Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin


Two figures were moving through a narrow passage, holding an old parchment in the dim light from the tip of their wands.

"Visiting Hogsmeade isn't as exciting as last year," Fred said.

"I reckon it's because we aren't breaking any rules this time," George replied.

"Well, we are breaking them, but we could have just gone with everyone else, through the gates."

"And sap all the fun out of it, I don't think so George."

"Our finances have dwindled significantly after buying these Hiccup Sweets and Frog Spawn Soaps, Fred."

"Oh, but Ron's going to LOVE the sweets, and I'm sure we can place the soap in the Prefect bathroom for Percy."

They both laughed, already imagining the plight of their brothers.

When they reached the end of the passage which was a glass mirror, Fred drew an eye on its surface and the mirror turned transparent. They could see the fourth-floor corridor leading to the Hospital wing and the History of Magic classroom.

"Let's go, the way's clear," he tapped the centre of the eye and the mirror opened like a door.

"Mischief managed," George said as he tucked the parchment into his robes and followed Fred out of the passage.

"This passage is so convenient, can you imagine using the one on the third floor?"

"Yeah, the one behind the One-Eyed Witch feels like was dug by a rabbit."

"Let's go place the soap in the Prefect's bathroom for our perfect brother," Fred said as he ran towards the stair leading up and George followed suit.

Just when the twins reached the fifth floor and turned the corner for the Prefect's bathroom, they were faced with a pale face, with a crooked long nose.

"Well well, what might you two be doing here?"

"Going to the restroom, Sir."

"Yes, if you'll excuse us, professor, we are under a lot of pressure right now."

Said the twins trying to excuse themselves from Severus Snape.

"There's no hurry Weasley," said Snape as he blocked their way.

"I've been informed by a student that you two were spotted in the Village of Hogsmeade, and yet I did not see you leaving through the gates."

The twins stared at each other's drained faces.

"Would you two care to explain how that's possible?" Snape said with a questioning gaze, lifting an eyebrow.

""Impossible!"" The twins exclaimed in sync.

"We were in the castle the whole time Professor."

"Going out in this freezing winter, absolute madness I tell you, Professor."

"Someone must be trying to tarnish our reputation, Sir."

The twins were not new to this situation, even with the map, they often got caught in the hallways and had now created a long list of excuses to give.

"Of course, since you were in the castle, you must have an alibi?"

""We sure do professor.""

"Fred can testify on my behalf."

"And George on mine."

"Five points each from Gryffindor, for your cheek." Snape did not look amused by their antics.

"Empty your pockets." He said.

Fred reluctantly took out the box of Hiccup Sweets and the bar of Soap.

"Both of you."

George took out an old piece of parchment.

"And how did you come in possession of these Honeydukes sweets if you were in the castle?"

"Lee gave it to us, a gift for the holidays," replied Fred.

"I see, and do you always carry toiletries around with you?" He asked pointing at the bar of soap.

"Oh we always carry one around sir, you never know when it may come in handy."

"And this?" He said pointing at the piece of old parchment.

"Just an extra bit of parchment, sir."

"Ah, I happen to be in dire need of some right now, you wouldn't mind would you?" He said snatching the parchment before they had a chance to protest.

"But sir-"

"You may leave, I better not catch you two wandering around after hours." He said as he made his way down the stairs.

The twins could only stare at each other.

"We are screwed, Fred"

"Calm down George, I don't think Snape knows what it is, we just have to nick it back from his office."

"Yeah, getting it back from Snape? You must be dreaming Fred."

"We just have to distract him, a couple of dung bombs ought to do the trick."

"Let's go, we'll have to cook a strong one for Snape."


In an empty room on the fourth floor, Severus Snape took out his wand and tapped the parchment with it.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."

Lines of ink started to spread from the tip of the wand and spread like spiderwebs across the parchment, covering the entire surface and forming the words.

"Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers

are proud to present


The parchment showed the Hogwarts castle and grounds in detail and had several ink dots moving around it, in an empty room on the fourth floor was an ink dot with a name in minuscule writing below it.

"Benedict Brown"

He let out a grunt as his pale skin started to gain some colour. The crooked long nose on Snape's face started to shrink and his greasy black hair turned light brown, his long black robes became too long for him as his body shrunk more than a foot.

"It only lasted for about forty-five minutes." He said shaking his head in disappointment.

It was humbling to know that a thirteen-year-old, second-year girl was capable of brewing a stronger poly juice potion.

Ben changed into regular-sized robes and tucked Snape's clothes into his enchanted bag. He will surely need them in the future.

Before using the poly juice potion for more dangerous tasks, Ben wanted to test its strength and get his hands on the map at the same time. Believe it or not, getting his hands on Snape's DNA was the easiest part. After all, the poor guy had been bleeding from his leg for a week. Cerberus bites are no joke.

A/N: I'm sorry guys, I have been unable to post due to a medical emergency. I will try my best to post daily from tomorrow.

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