Harem Overlord System

48. Attack On The Academy




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 



        ///////// ( Third Person Pov) \\\\\\\\


*Bamm!* *Cracks!* *Boooommmm!!!****

"Wow..., its meteor shower here. Hey, Illia, It would good idea, if you can deploy the shield around us as I don't want to deal with this shit the moment I came here," Kosei said seeing the light attacks flying around from the above so he ask Illia for spacial shields so he won't have to always on the alert mode and waste his energy.

"Alright Master, I am on it!" Illia replied with her not so happy voice.

"What the hell is going on here and who is attacking the academy." Mira's flustered voice sounded.

"Ohh, don't worry about that as I already confirm everyone's safety, the moment I came out of that place," Kosei replied with a calm voice.

"Well, that's good but we need to do something about this attack otherwise, the academy might collapse with the destruction happening around." Mira patted her chest with relief then said with little anger mixed towards the attacker.

"Ohh! About that, It looks like someone is about to take care of this problem, well how about we go there and see for ourselves," Kosei replied with a thoughtful but hidden grinning face.


A few moments ago,

"Is this the place I'm supposed to attack?" suddenly a girl came flying above the Royal Biblia Academy with flight magic? 

"Ohh well, I should start as I can't sustain this flight and It takes too much energy out of me. Anyway, I just hope, that guy won't make a move!" said the girl to herself looking in a particular direction then started to shoot down her light black beams.

She is a young woman with a modest bust and long white hair tied into a ponytail, fashioned with a large dark hair clip ornament. However, her most notable feature is her dark eye patch worn over her right eye to allow her to utilize her magic more efficiently.

Her normal attire consists of a black, high-necked, sleeveless unitard worn over by a red off the shoulders kimono with dark hems held together by a yellow obi and white cuffed ankle boots.

As she was thinking and shooting black light beams below her as she was flying above the academy buildings so whenever she shot down her magic, the rooftop of the buildings will collapse.

"You don't have to worry about that man taking action as someone is here to take care of that." Suddenly a voice came from behind her which startled her then feeling familiar with her voice and magic, she calm down.

"Hey, Hijiri! Don't surprise me like that, anyway, why are you here so quickly? Didn't you have to go somewhere?" A white-haired girl turn her head to the side to see a newcomer who came unnoticed. Finding her familiar she joked and then asked the question.

Then noticing that their opponent is coming they both came down.


"Hey, Mira! It would be better if you don't participate in this battle as this is a good chance as any for the Yui and Akio to try their combination in this battle, also Levi needs to check how much she has progressed. You don't have to worry about their safety as there are only two opponents so three of them are enough to take care of them." Kosei said to Mira as they reached the place where the battle is about to start.

"Mmm, but if they have a hard time then I would help out." Said Mira with a face that says I won't take no for an answer.

"Fine, well, let's go first and we should also greet the headmaster," Kosei led them to the side of the headmaster where he standing with the black-robed person.

"Greetings headmaster, we are back, by the way, why are standing around here? Well, let me set up the place for us to sit and enjoy the show which is about to fold." Kosei greeted the headmaster and nodded towards the robed person which he is pretty sure is Master Liber, A former headmaster of Liber Academy and a Paladin who holds the same power, and authority as Master Biblia.

Kosei then took out the large round table and set up five chairs then took out very fragment tea then poured a cup into each of them, and put the half-filled teapot in the middle which still holds hot and fragment tea on it.

"Come...come, take your sheet and drink a sip of my handmade tea which can provide relaxation with just a sip." After inviting them over he sat down and took a sip of his tea, and sighed with a relaxed expression like showing them off to make them jealous.

Seeing this weird behaviour of his student the headmaster Biblia shook his and sat down then Mira also sat beside Kosei. The robed lady, seeing the antics of Kosei, glared at him weirdly then she also sat down.

"Ohh wow, this tea is good, can I get a few of this tea?" Headmaster took the sip and felt relaxed so he complimented the tea and asked if he gets some of it.

"Mmm, there's some left, I can give you one packet and no more than that!" Said Kosei after taking another sip.

"Umm! Headmaster, who are these people and why are they attacking us," Mira asked feeling left out and feeling weird with the situation like they are on a picnic, not in a situation where someone is attacking them.

Kosei sees that the headmaster is hesitating in answering her question.

"Headmaster, you don't have to worry about her being headstrong!" Kosei said as the headmaster is worried because of Mira's personality and attitude towards evil.

As these people call themselves evil mages.

"Well, let me explain but before that. Headmaster Liber, you don't have to hide your identity from us anymore." Kosei said after reassuring the headmaster and then took the lead in explaining.

"How did you know that it was me and not someone else." Ask headmaster Liber to uncover her face.

Master Liber is the former Paladin Class Headmaster of the now destroyed Liber Academy. She is presently a member of Iscariot and is the closest thing seen to the group's leader thus far.

Her true identity is that she is one of the Heavenly Arbitrators of "Holy", and her Ark is "Overeating". Her pillar symbol is "Cancer". She is one of the oldest active Arbitrators. She has the title of "Archbishop". Due to her arrogance, and being one of the longest Arbitrators, she is treated higher than others making her the leader instead of Aetheria.

Master Liber is short and slender, with pink hair that ends in curls. Her eyes are a darker shade of pink or even red.

"Hmm, It's not hard and just my guess but I was pretty sure about it. As you know our headmaster is a Paladin class mage so not many people can make him take them seriously so I can only think of two more people who are the same class as him, they are Master Akasa and you, Master Liber. But Master Akasa won't go out on his way to do something troublesome according to him so which only left you." After explaining to her, he again took a sip after feeling a little dry from speaking so much.

"Hoo, pretty impressive of you, how about joining our side, you are wasting your talent here." Headmaster Liber sounded impressed then a thoughtful look offered him to join their side.

"Hey...hey, Master Liber, no-poaching my student and what do mean by wasting his talent, I give them full freedom so they can showcase their talent," Headmaster Biblia replied feeling offended.

"Thanks for the offer but I am not going anywhere as I have friends here and am feeling grateful for the headmaster Biblia for taking me in when I don't have anywhere else to go." Kosei tactfully refused and expressed his heartfelt words.

"Anyway, we are getting off-topic here. So where were we Ahh Yes, I was explaining that they are a group of people which headmaster Liber has gotten together. Arata's cousin, Hijiri, recently came back from the void and from that, I can guess she has some information which is their main reason to be here but I don't know what that is." Kosei seeing that they getting off track got their attention then spoke his speculation and last word directed towards headmaster Liber.

Of course, he knew why they are here but he can't just tell them that, sometimes it's fine but not always as it might become suspicious.

Headmaster Biblia had already guessed their reason for them being here as he has a lot of experience and a little bit of hint is enough for him to deduce that.

"Sigh well, we did get some information but I am not completely relying on it as it's just one of the possibilities so I thought why not confirm it with my own eyes and you might have guessed it. It's related to demon lord candidate Arata! When Hijiri was in the void after getting caught in the breakdown phenomenon. She kind of lived there or more like floated there without much control of herself then one day, she got to see the future of this world where Arata has become a demon lord with trinity seven standing by his side and he destroyed the world.

I don't know how much this prediction can be true so I came here myself to verify this person. By the way, where he is as I don't see him anywhere!" The headmaster explained why they came here then suddenly remembered the reason she came herself here so she asked headmaster Biblia where Arata is.

"Ohh! About that he should be in the infirmary, hahaha!" Headmaster said with an awkward laugh.

"Ahem! Anyway here is some popcorn, freshly cooked with cola as the fight already had started so we should enjoy the show," Kosei said changing the topic taking out popcorn and cola then he put it on the table so they can have their share of it as the fight had started going on so he started to pay attention there.




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