Hannah’s Revenge

Hannah’s Revenge Ch.10

Sitting naked in the bottom of the wardrobe, I felt a shudder of a chill down my spine, despite the warmth of the room reeking of sweat, sex, and shit. After witnessing the horrors of Hannah’s depravity at Katie’s expense, I could only imagine what horrors she had planned for my other friends. Looking up at her I held my breath in fearful anticipation.

Hannah smirked down at me as she reached a decision. “I think it’s time to teach the Bitch Twins a lesson. Get Cunt and Cuntier up here.”


Realising she, of course,  was talking about Clara and Alexandria I hesitated for a moment, remembering how much Alexandria’s confidence had been knocked by Ms. McLaughlin’s perversions on the rooftop, to say nothing how how sensitive Clara was all the time. Considering how depraved Hannah’s treatment of Katie was, I doubted she’d be any lighter on the twins. And the fact that she wanted both of them at once added another shadow of foreboding to my already worried mind...


My hesitation was quickly cut short by a scowl from Hannah. Terrified of pissing her off even more I dove for the phone and quickly opened it up. 

Clara and Alexandria, as a pair of very close sisters, were one of the few girls in our final year that were happy to stay in a twin dorm. Well, of course, I was now trapped staying in a twin room with Hannah, though most definitely not happily...


Opening up my messages, I decided that Alexandria was my best bet for an in, hoping that she would be more reasonable than her more easily traumatised sister. I composed a message asking if she and Clara could come over so we could talk about what happened to us all on the roof. I felt disgusted with myself, using the trauma of their past horrible experiences as bait to lure them to something I knew would be much much worse...


There was a long time between me sending the message and Alexandria’s response. No doubt she was trying to convince her sister to come out of the safety of their room after such a horrible thing to happen to her. Again my heart sunk with my mind spinning of what worse things would happen to them on the heel of my trickery. I felt an absolute traitor.


Hannah tutted to herself at the wait, absentmindedly scratching her hairy cunt before flicking the sticky wetness that stuck to her fingers into my face, giggling to herself as I involuntary shied away from the attacking droplets in disgust.

Eventually the three dots on the screen bubbled and Alexandria’s response flashed up. They were on their way.


I quickly remembered to tell her of my new room number. She sent a message back asking if I’d decided to move into a double with Katie. It was such a blatant lie from me to say so, but what did it matter? As soon as they came in the room they’d learn that it was disgusting Hannah I was living with now and not my best friend Katie. And besides, I knew once Hannah’s plan came into action there’d definitely be bigger things on their mind than my little white lie.


I shut off the phone and dropped it to the floor. The minutes ticked by in silence. My mind filled with fear for the safety of my friends, Hannah’s no doubt filled with the most sickening depravities she was getting ready to exert on them.


With a loud grunt, Hannah stretched up to the ceiling, the stench of her sweat from the heat and exertion of her sexual torment of Katie sharply cutting through the other stinking odours that filled the room. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.


Eventually, there came a knock at the door and Hannah grinned with excitement. Clasping the video camera back in my hands, she roughly manhandled me back into the wardrobe before closing the door almost all the way again. With a resigned sigh I knew my job of unwilling camerawoman wasn’t done for the day.


Hannah sauntered across the room, picking my phone up from the floor on the way. With a shocking amount of confidence, she swung open the door, revealing the twin pair of shocked faces at seeing fat, ugly Hannah’s body in every naked fold


Clara simply shrieked and turned her face away in disgust, while Alexandria’s shocked look quickly turned to rage.


“What the fuck you fat bitch?!” She shouted into Hannah’s face, her own disgust visible in the acid of her tone. “What the hell are you doing in Victoria’s room? And with her phone? And what the fuck are you doing naked? I think I’m going to be sick!”


Hannah just laughed in her face, her folds jiggling with each hearty laugh.

Clara couldn’t handle it at all and turned to run away down the hall, but Hannah’s pudgy hand shot out to grab the poor girl’s arm to stop her, leaving Clara writhing in disgust at the feeling of the fat naked girl’s arm restraining her.


“Oh I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Hannah sneered. “Not if you don’t want the police to see this.”

Turning the phone screen to face the twins, their already pale faces went even whiter with terror. I couldn’t see the screen, but I had a pretty good idea what it was. A picture of the two girls posing with their father, smiling in their finery at a busy ball in the Presutti family palazzo in Sicily. But what made this picture so dangerous was the clearly defined face in the background of Marcus Giovanni. 


Giovanni had attracted infamy across Europe for his implications in several high profile hits on behalf of Italian organised crime. Lorenzo Presutti had been protecting him at their palazzo, and obviously had been unable to refuse a picture with his beloved daughters, not realising that such a threat to his organisation was captured in frame. The reason the picture had been shared in our group chat was that Alexandria had been bragging of her latest sexual conquest. We’d all giggled together in that girlish way, gushing over this chiselled bad-boy Adonis that Alexandria had bagged for herself.


Now, of course, there was no laughter. Only fear. The picture and chat was supposed to be between us. But now, in the hands of Hannah, the fear was very real. Giovanni’s face was well known in the news, given the importance of the individuals he’d been implicated in assassinating. An anonymous sending of the picture to the English police from Hannah would see it in the hands of Interpol, and no doubt the quick storming of the Presutti’s palazzo. Harbouring a fugitive at best, more evidence found of the undoubted other crimes committed by their father at worst. This picture could destroy the twins’ family and possibly even their very lives.


They were standing their, frozen in horrified shock, terrified at the dawning realisation that they were at Hannah’s mercy.


Seeing that they had no further intention of moving, Hannah smirked to herself.

“That’s what I thought.” The fat girl smirked.. “Why don’t you come in here? I’ll let you know how you can earn my silence.”


With the tension in the atmosphere insane, all the girls could do was slowly shuffle in as Hannah’s flabby arm wrapped around them, pulling them with a gentle force into the room, allowing the door to click shut behind them.


Instantly the stink of the room hit the girls like a brick as they both wrinkled their faces in disgust, Clara even gagging a little at the heavy stench in the air.


“Now, listen up you fucking bitches.” Hannah was holding all the authority in the room, delighted that her plan was coming to fruition. “The two of you have given me so much pain over these years that it’s time for you to give me some pleasure. Your cruel tongues will be pleasing me wherever I decide they go. And the two of you are in luck that I’ve got two of everything for your bitchy tongues.”


The twins were looking visibly shocked, shuffling uncomfortably in abject horror at Hannah’s revelation that they’d be forced, not only to touch her disgusting body, but the threat of them using their tongues was enough to send shivers of horrified fear down their spines.


Hannah was beaming now, her already sticky wet pussy moistening with cruel excitement at how uncomfortable she was making the girls. As she described each body part, she pointed towards them, drawing the twins’ eyes to each horrible area, widening as each was revealed as worse than the one before.


“I’ve got two lovely feet to lick between the toes, two big sexy tits to suck on, two sweaty armpits that need a good tongue bath cleaning...”


She paused and time seemed to stand still. The twins’ were absolutely horrified at what they were going to be forced to do, but the pause and evil look on Hannah’s face made them fear even more what she was going to say next.


“And of course,” Hannah finally continued with that evil glint in her eye. “I’ve got two lovely tasty holes to tuck into.”


The twins horror reached a fever pitch. Alexandria groaned in horror and swooned as if she was about to faint. Clara was even worse, gagging in her throat with a loud cough of disgust as she turned away as if to collapse out the door.


“Oh not so fast, sweetie.” Hannah sneered with saccharine sweetness. “You’re very welcome to leave, but I don’t think the police will like what your Daddy has been up to very much. Would you like to see your Daddy locked away forever? The two of you left abandoned?”


This was enough to make Clara stop in her tracks and turn back with a defeated groan of horror.

“And of course,” Hannah continued, her cruel delights of victory growing in confidence with each new threat. “Some of his nastier friends might not like the two of you getting them all in trouble. Things could end up very very bad for you two.”


This final threat was enough for the twins to snap to attention. It was true. No matter who their father was, if it was found out that they were responsible for the collapse of the organisation and the arrest of dozens of its members, their very lives would be in danger. Hannah had them well and truly trapped.

With defeated sighs all the could do was nod their heads slowly at Hannah, unable to meet her eyes. I could see the beginning of tears welling in Clara’s eyes, whilst Alexandria tried her best to stay strong. The fearful wobble in her lip gave the game away.


Hannah, sensing her victory, clapped with gleeful joy. “Wonderful!” She chirped, delighting in her own genius and the sisters’ humiliation. 


The gleefulness suddenly turned dark as she revealed the next aspect of her evil plan.

“Of course, whilst I have two yummy holes.” She continued, smiling that malevolent smile when she was being particularly depraved. “One is a lot better for dirty bitches to stick their naughty tongues into.”


She spun round now, bending sharply over and pulling apart her flabby white arse cheeks, to reveal her puckered arsehole at the girls, still streaked brown with the shit which Katie was just forced to swallow. The smell that streamed out from it made my eyes water all the way in the wardrobe. 

There was a dawning realisation of horror on the twins faces. Not only would they have to lick Hannah’s disgusting sweaty feet, tits, armpits, and cunt; but they’d have to lick her rancid arsehole. Something ungodly horrible to do at the best of times, but the idea of cleaning it with fresh shit clinging to the hairs between her sticky cheeks was unimaginable.


Hannah laughed to herself in that evil way as she let her cheeks slap back shut again. Turning to the sisters, she smirked at them.


“But which one gets to lick it clean?” She sneered down at them, their fear palpable in the room. “Well, I’m a very kind Goddess, so I’ll let you decide.”


The twins started eyeing each other up with a mixture of fear and suspicion. Licking Hannah’s disgusting arse would be horrible at the best of times, but licking it clean of shit was unthinkable. Who would have to do it? It would be a huge sacrifice from one sister to the benefit of another. Who would be the one to suffer most?


Hannah quickly interjected the twins’ silent contemplation. “Of course, to earn the right to decide there’s a little competition between the two of you.”


Her already wide smile grew with evil delight as she revealed the worst part of her plan.

“Whichever one of you makes the other one cum first, gets to decide who licks the shit out of my arse completely clean.”


Even I let out a horrified gasp at this revelation. It was amazing that Hannah’s evil acts of depravity could still shock me to my core, but this was a new depth even for her. Forcing incest between these twin sisters for the right to force the other to clean out Hannah’s shit? My hatred and disgust of Hannah hit new height, but in it all was the fear. The abject terror that Hannah inspired in me and my friends. The inescapable control she held over us. How trapped beneath her thumb we all were.

The twins were stunned by this and leapt away from each other in disgust.


“No! No, no, no!” Alexandria shouted at Hannah. “There’s no way! We’re not doing that.”

Her sister Clara looked as if she was about to collapse, the rising disgust and horror at Hannah’s suggestion sending her spinning.


Hannah just smiled at this attempt at fighting back. “Well, that’s your choice girls.” She smirked at them. “You can walk out that door anytime you like, the second you do I think a little birdie will be telling the police about a little jail birdie.”


Hannah had won. The twins were trapped at her mercy, their very lives in danger. They had to do whatever she wanted, and what she wanted was for the two sisters, so close and loving, to demean themselves into incestuous orgasmic acts.


Clara has fully broken down now, loud sobs of horror and full tears streaming down her eyes. Alexandria rushed to her side and wiped away the tears, muttering to her softly and kindly in Italian. 

I could only imagine she was trying to comfort her, desperately, hopelessly.

The two twins locked themselves into a tight familial hug. The warmth and wholesome family love between them intended to be a shield against the hopelessness of their situation. A shield which Hannah shattered with a single phrase.


“Get down to action, girls.”


The way she looked at me with a pointed stare on the word action meant that that was clearly my cue to start filming. I felt the sickness rise in my throat. This was too much, I couldn’t sink this low. It’s bad enough I would have to watch such a depraved act, but to film it? Provide more disgusting blackmail material for Hannah? How could I bring myself to betray my friends even further than I already had? 


And yet, even through the horror, the fear of what would happen if I didn’t do what Hannah wanted burned through me. What would she do to punish me if she found out I hadn’t filmed it? Even worse, what if she made the poor twins do it all again like she made Katie do? With the deepest burning shame within me, I could only sigh with resigned defeat and flip the camera open.


The tight hug lasted longer than expected. Clearly both girls were feeling awkward and terrified about what they were about to do, neither wanting to start. But Hannah’s watchful presence as a constant was enough to spark the fearful girls into starting.


Alexandria was the first, the bolder, the more experienced, the braver. She slid the hug between them into a slight peck on her sister’s lips. 


It was fast, slight, almost unnoteworthy between sisters.


Then she pushed forward again. A more lingering kiss now. The twin sets of lips locked in a full kiss. The one reserved for lovers. Never between sisters.


Clara whimpered. To us, we knew it was from disgusted horror. To the camera, it was a whimper of perverted pleasure.


Alexandria, bolder still, pushed her tongue into her sister’s mirrored mouth. The sounds of the wetness of their French kissing filling the room, accompanied by the first starts of moaning. 

Alexandria’s hands began moving away from the innocence of her sister’s back, roaming down to give a gentle erotic squeeze of her arse. It was slow, staggering. This was not something she wanted to do, it was inspired by fear and disgust. The terror of having to clean the filth from Hannah’s rear.

Clara too was gripped by fear. The overwhelming awkwardness of the situation she found herself in with her sister was slowly chipping away. Small tingles of pleasure from the beginning whispers of intimate contact were pushing against the steadfast rock of sisterly and heterosexual unattraction. Like the sea slowly eroding the cliff edge, however, it began to wear away.


Terrified at the prospect of losing the competition, she swung her own arms around. Clara was by no means a blushing rose, she had the knowledge of sex to be expected by any other very beautiful 18 year old girl. But unlike her sister, she was not at all especially experienced, knowing the gentle and soft arts of seduction. The fear of Hannah’s filth spurred her forward at a pace as she plunged her hands up her sister’s blouse, grabbing her tits through the bra in an erotic squeeze. Another cringe of horror, invisible to anyone else as anything but a shudder of pleasure.


Alexandria gasped as she felt her sister’s hands squeezing her tits. Spurred on by Clara’s acceleration, she slipped her hands beneath her sister’s skirt, feeling the smooth roundness of her arse beneath. Clara’s gasp and sudden gentle convulsion gave me a very clear idea of what had just happened. 


Alexandria had just slipped her fingers into her twin sister’s pussy.


The twisted agony of confusion was plain on Clara’s face. The disgustingness of the situation, the revulsion at touching and being touched by her own flesh and blood. And yet, the stiffness of her sister’s fingers, filling her moistening pussy, gently toying with her within was already starting to send waves of pleasure through her body.


A few seconds of strained gasping later, Clara remembered what was at stake. Desperate not to quicken her sister’s arousal to her own level she tore apart Alexandria’s blouse, buttons flying across the room, to expose her full, heaving breasts tightly wrapped in her frilly red bra.


A moment of shock on Alexandria’s face passed, before she too flung her hands up towards her sister’s chest to tear open her blouse. Engaged in a constant war to up the other’s arousal, 


Alexandria went one step further, pulling her sister’s chest in close to hers and reaching behind to unclip the white bra to let the full sets of bare tits fall free with a bounce. A shocked gasp and pointed nipples the sign of her Clara’s surprise at her sister’s baring of her naked chest.

The shock passed quickly and Clara too reached round her sister’s back, releasing the clip of the red bra to allow the identically heavy and round breasts of her twin bounce free themselves. Grimacing for a second as if to steel herself against the horror, she lowered her face towards her sister’s naked tits before bringing her lips forward to meet the stiff brown nipple standing proudly from her sister’s olive breast.


Alexandria gasped, flinging her head back with an aroused moan as her sister’s tongue gently suckled on her sensitive nipple, ripples of awkward arousal shuddering from her naked chest.

Feeling the arousal building again, knowing what would happen to her if she was the first to cum, Alexandria took a drastic step. Grabbing her sister by the shoulders she spun her round, releasing a yelp of shock from Clara, and flung her down onto my bed, her large breasts bouncing from the force.


Clambering atop her sister’s prone body, Alexandria soon returned the favour, bringing her own mouth down to one pointed nipple, and her fingers up to the other, gently rolling it between them. Her other hand slunk up her sister’s legs, creeping back up the skirt and yanking her tights and knickers down in one swift movement before once again slipping the fingers of her other hand into her sister’s now loudly wet pussy.

The effect on Clara was staggering. Such intense stimulation from her sister’s mouth and fingers was sending her body into convulsions of agonising pleasure as the waves of arousal crashing through her shuddering, quivering body.


Groans and gasps escaped from her, along with moans of intense sexual arousal filling the air, joined by the unmistakable sound of her own wetness by way of her sister’s manipulations.

This was getting dangerous. 


Clara knew she had to take drastic measures as she could feel the first tingles of orgasm already building within her. Sterling herself against the horrifying perversion of what she was about to do, she broke free from beneath her sister and flipped herself on top, manoeuvring her legs to either side of Alexandria’s head. 


But more importantly, manoeuvring her face to hover between her sister’s legs.


Alexandria was shocked at what was happening, her sister’s intentions clear. For a few seconds each girl paused, the tension of the room heavy with frightened anticipation. The only sound the heavy breathing of the two very aroused twins, hovering in their grotesque 69 position.

Eventually, Clara broke the stalemate. She yanked down her sister’s tights, the flash of the bright red panties within shooting down with them, until she was face to face with the quivering naked pussy of her sister.


Every cell in her body was screaming at her to stop. This was so wrong, so disgusting. But the arousal already coursing within it had made her dizzy with lust, and the terror of what would happen if the rapidly quickening orgasm within her was to burst first was enough to drive her onwards. She plunged her face down into the sticky wetness of Alexandria’s pussy, her tongue wriggling out to lap at the folds.


The sudden feeling of a wet tongue lapping at her moistening pussy elicited a sudden gasp from Alexandria, quickly falling into a loud moan of pleasure. This was such a perverse feeling, her own twin eating her out like this, yet the waves of arousal were swiftly building within her.

Desperate too to avoid Hannah’s punishment for cumming first, Alexandria raised her head up to meet her sister’s dripping pussy. The hairs of the bush there, whilst infinitely cleaner and better kept than the tangled mess that clung to the sticky and sweaty groin of Hannah, was enough to throw her for a second, before she plunged her face in deep to Clara’s pussy, licking between the folds and up to the clit and back as if her life depended on it.


The sudden feeling of Alexandria’s tongue on her pussy brought Clara’s face away from the twin pussy beneath her in a gasp of shock and pleasure for a fraction of a second, before she was back down, nodding her head backwards and forwards in hurried desperation.


Watching the scene unfold on the camera screen I was beyond horrified. Two loving sisters forced to strip each other naked, now eating each other’s pussy with wild abandon, desperate to make the other one cum first. I felt the bile rise in my throat, disgusted at the perverse depravity of what I was seeing. All I wanted was to shut off all my senses. Not see the identical naked bodies writhing atop each other, not hear the wetness and gasps and moans of the two girls reaching the peak, not smell every horrifying scent of sex and sweat that filled every inch of the room. But I forced myself on, staring stonyfaced at the scene of absolute revulsion in front of me.


It was clear the race was coming to and end. The moans from the girls were growing louder, the sloppy wetness of the twin sets of tongues against identical pussies slapping with increased vigour. But Alexandria’s early lead was coming into its own. Clara’s body was beginning to shudder, her breath quickening into raspy gasps. Terror clenched her body as she gave one last ditch effort with her tongue working like a desperate whore in Alexandria’s pussy before her loud orgasm erupted through her, sending her whole body shuddering in waves of pleasure, enough to cause her to throw her head away from the soaking wet with arousal pussy that her lips had clung to for so long.

Alexandria didn’t let up, her face was still straining up against her sister’s pussy, her neck and tongue aching from the effort. The orgasm that erupted from it became clear as her sister’s juices burst across her face and down her throat, drench her hair and neck, running down her naked breasts before soaking into my sheets beneath her.


Clara had lost and Alexandria had won. 


But things weren’t over yet. Clara’s orgasm has ripples through her first, but the race had been an incredibly close one. Alexandria’s quivering body was crazed with mad lust beneath her, and the sudden loss of the electric sensation of the tongue against her pussy elicited a loud groan of frustration from her. Acting under instinctive autopilot, her legs shot up around her sister’s neck, pulling her back down before pushing her sopping pussy back in her face.


Clara was horrified. The pleasure of the orgasm had already ebbed and the shame, disgust, and terror of what was next had swiftly shot in to replace it. But this was a shocking surprise to her. Her own sister, blinded by horny lust, was now pinning her oozing pussy against her face, the heat and sticky juices flowing out from it. She shook her head in disgust, but Alexandria merely tightened her grip and pushed her groin harder in. She had lost all sense of conscious rational thought. The arousal flowing through her gave her one goal and one goal alone.


She had to cum.


Groaning with disgust, horror and defeat, Clara stuck out her tongue again, her lips melting into the sticky lips beneath her. Not that it really mattered. Alexandria was so close to her explosive arousal that all it would take was a few more seconds of stimulation. With a loud gasp of pleasure the orgasm it her, and she humped her sister’s face hard until the sensation finally passed and she released her grip, collapsing flat back onto the bed with exhaustion. 


Clara felt the grip behind her neck loosen as the pulsing pussy beneath her lips slower it’s convulsions, and she flung her head back with a loud gasp, choking up the juices that had been flung down her throat by her sister’s explosive orgasm.


Catching her breath, she too collapsed down atop her sister, the two naked bodies breathing heavily from arousal and exhaustion, pushed in close against each other.

It had been almost unbearable to watch. This forced incest had sent shivers of horror down my spine.


But of course, Hannah wasn’t done with them yet.


Hearty laughter filled the air as Hannah fat naked body rose from the bed, accompanied by the screeching complaints of the springs.


“Well, well, well, Alexandria.” Hannah smirked down at the panting girl. “Looks like you’re a natural cunt-muncher, you made your sister cream all down your whore throat didn’t you?”

The shame caught in Alexandria’s throat as the realisation of what had happened was finally sinking in. This was not something they could change. This was never going away. This would always be.


Hannah’s sick pleasure at toying with the humiliated girls continued.

“But don’t feel too bad, Clara.” She gave the girl a playful tap on the arse. “Look at how good a job you did making Alexandria all wet and sticky.


Hannah plunged her fat finger deep into Alexandria’s now very sensitive cunt, which elicited a gasp of shock from her. Pulling it out it visibly glistened with the sticky wetness of the pussy juice stemming from the intense orgasm that had rocked the poor girl beneath. 


With an evil cackle, Hannah waggled it in front of Clara’s face, who turned away with revulsion, before Hannah just wiped it off on the girls back, leaving a shining trail of cum behind.


“Well now.” Hannah straightened herself up, looking down at the panting naked girls. “It seems the two of you have had your orgasms...”


Her pudgy face twisted into a sick smile.

“It’s time for mine.”


The twins groaned in despairing horror atop the bed. Hannah’s stinking sweating body was leering over them, and all they could think about was how disgusting it was going to be.

But exhaustion and shame and simple resigned defeat has drained them of all resistance. Slowly Clara climbed off her sister, before quickly turning away from her, unable to even look at her. 

Alexandria rose up from the bed too, the sadness at her sister’s disgusted reaction to her palpable on her face. 


Hannah gripped both of them tightly round the waist. The smooth and sexy olive skinned bodies of the twins framed the stark contrast of Hannah’s pale, flabby, and hairy body inbetween.

Letting her hands slip away from their waists, she grabbed the back of the twins’ heads and pulled them in tight against her chest, their faces squeezed hard against the flabby tits beneath. Unable to breath at all their bodies began flailing desperately before Hannah released them, allowing them a single gasp of terrified air, before pulling them right back against her naked tits, their open mouths sealing tight against Hannah’s pointed nipples. She moaned with pleasure as she felt their mouths suck against her sensitive nipples, each twins faces wet with the cum of the other.


Eventually she pulled them off her flabby chest with a loud pop escaping from each mouth.Grinning with sick delight, Hannah raised her arms high above her head, exposing her stinking, hair armpits to the pretty twins’ shocked faces.


“Well, dig in girls!”


The disgust was visible on their faces, but with resigned defeat the Presuttis had no choice but to extend their tongues, stiff and aching from the cunnilingus, against the stinking fetid pits beneath Hannah’s arms, choking on the sweaty hair within.


Hannah simply giggled at the tickling tongues caressing her on either side, accompanied by the disgusted gags that arose from the twins at the repulsive taste and smell as they licked the sweat that had formed and clung to Hannah’s skin in wet sticky droves.

Eventually Hannah must have decided that her stinking pits were tongued clean enough, before she moaned huskily at the two slave girls.


“Now  my feet, drop to your knees.”

With a sigh of disgust, their mouths and noses already filled with the repulsive tastes and smells of Hannah’s sweaty armpits, the girls naked bodies dropped to the floor as Hannah sat back down on the complaining bed, wriggling her disgusting toes in front of the pretty faces beneath her.


“Suck them, sluts.” Hannah groaned up to the ceiling.


The two identical bodies sunk slowly down to kiss and suck Hannah’s nasty toes, running their tongues across the sweaty skin, tasting every disgusting drop of sweat that had oozed out of her feet. Shoulder to shoulder, Clara and Alexandria suckled on the fat wrinkled toes, their twin arses sticking proudly up behind them, olive skinned and perfectly round.


The intense arousal from the humiliation of the girls and the immense power she held over her former tormentors was becoming too much for Hannah to ignore. Grunting and groaning loudly, she began to finger herself, her fat fingers sinking deep into her fetid cunt with loud slops.

Whimpers escaped from the twins’ lips at the revulsion of what was happening to them, but even more from the fear of what was to happen next. Yet still they kept sucking on those stinking sweaty feet of nasty fat Hannah.


Her groans and gasps had become louder now, and the wet sloppy fingering faster as she felt such intense pleasure course through her. She managed to stop herself from getting carried away though, not wanting to rob herself of the final victorious prize.


Grinning down at the two gorgeous bodies worshiping her disgusting feet, Hannah’s pussy oozed with depraved excitement.


Kicking the two girls away with her now very licked clean feet, Hannah rose from the bed once more. Grabbing a fistful of black hair on each of the girls’ heads she roughly manhandled them into position. 


Alexandria stuck facing the thick matted hair, sticky and dripping with arousal.

Clara stuck inches away from Hannah’s stinking arsehole, the flabby cellulite cheeks the only protection against it. The smell of the shit that still stained the pale flesh was strong enough to cut through the layers of cum and sweat which poor Clara had been forced to lick up. Whimpering in terror she tried to pull away, desperately trying in vain to get away, anywhere away, from the stinking disgust of the puckered hole. But Hannah maintained a tight grip on the terrified girl’s hair and simply laughed down at her struggling.


“Well, Clara.” She sneered at the girl, hot tears forming in the corners of her eyes. “I think you should say thank you to your sister for letting you have such a yummy taste of my arsehole.”

She paused, letting the horror sink in. “And of course, thank her for letting you lick up all my delicious shit.”


Clara’s face had turned beet red, the shame and disgust and humiliation all raging within her. The shine of tear tracks down her face was visible to me even where I was sitting. Her entire soul had been crushed. Hannah had total control over her. Turning to look her sister in the eyes for the very first time since she’d been forced to make her cum, her voice rang out hollow and robotic.


“Thank you, Alexandria.”


Alexandria too was burning with horrible shame. The shame of having to worship Hannah’s disgusting body. The shame of having to lick her own sister, her own twin, to a shuddering wet orgasm on her face. But the worst shame of all, the shame that sent burning daggers to her heart, was the happiness that she wouldn’t have to be the one to clean up fat Hannah’s nasty shit. The happiness that her sister would have to instead of her. That’s the kind of shame that clings to your soul forever.


Hannah just giggled her sick twisted laugh.


“How nice of you Clara! To thank your sister for such a lovely treat.” She leant forward, reaching back to pull apart her huge flabby arse cheeks to reveal the stinking brown stained hole in between, inches away from Clara’s gasping face.“Well, dig in!”


Hannah grabbed the back of Clara’s head and pulled it deep in between the stinking cheeks, eliciting a loud shriek of terror from the poor girl as her face was completely swallowed between the great white cheeks. The shriek quickly turned to disgusted gags as the smell and taste of greasy shit stains hit her poor nose and mouth. She went to pull her head back from the source, instinctively trying to flee the repulsive smell and taste that were attacking her senses.


Hannah just let loose a loud cackle as she grabbed the girl’s hair again in a tight fist, pulling her back in between the disgusting cheeks.


“Oh no bitch.” Hannah laughed down at her enslaved arse licker. “You’re staying right where you are until my arse is squeaky clean from your tongue.”


Another round of gags came from Clara, muffled from her being buried somewhere deep within the flabby cheeks. But clearly she had given up fighting it, opting instead to desperately start licking to try and free herself from this hell as soon as possible. Of course, that didn’t stop the gags and chokes of disgust.


Hannah moaned with twisted pleasure at the feeling of Clara’s pretty face tight between her filthy arse cheeks. The wet tongue sliding up her shit stained arse, pushing against the wrinkled hole was driving her insane.


Looking back at Alexandria, frozen with terror in front of her, Hannah smirked down with that sick smile.


“Don’t worry, slut.” Hannah sneered. “I’ve got a tasty hole for you to enjoy too.”


With her other hand she grabbed a fistful of Alexandria’s hair and plunged her face first into the sticky bush of her pubic hair, shuddering with pleasure as she felt the girl’s exhausted tongue sink within her oozing folds.


The pleasure for Hannah was intense. Two gorgeous twin slave girls tonguing both of her holes. The waves of crashing pleasure built up until she erupted into an orgasm with a raspy roar, her cum spraying across Alexandria’s already well soaked face, before a loud bassy fart blasted out her other end, hot and stinking into Clara’s.


The two girls shrieked and choked at the horror of these most disgusting things, the lowest points in their lives, as Hannah just carried on grinding out her orgasm on Alexandria’s face as a number of loud bubbly farts slipped out onto Clara’s.


Eventually, the sensation ebbed and Hannah released the girls’ hairs before sidestepping and practically fainting with a loud crash onto the bed. 

The twins gasped loudly, desperately trying to fill their lungs with air after their dual repulsive oral adventures.


Alexandria recovered first, looking forlornly at her sister. She was panting too, her tongue visibly stained with the shit she was forced to lap up, her face stained with tears, and stinking from the farts that had soaked into her pores. Looking into her eyes, Alexandria saw a change. This was not the same sister she had known for 18 years of her life. Something inside her had been destroyed forever.

Looking at Alexandria myself, I saw the same thing. And recognised it in myself. This is what Hannah does to you. She robs you of your self.


The seconds passed in silence, the twins still awkwardly kneeling, their naked bodies posed in the middle of the room.


Eventually Hannah managed to recover from the intensity of her sopping wet orgasm and rose from the bed in with a giddy smile.


“Well now, sluts.” She smiled contentedly down at them. “I hope you’ve learned a thing or two about where you belong beneath me.”


She turned to Clara and her smile widened further, stretching into the corners of her pudgy acned face.


“And I very much hope you enjoy the taste of my shit for a long long time.”


Clara swallowed in disgust, choking as she felt the taste of shit mingled with her own spit slither down her throat.


Hannah then simply dismissed them with a wave. “That’ll be all now sluts, get dressed and go.”

And with that she turned away from them completely. Dismissing them entirely, really rubbing in how little she thought of them as an extra layer of humiliation.


Slowly Alexandria rose to her feet, wobbling slightly as she stood. Her face and breasts were shining with the spraying cum of Hannah and her sister, whilst her hair was a rat’s nest, tangled and soaked in cum. 


With staggering steps, she slowly walked over to my bed, pulling up her tights and knickers before clipping her red bra back on, hiding away her full breasts once more. She picked up what remained of the blouse, and sighed with disappointment as she noticed how many buttons had been torn of it. Still, she slipped her arms through and clung it tightly, wrapped across her chest. 


Noticing that Clara hadn’t moved from the kneeling position she was in, stunned and dazed as if she were a deer caught in the headlights, Alexandria touched her sister softly on the shoulder.


“Clara?” She whispered to her.


But all Clara did was turn away from her, repulsed.


Alexandria snapped her hand back as if burned. The sadness at being so rejected by her sister struck her hard. Taking one last sad look at her naked sister hunched over on her knees, Alexandria opened the door and fled down the hallway, clinging her blouse tightly against her chest as the door shut behind her.


Hannah rose up on her elbows and looked at Clara with quiet amusement.


“Are you still here, shit-eating slut?” Hannah smirked at her. “I thought I told you to get dressed and fuck off.”


Another evil smile crept across her face.


“Unless of course you want another taste of my delicious arse?”


The words didn’t seem to register to Clara. She was a world away from this room, completely devoid of any presence. She didn’t register Hannah’s words and made no move to get dressed or even stand. 


She simply wasn’t there.


Feeling my heart break too much to let this go on, I turned the camera off and let it drop to the floor before opening the doors to the wardrobe and pulling myself up and out.


Clara didn’t even register my appearance in the room. I gently pulled her up to her feet and guided her into her tights and knickers, stepping her into them the way one would a child.

I clipped her white bra behind her back for her and, seeing the tattered remains of her buttonless blouse, I returned to the wardrobe and pulled out one of mine, slipping her arms through it and buttoning it back up across her chest. 


I guided her towards the door and gently nudged her out into the hallway, while she blinked confusedly. Taking her first unaided steps, she slowly walked down the hall away from the room before turning back at me.


A second of consciousness flashed across her face as she looked at me. A recognition of who I was. And yet as she stared into my eyes, the girl who was one of her closet friends in the world, all I could see was a burning hatred.


I swallowed in shock and shame before closing the door and turning back to the room.

Hannah had barely reacted to the terrifying display of what she had done to Clara with anything more than gentle amusement. 


Smiling up at me, she sighed and stretched out, sending ripples down the folds of her naked body.

“Well, Slave Slut.” She smiled up at me. “Your slutty friends have really taken it out of me today. I think it’s time for a little nap before we teach Little Miss Nelson a lesson too.”

I felt my heart sink, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. Of course Hannah wanted a full house of torture.


“Oh, and one more thing.” She smirked up at me again. “I was being serious about wanting my arse licked some more.”


She turned onto her belly and flopped back down, her flabby arse cheeks shuddering as she did so.

“Be a good Slave Slut and tongue my arse until I fall asleep.”

I sighed with defeat, before crawling into bed with Hannah and sinking my face between the sadly very familiar warm cheeks, wet with Clara’s spit but at the very least cleaned of shit.

As Hannah pulled the duvet over me and I was surrounded by darkness, my world reduced to nothing but the taste and smell of her arsehole, all I could do was worry about what sort of lives would be left for me and my friends after all this.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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