Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 125: Xanthia

After confirming yesterday that Luciel would visit her residence, Xanthia immediately donned her maid skin that evening, activating "Domestic Mode," and transformed her apartment into a pristine haven.

Since acquiring this maid skin, she had invested in an array of cleaning supplies, ensuring that her "Domestic Mode" would not run out of steam.

As it turned out, her efforts bore fruit, significantly enhancing her living environment. The cleanliness and tidiness of her space made her daily life far more pleasant.

On that day, she meticulously followed a system's recipe to prepare a bowl of chicken soup eager to sample its flavors.

To her surprise, the chicken soup, while visually unremarkable and lacking any glimmer, appeared much like a standard bowl of plain chicken soup. However, upon lifting the ladle to take a sample, an astonishing burst of flavor erupted on her palate!

Although it did not tug at her heartstrings to the point of tears, it was evident that the special effect of the system's recipe—designed to extract others' pain values—was ineffective on her. Yet the delectable taste certainly elevated her happiness metrics significantly.

She found herself engrossed in the dish, finishing even the last scoop in one final slurp.

Remarkably, the ingredients she used were all quite common. Yet, by studying the system's exquisite recipe, she had conjured such a delightful meal—truly impressive! This experience reminded her of the joy she had felt when she first exchanged for a blank system item, only to discover its hidden potential.

After witnessing the wondrous effects of such a recipe, Xanthia realized that the peculiar recipes in the system's shop possessed great redeeming value.

In comparison to the remarkable items, magical equipment, and summoned beasts, the recipes were surprisingly cheaper. Yet, they could yield considerable happiness for her, making the process akin to exchanging pain value for joy value—essentially a net gain!

Of course, she understood the importance of examining the descriptions of each recipe before redemption, wary of those that were purely “dark cuisine,” crafted to exploit others’ pain values.

She had no intention of wasting her own pain values on something so bland. Instead, she aimed to redeem additional recipes.

Yet, certain recipes demanded a higher culinary skill level. Dishes as simple as chicken soup were perfectly accessible to her cooking skills at Lv1, which was fair.

After getting a taste of the remarkable recipes, Xanthia cleaned her utensils thoroughly and began to feel a bit cramped in her single apartment—the kitchen was so minimal it only allowed for preparing the simplest of dishes. She wished to refine her cooking skills further, crafting delightful meals that would expedite her accumulation of happiness!

Soon, the thought of renting a more spacious place crossed her mind. Nonetheless, without a stable source of income, she realized how unrealistic this aspiration was.

Alternatively, she could keep her current location if she could secure a storefront that would allow her the freedom to showcase her culinary skills.

At that moment, while envisioning future possibilities, Xanthia decided to let the thought drift. The foremost priority was to live a carefree and laid-back life; she mustn’t let ambition rob her of happiness. After all, earning money without joy is a grave loss!

Making money should come with a relaxed and content approach; if she could earn while lounging, she would do just that; there was no need to force it.

Besides, she was still in high school, lacking the freedom she desired. Xanthia preferred to invest her time in enhancing her core attributes, relishing the personal growth she experienced each day. She had no wish to disrupt the comfortable rhythm she had established.

It was around two o'clock on a Sunday afternoon when Xanthia appeared at her apartment door alongside Luciel. She opened the door.

Luciel's eyes sparkled with curiosity. Upon stepping into Xanthia's abode, the mystery surrounding it was instantly unveiled, leaving her in awe.

“Xanthia, your place is impossibly clean! I hardly dare to step in; it feels like stepping in would be sacrilege!”

Xanthia chuckled, thinking how powerful the maid ensemble truly was.

“Don’t exaggerate! Just come in already!” Xanthia replied, smoothly stepping aside to offer Luciel a pair of slippers she had prepared earlier.

As Luciel slid on the slippers, she remarked, “I’m not exaggerating! It’s exceptionally clean! You know, I’ve always lived in the countryside; we don’t have such neat little complexes. Our two-storey house is kept tidy by my mother, who cleans every day, yet no amount of scrubbing reaches your level!”

Xanthia found amusement in this. If it had been her former self cleaning, she would not have reached such spotless standards either. However, wearing the maid outfit had magically amplified the results—comparable to a “dish that glows.”

Still, Xanthia offered an explanation, saying, “Your home in the countryside must be quite large, making it difficult to keep tidy. This apartment is barely forty square meters, with ceilings just over three meters high, so cleaning is a breeze.”

After switching into the slippers, Luciel nodded, accepting Xanthia’s justification while starting to inspect her friend’s residence intently.

Just inside the door to the left stood the modest kitchen, equipped only with a small gas stove and an overhead extractor fan. Further along, to the right, lay the bathroom.

As they moved further in, the largest room of the apartment revealed itself—Xanthia's bedroom.

Beyond the bed, the room featured a full-length mirror, a small dining table, a cozy sofa, and a study desk. Directly across from the bed, attached to the wall, was a small television that could project from mobile devices.

This single apartment layout resembled that of a hotel with a king-sized bed, although slightly larger due to its simple kitchen—a luxury hotel room would naturally not require such an amenity.

Having grown accustomed to the spacious homes of the countryside, Luciel felt somewhat cramped upon experiencing this "urban pigeonhole." Especially when comparing the size of this apartment to three-bedroom, two-living-room flats that exceeded a hundred square metres, it felt diminutive—with merely one room and a wet kitchen and bathroom.

However, upon comparing Xanthia’s residence to her own room, she recognized the beauty of having a cozy, independent space of her own.

Yet, her burning curiosity lay in understanding why Xanthia's parents had permitted her to live alone in such an independent setting. How could they so readily let go of their adorable daughter?

She was only in high school, not yet a university student—what kind of parents could be so callous?

As previously mentioned, Luciel hails from a small town, renowned for not being poor. It’s common for families to live in two or three-storey homes, while Luciel's father worked as a mid-level manager at a local factory, and her mother ran a hair salon; together, they earned a comfortable living, more than sufficient to support their only daughter.

Her parents doted on her, ensuring that she had everything she needed—clothes, food, and allowances that rivaled those of city girls. Luciel's dedication to her studies, coupled with her diligence, instilled her parents’ trust and pride in her.

In a household marked by mutual love and affluence, they had nurtured a child with sound morals, a spirit of justice, and confidence—Luciel was the quintessential "model child."

It was no surprise that she often found herself compared to others by relatives, who would remark, “Why can’t you take a page from your sister Luciel’s book?”

Nurtured in love and pampered since childhood, Luciel assumed that girls like Xanthia, who exhibited such kindness, must have also enjoyed a similarly joyful upbringing.

“I won’t sit down just yet; I had filling earlier, and I’m feeling rather smelly! Mind if I take a quick shower first?” Luciel asked.

“Of course! Feel free to go right in,” Xanthia replied warmly.

With that, Luciel hurriedly made her way to the bathroom, noticing that it too was immaculately clean—far superior to the shared facilities at school!

As Xanthia waited for Luciel to finish her shower, her mind wandered momentarily. However, she would certainly not stoop to indulging in any 'questionable' tendencies.

Instead, she pondered whether she should prepare something for Luciel to eat afterward.

Non-appetizer foods tends not to settle well in the stomach without a staple food to accompany it, so a serving of soup would serve perfectly as a light filler.

Having already savored the deliciousness of her chicken soup Xanthia was eager to share this culinary delight with Luciel, showcasing her skills as an artisan in the kitchen.

However, once Luciel completed her shower, she suddenly realized a rather embarrassing predicament—she had forgotten to bring her own towel!

Perhaps it had slipped her mind amidst the anticipation of stepping into Xanthia's home, who had assured her she wouldn’t need to bring along shampoo or shower gel. So, in her haste, she had neglected the towel completely!

Admittedly, Luciel could be a bit scatterbrained at times, overlooking the small details. In this situation, she could only call out to Xanthia from outside the bathroom, “Xanthia, do you have an extra towel? I forgot to bring mine!”

Xanthia momentarily paused, struck by a thought. Ah, it seemed Luciel was rather careless!

"I do have one; let me get it for you—I'll just grab a new one." Xanthia responded immediately, her tone bright and unhesitating.

In truth, Luciel instinctively wanted to say it wasn't necessary to use a new one; Xanthia's would suffice. Her intention was simply to save Xanthia some trouble. However, as she considered it further, she decided against voicing her thoughts. The mystery surrounding Xanthia's identity already made her seem intriguing and far from ordinary.

On another note, if Xanthia's original towel could be used, that would be quite the fortunate turn!

Xanthia fetched a fresh towel with a calm demeanor and stepped into the washroom without a hint of shyness, knowing all too well that everyone present was a charming young lady. There was no reason for her to feel anything but comfortable, even with the prospect of seeing Luciel in the nude.

And then she truly did set eyes on Luciel in such a state. One could only say her figure was nothing short of magnificent—curvaceous and grand!

Luciel herself felt no embarrassment in being seen by Xanthia in her nakedness; her only real shame lay in her forgetfulness regarding the towel.

"Thank you, Li'l Xanthia. I can be such a scatterbrain!" she exclaimed as she accepted the pristine towel and, in front of Xanthia, began to nonchalantly dry her damp hair.

How delightful it was to be absent-minded… Wait a moment!

Pure-hearted Xanthia could not possibly wish for Luciel to be careless! The fleeting thought that had just crossed her mind surely belonged to a mischievous spirit lurking in the shadows!

"No need to thank me. Everyone has their moments of forgetfulness," Xanthia chuckled lightly.

After that, she couldn't help but openly admire the scene before her. She noted an increase in her happiness levels; such moments of self-improvement in her attributes were simply not to be missed!

The sight of a beauty emerging from a bath was certainly something to behold, but here, gathering happiness points was far more crucial!

Regrettably, such joy proved challenging to put into words—a sentiment unsuitable for sharing with outsiders.

Once Luciel finished drying herself, she handed the new towel back to Xanthia, then, without any hesitation, slipped into her underwear before donning a T-shirt. The fabric was a tad too snug for her ample bosom, causing certain details to protrude rather conspicuously.

Xanthia observed Luciel with wide-eyed admiration, her naive and charming face imbued with a sense of righteousness.

Luciel quickly dressed. Given the weather was still rather warm and she had just bathed, she felt quite comfortable in her ensemble: panties below and a T-shirt above.

"Li'l Xanthia, would you like to take a bath too? After all, we just had Fondue Bourguignonne—your clothes and hair will carry the scent," Luciel suggested.

In reality, Xanthia's body was somewhat unique; by nature, it did not easily accumulate dirt or odors—she always smelled delightful.

Do not ask why; the answer lay in her system bond. She spent her days tirelessly enhancing her physical attributes. It was akin to leveling up in a game; fully replenished health points meant she could maintain a pristine state at all times!

Nonetheless, upon hearing Luciel's suggestion, Xanthia readily agreed. "Alright then, I'll take a bath. If you’re tired, feel free to lie on my bed for a nap."

Luciel grinned back at her, delighted. "Sure thing, Li'l Xanthia! You're so kind; I'll go lie down once you're done."

Xanthia raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Aren't you going to head over there now?"

"But I prefer staying here and chatting with you while you bathe," Luciel replied breezily. "I found my own bath quite dull; I should have called you in earlier!"

Ah? Why didn’t you call sooner? Think of the happiness points I could’ve earned… Xanthia lamented silently.

"What’s wrong? Are you shy? Hurry and take off your clothes." Luciel gazed at her with eager anticipation.

In that moment, Xanthia felt a wave of bashfulness wash over her under that eager gaze.

"Li'l Xanthia, you wouldn’t be stingy, would you? I saw how intently you looked earlier; I didn’t mind you looking. Just see how generous I am with you as friends should be!" Luciel declared boldly.

"Alright, alright! I'll take it off; Luciel is such a big flirt!" Xanthia grumbled, half-embarrassed and half-amused.

Seeing the cute, demure Xanthia being coaxed into undressing, Luciel felt an overwhelming urge to cuddle her tightly, treating her like a treasured doll, spoiling her to the heavens!

As Xanthia stepped out to fetch her nighttime attire—a comfortable outfit for after her bath—Luciel’s eyes widened in surprise and delight.

The pure, flawless body standing before her was simply too enchanting!

With Xanthia's expression of reluctant surrender, Luciel felt a thrill course through her. Had she been a man, she might have turned into a ravenous wolf, ready to ravage this delicate porcelain beauty on the spot!

At present, however, Luciel viewed Xanthia with a deeper appreciation for the beauty that surrounded them, recognizing her potential and bright future ahead.

Xanthia's reluctant exterior was, in fact, a deliberate display to elicit a reaction. Discovering that Luciel, too, could be captivated by her charm filled her with joy, enhancing her happiness level all the more!

Consequently, Luciel chose to wait by the wash basin, engaging Xanthia in conversation as she bathed. After this forthright exchange, their relationship grew ever closer.

Once Xanthia finished washing, dried off, and slipped into her sleepwear, she took hold of Luciel's hand and led her to bed. They settled in together, turned on the television, and casually navigated to a music video, listening to the melodies while continuing to chat.

"Li'l Xanthia, there's something I’ve wanted to ask you for quite some time—it's about your parents. Is it alright if you share?"

Luciel, buoyed by the pleasant atmosphere of their conversation, finally broached the question that had lingered on her mind for far too long.

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