Hard Enough

Chapter 24 - Audit

A knock at the front door was not an unusual event by any means.

More often than not, a trainer had ignored all the signs I’d posted and strutted up to my door to demand to fight me. Apparently, they think it helped bolster them and put me on the back foot. Most of the time I merely had one of my stronger pokemon boot them back over the hedge fence. By this point, my pokemon were so used to it that they knew to even tap the sign that helpfully laid out how to approach official Gym challenges.

I had opening hours for a reason. Time outside of that needed to be given over to family time.

So the knock that sounded out after breakfast two days after my return didn’t get much of a reaction beyond me ordering a sibling at random to get the door. “Tommy! See who it is please!”

“I don’t want to!” He called back. I sighed before remembering the advice given by the parenting book I’d been reading.

“You can either get the door or you can take over folding everyone’s laundry for me!” Footsteps and grumbles under his breath let me know which he picked. I could just make out a conversation occurring at the entryway but not what was being said. Tommy seemed happy to see whoever it was so I ignored that and returned to folding the eighth top from a pile of unsorted laundry.


I set down the laundry on the bench, and made my way out. “What have I told you about yelling inside?” I asked as I came to the front door of our house.

Tommy coughed, “She said it was important?” Nurse Joy looked amused at Tommy’s efforts to throw her under the stampeding Tauros.

I waved a finger at him. “That doesn’t mean you can do it. Billy and Tilly might have been resting, or someone else for that matter.”

“It’s the morning and everyone’s had breakfast so that’s no—” “Munchlax!” I grinned as the little munchkin of a pokemon rounded the corner, obviously annoyed at Tommy. I gave Tommy a look and the boy dropped his shoulders. “Sorry, Munchlax.” After a pause I coughed, glancing at Nurse Joy meaningfully. “Yeah?” He said while looking between us.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re not supposed to blame someone else for your errors. It’s wrong, and even if I knew it wasn’t the case, they might dislike what you tried to do. So it's best to apologise to that person as well.”

“Sorry, Nurse Joy?” he said in a way that made it clear he wasn’t sure why he was apologising, but was going to do it anyway because ‘Big Bro said so’. I merely counted my lucky Mareep that he wasn’t digging his heels in. Once Nurse Joy offered a polite “Apology accepted”, I patted him on the shoulder, proffering a hand inside.

“Care to come in?” I asked to which she nodded. I pushed Tommy back into the house and he grinned before running off. “Hey what did I—” “Nurse Joy’s here everyone!!” Tommy shouted as he ran into the house., instantly forgetting everything we had just spoken of.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead as Nurse Joy giggled. “I’m thinking of recording a sitcom for Goldenrod to adapt,” I said to her. Nurse Joy tittered at my humour but didn’t say anything further as we entered the kitchen. I gave her a seat at the kitchen counter looking into the prep area before claiming a chair on the other side.

“So what’s—” I was interrupted as Yolanda and Forrest, shadowed by Salvadore and Cindy, darted in. All of them zeroed in on Nurse joy and a wave of questions rang out.

“What’cha doing here! Nurse Joy!” “Nurse Joy!” “Nurse Joy look what I can do with my face! sem whuh ib loogs lig?” “Heal any strong pokemon!?” “Heal any cute pokemon!?” “Nurse Joy!” “Nurse Joy!” Despite the wave of questions, Nurse Joy merely smiled and worked her way through the questions with an easy smile.

I chuckled and set about preparing a light snack for everyone to enjoy as Joy handled them, showcasing her years of experience in dealing with excitable children.

When everyone was calmly enjoying a beverage of choice —Milk and juice for the children, tea and coffee for the adults— I returned to why the Nurse had come around. “So what brings you to our home, Nurse Joy? I don’t have any pokemon that are sick or injured right now if this is a check-up. Unless some of them are due for a booster of some type?”

Joy set her drink down and then drew herself up in her seat. “Brock.” I straightened as I understood just from the way she had said my name that I wasn’t meant to enjoy the next thing she said. “I have been instructed in my capacity as the local League Auditor to conduct a full assessment of your facility.”

Around the room, multiple small plastic cups fell from suddenly weak fingers. Tilly and Billy who’d snuck in later but had their own small cups glanced around, aware that something said had caused a reaction. They gasped theatrically and then made a show of hurling their cups away. They probably thought we’d detected poison or some such.

“You’re an auditor!?” Said Forrest in surprise. When Joy merely nodded, her eyes remaining on me, he fell back, processing that the woman that had helped so many of our pokemon was an ‘Auditor’. Yolanda took up the questioning in his place.

“What does this mean? Do you think big brother isn’t good enough to be a gym leader?!”

“No. That’s not the issue here.” I tilted my head and nodded once. She didn’t really need to spell it out for me but, to let her know I was following along, I made a circle with a finger to the west where the Plateau rested.

“You said ‘been instructed to’? By your superior?”

Nurse nodded her head stiffly, her lips tightly pressed. I hummed in thought, “Well I guess now’s as good a time as any. But first, I should get these kids’ clothes off them before they stain.”

Forrest and Yolanda whipped their heads around at me as I causally began cleaning up Tilly and Billy’s mess. They hovered as I lightly scolded the youngest twins for the mess. “What’s up guys?”

“How are you okay with this Brock! She’s… She’s auditing you!” Forrest said, grappling with the air in front of himself.

“Uhuh, yup she’s doing her job as she’s supposed to.”

Joy chose to cut at my last comment. “I’m actually interested in why you didn’t react.” She stared at me pointedly, “Did you know that I was an auditor already?”

“Yup!” I said without a care. She tilted her head.

“Your father knew? He never seemed to try much harder to impress me before this. I don’t think I gave him enough credit if he worked it out. Your mother…” I was glad I was kneeling down with my back turned to Joy, as my grimace felt ugly. I decided instead of digging at the issue of that woman, I would instead shrug her comment off.

“Shall we?” I gestured to the back exit that was directly attached to the gym administration area. It would be quicker to walk through there than go around the front. Also, it was less eye-catching. While the local reporters didn’t outright stake me out, they weren’t above strolling past in case something interesting was happening. Me having Nurse Joy here would be of minor interest most times, except it was not during the circuit.

People would wonder why I had her around. Although, I did have a ready-made half-truth about looking into getting a Chansey for the gym.

Then again most of the reporters were probably at the Plateau trying to get an interview with Celia. She’d done well winning her matches through the second group rumble stage. She was now into the Quarterfinals. She just had three more matches to win and she’d be crowned victor for this year’s circuit. She’d already become a trainer to watch, and was heralded as Kanto’s darling after her dominance in the previous rounds.

A tap of a button saw the arena lighting up. I directed Forrest to the referee’s podium before claiming my own traditional podium. I deliberately only used the half-field format in my gym, which is best for smaller-level matches. On the way through the administration building, I had claimed a handful of pokemon for myself.

“Going through the rounds? Or…” I deliberately trailed off. Theoretically, she could challenge me with an Elite challenge, but who would be crazy enough to force that after I’d made my previous showing? It wouldn’t hold any weight beyond my pokemon potentially being tired. If anything it would have thrown more scrutiny towards the Nurses at the Plateau for a bad treatment plan.

I’d shown I could throw down at the Elite level, but being a gym leader wasn’t just about throwing out your biggest and baddest each time some kid tried to kick your door in.

Tempting as it was sometimes..

“The first match for the… audit,” Forrest squeaked a little at that before continuing on, “Will be a two-on-two for a First Badge fight!”

I threw out a Geodude while Nurse Joy threw out a Marill. I nodded at her selection. The fight went the way you’d expect it to if this was the basic fight in the games. Water trumps Rock. Geodude went down with a Bubble Beam and Marill made short work of my Onix while I tried to use Bide to get off a hard hit. Nurse Joy of course knew to either backoff or bull through though.

“Water Gun!” Marill chirped happily as it spat out a deceptively powerful water blast. I withdrew Onix before he could collapse. I continued to smile at her.

“So that’s the first-tier match-up. Trainers should, as you have now, demonstrate a basic understanding of typings and how to leverage said typings.” I gestured and Forrest raised his arms once more.

“The Second Badge challenge will now commence!”

Once again I threw out a Geodude. This one was slightly larger and more muscular than the previous showing for her species. Marill pointedly remained on the field. Forrest glanced at me but only got a platonic smile in response.


“Dig!” I ordered even as Marill fired off another round of water blasts. Nurse Joy giggled to herself as my tactics for this match were made apparent. She directed her Marill to adjust and listen, but my Geodude was too quick in burrowing herself.

Geodude popped up and landed a heavy punch right into the small water mouse.

“Again,” I ordered. Geodude grunted and dove in before Maril could hit her once more. I nodded at her speed. She fought with skill using her arms wonderfully to dig while priming them for the next move. I was considering giving this Geodude a name. I felt she’d earnt the right after staying a two-badge defender for me for the past two years. She had the best of skills in her range which was certainly not faint praise.

“Geodude, finish it with Mega Punch.” This time when she emerged she did so with a glowing fist that sent Marill rolling backwards. Nurse Joy withdrew her when she slumped to the ground.

“Nice work… Moxy?” I asked her. She turned, her body slightly tilted in the way Geodudes often used to convey that they were unsure or questioning what a person was saying. I nodded at her. “Yeah, you’re Moxy from now on.” She clapped her hands happily at this announcement before turning back and punching her fists forwards a few times.

“Go Ivysaur!” I whistled at Nurse Joy’s next choice. She grinned back. This time I had the newly dubbed Moxy throw rocks at her before ordering another dig.

“Use Protect!” Joy responded, just as Moxy broke out from the ground to land a hit. The hexagon shell blocked the attack on Ivysaur before dissipating quickly. “Now use Vinewhip to restrain and take it out!” One vine lashed around Moxy while the other began to whip her.

“Moxy close in and punch them down!” I ordered.

Moxy got three solid hits in before going down to the vine whips. I withdrew her but pulled out a roll of stickers I kept mostly for family purposes. On Moxy’s pokeball a small green gem was placed to remind me which one was hers going forwards.

I then directed my attention back to Joy. “Go Graveler!” I settled in for the next few rounds of pokemon fights. I found myself grinning as Joy revealed some of her personal pokemon and pushed me to the limits of the rules I had set for each tier of pokemon matches.

All and all it wasn’t a bad way to start the day for all that I was being audited right now.

The next match-up between us, I scrapped a win. That got a begrudging whistle of surprise from Joy. I made sure to use Graveler to the best of his ability while not replicating the ‘dig’ tactic I had annoyed her with in the first round.

“Surprised you didn’t stick with it,” she said as she withdrew her Ivysaur.

“I could still do it later on?” I pointed out. Then I shrugged. “But having trainers adapt to just one strategy isn’t what this level is about. There are plays and counters. This is where trainers start to show that they can adapt on the fly, not just plan in advance. In a way this showcases evolving meta-strategies and makes them handle situations as they develop.” I gestured with a hand expansively. “This is where you need to have either a ton of brute strength or you need to have a brain between your ears.”

Joy quirked a brow at me. “A ton of brute force?”

“It’s a strategy, of a sort.” I raised my hands in a ‘what can you do’ gesture. “It’s just a shame that most people that use it are people buying pokemon they never trained up to that level, or that they inherited an older relative’s pokemon.” It was rare to have a pokemon passed down but some families did it. Ostensibly for legacy, but most pokemon were already used to taking some level of orders from family members. It could already be seen with many of my pokemon accepting basic commands from even Tommy.

Tilly and Billy were mostly herded to safe areas if they found themselves in the pokemon area. Any commands they gave were followed only to make them follow along.

The next tier of my fight with the Audit was relatively the same, only things tightened up a little with the matchups. This was where I could use my judgement to send out stronger pokemon if I thought I needed to truly test the trainer.

Nurse Joy did just that by sending out a Venusaur as her first choice. I matched her with an Alolan Graveler. She still won that fight but not without me paralysing and taking out her Venusaur in turn. I grinned before tossing out a Rhydon to match up against her Machoke.

The fight that ensued was raw and primal in a way that only two physical powerhouses could produce.

My Rhydon charged, seemingly like a wild beast that left itself completely open to a counter. Only for him to pivot on one foot and slam an Iron Tail right into Machoke’s ribs, hurling the fighting type away. Machoke rose with a furious roar, the dirt cascading off their bulging muscles before they rocketed back into the fight.

“Cross Chop!” Joy snarled.

“Mega Punch!” I countered. Both pokemon slammed their hits into each other, but this time Rhydon buckled and was thrown backwards. When Rhydon stood tall he did so with a snarl, the horn atop his head spinning in anticipation.

“Earthquake,” I commanded, causing the arena to buckle and shake. Machoke lost his footing which I capitalised on. “Hydro pump and knock him away.” Nurse Joy withdrew her pokemon at that and raised a hand to signal her loss.

I bowed my head towards her, agreeing that it was a good call as I had put on the pressure with my moves and made sure her Machoke wouldn’t have been able to recover from the stumble.

The last stage of testing was reserved for the four badges and up. Anyone coming to my gym asking for their fifth to final badge would face a daunting challenge.

Here I stopped pulling my punches and making exploitable mistakes. Now, trainers needed to demonstrate they could adapt while also forcing battles into their favoured conditions.

I opened that match with an Onix. My strongest Onix, in fact. Joy matched me with an Arbok. I chuckled as the two giant snakes eyed off against each other.

“Sandstorm,” I called out the opening move and denied all visibility on the field. Onix vanished into the ground a moment after the sandstorm appeared. I could just make out Arbok stiffening.

“Arbok! Leap up high!” shouted Joy over the top of the howling winds.

“Urgh,” I grunted at the dodge before smirking. “Stone Edge Onix,” I ordered as my snake shot out of the earth, bringing with him a number of boulders that rocketed up to slam into the airborne Arbok.

Arbok tumbled down. “Close in!” I ordered as sand rasped at our foe.

“Arbok! Use Sludge Bomb!!

“Burn them off with Dragon Breath,” I countered.

The huge wads of poison were spat out only for a blue flame to engulf them. Then the attack slammed into Arbok causing it to howl and crumple as it fainted from the pain.

Nurse Joy withdrew her Arbok and, for a long moment, she didn’t do anything else. I had to look up to the screen to the side that showed her staring into the sandstorm where my Onix loomed in and out of vision. She looked past it as if looking toward me before reaching up to her neck.

I blinked as I realised I’d apparently done enough to make her call out her best. She drew out an Ultra Ball, which was an obvious statement of how much she rated her next pokemon. For all that they were easy to get in the game, Ultra Balls were expensive.

“Go Latias!” I coughed in surprise at the announcement. I’d known from the anime she might have such a pokemon but holy Arceus! Joy capitalised on my shock. “Use Whirlwind to blow away the sand!”

With the Sandstorm blown away, I was able to see my family gaping at the new pokemon. Forrest was likewise staring with his mouth hanging openly, despite being the referee and therefore supposed to remain stoic.

I really couldn’t fault him.

“What is that?!” shouted Tilly.

I couldn’t answer her, but I knew Yolanda would keep them entertained. I might not have told the youngest specifically about Latias yet, but I did like to include mythic and legendary pokemon in my bedtime stories. I nodded toward Joy in respect

“Onix! Dragon Breath!”

“No Brock, don't beat it up! It's beautiful and I love it!” screamed Tilly from the stands, making me suddenly feel like an utter heel for continuing to fight. I ignored her even as my heart lurched at her words. I really needed to focus right now.

I’d known she’d had it from my previous knowledge, but it was still amazing to see it.

“Dodge it!” Joy shouted, making her pokemon blitz away as my pokemon swept his breath across the field. It was simply way too fast.

My face hurt a little as I ordered my pokemon to hang on. “Use Bide!”

“End it! Psychocut!” I hissed in a breath. I knew that move. One didn’t grow up with Sabrina and not understand the danger of high-level psychic attacks.

“Pay—” Before I could get the order out Latias appeared behind Onix. My pokemon spun around to attack only to twitch. My Onix stiffened a moment before slamming into the ground. It was like watching a speedy swordsman make a strike only for someone to realise they’d been cut a moment later.

I withdrew him with a nod only and selected another pokeball. “Go Shelly!” I shout, tossing out my ‘ace’ for the Four and up badge challengers. In a burst of light, my Omastar took center stage. She appeared with a delighted wave of her tentacles and a trill of her name. When she noticed that it was only my family in the stands she tilted her head cutely. Then she oriented herself toward Joy and appeared to be extremely confused.

She gave me a baffled look but I merely shook my head. “No, we're actually fighting Nurse Joy right now.”

“Ooooo…Mastar!” she said, accepting the reality of things and adopting a fighting stance.

“B-begin!” called Forrest.

“Ice Beam up a wall in front!”

“Take her out Latias! Psychocut once more!” Once more the Latias vanishes in a burst of speed but this time I’ve already got a move in the air. Latias slammed through the ice beam and shrieked even as it landed a glancing blow. Both Shelly and Latias go spinning off in different directions.

“Stand up and go into Surf!” From where Shelly fell, a wave built up.

“Use Psychic!” A pink glow lances out and breaks up the wave before lifting Shelly up.

“Use Ice Beam to blast it!” I said, trying to make the most of the situation while the frighteningly fast pokemon was hovering instead of rocketing around the arena.

“Toss it!” Joy ordered, causing my pokemon to be thrown into a wall. Instead of slamming into it, Shelly created an ice slide that she slipped down. When she spun around to face Latias, the jet pokemon was staring at her in surprise.

Joy stared across at me. She licked her lips and started to lean forward only to startle and glance around. Then she blushed before shaking her head. “Ahem! I think you’ve done more than enough to prove yourself Brock… Care to stop here?”

I blinked, surprised that she was actually conceding the fight. Or rather that she’s ending things there. I’d lost track of time with Latias’s emergence, but she was still supposed to be auditing me, wasn’t she? Still, I felt my blood running hot and I was in the midst of a fight I doubted I’d get to experience again for quite a while. Shelly wasn’t my strongest but I had the moves and methods to see her triumphant. A shout from the stands reminded me that there would be more outcomes than just winning or losing if I pushed things further.

Suzie would probably not speak to me for a week at least. She was learning to be stubborn and knew how to use it. I couldn’t even be annoyed as she probably picked it up from me. I coughed into my fist.

“Right, I’m sure that’d be fine… As long as you let Tilly and Suzie pet your Latias, that is.” Joy turned her head and saw Yolanda holding Tilly back from leaping over the railing. Suzie was being held by Salvadore, but both of them looked like they might join in on Tilly’s efforts to rush onto the field if the match wasn’t called soon.

If this had been a public match, I could only think that others would already be on the field to inspect the mythical pokemon.

I nodded towards Forrest and he jerked in surprise. “Right! So uhm… the audit is officially concluded. In a draw?” I nodded at him and toggled the podiums to lower down. Shelly happily dropped her fighting pose and trundled up to Latias, trilling a proper greeting. Latias seemed just as happy to stop fighting as she lowered herself down and began talking with my pokemon.

I walked forward to meet Joy in the middle. “Well, I have to admit Joy, seeing you pull out a Latias was certainly a surprise. She’s gorgeous.” I raised a hand and the jet-shaped dragon raced in to nuzzle it. This caused a shrill shriek of joy to emanate from the stands. Yolanda once again snatched Tilly before she could throw herself over the railing and instead led the procession of my family down the stairs to meet the rare pokemon.

“Does Lance know you have her?” I asked while watching my siblings pet the trilling pokemon. The Latias nuzzled into the pets which were coming from my siblings and my Omastar as well. It was amusing to see it being so affectionate after such a fierce fight.

“Hmmm hm! He does, and he knows he can’t ever offer me enough for her. He tried everything under the sun when he learnt I’d gained her as a companion. Nothing ever came a fraction close to her worth though.” I gave her a look before humming in thought. For all that Lance had been a braggart with me initially, he wasn’t a bad guy, just proud. Joy wouldn’t have to worry about any underhand actions from him at least.

“Where’d you find her?”

“I get the occasional holiday. I found her when I went on a trip to Hoenn and she found me tending to an injured group of pokemon. For days after it felt like I had someone ghosting me, but I merely thought it was a Gastly or a Shuppet. It turned out to be so much more.” Her smile as she watched her pokemon nuzzle into Yolanda was soft and motherly.

It made my guts spasm as something dark tried to rise up but I forced it down.

“So did I pass your audit?” I asked casually, hands tucked in my pockets. My family froze suddenly remembering that I’d lost matches. I had no doubt that I’d have to explain later that the purpose of these fights wasn’t to force wins but to demonstrate certain levels of skill at each match. I could have pushed things perhaps at the end but I didn’t have to.

Joy huffed. “Please, you and I both know this is a farce. I’ve made my official audit and that’s all they can ask of me and you for this year. I know from having access to your records that you keep more than enough pokemon on hand for most situations, and you have the understanding needed to be considered the best Gym Leader for both new and experienced trainers to face.”

As my family heaved sighs of relief, I gestured to the side to talk more privately. Joy followed me without any worry and when we were out of the way I leaned next to her. “Did someone ask that you run more than one audit?”

“Yes, and I pointed out that I could only run the one official audit to my superior. When they asked for more regardless of this, I denied them. That wasn’t the answer they wanted though.” She sighed and shook her head. “My superior is usually rather calm and put together, Brock. And then they gave me this order… I could tell something was different with this.” Nurse Joy frowned and shook her head, “They seemed out of sorts with how they were acting. They even asked me to push for more during my investigation. I pointed out my mandate as an inspection agent and they were forced to take things back. I suspect someone else was pushing things along.”

“So… I’ve made an enemy of someone in the League then?” I frowned, “Lance wouldn’t be this petty…”

She shook her head. “No. Lance wouldn't. He’s brash and would face you openly, either with a summons or through a pokemon match. You’ve won his respect, I’m sure, with the recent fight you had. If anything he should be talking you up and looking out for you. That being said, he isn’t the only one affected by his loss. Your victory certainly smeared his image as Indigo’s golden undefeatable champion.” She shifted about and tugged on a lock of hair, “I… I honestly don’t know what to think. Just keep an eye out, there are other ways to get at Gym Leaders that are all too legal.” I could only nod at her words.

I spent another hour marvelling at the Latias. For Joy, the time spent was one of amusement as she rarely got to show off her pokemon, lest she had people hound her. With the huge gym arena being closed off to the public, Latias got to show off as much as she liked.

She was like a miniature jet and when she streaked from one side of the arena to the other, she caused pressure waves to rock us. This only has the kids cheering for more. When she began to arc around in a wide circle she sped up, but she was controlled about it. She started leaving contrails in her wake. She spun over and over herself forming ribbons of cloud that slowly faded behind her.

I can’t help but notice that she just crossed roughly three hundred metres in roughly five seconds and that was with the second slowing down to tap the wall included. What would this pokemon be capable of in an open arena or a field? Joy wasn’t someone you’d ever want to throw down against but I doubted she was pushing her pokemon. In the hands of Lance, a pokemon like this would be a nightmare team killer all by itself.

Hadn’t a trainer in the anime done much the same? I sucked my teeth as I watched as the eon pokemon gambolled about at high speeds. She was incredible, a marvel of pokemon evolution that highlighted all the wonder that I and others still had to discover in this world.

Part of me delighted in her showboating. Another part, that I couldn’t shut off, noted all the ways she could use that grace and speed in combat.

Eventually, Joy leaves, much to the complaints of my siblings but I hold them back before kneeling down. “Hey, gang, remember how I talked about some secrets being bad?”

They nodded their heads dutifully. This was a lesson I had made sure to teach them for a myriad of reasons.

“Right well, this secret, this one about Nurse Joy having her pretty pokemon? We shouldn’t go telling people that, alright? This is different, as it’s not something she wants to share. It’s different as it is… uhmm,” I floundered for the right words. If I had something prepared I might have been able to teach a lesson with this.

A Gym Leader is never supposed to expect the Inspection agency, however.

“It’s like… It’s not a secret that can hurt people, and she’s done nothing wrong but if lots of people knew they’d make Joy sad and…” I trailed off as I got slow nods. “Right so, please don’t share her secret.” I put a finger to my lips and they mimicked me. I smiled and winked at them before waving back through the gym towards our house. “Alright, you scamps! I have some more work to do today, so get yourselves home! That tv isn’t going to watch itself!”

I rose and clapped Forrest on the shoulder. “Nice work today.” He grinned before he ducked out of my grip to enjoy slacking off. I headed to my office, where I turned on a small tv as I worked through emails and reports to close out the circuit.

As I did so, I kept an ear on the way the talking heads sometimes downplayed my victory, or derided my tactics of not rising to the challenge straight away. I wouldn’t have noticed if not for how I’d space out only to catch my name, or Pewter, being discussed. I tapped my finger on the table in thought.

It was an insidious thing, and I wouldn’t have noticed it if I hadn’t experienced it in my past life. The phrasing they used was very important, more important than most would understand. It spoke of someone in power, possibly someone that controlled news, being interested in downplaying me. I flipped to another few channels and found only a few of them copying the other channel. Some were supportive of me. Battlecast was completely supportive, and the fashion channel liked my new wardrobe.

I drummed my fingers on the table. I didn’t need to see three actions against myself to understand that someone was targeting me. The question I had was, how I could respond.

The most straightforward answer I had seemed to be shoring myself up. I turned back to the computer. It would seem I’d need a Media representative and a Lawyer sooner than expected. Now I just needed to figure out who to hire.

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