Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin


Ben got up early the next morning, Aquila was missing from her perch, and Ben figured she went out to the Owlery. He quickly took a bath and went down to the common room. It was still pretty early and Breakfast did not start till 7:30 AM, so he decided to check out the Ravenclaw common room in the meanwhile. Ben shared the dormitory with five other Ravenclaw boys. He has Terry Boot and Michael Corner to his left and his right respectively, then there was Stephen Cornfoot, Kevin Entwistle and Anthony Goldstein, they were all fast asleep when Ben left the room.

Ben still had about an hour before Breakfast and there were only a few students in the common room, he decided to browse through the Bookshelves. He found Books from year one to seven of the Hogwarts curriculum and extra reading material for each year. There were books for leisure reading as well as some advanced magical theory books. Some of the books here were added by the students and some by the Head of the House. Professor Flitwick adds new books each week.

Ben got a copy of 'One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi' and started reading, he knew that Snape was going to be a pain in his ass, and prepared accordingly. After about fifteen minutes, Ben noticed that his brain was soaking the information like a sponge, at first he thought he had entered a flow state, but now he thought otherwise. He had read through the book once before at home, but he only managed to retain some of what he had read at that time. Now it seemed like he was able to remember about ninety percent of it after reading it once.

Benedict could only think of one reason for this change. After that dark mist came out of his chest and he became a Dragonborn, he noticed a clear change in his personality. Earlier he was a mix of an eleven-year-old and a twenty-two-year-old, the two personalities were so mixed up that there was no clarity as to which one was true. After that incident, there was now a clear separation of memories, he was a twenty-two-year-old in the body of an eleven-year-old.

His mind was a lot more organized and in fact, the change was still ongoing. Today his head felt a lot more clear than yesterday, perhaps that was the reason for his exhaustion last night.

Ben first became aware of this change when the Sorting Hat couldn't read his memories, they were now organized and shielded, but his thoughts were still vulnerable as they were at front of his mind.

Benedict also noticed a change in his attitude, earlier he was still behaving like a kid. His feelings toward Thea and Nigel also seemed to have changed a bit. He still thinks of them as his parents, but those memories are a lot more distant, just like the memories from his previous childhood.

Ben was also puzzled by the abilities of the mist that lived inside him, he needed to find out the extent of its abilities, after all, it was something capable of ignoring the magical laws.

'This is going to make school a lot more bearable this time,' he thought. Magic was not just about waving a stick and muttering gibberish. There was a lot of studying involved, there was no one shoe that fit all sorts of deals in the magical world. Magical energy manifested itself in infinite ways, countless unique magical phenomenons were caused by countless forms of magical flora and fauna. All sorts of ways in which wizards used magic and magical ingredients and now Ben had to learn them. Well, he didn't need to, there were a lot of clueless wizards out there, but Ben wanted to learn it all. What sort of person goes to a magical world and doesn't want to learn all the magic there is to learn?

No need to answer, Ben is not that sort of person.

He wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

After about an hour, Ben had gone through a good chunk of the book, even with a light read, he remembered most of what he read.

*Grumble* *Grumble*

"I better get something to eat."

It was just about the time for breakfast when he made his way down to the Great Hall. Ben could hear just about everyone talking about the boy with a lightning scar on his forehead. He saw a small crowd gathered outside the Great Hall, waiting for Harry Potter to show up for lunch and get a close look at his lightning scar. Inside the great hall, the tables were a lot more crowded on the sides closer to the Gryffindor table.

'I had almost forgotten how famous Potter was here.'

Ben took his seat and waited for the Breakfast to be served, he was soon joined by other first years. When a group of Ravenclaw girls entered the hall, Ben recognized and waved at Marietta Edgecombe. She had welcomed Ben at the table after the sorting and congratulated him, something about being in the best house in Hogwarts.

There was a big commotion in the hall when a boy in glasses with a lightning scar on his forehead entered the Great Hall with a tall kid with red hair. Ben chose to focus on the delicious breakfast that appeared out of nowhere in front of him, food at Hogwarts was great, it made Ben wish they had a house elf at home.

Ben received his first-year timetable during breakfast, he was glad to know that he had a free first period, his first DADA class started at 9:55 and he had plenty of time to look for the classroom.

He spent his free time at the first-floor library after breakfast with his roommates and later accompanied them to the DADA classroom. They were joined there by a flock of Hufflepuffs who also had a free period and spent it exploring the castle together. Gryffindors and Slytherins later joined them in the classroom. Quirell kept stammering the whole class while giving off a strong stench of garlic.

Next was the charms lesson. Professor Flitwick reminded Ben of a circus dwarf, the fact that he was standing on top of a stack of books did not help his image at all.

After lunch, there was a Magical theory class and after that Ben went to explore the castle alone, during the day, students kept passing by the hallways outside of their classrooms, hoping to get a glimpse of Harry Potter. Ben did not envy the boy's fame in the slightest.

At the end of the day, when Ben reached his room, Aquilla came in with a letter from Thea, complaining that he did not write to inform them of the sorting. Ben scribbled a brief letter informing them of the day's events while fighting his tiredness. He handed the letter to Aquilla and quickly fell asleep.

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