffling, I began to crawl slowly forward back into Ms. McLaughlin’s pussy. The explosion of cum that had come from her orgasm was trickling down her thighs.
"Don't forgot to taste mummy's juices on the way back in there baby."
With my eyes shut, I slowly trailed my tongue over her thighs. Despite my efforts, I could still taste the stickiness of her cum and sweat, hot as it ran down my throat.
"Ah that's good baby." Ms McLaughlin said "Okay, showtime again. Work the pussy but don't forget to focus on the arse."
With that, she cupped my head again and brought it back up to her sweating, stinking rear.
I don't know how long it was, but it seemed like an eternity. Orgasm after orgasm washed over my face until finally Ms McLaughlin released me head and allowed me to fall face first onto the dusty ground.
Picking myself up I saw her sauntering over to her tracksuit on the ground. With unbearable slowness, she slipped on the red thong she was wearing, showing off her arse proudly in my direction as she pulled it up.
"Well, mummy really enjoyed her time with her baby today." Ms McLaughlin smiled. "Sad though it may be, mummy has to leave her baby. But don't worry, this won't be the last time you see me. Mummy does like your sweet sweet tongue in her arse. A great way to clean up in this summer heat!"
As she zipped up her tracksuit she walked towards the door but paused. Moving towards some boxes she pulled out my uniform.
"Your clothes were hidden here, Victoria." Ms McLaughlin said "I thought about leaving them here but I wanted a little souvenir to keep me going until our next session."
With a wink, Ms McLaughlin picked up my white panties, took a deep sniff, and then stuffed them into her pocket. She unlocked the shed door and, with a gentle wave of her hand, she disappeared into the evening.
I couldn't believe it. I could feel Ms. McLaughlin's cum across my face and hair and could still fast Hannah's shit and piss drying in my mouth. Is this what my life has turned into? A sex slave to these two horrible women? And what did Ms. McLaughlin say? This will happen again? And what about that video of me doing all those things to Hannah?
All the questions buzzed in my mind but I was just too physically and emotionally exhausted to contemplate them. All I wanted to do was to just head back to my room, wash off in the shower, crawl into bed, and forget this day ever happened.
I felt myself crying as I pulled my uniform on. Stepping out into the darkness I felt the cool evening air blowing up my skirt and tickling my bare pussy. With once last look at the equipment shed that was the home of my sexual punishment I hurried off back to the dorms.
I could smell myself and I couldn't let anyone else see me in the state I was in.
Running into Morrison House I quickly hurried up to my room. Thank god, I thought, I was almost at my room. Rushing down the corridor I turned the corner and was a few steps away from my door when I heard a voice call my name.
"Damn it," I thought. "I was so fucking close!"
Turning round I saw Mrs Saunders, the house mistress.
"Ah yes, Victoria." She smiled at me. "I was hoping to catch you before you retired for the night. I know that you were helping out Ms. McLaughlin this evening and-"
She paused and glanced up and down at me. Did she know what had happened to me? Should I tell her? I was too busy clamping my mouth shut, trying not to let any smells of Hannah escape.
With a sniff she continued:
"I can see that she worked you very hard...Anyway, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that your request to transfer rooms has been approved!"
I was confused. What did she mean by room transfer?
"I was a little surprised, if I'm honest." Mrs Saunders continued "I didn't know that the two of you were friends. But I think it's good! Not many seniors give up their single room to move in with a friend in a double. Anyway, it's quite close, just across the hall actually."
Looking up, I saw the door to my new room was lying open with a figure standing in the doorway, leaning against it.
"Please! Oh god please no!" I thought to myself.
Standing there, with a terrifying smile plastered over her fat face, was Hannah. She beckoned my into the room with one finger.
I turned back one last time to see Mrs Saunders smiling down at me.
With one last breath I slowly tiptoed into my new room. I passed under Hannah's outstretched arm and felt a whiff of her sweat biting against my nostril.
I heard Hannah say goodnight to Mrs Saunders before closing the door behind her.
Turning to face me she growled:
"Well, hello you little bitch!"
Looks like this night is going to be a little longer than I thought it'd be...

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