Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 9: Unexpected Gains (UP)

Xanthia had not the slightest inkling that her former desk mate, Xenia, would so gravely misconstrue her actions. The latter had gone so far as to spread rumours about Xanthia’s supposed impoverished family background, claiming that she was rife with feelings of inadequacy.

What’s more, as fate would have it, Xanthia’s commitment to the “Clean Plate Campaign,” part of her quest to earn a new attribute, did not go unnoticed by those with less than noble intentions. Her habit of ensuring no food was wasted—something she regarded as merely practical—became fodder for the gossips.

By sheer coincidence, Xanthia was seated near where the cafeteria’s dishes were served, meaning not only Dematero and Glen noticed her but so too did many others in the class. This, in turn, lent further credence to the rumor.

In truth, Xanthia bore no blame in the matter. The food served in the school’s cafeteria was, by all accounts, mediocre at best. Hardly anyone participated in the “Clean Plate Campaign” as she did; indeed, many students were so disinterested in the school’s offerings that they opted to purchase snacks or instant noodles from the school’s convenience store—meals far superior to the cafeteria’s so-called “slop.”

Students from wealthier backgrounds were even bolder, often secretly ordering takeout or borrowing a “day student card” from their commuting peers, allowing them to sneak out to dine in actual restaurants.

For those less fortunate who lived on campus, Sundays were eagerly anticipated, as they provided a brief reprieve from the torturous fare of the school cafeteria.

So, when Xanthia was seen happily eating this “slop” with evident relish, her classmates could only feel a deep sense of pity—how dreadful her life must be if she could find joy in such abysmal food.

Luciel La Lebrador, another student in Class 3, was one who took particular notice. Luciel, with her tomboyish demeanour, strong sense of justice, and knightly disposition, had previously barely registered Xanthia’s existence. Yet now, Xanthia was firmly lodged in her mind.

Luciel was not only revered by the male students as the class beauty but was also popular among the girls. Her wheat-coloured skin, striking features, and easy temperament, combined with her generous nature, gave her a natural air of leadership that endeared her to many.

As the head of the dormitory, Luciel was deeply loved by her roommates, who affectionately referred to her as “husband.” She also held the position of “life committee member” in the class.

Xenia, who shared a dormitory with Luciel and held her in high regard, had previously gossiped about Xanthia with their roommates. At the time, it was dismissed as mere speculation, lacking any substantial evidence.

But the situation had changed. Xanthia wasn’t just participating in the “Clean Plate Campaign” for a single day—she had committed to it for an entire week. Moreover, she meticulously selected only small portions of food, making it easier to complete her task.

This peculiar behaviour seemed to further corroborate the idea that Xanthia came from a poor family. Here was a girl who genuinely enjoyed the food everyone else disdained yet she couldn’t even afford to eat her fill. It was beyond pitiful—it was heartbreaking.

Despite their sympathy, none of the other students were inclined to offer any real support. It’s one thing to feel pity, quite another to take action, especially when the person in question isn’t close to you.

Yet, there are always a few kind souls willing to lend a hand to the vulnerable.

By the fifth day of Xanthia’s “Clean Plate Campaign,” Luciel, with her strong sense of righteousness, could bear it no longer.

When Luciel first observed Xanthia’s “pitiful state” on the campaign’s inaugural day, she refrained from acting hastily, choosing instead to observe further.

Five days passed, and Luciel’s observations confirmed her suspicions: Xanthia, this girl of weak presence and frail frame, undoubtedly came from a struggling background. She probably couldn’t even afford to eat properly, which explained why she seemed so undernourished, perhaps even anaemic—hence her perpetual pallor.

Malnutrition, Luciel mused, surely led to a compromised immune system and frequent illnesses… Everything added up perfectly!

But despite these hardships, Xanthia still faced each day with a smile, appearing content and cheerful. What a resilient spirit!

Luciel, vividly imagining the tragic backstory behind Xanthia’s unwavering optimism, was deeply moved.

On the sixth day at noon, Xanthia was once again dining alone in the cafeteria, her mind alight with thoughts of completing her challenge the next day. With the “foodie” attribute under her belt, she would finally be able to indulge in tastier fare!

During this nearly week-long period, with the system’s aid, Xanthia had also been diligently teaching herself to sing, aiming to activate her “singing” skill points so that she could use her happy points to upgrade.

At the same time, she busied herself accumulating happy points wherever she could, even unexpectedly gathering a few pain points.

The most popular mobile game in this parallel world was still the one she had known from before. Xanthia had enjoyed playing it in her previous life, though she hadn’t been particularly skilled, only reaching the diamond rank in solo matches.

But now, with the “Wisdom Root” attribute in her arsenal, she was confident she could climb even higher, perhaps reaching the topmost rank.

However, during the course of these ranked matches, her confidence led to some unfortunate outcomes for her teammates. Some, with lower ranks, were quick to lash out at the slightest misstep, and Xanthia’s underperformance led to much frustration. Their grievances, while embarrassing for her, had the unexpected benefit of contributing to her pain points.

“The more they suffer, the more I gain!” she thought with a mix of amusement and guilt.

Indeed, her temporary setbacks with her team were just that—temporary. With her growing skill, she knew she could turn the tide, doubling the joy of victory.

She also discovered something intriguing: whenever she used her microphone to encourage her teammates with her soft, sweet voice, they all transformed into perfect gentlemen. Many were exceedingly helpful, and with everyone working together, their chances of winning skyrocketed!

Of course, there were always those sceptics who believed she must be using a voice changer. How else could a girl be so skilled? Surely, no female gamer could be this proficient!

But alas, gaming, while a source of great fun, did not drive most players to despair, so this method of collecting pain points was akin to earning pocket money—it was effective, but slow.

Nevertheless, with the pain points she did accrue, she managed to purchase three limited-edition blind boxes from the store. She hadn’t opened them yet, though. The opening of blind boxes, much like drawing cards, required an auspicious day. She would need to bathe, change into fresh clothes, wear her cross necklace, attend sunday mass, and embrace every superstition to ensure good fortune!

As Xanthia was immersed in these thoughts, enjoying her meal, a striking girl carrying a tray approached her.

“Xanthia, may I sit here?” the girl asked.

“Of course, feel free,” Xanthia replied, recognising her classmate, Luciel La Lebrador.

Luciel gently set her tray down and looked at Xanthia with a cautious gaze.

Xanthia glanced at Luciel’s tray, noting the generous portions. This girl certainly had a hearty appetite, with her tray piled high with various meats—chicken legs, pork chops, and pork loin, all accounted for.

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