Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin

New Skill

Stepping out of the small house, Ben was greeted by an eerie sight. He stood on top of a small hill, surrounded by a desolate island that stretched for about a hundred meters in every direction. The sky above was lit by a small sun, with two moons hanging in the sky - one large, rusted, and red, the other small and bluish-grey, casting an otherworldly glow over the barren landscape.

As  Ben considered getting his broomstick to survey the land, he was surprised to find it already in his hand. It seemed that he could instantly summon items from his inventory here. The air outside was freezing, reminding Ben of his time fighting undead in nothing but a loincloth. He took to the air on his broomstick, casting [Oakflesh] once more to resist the icy chill.

Except for a small pond at the bottom of the hill, everything was barren. Not even weeds grew on the land. He didn't have to fly for long before he reached the edge of this barren land. A sea of dark mist blocked his way forward, devouring anything that touched it, not even giving any gold in return. Ben was grateful that he hadn't been foolish enough to charge into it.

After observing for a while, Ben realized that the dense sea of mist was very slowly receding, revealing newly formed land in its wake. That explained why the land was barren - it was fresh off the dark sea.

The realization blew Ben's mind, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Not only had his small [Storage] turned into a private island, but it was still expanding as well. He had heard of people bringing their farm to another world, but looking at the sun and moons in the sky, it seemed he had brought another world into his [Storage].

"I'll be damned, what else has changed," he asked himself and called for his status panel.



[Name: Benedict Nigel Brown.

Species: Human[Wizard].

Job : [Apprentice Mage], [Enchanter(Novice)], [Alchemist(Novice)]

Title : Dragonborn[Level 30].

Vitality : 400

Magicka : 400

[Deathly Hallows[1/3] : Invisibility Cloak△]

[Thu'um] : [Unrelenting Force(1/3)]

[Familiars] : [Stoat(Silvaticus), Dragon(Norene), Owl(Aquila)]


[Alteration[Level 37(Apprentice)]]

[Conjuration[Level 32(Apprentice)]]

[Destruction[Level 30(Apprentice)]]

[Illusion[Level 36(Apprentice)]]

[Restoration[Level 29(Apprentice)]]

[Weapons Mastery[Level 10(Novice)]: [Slash], [Block], [Sneak Attack]]


Ben was pleased to see the addition of his newly acquired [Thu'um] and the [Alchemist]. However, he wasn't too thrilled about the Alchemist job as Alchemy in Skyrim was just Potion Brewing, except, it didn't use a cauldron. Still, he was excited to try brewing techniques from Skyrim and try to merge them with things that he had learned in this world.

What really caught his attention was his level, which had jumped from level 22 to level 30. He couldn't fathom how he managed to level up so quickly,

"Don't tell me killing draugar made me level up," Ben asked disbelievingly, as he had killed wolves in the forest before but nothing of this sort had happened.

Ben's amazement only increased as he discovered that his skills had also significantly increased, with the addition of a new skill called [Weapons Mastery]. He was puzzled as to why this skill had not appeared earlier, especially since he had used [Bound Sword] in practice quite often.

Despite the confusion surrounding his new abilities, Ben was relieved to find that his trusty [Storage] panel was still present and that it displayed a list of items he had stored there. He was grateful to know that using the [Storage] was just as convenient as before, despite the addition of a whole damn Island.


Ben decided it was time to leave the space and a portal quickly materialized in front of him, leading to the Room of Requirement. As he stepped through the portal, he realized he had lost track of time during this whole ordeal. He rushed out of the room and was shocked to find that the sun was already up.

Now, he was even more afraid as he sprinted back to the Ravenclaw tower, hoping that he had only been gone for a few hours and not days. His mad sprint came to a halt as he reached the entrance to the Ravenclaw tower.

"What is always in front of you but can't be seen?" asked the bronze knocker on the door.

"The future," Ben answered annoyed at the bronze eagle and quickly rushed into the common room. Everyone present turned to look at his dishevelled appearance. His robes were slipping, his long hair reaching his neck was now covering his face, and his face looked red because of all the running.

"Blimey, where've you been, Brav? We haven't seen you since last night," said Terry Boot, who approached Ben along with Michael.

Ben breathed a sigh of relief; he hadn't been away for too long.

"Are you all right, mate? You look like you've just faced a horde of Inferi," said Michael.

"Yeah, I'm fine," said Ben, looking confused at the odd expression on Michael's face. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"Well, you see, mate, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were found injured in the third-floor corridor, there were all kinds of rumours flying about how they fought a giant dog and even faced a dark wizard. And-" Michael trailed off into silence, his eyes drifting around the room.

"And-" Ben asked, already feeling dreadful news coming.

"And you'd gone missing last night as well, when you didn't turn up for breakfast, we got a bit worried and had to tell Flitwick about it. He's been looking for you all over," said Michael, scratching his head.

While Michael and Terry apologized for getting him in trouble and asked where he had been, Ben was lost in thought, knowing that he was in trouble this time.

He had committed the perfect crime, stealing the Philosopher's Stone without even setting foot on the third floor, but now it may all be ruined. The stone had gone missing, and a student who knew its whereabouts was missing as well. There was an obvious connection to any able-minded person. Dumbledore was bound to make that connection, though he wouldn't be able to prove anything as the stone had already disappeared.

Ben could only hope that the trio hadn't talked about him to Dumbledore, or he would have a lot of explaining to do.


Ben's finally in trouble it seems, I don't know what will happen next.

You can support me at Patreon.com/DreamyApe, I literally have no extra chapters left there, but I'll do my best to write more.

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