Harem Overlord System

58. Breakthrough




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 



///// ( Third Person Pov) \\\\\

[ The technique information has been successfully implemented in the host mind. Good luck, Host. ]

"Hmmn!" Kosei hummed in response as he was focused on the technique inside his consciousness and tried to understand.

The Order In Chaos & The Chaos In Order; Chaos is merely order waiting to be deciphered. Out of Chaos, we connect new possibilities with known ones to form reliable, useful patterns represented by the increasingly connected lines on the left that form Order. Order is where things go as planned with clear rules and few surprises.

Order exists within chaos, as chaos exists within order. You create order through a never-ending struggle to find balance with chaos. You cannot completely remove chaos from your life so don't waste time trying. Rather, aim for the middle path of balance between order and chaos.

Kosei's spirit and body were experiencing a qualitative change as he immersed himself completely in the realm of a selfless state.

Just like that the time passed and morning sun rays hit his face, which forced him to open his eyes.

Just as he opened his eyes, for a moment the chaos and order showed on his eyes in form of yin and yang.

And his aura has sharply changed, from a naive-looking young man to a man who disdained the world.

The whole time he has immersed himself, the body has constantly been making cracking and booming noises and only became calm when morning arrived.

If Kosei was awoken then he might have been rolling around and screaming at the top of his lung. As his whole physical and spiritual body was being transformed from inside out to something new and unique so the pain that he would have felt might be made him want to die then and there, fortunately, for him that he was in a selfless state where all of his senses were closed and only his consciousness was working.

"Hmmm!! Nghh!"

After opening his eyes, with slight movement a groaning voice leaked out from his mouth feeling discomfort from his body and sun rays.

"How much time has passed! Sys!" Kosei asked looking around the sea and seeing the sun has risen in the sky.

[It's been a whole night, host!"]

"So I mean... What exactly happened, it's like I was in a dream-like state where I can't even differentiate day or time. I felt like it's been ages already, phew...!" Kosei felt surrealistic just thinking about the kind of feeling he felt in that state. That's also why he asked Sys about the time.

After that, he meditated for a while and calm his wits together then started to look into the state of his body.

"Ohh! Wow, what the heck is this fucki*#'*#...!!" Kosei looked into his core to check the difference from before but he felt very shocked so he started speaking vulgarities.

[Host! Before losing your shit, you should look into your status then you will understand much better, how much change you had with this breakthrough? ]

"Thanks, Sys!" Kosei thanked her and thought about the status.


Name: Kosei Hesperia Race: Human

Age: 16 Year.... Class: Battle Mage (S)

Soul: Tier 2


Strength: 249 Dexterity: 230

Agility: 225 Vitality: 240

Constitution: 235

Magic: 250/???? (Unlocked)

Luck: 90 Charm: 200


1. Yin's & Yang's Stability In Chaos. 

2. Chaotic Consciousness World. (Unlocked)

3. Intermediate Magic Skills (All the spells related to common attributes).

4. Prediction.

5. Eternal Arms Mastery (EAM)


1. Eidetic memory.

2. Speed Magic (Current time limit - 5min).

3. Slip Magic (From anime; In another world with my smartphone).

4. Gravity Magic (250 times limit).

5. Teleport.

Cultivation Technique: Primal Chaos Refinement Technique < The Order In Chaos or The Chaos In Order. (Unlocked)

Stage: (Flowing Stream Stage) 

{Next stages - Stream Fall < Cyclon Vertex Form < Beginning Lake < ??? }


Myriad Form Weapon (Myr' for short):

1st stage - Can take all the sharp-edged weapon's forms in your memory.

2nd stage - Can take all the gun's forms in the memory.

3rd stage - ?????.



Wife: Yui Kurara (Eternal Love)



Grimoire: Illias Fragment (Loyalty-40).

OH Points: 20,000


1. One Gift of Love.

2. Grimoire Coupon (Which can Modify or update any Grimoire, according to user wishes) (Single-use).

3. Miscellaneous Stuff.]

"Yeah, baby!! Hahahhahahahh!!!" Kosei laughed and danced childishly.

"Finally! Haaaa! *exhale*" Kosei clench his fist which now hold explosive strength and opened the next second then exhaled loudly and took a deep breath after that the beating heart calm down a little from the over-excitement he felt after looking at his stats.

"Hehehe! I may be able to prank the headmaster now with my strength, I can't wait to see his shocked face!" Kosei laughed remembering the playful smile of the Biblia headmaster and thoughts about doing a prank on him.

[ Host! As a good and loving Sys, I want to remind you that the headmaster is a SS class magical being so think 10 times before doing any kind of your shitty pranks on him!]

Just as he was thinking of having fun doing some pranks on the headmaster and how to implement them but Sys poured cold and very chill water on his head again, instantly making him woke up from his fantasies.

"Ummn! Sys, what kind of grudge do you hold against me that whenever I was being happy about something and you have to spoil it!" Kosei felt very remorseful after understanding what Sys said but still, she would always ruin his happy moments with some kind of good reasoning.

"Sigh! Whatever, I should go and attend my lovely wife and spoil her, hehehe!" Kosei sigh in defeat and then thinking about his lovely Yui, his mood became bright again.

"Bamm! Bomm! Splash!"

Just as he moved one step and because of tremendous changes in his strength, he wasn't able to control his steps like before so the loud splashing noise coming from below which made the waves over the river.

"Oops! I forgot about that!"

"I think that I should just teleport and after attending to Yui, I should work on my fine-tuning over control again!" Kosei thought after looking at the mess he made, it's fortunate that he was way far away from anyone so there was no damage.


Then Kosei using teleport, vanish from there leaving only the large waves which were also quieted down a minute later.




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