Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin


Ben woke up feeling groggy and disoriented, his head throbbing with a dull ache. He tried rubbing his eyes to get rid of blurriness but found that he couldn't move his arms, not only his arms but his whole body was cocooned in by a thick layer of sticky fibres.

A wave of claustrophobia washed over him as he struggled to free himself, but the more he wriggled, the tighter the fibres seemed to constrict around him.

'What the hell?' He tried to question, only to find that even his mouth was bound shut. This reminded Ben of his first Sleep Paralysis experience, it still haunted him to this day.

He was relieved that he could at least wiggle like a worm, which meant that he was only bound and not paralyzed. But who would do such a thing to him?

'I didn't get caught, did I?' he thought, hoping that he was not on his way to Azkaban for stealing the Philosopher's stone.

Before Ben's Imagination could run wild, he felt movement around him. Through the gaps in the fibres, he saw a shadowy figure creeping towards him. As it came closer, Ben could make out the shape of a giant spider, its eight legs creeping slowly and deliberately towards him.

Ben saw the giant fangs, dripping with greenish venom, on this seven feet tall beast and it sent a shiver down his spine. He know that he was about to become a nutritious smoothie for the spider.

Ben felt his heart sink, the only spider that could possibly be that big was Aragog, did Dumbledore throw him as a snack for Harid's little pet? No, this wasn't the time to think about this, it was time for action; desperate, life-saving action.

'Fuck it,' he cursed and conjured as much Magicka as possible, into his two hands; one casting [Stoneflesh] and the other [Flames].

In an instant, the flames lit up the spider silk covering him and turned into a wildfire, lighting up the whole room; or, that's what Ben thought would happen. Contrary to fiction, spider webs just shrivelled up and melted away very quickly, with very little pyrotechnics, leaving Ben quite unsatisfied.

"THUD," Ben fell to the ground and the spider gave a miserable screech as its prey started spewing flames everywhere.

It lifted up its huge fangs and sprayed deadly green venom towards him, it landed straight at his stoned body, making a sizzling noise.

"Oh, you're going to regret this," he said, dual casting a [Firebolt], straight at its face.

"SCREECH" it let out a loud noise, getting as far away from Ben as possible, but that wasn't going to help it now. Ben shot one [Firebolt] after another at it, finishing it up with a dual-casted massive [Ice spike], straight through its head; hammering the final something-something to its something-something; he couldn't remember the damn saying at the moment.

"That was rather anti-climactic," he said, trying to get some water from his [Storage]. He wanted to wash off the venom before the spell wore off, he didn't feel like feeling his skin burn. But to his surprise there was no water in his storage, in fact, there was nothing in there at all, it was empty.

"What the.."

Never had Ben been so caught off guard, as he was on this fateful day, and the universe seemed to have even more in store for him.

He looked around, trying to find some sense of certainty in his surroundings but was left even more confounded.

He appeared to be standing in an underground cavern, the walls lined with thick roots and the only source of illumination being the eerie glow of luminescent fungi. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't discern any familiar landmarks or indications as to where he might be.

Apart from the recently deceased spider curled up in the corner, the cavern floor was littered with the remains of the spider's unfortunate prey, surrounded by large egg sacs that made his skin crawl.

The only way out seemed to be a long gap in the wall. Just as he was about to follow the sound of flowing water coming from the crevice, something shiny caught his eye in the light of the [Candlelight].

Ben's eyes opened as wide as that of a Mooncalf when he picked it up; it was a claw made out of solid gold. It wasn't the gold that shocked him or the intricate carvings on it, but the fact that he recognized this object instantly. How could he not? It was The Golden Claw of the Bleak Falls Barrow.

It was the very first ruin that most Skyrim players encountered in the game. Ben too had ventured into this Drauger-infested Barrow back in the day, without proper armour or any spells. He still remembered the frustration that he had felt exploring this place without any health potions, he had to rely on eating Cabbages.

He had been just a novice adventurer back then, unsure of his abilities and the dangers that lay ahead. But he had pressed on, determined to uncover the secrets hidden within the depths of the barrow.

Now, years later and in a different world altogether, he found himself holding an object that he had only seen through a computer screen till now.

'Well, this isn't the first time,' he thought.

It had all happened before and it might happen again. Ben was starting to feel a little helpless at this point; how many worlds can he switch to, before going insane?

He didn't even bother questioning why he was in just a loincloth or where his hard-earned Philosopher's stone had gone.

Ben set out towards the gap in the wall, the sound of flowing water growing louder with each step. He came across a small underground creek where he quickly washed off the frost venom from his body. The water was extremely cold, as were the surroundings.

'Gotta keep this spell up until I find something warm to wear,' he thought as he continued deeper into the Barrow.


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