Harem Overlord System

51. Fight Ends And Reunion




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 




   ///// ( Third Person Pov) \\\\\

*Bam!!!* *Boom!!!*

*Swish!!* *Bamm!!!*

In the training field of Biblia Royal Academy, two girls and one projection of a girl attached to one of them can be seen engaged in a fierce fight which left the ground in tatters making a lot of cracks and small crafters.

"Hahahah! This is the fight I wanted, Ahh! it's so much better than smashing some weak-ass opponents!" Said the girl who wasn't so good state herself with brushes all over the body and from the tears on her clothes, the blood can be seen dripping.

Even after having scars here and there, she is immersed in the fight, dodging then flipping in the midair then launching a flurry of attacks with kicks and punches.

Her opponent is also not in a good state as the scar on her face kept increasing as the fight kept going on.

"Umm Akio! Are you all right and Hijiri-san, your scar is increasing, isn't it dangerous. Umm! Can you end the fight, please!" The girl in the projection form is our cute, kind and mischievous Yui, who upon seeing Akio and Hijiri's condition started to worry so she tried to stop them but seeing them not listening to her then she did her best and try to minimise the damage.

Akio's injuries might be much more serious than they are now but Yui kept the injuries from getting serious.

The two girls who are busy fighting, and did not pay attention to Yui are Akio and Hijiri.


In fighting seen...

*Bamm!* *Booomm!!!*



Akio is sometimes dodging when Hijiri starts to throw long-range attacks then getting a chance in between, Akio strikes at Hijiri with a flurry of kicks and punches to which Hijiri mostly dodges or parries Akio's attacks then throws her claw-like attacks in counter.

As the fight goes on for half an hour, they became somewhat exhausted so their movement also became a lot sluggish and Hijiri is on the verge of vanishing as her physical body depends on the magic core.

(A/N: I call the Crystal, Magic Core which is the core of Hijiri so when she vanishes, she will leave it behind. If there is a more fitting name for it then do give the suggestions .)


At the side with the group of people who are observing their fight from a safe distance.

"Looks like, they are finally getting serious and someone forgot to be cautious when fighting an opponent above their level. Sigh! They need more training!" Said Kosei with a sigh, looking at the state of Akio and Hijiri.

"Umm! Shouldn't we stop them?" Mira try to voice out her worry in an inaudible voice which was heard by Kosei as he was closed to her.

After Kosei to the Academy, Mira has started to change and express herself more in front of people who she is familiar with otherwise, she wouldn't have said something like that.

Headmaster Biblia and Master Liber were talking things on their own which doesn't interest him much so Kosei was just appeasing and trying to tease Mira beside her and making fun of seeing her embarrassed red face.

"Master Liber, Now that you have tested our mages so would you like to see the demon lord candidate, then you can decide what to do from here on as we don't want to have too much destruction so it would be better for both of us." Headmaster suggested seeing that Master Liber also doesn't want to fight or have a desire to cause unwanted destruction.

As whenever Paladin or above class Mages fight they will cause the space to distort and several km areas would be affected and when their powers clash, it would cause a world level phenomenon so it's not much different from causing the breakdown phenomenon with world level power of destruction.

"Mmmmn! I agree with that and well! let me see, what kind of person this candidate is." Agreeing with the suggestion Master Liber smiled and said to Headmaster Biblia to call Arata or the demon lord candidate.

Headmaster then signal Kosei with his eyes then Kosei informed the Yui to go call Arin to take Arata to where they are sitting.


In the infirmary

"Arin, what's going on outside and what with this noise," Arata asked Arin who was trying to peel Apple to feed him which Arata finds very touching after the b!g @ss beating he got but listening to loud banging noises made him worried a little.

He should feel lucky as the only building in the vicinity left with little scratches and others beside it, are more or less got demolished.

"Hmmm! It's just that the enemy is attacking at the moment and you don't have to worry as others are there so it would be solved in a moment." Arin replied with an expressionless face and was pretty nonchalant about it.

"Ohh! It's fine then, Umm! Shouldn't we go there to see what's going on?" Arata after hearing that the headmaster and others are there, felt relief and also curious about who would be daring enough to attack the academy.

Shortly after a few moments later Yui informed Arin to take Arata to the headmaster.


"Mmmn! Ahhh, where am I? Itta.itta...ouch.. Damn it hurts!" Poor Lugh opened her eyes looked around found herself lying on the cold floor then try to move her body which made her groan as her ribs hurt like hell.

"Hey, don't move otherwise, you will make your injuries worse!" Said the Ninja who is sitting beside her and resting from her earlier fight.

"Ahhh! What happened and how the hell! Did I end up like this?" Lugh sat up with difficulty and then grabbed her side with one hand ask Levi feeling confused tried to remember what happened for her to end like this.

"Ohh, hmmm! It's...you know!" Levi feels awkward and funny remembering that scene.

"What" Lugh blurted with a question mark on her face seeing Levi hesitating.

Lugh, not getting an idea why Levi have a face like that.

"You know after I attacked you and you got in the middle of Akio and Hijiri's fight so Akio by mistake attacked you then you ended up embedded on the wall which knocked you out," Levi explained what happened with her with little difficulty as she was controlling her expression and trying not to laugh at Lugh funny situation.

"Ohh! So that's what happened!" Acknowledged Lugh with a thoughtful expression.

You know Lugh is like that If you don't say to her directly then she wouldn't be able to tell If someone was praising her or just being sarcastic.


On the other hand, the fight between Akio and Hijiri still going on but after fighting for some time, it had made them exhausted so both mainly exchanged punches and kicks.

And seeing that fight is no longer useful Kosei decided to stop it otherwise Hijiri's time might be up and that idiot of a disciple of his, won't be able to have his happy reunion with his cousin Hijiri.

"Hmmm! Ladies this fight has gone long enough and seeing how exhausted you both have become so give it rest, so how about It," Kosei came in between them in instant and caught both Akio and Hijiri's hands with enough force to make them stop and pay attention to him.

"Hmmm! It's fine but can you leave my hand it's hurt you know." Said both of them with a glare.

"Sorry sorry, my bad! Then Akio please go to the side and rest beside Levi and I will inform Lisa about it so she will see your injuries. Ummn! Hijiri you will be coming with me to that side someone wants to meet you." Kosei then awkwardly let go of their hands and send Akio to rest beside Levi then sees Hijiri about to follow her to see Lugh as her eyes are on her for a moment so Kosei stops her and then informs her to follow him towards where the headmaster and rest are.


Sometime later when they reached there and sat in their sheets Arata and Arin also reached there.

"Headmaster, we are here and who are these people," Arin nodded towards Mira and Kosei then turned toward the headmaster to inform their arrival and seeing some few unfamiliar people asked with curiosity.

"Ohh! You came right time and Let me introduce you. She is former headmistress, Master Liber to all of you and here, he is the demon lord candidate of our Academy!" Headmaster Biblia introduced them to each other then he again sat down on his chair comfortably and started to ship as this tea made one feel relaxed and comfortable with the just ship so he or everyone else got addicted to it.

Master Liber inspected him head to toe then she also took her attention to her tea and started to enjoy it, even forgetting what she came here for.

"Hey, are you just going to ignore me, seriously, ugh fine, hmmm!" Arata felt sullen again being ignored but nowadays he got used to it.

Then he noticed someone else was standing behind Master Liber which made him feel the familiar feeling as if sensing stares she look at him directly in the eyes making him see who it is and without noticing he started to shed tears and then moved towards her.

Hijiri sensing someone looking at her moved her head towards him and then remember Arata was also there. She has complicated look in her eyes but didn't show on her face which is not covered anymore.

She doesn't know what to say at the moment so she just stood silently then Arata moved in front of her and try to hug her to which she unconsciously punch him in the face.


Arata kissed the ground which he nowadays does a lot.

"Ohh! Sorry...sorry, It wasn't intentional but just a reflex. Are you alright or is it hurt somewhere?" Hijiri apologised with an embarrassed expression which changed into worry seeing the pained look on Arata's face and asked him after putting him in a sitting position and checking if he is alright.

"Ahh! Yes, I am fine, hahaha! But seriously don't do next time." Arata felt only a little pain on his cheek as he has gotten a lot thicker skin after a lot of beating he has gotten in the form of training, Ahh poor guy!

"Poor guy has suffered very much and worked hard to become stronger so he can find you, Hijiri-san." Kosei came over from the side feeling pity for the guy.

"Arata! Well, we have much to talk about, isn't it." Hijiri said with a smile on her face looking at Arata's face.

"Hmmm! I also want to talk about a lot of things." Arata said as he has many questions he wanted to ask but now isn't time for that.

"Well let's solve your problem first, Hijiri-san, also you won't have to think too much as Master Liber has told us everything about why you are here, so don't worry, here I will transfer some of my energy and this will be enough for now. You two go on talk about your things until then I entertain Master Liber so take your time." Kosei seeing them as this smiled at their behaviour even having a lot to talk about but still worrying about something they can't control.

Kosei gave them to push and also did compensate for her lack of energy after giving her one or two strands of his energy which was enough to restore Hijiri to good condition and even removed the scars which were present on her face even after going back from her satan mode to normal state.

Kosei then entertain Master Liber some time more by introducing his homemade produced dishes and best quality sake which he got from the previous date time.

Arata and Hijiri went to a quiet place to talk over and catch up to each other.

In the end, it blows into the small party after Akio, Levi and Lugh join in and Kosei also call Yui back who came running after leaving students in the safe building with teachers in charge and Lisa with Selina too.






Hello, guys It's your Author-san here, I was thinking of giving a special chapter and surprise for our otaku, and perve...Cough cough.. I mean gentlemen. So look forward to it....




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