Harem Reborn

Chapter 33: A Damaged Dave

I held my breath for as long as I could. I could still see the two girls with arms crossed through the water and bubbles, with no intention of leaving. I burst from the water, gasping for air.

"I'm not just some stray you picked off the street, ya know!" Victoria had uncrossed her arms and was now striking a pose while shaking a finger at me.

I was thoroughly confused by the statement, and when I looked over at Iona, for some reason, she had taken the same pose in her new dress. I had to admit it made Iona look more like the yandere woman she was. Victoria must have noticed my examination of Iona because I narrowly dodged a bar of soap aimed at my head.

"Woah! What has got you so riled up, Vic?"

Her name's shortening seemed to mollify her just a little bit, and Victoria took a deep breath before speaking.

"Lavender and Tilly both have had alone time with you and me..."

"What the idiot is trying to say is, when we went to the demon bitches lair, both of us were forced to have dreams."

"Dreams?" Instantly the color drained from my face.

I stood up fast and run over to the girls, still dripping. I grabbed Victoria's face and looked into her eyes. Nothing seemed vacant or off in her eyes, but then I noticed her face had turned an alarming red color, and I could hear Iona stuttering something incomprehensible.

I turn to look at Iona, and she too had turned a furious shade of red, and her hand was pointing at me. No, wait, hold on a minute, her finger pointed at me at a downwards angle. My eyes followed her hands, and my body let out a puff of steam as I underwent the legendary transformation technique: Total Body Blush.

My brain stopped working, and something else took over in that moment. I was just a passenger, along for the ride, with a body possessed of only singular instinctual thoughts, and those thoughts said hide! I turned and dove into the tub, arching like a dolphin ready to spear the sea, except this was a one-point five-meter deep bathtub.

"Dave!" Victoria and Iona's call was the last thing I heard before my head connected with the bathtub's bottom.


[Changing to third-person view]

Lavender and Tilly had decided to leave the girls to confront Dave. It wasn't his fault, and he had to be confused, but there was a part of us that knew we all loved him even if she didn't know why or how. Hearing the girls scream Dave's name the first time was ok, but the second time was in a panic.

Lavender and Tilly raced from the bedroom to the bathroom. When they got there, they both gasped and were speechless. Dave was lying on the floor wearing nothing but random bubbles, except for the place where his legs connect with his body. There was a strategically placed pile of bubbles over that area.

"What happened to Darling?" Tilly cried as she raced to Dave's side.

"It all happened so fast. I'm not sure why it ended up like this."

Victoria and Iona explained what had happened while renewing their faded blushes. It seems that after realizing that he was naked, Dave tried to hide like a scared animal. The two girls looked up at her with worried looks. Even Victoria's eyes were starting to become glassy.

"Dave's tougher than he looks. Let's carry him into the room," Lavender suggested.

Iona and Victoria gasped as Lavender and Tilly grabbed Dave's arms legs. Both girls turned away from the sight of Dave being hauled by hand and foot to his room. As the two of them carried Dave inside his room, Lavender's hand slipped, make the back of his head swing into the wooded leg of the sofa.



[Back to the first-person view]

As I came to, I felt floating, mixed with the sway of a hammock. I could feel my wrists and ankles held, but before I could make any more sense of the situation or even open my eyes, one of the hands slipped that was holding my wrists. I felt my body drop and swing to the right, and the back of my head connects with something very hard.

"Argh! Damn, have I been in a fight? My head hurts something," but my ride dropped me before I could finish speaking. "Oof! Come on now, I'll be damaged goods if you keep this up!"

I opened my eyes to see Tilly covering her mouth, but her smiling eyes and twitching tale said it all. Lavender's laughter started from above me, and I looked up to see a slightly blushing and giggling Lavender. Then it all came back to me, and I got up fast, running, and then diving under my covers.

When the laughter died down, I heard Iona and Victoria come into the room. I poked my head out from the blankets to see all four girls talking like he wasn't in the room.

"Is he ok?"

"I think so, but he might have to rest for a bit."

"What made you laugh so hard?"

"The way he fell made him look way too funny?"

"Really? How did it look?"

"All right, leave me be! Let me get some rest!" I shouted from my bed.

Instead, the girls all rushed over. I dove under the covers, but that was the wrong idea. My error was apparent immediately, as the girls each grabbed a corner of my blanket.

Trapped like a wild animal under my blanket, I struggled to think. Four girls had me pinned down, and I was naked. I was about to plead my surrender to my captors, but a set of underwear and socks were tossed in with me as one corner loosened.

I was trying to get my first sock on when the banket flew off me. The girls all stood smiling down at me from the corners of the bed. All had mischievous smiles, and it was then that I noticed a rack of men's clothes not far from my bed along with a mirror.

"What's this?"

"A rack of clothes like I promised Darling,"


"Your gonna model for us silly," Lavender teased, but she couldn't hide the genuine excitement she seemed to feel about the idea.

"But come on. I just dove into the bathtub head first, and then you banged my head into something very, very hard," I protested.

"Really? You don't want to, Darling?" Tilly gave me those big round eyes and pouted her lips.

"Kitty, Don't make that face," I stopped for a second as Iona and Vitoria's eye goes large again. Oh boy, here we go again, but they did nothing more, so I continued. "I'll give em a go, but I want you all out of the room while I change. You have all seen more than enough of me today."

They all agreed and left the room. I stood up and walked over to the rack and scanned through the different suits. I groaned inwardly.

The first suit I tried on was noble clothing with a red shirt and white pants. I also came with a twin tail overcoat and some sort of frilly neckpiece. I got the costume halfway on when I had called for help. That was the moment my error was made.

The girls came and helped me get the suit on and never left. After trying on over fifteen different outfits, we all finally settled on a new look for me. More than likely, I just agreed because they all agreed on it, and my head was starting to pound harder.

I ended up with a black shirt and pants. I know significant change. I mocked myself silently as I looked at the red coat I wore. If I had some small round sunglasses and could make my hair stand up, I would look similar to a specific main character in an anime about a wanted man from my previous life.

I was finally able to get the girls out of the room, but Tilly was the last one to leave, and I followed her to the door. I had given her the clothes so that she could fit my armor to them for me. Before she left the room, Tilly turned to me.

"I had a marvelous time today. I hope we get to do this again," Tilly purred with a smile, leaning in for a kiss, but I surprised her by taking her into my arms, sharing a deep kiss.

"Good night Miss Kitty."

"Good night, My Darling."

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