Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 132: The Ice Dreams of Xanthia

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Chapter 132: The Ice Dreams of Xanthia

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Dionysius’s plan was, of course, doomed to fail. His ice skating skills were no match for Xanthia, who had quietly mastered the Lv1 figure skating technique.

During her daily commutes to school, Xanthia diligently practiced roller skating—not without purpose. Eventually, she found roller skating monotonous and took up skateboarding instead.

Skateboarding, being another form of ground sliding that requires balance, naturally bore similarities to roller skating and ice skating. The system’s somewhat rudimentary categorisation of skills allowed Xanthia to exploit a bug.

It was akin to how, after grinding her ukulele skill to Lv2, her guitar-playing ability also reached Lv2. The system had merged the two, given that the ukulele is simply a small Hawaiian guitar.

Thus, if Xanthia were to take up piano lessons, she might very well find herself adept at electronic keyboard skills as well, for both involve pressing black and white keys with one's hands. The system was rather simplistic in this regard.

As for piano skills, she could certainly have Dionysius teach her. This would expedite her skill advancement; once she attained Lv1 proficiency, she could continue improving on her own and allocate “happiness points” to enhance her abilities.

Besides roller skating, her skateboard, too, was a basic piece of equipment exchanged from the system shop. She handled it with remarkable ease, gliding smoothly.

Thus, she was not merely a roller-skating girl; she was also a skateboarding girl!

Those who could skateboard appeared rather cool, and each time Xanthia took to her board, she garnered considerable attention, allowing her to shine, albeit briefly, in the public eye.


However, a word of caution: dangerous stunts should not be attempted at home!


Xanthia was confident in her ability to roller skate and skateboard without mishap, as she had activated her skills. So long as she refrained from attempting overly difficult moves beyond her skill level, she was unlikely to encounter any accidents.

Of course, attempting higher-difficulty tricks could yield greater experience points, thus accelerating her skill progression.

Nonetheless, she was mindful not to engage in risky behaviors in unsafe locations. While she was resilient and could withstand falls, she did not wish to inadvertently harm others.

Thus, Xanthia usually chose to practice challenging tricks in less crowded parks, seeking enjoyment in her successes and learning from her failures. She had taken her fair share of tumbles; had those who cared for her known, they would surely have felt concerned.

At the end of the day, despite her advantages, unless she managed to obtain an item like the “Horror brush” (the cheeky brush) that would boost her skills, her abilities truly relied on her own efforts!

After all, her “happy points” were primarily devoted to enhancing her basic attributes, with little invested in her skills. Only when the progress bar approached completion did her perfectionism compel her to invest points to push through.

Consequently, she boldly declared that every skill she possessed was a result of her own hard work. Why shouldn’t she explore competitive sports?

Indeed, Xanthia could be regarded as exceptionally gifted, albeit with a more rounded skill set.

The effectiveness of her efforts stemmed from the activation of the “Wisdom Root” attribute, granting her extraordinary perception. The price of this attribute, however, was an eternal solitude, rendering her immune and detached to the joys of romance. The beauty of love was forever beyond her reach.

In many fields of competitive sports, including esports, a lack of romantic entanglements and an intense focus could indeed grant one a “childlike proficiency” buff. Yet, how many individuals could maintain that level of focus day in and day out for a decade?

Often, upon winning a championship and basking in the accolades, one could easily lose sight of their initial intentions.

Xanthia’s dedication and focus were on par with others; her cheerful disposition and enjoyment in the pursuit of skills should not belittle her efforts.

Ultimately, life is inherently unfair; in any domain, there are those who seem to possess innate advantages. The effort put forth by those naturally talented often eclipses the efforts of mere ordinary, and who can truly argue against that?

In the fable of the Turtle and the Rabbit, so long as the rabbit does not fall asleep, the turtle stands no chance of winning. This is the disparity of talent and the inconsistencies of the world.

At this moment, Dionysius led Xanthia to the Frostz Sports Club at the Olympic Sports Centre in Maltic City.

This venue had previously served as the main site for the Olympic Games, and it was the training ground for the Thessaloniki provincial short-track speed skating and figure skating teams, boasting an ice surface area of nearly 2,000 square meters.

Xanthia was highly satisfied with the facility. Upon unlocking this new venue, the system’s task list refreshed, revealing new daily, ordinary, and challenge tasks.

Since she was intent on figure skating rather than the traditional stronghold of short-track speed skating at the Olympics, most tasks revolved around figure skating. She merely needed to complete various figure skating movements within this venue to fulfil her daily and ordinary tasks.

As for the challenge tasks, they were quite straightforward: securing victories at events such as the “National Figure Skating Championships,” “National Games,” “World Youth Championships,” “Youth Olympic Games,” “International Skating Union Grand Prix Final,” and the “Romanix Olympics” would yield generous rewards.

Those familiar with figure skating know it shares similarities with gymnastics—the younger one is, the greater the advantage. Some competitors who dazzle in their youth categories often fail to impress in adult divisions if they do not pass through the “growth phase.” Competitive sports can be quite merciless and are closely tied to age.

Xanthia need not worry about age or the “growth phase”; her success hinged on her attributes. As long as those attributes continued to improve, she would be exceptionally secure!

Speaking of which, her naturally slender build made her particularly well-suited for gymnastics, diving, figure skating, and similar disciplines. Being light and having a streamlined physique reduced resistance.

Meanwhile, after scanning the task list, the system informed her that grinding for “figure skating” skills at this venue would yield triple experience points!

Unquestionably, this was a testament to the venue's status as the premier skating rink in Thessaloniki Province—an ideal location for “leveling up and battling!”

One could only say that Dionysius’s efforts would certainly not disappoint his sister.

In truth, due to Thessaloniki Province's location in the southern region, there were relatively few enthusiasts for ice sports; the provincial team could only be described with two words—“mediocre.”

The provinces truly excelling in ice sports were primarily found in the north, particularly in the northern regions, where there were many who enjoyed winter sports, naturally establishing a solid grassroots foundation, thus increasing the chances of producing talent.

Conversely, in competitive sports like swimming and diving, the southern regions tended to yield more exceptional athletes.

Due to the scarcity of ice enthusiasts in the south, this sizable ice rink often appeared quite empty.

Today being Saturday, the limited number of people was evident; during weekdays, the numbers would surely dwindle even further. Those who weren’t passionate about skating likely hesitated to spend money for ticket price… The rink was open to the public from ten in the morning until six in the evening.

Once both were equipped, Dionysius led Xanthia onto the ice. He cautioned her, “Xanthia, take it easy. This is your first time skating, right? Beginners are prone to falling.”

However, Xanthia replied confidently, “Are you underestimating me? I’m already quite skilled at roller skating and skateboarding. My balance is superb! How different can ice skating be?”

Dionysius retorted, “Ice skating is definitely harder! Just look at the blades on these ice skates; they’re far narrower than roller skates! Your perspective is utterly absurd, akin to your last claim that playing a dance machine could enhance your dancing skills!”

Xanthia laughed, “Geniuses are good at adaptations! And I can attest that my dance skills did improve after using the machine!”

“Really? I don’t believe you!” Dionysius was sceptical. “However, I do concede that you’re undeniably talented in certain areas, particularly singing.”

This was because he had witnessed firsthand Xanthia's journey in improving her singing abilities, his ears relishing her melodious voice.

He believed Xanthia inherited her remarkable singing talent from their late mother, Ella La Fielsola, and considered that such a gift was already significant enough—she should not yearn for any further talents.

“It’s not just in certain areas; my true talent lies in—working hard to become stronger while maintaining my performance and never regressing!” Xanthia declared earnestly.

Indeed, others would inevitably falter and regress if they did not train for extended periods. Xanthia, however, was akin to “driving on land”—as long as she had fuel (effort), she could keep moving forward. Even without fuel, she could pause and remain grounded without slipping backward.

Upon hearing this, Dionysius could only shake his head in bemusement. His sister was undoubtedly naive and juvenile; many children share that inexplicable confidence, believing they will surely gain admission to the finest universities or, after reading a biography of a tycoon, think they, too, could become wealthy, even if not a tycoon, at least a millionaire should suffice, right?

“Do stop being so stubborn. Allow me to demonstrate how to maintain balance whilst gliding,” Dionysius stated earnestly.

His athletic prowess was quite commendable; he had a keen interest in sports and dabbled in various activities such as ice skating and skiing, performing them with a certain finesse. However, like the average person, he skated normally, steering clear of any flashy tricks.

To the viewers watching from their televisions, figure skating might appear deceptively effortless as athletes soared into jumps and spins on the ice. In reality, it was far from easy for the average individual; most skaters had dedicated countless hours from a young age to perfect their skills.

Even professional athletes frequently found themselves tumbling onto the ice while attempting more complex jumps. To complete a routine flawlessly required not only skill but a measure of luck as well.

Xanthia chuckled at the sight of her brother gliding with such caution. Unlike him, she did not share his apprehension; she activated her skills and took off with gusto!

Though gliding on ice bore distinct differences from roller skating on solid ground, Xanthia adapted quickly, her familiarity allowing her to gain confidence as she increased her speed.

She discovered that ice skating brought her far more joy than roller skating; after all, the resistance of rollerblades was far greater than that of ice skates, making the experience altogether different in terms of velocity.

The exhilaration of soaring forward filled her with elation, as if she might take flight at any moment. What a delightful sensation!

The skates she wore were, of course, from the system, fitting snugly and gliding effortlessly across the ice.

Meanwhile, Dionysius found himself momentarily stunned. Instinctively, he extended a hand as if to grasp his spirited sister's retreating form, unable to hold back his alarmed shout: “Xanthia! Slow down! You’re a novice; you can’t just go charging around like that!”

His concern propelled him to pursue her, but he mismanaged his balance and stumbled, landing awkwardly on the ice. With gloved hands bracing against the cold surface, his expression was one of desperation.

Xanthia, of course, heard her brother's urgent cry. In fact, his shout drew the attention of other skating enthusiasts, all eyes turning towards Xanthia, who had shot away like an arrow released from a bow.

Her outfit was not particularly eye-catching, but once clad in her ice skates, she appeared taller, her legs accentuated, though she wore merely standard sports trousers instead of the sleek tights typical of competitive figure skaters. Had she donned the latter, her legs would have undoubtedly looked even more striking.

Moreover, Dionysius insisted she wear protective gear, which only further dulled her aesthetic appeal.

Just as the other skaters began to divert their attention from her, Xanthia executed a move that captured the entire rink's focus: the classic swan glide, a staple manoeuvre performed by nearly every figure skater.

This swan glide involved extending her arms gracefully while lifting one leg behind her, gliding smoothly on the other. The result was a poised and elegant motion, reminiscent of a bird soaring through the sky.

As soon as she performed the move, she became the centre of attention!

The other skaters stirred with excitement:

“Dude, this little girl has incredible balance!”

“I thought she was a novice in all that protective gear, but it seems she’s a pro…”

“Isn’t that a professional move? How could a regular person balance on one leg like that?”

“It really is a swan glide! She’s got the flair of a professional figure skater; she must have been training since childhood!”

“It’s baffling how precise her movements are. Unfortunately, when it comes to figure skating in our country, apart from the pairs, we lack any standout competitors in singles, especially in the women's category.”


After executing the “Swan Glide,” Xanthia indeed completed a standard system task, and her experience points for the “Figure Skating” skill increased once more, bringing her ever closer to Level 2.

With an elegant single-foot glide, she made her way over to Dionysius, who had just taken a rather spectacular tumble. The expression on his face was truly something to behold!

Dionysius could hardly believe it; despite his countless admonitions to his “beginner” sister, she had turned out to be quite the ice-skating virtuoso!

Such a “single-foot glide” was no trivial feat—ordinary individuals would struggle to achieve it. The moment anyone dares to attempt such a maneuver, they would likely lose their balance and fall heavily.

On the ice, even falling requires a certain finesse. Take Dionysius, for example; while he had landed squarely on his backside, it was a manageable situation. After all, he had a cushion, unlike those unfortunate souls who might fall hard enough to break something—such injuries could lead to a lengthy recovery, a hundred days or more of discomfort.

As Xanthia glided over, a radiant smile lit up her face, revealing her gleaming, white teeth. She extended a hand toward the dazed Dionysius still sitting on the ground. “With your skills, you intend to teach me how to skate? Brother, shall I give you a hand up?”

Dionysius's expression was a mix of confusion and disbelief. This was all rather off, wasn't it? The typical “hero saves the damsel” scenario seemed to have taken a curious twist; the one who should have fallen was his sister. Instead, it was he who had taken a spill, and now she was flaunting her “Swan Glide” before coming to his aid.

However, he could hardly refuse Xanthia’s gesture of kindness. He reached out with his gloved hand, using her strength to finally rise to his feet. Unable to suppress his curiosity, he inquired, “When did you learn this skating technique? That was rather impressive!”

“I just mentioned it, didn’t I?” she replied cheerfully. “Since I’m quite adept at roller skating, I simply replicated those moves on the ice. It feels surprisingly straightforward. And yes, I appreciate the compliment! I love hearing the truth. Just wait until I show you some even cooler moves. You'd best watch closely and learn!”

Dionysius pondered to himself, 'No matter how good-looking you are, I simply cannot master this! I’m just an ordinary enthusiast who started figure skating in primary school; how could I possibly self-learn those complex moves?'

Soon after, Xanthia released Dionysius’s hand and began to immerse herself in her tasks, focusing intently on "sweeping" through the daily and ordinary tasks on the system's list. She had just calculated that by completing these tasks and utilizing the "triple experience training area," her Level 1 figure skating skill could leap to Level 2 in one go.

With both Level 2 figure skating and Level 2 table tennis skills acquired, she could then accomplish the quest to obtain the title "As Light as a Swallow," which had always been her goal.

Dionysius soon found himself reduced to merely shouting as a bystander. The vision he had conjured of a perfect brother to rescue his sister was utterly shattered by his prodigious sister, Xanthia!

Were the other ordinary skaters any different?

Xanthia practiced her figure skating moves on the ice, and the disparity was almost too overwhelming…

Yet, she had paid a steep price for her ambition. With her skill level still too low, she stubbornly attempted to master challenging moves like the "Ice Dance Jump" and the "Blade Jump," even going so far as to force herself into a "2A" jump—commonly known as the Axel jump. The inevitable result? A heavy fall!

The "3A" was beyond the reach of her Level 1 figure skating skills; even the "2A" was already pushing her limits. But by attempting such jumps at Level 1, she could still garner substantial experience points, even in failure.

Even a basic backward ice dance jump was a challenge; Xanthia could manage only two rotations and couldn’t guarantee she wouldn’t fall. Three rotations, however, made success even less likely. Yet, once she broke through to Level 2, everything would change. That breakthrough would signify a true transformation, propelling her to an amateur peak. A further step beyond that would elevate her to a professional standard.

At times, Xanthia possessed an unyielding tenacity. She relied on her robust constitution and could monitor her entire physical state through the system, ensuring she wouldn’t sustain serious injuries. With this confidence, she dared to push her limits!

Minor injuries didn’t faze her; she could simply endure the pain as her recovery was swift enough.

This reckless passion, stubbornness, and willingness to treat herself as a game character rather than a mere human were the fundamental reasons behind her rapid skill progression.

Other athletes, how could they possibly train as fiercely as she did?

Dionysius felt a lump in his throat—'Sister, what on earth are you doing?'

'We merely came to enjoy some skating! You’re treating this like life or death! Is this about bringing home a gold medal for the National Olympics?'

[ System : Pain points gained from Dionysius+++  ]

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